Roland RC-20 User Manual

Before using this unit, carefully read the sections entitled: “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” and “IMPORTANT NOTES” (p. 29–31; p. 32–33).
These sections provide important information concerning the proper operation of the unit. Additionally, in order to feel assured that you have gained a good grasp of every feature provided by your new unit, Owner’s manual should be read in its entirety. The manual should be saved and kept on hand as a convenient reference.
* The "Mini Guide" on the back of the RC-20 provides a simple explanation
of use. You can use it as a reminder of operational procedures.
Main Uses
Here are some ways in which the RC-20 can be used. You can use your own creativity to come up with other ways to enjoy using the RC-20.
“Sound On Sound” performance
New “sound on sound” possibilities let you combine performances not only
of guitar, but also vocals, percussion, and drum pads.................................................... p. 10
Create loop phrases
You can record phrases from a sampling CD or MD, and overdub guitar or vocals.
Switch loops while you perform live
Multiple R&B or techno phrase loops can be stored, and selected successively while you perform (
As a phrase trainer
Play your guitar while playing back phrases recorded from a CD or MD.................. p. 16
Practice at a different tempo without changing the pitch............................................... p. 19
Erase the guitar solo or vocal when recording, to create “minus-one” data for practicing (
As a backing device
Phrase trainer with a pedal that lets you start/stop or select phrases
(One-shot Playback).............................................................................................................. p. 16
Special effects during a live performance
Reverse-playback of a recorded phrase............................................................................. p. 21
Center Cancel
Phrase Shift
).................................................................................... p. 20
)................................................................................................. p. 18
...... p. 12

Main features

Simple and reliable loop play
The new This makes it easy for anyone to create looped phrases of an accurate length.
Up to 5 minutes 30 seconds of extended phrase recording
Up to ten different loop phrases and one one-shot phrase can be saved for a total of 5 minutes and 30 seconds of recording.
Control the phrase tempo in real time
The tempo of a phrase can be controlled in real time without affecting its pitch. A phrase recorded into internal memory can be made to match the tempo of a live performance, opening up new possibilities during a gig. This feature is also useful when you wish to slow down the tempo of a guitar phrase to learn and practice it.
Dedicated mic input for vocalists
Since the INST jack and MIC jack can be used simultaneously, you can create new sound-on-sound performances that combine guitar, vocals, and percussion.
Easily record audio signals from a CD or MD
It’s easy to record audio signals from a CD or MD connected to the AUX IN jack. Since the vocal or guitar solo can be erased from the audio signal while it is being recorded, it’s also easy to create minus-one data.
Pedal design for hands-free operation
You can use the pedals to start/stop the performance, switch phrases, and set the tempo without taking your hands off of your guitar.
“loop quantize”
function automatically adjusts the timing of the loop end.


Main features.............................................................................................2
Panel Descriptions....................................................................................4
Installing batteries ....................................................................................7
Making connections..................................................................................8
Turning the power on/off............................................................................................ 9
Important < Caution when turning off the power >............................................. 9
Recording a guitar or vocal performance to create a phrase loop ....10
Recording a phrase from CD/MD to create a phrase loop ..................12
Playing/overdubbing along with a saved phrase.................................16
Using the RC-20 for practicing—Phrase Trainer..................................18
Creating minus-one data ............................................................................................ 18
Practicing at a different tempo................................................................................... 19
Playing back in various ways ................................................................20
Using the pedal to switch phrases (Phrase Shift).................................................... 20
Play back a phrase backward (Reverse Playback).................................................. 21
Playing a phrase only once (One-shot Playback).................................................... 21
Saving or deleting a phrase...................................................................22
About memory............................................................................................................. 22
Write Protect mode..................................................................................................... 22
Saving a phrase ............................................................................................................ 23
Erasing a saved phrase (Delete)................................................................................. 23
About the tempo and time signature.....................................................24
Setting the tempo......................................................................................................... 24
Setting the time signature...........................................................................................25
What is Loop Quantize?.............................................................................................. 25
About the guide tone..............................................................................26
USING THE UNIT SAFELY......................................................................29
IMPORTANT NOTES ...............................................................................32

