Roland RG-3M, RG-7-R, RG-7-PW, RG-7-PM, KR117M-R Brochure & Specs

Elegance, expression, and emotion characterize the Roland Digital Grand piano experience.
From casual home-entertainment gatherings to public performances, Roland instruments
represent the pinnacle in quality design, sound, touch, expressiveness, and functionality.
Roland grand pianos cover a broad universe. Treat your eyes and ears to Roland — the very best of the best.
Our piano cabinetry is carefully polished by expertly skilled
hands to bring the luxurious black coating to a lustrous
acoustic grand piano, the stately form is accented by an
opening and closing lid. The keyboard, which has
natural-looking simulated ivory and ebony keys, creates a
distinguished look and feel that enhances the overall
impression. With the KR115M-R, KR115-R, HP109, and the
RG series, you can cover the control panel, leaving the keys
exposed to retain the classic beauty of the piano.
*RG-7-PW is polished white. RG-7-PM is polished mahogany.
Our control panels are attractive in appearance and friendly to
use. The RG Series control panels offer a refined design
in which the number of
switches and LED
indicators has been
reduced to a minimum.
Operation in the KR-Grand
series is controlled by an
array of buttons arranged
logically according to
function, and by a color
LCD touch panel. Control
is intuitive, fast, and
The RG and KR-Grand*1 incorporates Roland’s PHA II “Ivory
Feel” keyboard with Escapement. This amazing new
keyboard technology reproduces the real feel of ivory for the
natural keys and ebony for
the sharps, providing the
stability and comfort of a
real acoustic-piano
keyboard. The natural keys
have a 2-piece structure
When the keys are pressed slowly, the resistance increases
and then suddenly relaxes. The escapement architecture of
the RG and KR-Grand keys
reproduces the characteristic
“click feel” of a grand piano
for the ultimate in realistic
performance and
Simulated hammer response reproduces the expressive
timing delay inherent in g rand pianos, which happens when
the key is pressed gently, and cau ses the hammer to move
more slowly. Add expressive and authentic nuance to your
playing by altering your touch.
All models in the Rolan d Digital Grand Series provide 100
adjustable expression levels to achieve a perfect personal touch.
It’s easy to make fine adjustments to match finger strength
or suit the goals you are trying to achieve during practice.
From space saving to stately, Roland’s digital piano lineup
has something for every person and every environment.
The RG series provides a true grand-piano experience with
its stately cabinetry and incredibly realistic touch and sound.
The KR-Grand series offers a wide variety of tones and
entertainment functions, while the HP109 is the perfect
choice for piano-focused elegance and simplicity. The RG ,
KR-Grand series, and HP109 also feature compact models
designed to neatly fit into living rooms and hotel lounges
that were not able to accommodate a grand piano. Color is
another option. With the RG-7*, for example, choose from a
mirror-polish finished in white or mahogany.
*RG-7-PW and RG-7-PM (made to order)
All piano models feature Panel Lock*, a function that
prevents instrument settings from being changed. In the RG
series, Lid Lock enables the keyboard lid to be physically
locked in position over the control panel. Ideal for use in
hotels and restaurants, the locking lid can be slid down to
hide the control panel, protecting it from spills and bumps,
and preventing guests from touching the controls during
playback. The KR117M-R
features a safety setting
that closes the keyboard
lid slowly, preventing the
lid from slamming shut.
*Except KR111.
The RG and KR-Grand series*1 share the PHA II keyboard in
common. These next-generation keyboards feature a
redesigned progressive hammer-action mechanism for a
natural touch response from pianissimo to fortissimo.
Without the use of springs, the keyboard uses hammer
weight alone to achieve the
same responsive natural
touch as a grand piano.
Keys for low notes are more
heavily weighted. As you
move up the keyboard, the
key weight becomes
progressively lighter.
*1 RG-7-PW and RG-7-PM are available with Solid Progressive Hammer Action Keyboard. KR111 and HP109 are available with Progressive Hammer Action Keyboard.
that consists of base- and surface-material layers, and
they’re designed to absorb moisture, ensuring a secure,
slip-proof feel that your fingers will love.
*1 KR111, RG-7-PW, RG-7-PM, an d HP109 are not av ailable with Ivory Feel Keyboard.
