Rockwell Automation 1000 User Manual

Safety Lockout System
Bulletin 1000
User Manual

Important User Information

Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication, those responsible for the application and use of this control equipment must satisfy themselves that all necessary steps have been taken to assure that each application and use meets all performance and safety requirements, including any applicable laws, regulations, codes and standards.
The illustrations, charts, sample programs and layout examples shown in this guide are intended solely for purposes of example. Since there are many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Allen-Bradley does not assume responsibility or liability (to include intellectual property liability) for actual use based upon the examples shown in this publication.
Allen-Bradley publication SGI-1.1, Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid-State Control (available from your local Allen-Bradley office), describes some important differences between solid-state equipment and electromechanical devices that should be taken into consideration when applying prod uct s such as tho se de sc ribe d in this pu blica tio n.
Reproduction of the contents of this copyrighted publication, in whole or part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, is prohibited.
Throughout this manual we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations:
Identifies infor matio n about practices or circumsta nces that can lead to pers onal in jury or death, prop er ty d am age or economic loss.
Attention st ate ment s hel p you to :
identif y a hazard
avoid a haza r d
recognize the consequences
Allen-Bradley is a trademark of Rockwell Automation
Identifies informa tion that is critical for successful application an d und ers ta ndin g of the pro du ct.

European Communities (EC) Directive Compliance

If this product has the CE mark it is approved for installation within the European Union and EEA regions. It has been designed and tested to meet the following directives.
EMC Directive
This product is tested to meet the Council Directive 89/336/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) by applying the following standards, in whole or in part, documented in a technical construction file:
EN 5008 1-2 EMC — Gen eric Emission S tandar d, Pa rt 2 — Indus trial
EN 50082-2 EMC — Generic Immunity Standard, Part 2 — Industrial
This product is intended for use in an industrial environment.
Low Voltage Directive
This product is tested to meet Council Directive 73/23/EEC Low Voltage, by applying the safety requirements of EN 61131-2 Programmable Controllers, Part 2 — Equipment Requirements and Tests. For specific information required by EN 61131-2, see the appropriate sections in this publication, as well as the Allen-Bradley publication Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines For Noise Immunity, publication 1770-4.1.
This equipment is classified as open equipment and must be mounted in an enclosure duri ng op era tion to provide safety protec tio n.

Table of Contents

Purpose of the Safety Lockout System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preface-1
Safety Requirements and Guidelines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preface-1
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preface-1
Description of Use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preface-2
Simplified Wiring Diagram and
Sequence of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preface-2
Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preface-4
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preface-4
Chapter 1 Installation Instructions
Chapter 2 Commissioning Box and Switch
Chapter 3 Operational Procedure
Component Function and Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Chapter 4 SLS Sequence of Operation
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
SLS Test Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Appendix A Certification Documentation
Appendix B References
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Table of Con tents ii
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Purpose of the Safety Lockout System

Safety Requirements and Guidelines


The purpose of the Safety Lockout System (SLS) is to provide a highly reliable and long-lived system for the isolation of a multi-motor machine (or portion thereof) with such isolation operable from multiple remote locations.
The SLS is one subsystem in the machine control system. As is true in installing any machine control system, it is necessary to follow the instructions that accompany the control system. It is further necessary to follow the requirements of the relevant regulatory bodies. These can include NFPA 70 (The National Electrical Code), NFPA 70E, NFPA 79, relevant OSHA requirements and relevant State and Local codes.
EN 50081-2 EMC — Generic Emission Standard, Part 2 — Industrial
EN 50082-2 EMC — Generic Immunity Standard, Part 2 — Industrial
Safety lockout system (SLS) — Isolation system designed to meet lockout/ tagout requirements by the use of remote lockout switches, voltage super visi on m onit or an d an isola ti on con tac tor havi ng po sit ive gu ide d aux ili ar y contacts.
SLS box — SLS enclosure and components other than the SLS switches. SLS swit c h — rem o te lo c kou t sw itch with ver if ic ati on light. Expansion box — provisions for more than four (4) SLS switches.
Positive guidance — per IEC 947-5-1 is a performance relationship between contacts o f diff e rent types (i. e ., N.O . and N.C.)
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Preface 2

Description of Use

Simplified Wiring Diagram and Sequence of Operation

The SLS switch shou ld not be us ed to initiat e norma l stop pin g of the system. The normal system stop f unc tio n(s) s hou ld be us ed to sto p the syst em and then, when necessary, the remote SLS switch can be used to initiate the isolation of the system. When the SLS switch is operated for the purpose of isolation, a white SAFE light will illuminate when the system is isolated. The illumination of the SAFE light is the control indication that the electrical power to the equipment on the machine fed through the SLS is de-energized and isolat ed.
An SLS service technician must investigate, correct and log any abnormality.
After using the normal stop function, the machine operator can turn the SLS switch from the ON to the OFF position and then lock the SLS switch in the OFF position. This will cause the isolation contactor (IC) to drop out and arm the SAFE pilot light. The voltage supervision relay ( V S R) will then monitor the load side of the isolation contactor for voltages greater than 10V and will monitor the posit ion of the isolatio n cont act or th rou gh it s norm a lly clos ed positively guided auxiliary contact. If the voltage check is OK and the IC auxiliary contact is closed, the VSR’s safety contacts will close, illuminating the SAFE pilot light.
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Figure P.1 Typical SLS System Layout
Preface 3
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Preface 4
Figure P.2 Typical SLS System Layout
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Preface 5