Panel Descriptions

Front Panel
12 3 4
56 7 8 9
1 LEVEL Knob
This knob adjusts the play volume of the phrase.
* This knob does not adjust the input level from
the INST/MIC/AUX IN jacks or the volume of the guide tone.
2 GUIDE Knob
This knob adjusts the volume of the guide tone that sounds according to the tempo while a phrase is being recorded or played.
This indicator lights when the Loop Quantize function (p. 25) is activated.
This knob selects the phrase track that will be saved or played.
This indicator will light if a phrase has been saved in the selected track.
The indicator will light when the remaining capacity of internal memory is getting low (p. 27).
If the remaining memory runs out while a phase is being saved, this indicator will blink.
4 MIC Knob
This knob adjusts the input level from the MIC jack.
This knob adjusts the input level from the INST jack.
PEAK Indicator
This indicator will light when the level of the input is excessively high.
5 REVERSE Button
Turn this button on (indicator lit) when you want the phrase to play back in reverse (p. 21).
6 TAP TEMPO Button
This button is used to set the tempo or time signature. The indicator will light to indicate the current tempo and time signature (red on the first beat, green on subsequent beats).
Specify the tempo by the interval at which you press the button (p. 24).
• Time signature
When you press and hold the button for two seconds or longer, it will switch to time signature setting mode. Then press the button
Panel Descriptions
the number of times that is equivalent to the numerator of the desired time signature
(p. 25)
7 WRITE Button
•This button is used to save a recorded phrase into internal memory (p. 23).
•You can use the WRITE button and EXIT button to delete the contents of the selected phrase track (p. 23).
10 POWER Indicator
This indicator will light when the power is on.
* When the batteries run down, the POWER
indicator will become dim. When this occurs, please replace them with new batteries.
11 REC Indicator
This indicator will light during recording.
PLAY Indicator
This indicator will light while a phrase is playing.
OVERDUB Indicator
This indicator will light during overdubbing.
EXIT Button
This button is used to halt a phrase save or delete operation.
Turn this button on (indicator lit) if you want recording to begin simultaneously when the performance begins.
9 MODE Button
This button selects the recording method.
12 Left Pedal
•Provides for switching among phrase recording, playback, and overdubbing. A phrase track in which no phrase is recorded: recording ➔ playback ➔ overdubbing
A phrase track in which a phrase has been recorded:
playback ➔ overdubbing
•If you press and hold the pedal for two seconds or longer, the unsaved phrase will be deleted.
Right Pedal
•Provides for switching among phrase recording, playback, and overdubbing.
•You can set the tempo to the timing at which you press the pedal.
•If you press and hold the pedal for two seconds or longer, the unsaved phrase will be deleted (
; p.22).
Panel Descriptions
Rear Panel
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
13 INST Jack
A guitar or other instrument can be connected to this jack.
14 MIC Jack
Accepts connection of a microphone. Used when you wish to record a vocal or instrumental performance via a microphone.
15 AUX IN Jack
Connect to the headphones jack of a CD or MD.
If you wish to use a pedal to switch the phrase track, connect a pedal switch (sold separately; e.g., FS-5U) to this jack.
If you wish to use a pedal to play back the phrase in reverse, connect a pedal switch (sold separately; e.g., FS-5U) to this jack.
18 OUTPUT Jack
Connect a guitar amp or speaker to this jack.
* If you are using batteries, the power will be
turned on when you insert a plug (for connection to an amp or speaker) into the this jack.
: Do not connect headphones to this
jack. Doing so may damage the headphones.
19 AC Adaptor Jack
Connect an AC adaptor (sold separately) to this jack.

Installing batteries

Insert the included batteries as shown in the diagram, being careful to observe the correct polarity.
• Be sure to observe the correct + (positive) and – (negative) orientation of the batteries.
• When the batteries run down, the POWER indicator will become dim. When this occurs, please replace them with new batteries.
• If the power is turned off while you are recording or overdubbing, all of the saved data may be lost (p. 9). We recommend that you use an AC adaptor as well, to guard against battery failure.
• When replacing the batteries, use six AA batteries.
• Do not mix new batteries with previously used batteries or batteries of a different type. Doing so may cause battery leakage.
• The running time may be shorter depending on the type of batteries you use.
Expected battery life under continuous use: Carbon: 9 hours Alkaline: 25 hours These figures will vary depending on the actual conditions of use.

Making connections

Jack type
AUX IN jack : Stereo miniature phone other jacks : 1/4 inch phone
AC adaptor
Electric guitar
CD/MD player
Pedal switch (sold separately)
Guitar amp
* To prevent malfunction and/or damage to speakers or other devices, always turn down
the volume, and turn off the power on all devices before making any connections.
* If there are batteries in the unit while an AC adaptor is being used, normal operation will
continue should the line voltage be interrupted (power blackout or power cord disconnection).
* If you are using batteries, the power will be turned on when a connector plug for your
amp or speaker is inserted into the OUTPUT jack.
* For details on installing the batteries, refer to “Installing batteries” (p. 7). * For details on pedal switches that can be connected to the PHRASE SHIFT jack and
REVERSE jack, refer to p. 20, 21.
* Do not connect headphones to the OUTPUT jack. Doing so may damage the headphones. * Howling could be produced depending on the location of microphones relative to amp.
This can be remedied by:
1. Changing the orientation of the microphone(s).
2. Relocating microphone(s) at a greater distance from speakers.
3. Lowering volume levels.
* If the amp and microphone are close together, the sound played back from the amp may be
picked up by the microphone. If you record or overdub in such a state, the amp playback picked up by the microphone will also be recorded. You should separate the amp and microphone so that the playback from the amp is not picked up by the microphone.
(sold separately)