*Hammer noise: KR117M-R, KR115M-R, and KR115-R
The specially designed speaker system in each of the Digital
Grand Series pianos produces exquisite sound with presence
and depth. In the KR-Grand series, Roland’s exclusive Active
Acoustics system* reproduces the cabinet resonance of a grand
piano soundboard. Experience powerful,
clear sound and spatial depth that can
envelope concert halls and large spaces.
*Except KR111.
The damper and soft pedals continually sense every detail of
how they are pressed. For delicacy of playing expression, you
can enjoy the same pedal effects of an acoustic grand piano,
such as changing the sound according to
damper contact with the strings and
controlling the amount of release vibration
by partially pressing the damper pedal.
For those who wish to customize the piano sound to suit
their personal taste , you can use the Piano Designer feature
of KR-Grand series* to get visual feedback as you make
adjustments to the sound using Piano Resonance, and by
opening and closing the virtual piano lid onscreen. The
large LCD touch panel allows direct
manipulation of “rad ar charts” to make
sound design more intuitive and fun.
*Except KR111 . On the RG series, a part of the featu re is availabl e. Refe r to ea ch spec ificatio n (page 24).
On the onboard LCD monitor, DigiScore*1 will display
musical notation for any of the onboard songs, for
off-the-shelf SMF music data, and for music that you have
played and recorded on the piano. A bouncing ball above
the onscreen notation matches the tempo and, as you play
along, you can develop a sense of rhythm and have fun
getting to know the score. As well as "turning the pages" as
you play, the display is able to show finger numbers*2, pitch
names, chords*3, scoring for left or right hand only, and other
modes. Also, to aid sight reading, Touch the Notes enables
the piano to play notes as you touch them onscreen.
On the KR117M-R and KR115M-R, you can even
see the key movement for the notes you touch.
*1 Only K R117M-R, KR1 15M-R, and KR115. An ex ternal disp lay can be connected for Digi Score displ ay with t he RG ser ies. The notation d isplay is created f rom music da ta and de signed for easy vie wing. As a result, the displa y may di ffer from publ ished score s. Also, display is not pos sible of notes shor ter than 32nd notes and gr ace notes. *2 Finge ring displ ay is ava ilable for some of the onboa rd songs ( user input is also possible) . Finger numbers pro vide only one examp le of fin gering. *3 Chord display i s availabl e for som e onboard songs and for musi c recorded using the chord sequencer function of the KR117M-R, KR115M-R, KR1 15-R, and KR10
* Only KR 117M-R, KR11 5M-R, and K R115-R.
This feature enables you to check your performance with
your eyes as well as your ears. It can make your practicing
not only more effective, but more fun as well. First choose
the course that best suits your level, and play the notes as
they appear on the screen. When you’re done, view the
Check Screen to see how you’re doing. There you will find a
numerical score that rates your accuracy in pitch and rhythm,
and provides advice for improvement. And you can review
the parts of your performance that need extra attention.
Use the built-in metronome to cultivate a better sense of
tempo*1, and the recorder to check your playing. Or you can
split the left and right keyboard so each half covers the
same pitch range. This twin piano mode*2 is great for
practicing side-by-side
with a partner or
teacher. It is possible
to set the left and right
pedals for use as
damper pedals for
either side of the
*1, 2 Bot h available in the KR-Grand s eries and HP109.
*1 Except KR111 and HP109.
*2 KR111 provides 400 diverse musical instrument sounds.
From powerful bass to sparkling highs, each Roland Digital
Grand is designed to perfectly reproduce the sound of a full
concert grand piano. All models have an 88-key
multi-sampled piano sound*1 in which the distinctive acoustic
properties of each key have been captured, to accurately
reproduce the subtlety of a full concert grand piano. Up to
128 voices*1 can be played at once, which offers plenty of
leeway even when the damper pedal is used. The RG series
provides 20 types of keyboard instrument sounds, including
harpsichord and two types of grand pianos. In addition, 600
different instrument sounds are included for the playback of
music data. The KR-Grand series provides 780*2 diverse
musical instrument sounds, including strings and percussion.
Our Piano Resonance feature allows the most delicate and
subtle grand-piano nuances to be reproduced — whether
it’s the resonance between strings, the beautiful breadth of
sound brought on by pressing the damper pedals, the
changes in decay that vary with speed of key release, or the
distinctive sound of the hammer striking the string*. Each of
these characteristics is
reproduced with amazing
fidelity, and you can adjust
each element to make your
piano play exactly the way you
like it.
+ 9 hidden pages