All of the advantages of a digital mixer
in a compact unit.
The new EDIROL M series,
delivering high-quality mixing environments.

The true role of an audio mixer is to
faithfully capture sound and allow you to make it even better.
The features of the EDIROL M series are aimed at fulfilling two goals:
to provide intuitive operation that lets even the beginner
perform serious mixing, and to provide high audio quality
and full functionality to satisfy the professional.
Completely digital
From audio input to audio output, all processing is fully digital,
with 24-bit 96 kHz support for ultra-high quality.
Creating the optimal
mixing environment
The newly developed Room Acoustic Auto Control feature analyzes
the acoustic response of your home studio,
and automatically optimizes the output signal accordingly.
Analog-like operability
Operation is as intuitive as it is with an analog mixer
—you can directly control the sound of each channel using
physical controls such as the dedicated three-band EQ knobs.
Your actions appear on the graphic LCD display.
A new style of 16-channel digital
mixer with separate Mix controller
and I/O module
The EDIROL M series is a new concept that brings together proprietary
Roland/EDIROL know-how and cutting-edge digital technology that
will bring your home studio to a new level.
A compact all-in-one 10-channel
digital mixer that can be operated
on batteries, yet inherits the major
functionality of the M-16DX
A 10-channel analog mixer with
digital output that can be
operated on batteries and is ideal
for mobile use

In order to bring out the full potential of an instrument, quality is
demanded of an audio mixer. It
must reproduce the full range of frequencies from low to high without
faltering, and needs dynamic range
that can express everything from a
subtle whisper to a powerful roar.
The M-16DX/M-10DX use cuttingedge digital technology to fulfill
these exacting requirements.
We have also included numerous
original ideas derived from Roland/
EDIROL’s years of experience in making audio mixers. Experience the
enjoyment of mixing with the kind
of sparkling fidelity available only
with a digital mixer.
“Full digital”—the key to spectacular hi-fidelity sound
The astounding presence delivered by 24-bit/96 kHz
audio raises the quality of your sound to a new level
Bit depth/Sampling frequency
An analog audio wave is generally
represented by a continuous line
called a “waveform.” By measuring
its level at regular intervals of
time and recording these values
as a set of vertical gradations, we
get a shape that represents the
digital audio signal. The horizontal
inter val is the sampling frequency
(expressed in Hz), and the vertical
inter vals are determined by the
bit depth (the number of bits used
to quantize each sample). Using
higher sampling frequencies and
a greater number of bits will allow
the recorded digital signal to more
faithfully represent the or iginal
Signal Flow
A bus is a signal route that
combines the signals of
multiple channels within
the mixer, and sends
the combined signal to
a common destination
output. The M -16DX has
four buses: MAIN, ALT,
AUX, and SOLO. (→p.8
“Glossary ”)
“Pre-fader ” refers to the signal
before it passes through the
channel level control, and
“post-fader ” refers to it the
signal immediately after the
channel level control. Since the
pre-fader signal is not affected
by pan or channel level, it is
often used when sending the
signal to a multi-track recorder
or to the stage monitors.
COSM technology
(Composite Object
Sound Modeling)
This is proprietary Roland
modeling technology that
analyzes and simulates the
effect that the electrical
circuitry, structure, and
materials of instruments or
audio equipment have on
a sound.
waveform. Music CDs are recorded
as 16-bit 44.1 kHz digital audio.

A completely new concept,
separating I/O from controls
The M-16DX is a two-piece system consisting of the
Mix controller (control desk) you use for mixing, and
the I/O module (connector box) to which you connect
your mics, instruments, and recording equipment.
The compact I/O module can be mounted in a 1U
rack space, allowing you to keep the cables together
to maintain an uncluttered space around your mixer,
providing you the freedom to work even if space is
The front panel of the I/O module provides
frequently-used connectors such as XLR mic jacks and
Hi-Z jacks for guitar/bass, making it easy to change
your system as appropriate for the song or situation.
A headphone jack and an input jack for portable
audio devices are provided on the Mix controller. The
entire system is designed with working efficiently in
mind. Since the power supply is provided from the
I/O module, you can be free to mix from any physical
position without being concerned with wiring.
24-bit 96 kHz support for mixes of
astounding realism
Full-digital 24-bit 96 kHz processing far exceeds CD
quality. The much greater bit depth and sampling
rate mean that you can apply effect processing and
adjust the balance without impairing the quality of
the input sound or introducing noise. The sound is
the professional quality you expect from a digital
mixer with DSP.
High-quality built-in effect processors
to enhance your sound
Tighten up the sound, give it more power, make it
sound great—whatever you need to do, the dedicated
built-in effects are there to help. Operation is simple,
but provides tremendous sound-creating freedom.
Insert effects
These are COSM
technology powered
effects dedicated
specifically to vocals and
narration, and can be
applied to Channels 1 and
2. Five types are provided,
including the “POWER
* Photo is for illustrative purposes only – only one I/O module per
M-16DX packge.
The convenient Scene Memory function, available only on digital mixers
Mixer settings—including effect settings—can be
stored as one of eight “scenes.” These scenes can be
instantly recalled at any time for different songs or
production styles.
COMP” that simulates the
character of vacuum tubes
to make your vocals more
richly expressive, and
that gives your voice
brightness and presence.
And even through the
effects are aimed at vocal
produc tion you can tr y
them on any mic music–
you will be amazed at the
sounds produced.
Expand the potential of your mixer by linking with your computer
The I/O module provides a USB 2.0 connector.
Simply use a USB cable to connect this to
your computer, and audio signals from your
computer can be processed by the M-16DX’s
internal effects, or the sound mixed by the
M-16DX can be sent to your computer for
The M-16DX is bundled with the Cakewalk
SONAR LE music production DAW software,
so you can immediately star t integrating
your computer into your song production,
recording, and live performances.
Example 1:
Using the M-16DX as a
Multi-Channel Audio
The M-16DX’s 16 channels +
two-channel master mix—a
total of 18 channels—can
be brought into your DAW
sof tware a s ind ependent
tracks. You can use the M16DX as a mu lti-channel
audio inter face that
supports both Windows and
Macintosh systems.
Example 2:
Mix Sounds from Your
DAW Software with a
Live Performance
Backing tracks you created
on your DAW software can
be sent to the M-16DX via
USB, and mixed with the live
performance of your band.
The final-mixed sound from
the main output can then
be reco rded directly i nto
your DAW software as a live
FX (Echo/Reverb)
This effect simulates the acoustic
ambience of a real-world room or
concer t hall. Five types of rever b and
two types of echo are provided. You can
use each channel’s AUX2/FX knob to
adjust the depth of the effect, and the
settings are remembered even when
the power is turned off.
This effect is applied to the final twochannel stereo mix in order to add the
finishing touches to your sound. You
can process the sound by boosting
the overall loudness and/or making its
dynamic variations and sonic character
more consistent.
* When connected via USB, the Finalize
effect is not available when the
system is operating at the 96 kH z
sampling frequency.