Turning the power on/off

Once the connections have been completed, turn on power to your various devices in the order specified. By turning on devices in the wrong order, you risk causing malfunction and/or damage to speakers and other devices. When turning the power on: Turn on the power of the amp or mixer When turning the power off: Turn off the power of the amp or mixer
* Always make sure to have the volume level turned down before switching on power. Even
with the volume all the way down, you may still hear some sound when the power is switched on, but this is normal, and does not indicate a malfunction.
* If you are using batteries, the indicator will become darker when the batteries run down.
Please replace the batteries as soon as possible.
Important < Caution when turning off the power >
Before you turn off the power, make sure that the following conditions are met. All saved data may be lost if the power is turned off inappropriately.
You must not be playing/recording/overdubbing a phrase (The REC, PLAY, and OVERDUB indicator must not be lit)
The WRITE indicator or EXIT indicator must not be lit
The PHRASE USED indicator is not blinking
To avoid problems, select an empty phrase track whenever possible, and turn off the power. If you are using batteries, the power will be turned off automatically when the connector plug to your amp or speaker is unplugged from the OUTPUT jack. Before unplugging this connector, make sure you check for the above states.
When turning on the power while a recorded track is being selected (the PHRASE USED indicator is lit), the indicators on the front panel flash in a sequential order, and the PHRASE USED indicator blinks for a few seconds.
If you turn off the power while the PHRASE USED indicator is blinking, the saved phrases will be erased.
Do not turn off the power while the PHRASE USED indicator is blinking.
To avoid problems, select an empty phrase track whenever possible, and turn on the power.
Making connections

Recording a guitar or vocal performance to create a phrase loop

On the RC-20, the process of recording an additional performance while a recorded performance plays back is called
The performance from an instrument or microphone connected to the INST jack or MIC jack can be recorded to create a phrase loop. This lets you enjoy new types of sound-on-sound playing that combine guitar, percussion, or drum pad performances.
31 3
6, 7, 8
1. Select an empty phrase track
2. Select the recording method
3. Adjust the recording level
4. (Tempo setting)
5. (Auto Start setting)
6. Start recording
7. Stop recording, and start playback
8. Start/stop overdubbing
9. Stop playback
10.(Save the phrase)➔ If you wish to save the phrase
If you are recording to a tempo
If you wish to start recording when the performance begins
, 9
Recording a guitar or vocal performance to create a phrase loop
Turn the PHRASE SELECT knob to select an empty phrase track 1–10 (PHRASE USED indicator extinguished).
If there is no empty phrase track, or if the MEMORY FULL indicator is lit, no further phrases can be recorded. You will need to erase unnecessary phrases (p. 23).
Press the MODE button to get the INST & MIC indicator to light.
While you produce sound on your microphone or instrument, turn the MIC knob or INST knob to adjust the recording level.
Adjust the volume so that the PEAK indicator lights occasionally.
Set the tempo by pressing the TAP TEMPO button or the right pedal several times in time with the tempo of the phrase you wish to record.
* For details on setting the tempo, refer to “Setting the tempo” (p. 24). * If you are recording a phrase of a time signature other than 4/4, you must also set the
time signature (p. 25).
If you want recording to begin the moment you start playing, turn the AUTO START button on (indicator lit).
Press the left pedal to begin recording.
If Auto Start is on, recording will begin the moment you start playing.
If you have specified the tempo, recording will begin one measure after you press the left pedal. If you have not specified the tempo, recording will begin the moment you press the left pedal.
* If the internal memory is used up, recording or overdubbing may stop before you are
finished. If this occurs, erase unnecessary phrases (p. 23), and try the operation again.
Press the left pedal to stop recording.
Simultaneously, the recorded phrase will begin playing.
* Regardless of the timing at which you press the left pedal, the length of the phrase will be
automatically adjusted in units of a measure, so that the loop phrase can be created correctly (Loop Quantize p. 25). This means that a certain amount of time may be required from when you press the left pedal until recording stops.
* If you recorded an extremely short phrase, the length of the phrase will be adjusted
automatically, and then recording will stop (p. 27).
If you wish to overdub onto the phrase, press the left pedal.
Each time you press the left pedal, the playback and overdubbing modes will alternate.
When you are finished with playback or overdubbing, press the right pedal.
Press the WRITE button, getting the indicator to start blinking. To save the data in the same phrase track, press the WRITE button once again.
If you wish to save the data to a different phrase track, press the WRITE button (so its indicator is blinking), use the PHRASE SELECT knob to select the desired save destination, then press the WRITE button once again.
* For details on saving, refer to “Saving a phrase” (p. 23).
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