Regarding Changes in V-Cymbals Compatibility
and Specifications
The following changes have been made in the specifications in order to improve the compatibility of the V-Cymbals, PD-6, and CY-6, and make
the TD-8 easier to play.
Read this update while referring to the “TD-8 Owner's Manual.”
* Relevant pages in the TD-8 Owner's Manual, which you can refer to for further information are shown in this manner in this document: (Owner's Manual; p. **).
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION.
About V-Cymbals, PD-6, and CY-6 Compatibility
Trigger Types of the Latest Pads
New trigger types have been changed to simplify making trigger
settings for the following pads.
All you need to do is select a specialized trigger type, and the various
trigger parameters (except for Crosstalk Cancel) will automatically be
set to the recommended values.
New Pads:
CY-15R, CY-14C, CY-12R/C, CY-12H, CY-6, PD-6
Trigger Type List
The trigger types (Owner's Manual; p. 36, p. 128, p. 197) have been
changed as shown below. Items that have changed are indicated in
bold font with shading.
Displayed on Screen Device Used
PD5 PD-5
PD6 PD-6
PD7 PD-7 (Strike position is detected) (*1)
PD9 PD-9 (Strike position is detected) (*1)
8 A PD-80 (Strike position is detected) (*1)
8 B PD-80 (Strike position is not detected)
8RA PD-80R (Strike position is detected) (*1)
8RB PD-80R (Strike position is not detected)
10A PD-100 (Strike position is detected) (*1)
10B PD-100 (Strike position is not detected)
12A PD-120 (Strike position is detected) (*1)
12B PD-120 (Strike position is not detected)
KD7 KD-5, KD-7
K 8 KD-80
K12 KD-120
CY1 *2 CY-6, CY-12R/C (*3)
CY2 *2 CY-12H, CY-14C, CY15R (*3)
P 1 Pad made by another manufacturer
K 1 Kick pad made by another manufacturer
KIK *4 Acoustic drum trigger for kick
SNR *4 Acoustic drum trigger for snare
(rim shot-compatible)
TOM *4 Acoustic drum trigger for tom-tom
*1: The positional sensing function works only with trigger input 3
*2: The TD-8 does not support the “Three Way Triggering” feature of
the CY-15R and CY-12R/C (whereby the cymbal is divided into
three areas, bow, bell, and edge).
(For further information about “Three Way Triggering,” refer to
the CY-15R and CY-12R/C Owner's Manuals.)
*3: When playing bell shots on the CY-15R and CY-12R/C, strike the
bell somewhat strongly with the shoulder of the stick.
*4: Trigger type for use with acoustic drum triggers attached to
acoustic drums.
The MIDI Implementation parameter address map also has been
For details, refer to “Changes in the MIDI Implementation” on the
other side.
Changes in the Trigger Bank
The following changes have been made in the content of the Trigger
Bank (Owner's Manual; p. 34, p. 128).
About the Trigger Type and Other
Trigger Parameters
When the trigger type (Owner's Manual; p. 36, p. 128) is changed,
the trigger parameters (Owner's Manual; p. 129, p. 131)
automatically change to the values appropriate for each pad
(except for Crosstalk Cancel).
When adjusting the trigger parameters, first select the trigger type.
Changes in the Drum Kits
In the interest of providing compatibility with V-Cymbals, the
instrument assignments for the Crash 1 and Crash 2 have been
modified for some of drum kit settings.
* None of the instruments (tones) themselves have been changed.
40455234 2*PD

Other Changes
Concerning Illumination of the
[PATTERN] and [SONG] Buttons
In addition to the [KIT] button, either the [PATTERN] or [SONG]
button lights in certain situations, such as when the Drum Kit screen
is displayed.
When you press [PLAY/STOP], playback of either the pattern or the
song begins, allowing simpler checking.
• [PATTERN] lights: The pattern start playing back.
• [SONG] lights: The song start playing back.
Saving the Click Settings
(Owner's Manual; p. 94)
The most recent click settings are automatically saved when the
power is turned off. This enables immediate use of the click
previously being used.
* The beat setting adopts the beat of the pattern or song selected when the
power is turned on.
“OFF” Added to the Pad Pattern
If you want to turn Pad Pattern off, you can now also do this by
moving the cursor to either a pattern or category and selecting
(Owner's Manual; p. 139)
About GM Mode (Owner's Manual; p. 159)
GM mode is now always set to “OFF” when the power is turned on.
Changes in the MIDI Implementation
Substitute the information as shown below. Revisions are indicated
in bold, with underlining.
Normal mode — Section 2. Transmit data
System exclusive messages
● Universal Non-realtime System Exclusive Messages (Owner’s
Manual; p. 205)
❍ Identity Reply
Status Data byte Status
F0H 7EH, dev, 06H, 02H, 41H, F7H
20H, 01H, 00H, 00H, 00H,
02H, 01H, 00H
Byte Explanation
00H 02H 01H 00H software revision level
Parameter address map
Parameter Address block
(Owner’s Manual; p. 208)
*1-1-1-1 TRIGGER BANK (Pad parameters)
| Offset | Size | Description |
| address | | |
| | 000a 0000 | PAD TYPE 0 - 21 |
| | | (PD5,PD7,PD9,8 A, |
| | | 8 B,8RA,8RB,10A, |
| | | 10B,12A,12B,P 1, |
| | | PD6,KD7,K 8,K12, |
| | | K 1,CY1,KIK,SNR, |
| | | TOM,CY2) |
Concerning Play of the Demo Song
(Owner's Manual; p. 32)
If you want to play a drum kit, pattern, or song after you have
finished listening to the demo song, you can now use the following
procedure to display the desired screen.
Button Pushed Screen Displayed
[KIT] “DRUM KIT” Screen
[SONG] “SONG” Screen
[EXIT] “DRUM KIT” Screen