The SLS is an isolation system designed to provide disconnection and isolation. This means that the SLS provides the isolation necessary for work on machine elements electrically powered through the SLS and for work on the electrical equipment powered by SLS. Howeve r, the forgoing speaks to the capability of the SLS, not necessarily its use as assigned by management for a given purpose.
Since the SLS illuminates the SAFE light, it is imperative that the SLS be applied only where it disables all forms of energy and after a risk analysis has been performed.
A. Electrical Ratings
Supply Voltage 480V, 60 Hz and 400V, 50 Hz
Contactor Ampacity 30, 85
(in conformance with clause 5.7.1 of NFPA 79: 1997, and clause 4.3.2 of EN 602 04 -1: 1997)
B. Estimated system life
SLS box
Electrical 1,000,000 operationsMechanical 10,000,000 operations
SLS switch
Electrical 200,000 operationsMechanical 200,000 operations
C. Environmental
Storage temperature –30…+85°C
Operating temperature, Ambient –10…+40°C
Relative humidity, Non-Condensing 90% RH
D. Electromagnetic Interference
Compliant with EMC Directives
E. Reliability
Syste m re li abilit y is in dicate d by F M E A an a ly s is.
F. Safety Lo ckout Sys t em
Certified by TUV (Northbrook, IL) for category 4 EN 954-1: 1996, and EN 60204-1
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Preface 6
G. Construction
The SLS box enclosure is primarily provided to prevent tampering with the SLS components and cir c uitry and, as such, is designed and listed per UL 508A to be inst alled insi de another encl os ur e. The SLS box is constr u c ted wi th a la rg e tra ns pa re n t viewing wind ow in the cover necessary to easily observe the status of the LED indicators. Both the SLS box and the SLS switch are provided with special holes placed to accommodate tamper-resistant sealing.
H. Construction Rating (for SLS switch only)
Publication 1000-UM001B-US-P - July 2000
Installation Instruc tio ns
A. The SLS box enclosure has no environmental rating. Its purpose is to
prevent tampering with the safety system and allow viewing of the components. The SLS box shall be mounted in a parent enclosure of suitable environmental rating with sufficient space to allow free opening of its door a nd conv enient wiring of i t s connectors.
B. After installation the SLS system must be tested for proper operation
and certified as such by a SLS trained service technician, who then seals the SLS box and the SLS switches. The engineer responsible for the process or machine shall keep a service logbook of this and all future servicing. Servicing is to be performed only by SLS qualified technicians.
C. SLS cable and cable installation specification
1. Cable must be installed so that it is protected from physical damage. This may require conduit.
2. Cable must have a shield with a drain wire co nn ected to ground at the SLS box .
3. Cable insulated for 600V is recommended.
4. Cable shall have copper conductors only.
5. Maximum SLS switch circuit length (total length of wire run):
#14 AWG (2.5 mm #16 AWG (1.5 mm #18 AWG (0.75 mm
6. Individual conductors within a cable shall be color coded or otherwise clearly marked.
Suggested source and type of cable:
For SLS switches — Alpha wire Xtra-Guard 2 Part #25450/9 for #14 AWG 0.64" O.D., Part #25440/9 for #16 AWG 0.61" O.D., and Part #25430/9 for #18 AWG 0.55" O.D. (SLS switch cable must not be run with power conductors.)
) = 4600 ft (1403 m)
) = 2600 ft (793 m )
) = 1300 ft (397 m)
D. SLS box ground bus must be bonded to the system ground bus in the
main enclosure as follows:
1. For 85 A SLS box with Pilz relay (Cat. No. 1000-NXSLSV85) use
#8 AWG (10 mm
2. For 30 A SLS box with Pilz relay (Cat. No. 1000-NXSLSV30) use #10 AWG (6 mm
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1-2 Installation Instructions
Note: If the Class J fuses protecting the SLS box are smaller than that specified, the equipment grounding conductor may be reduced to that as shown in Tab le 25 0- 95 of the N E C.
E. This SLS box has Harting connectors for four SLS switches with safe
light (Cat. No. 1000-NXSLS). If less than that fou r are needed for an installation, jumper out the unneeded SLS switches in the male end of the Harting connector. Refer to wiring diagram Y-155798.
Example: If SLS #4 is not needed, remove the hood on the male Harting SLS connector and install a jumper between pins #3 and #8 on the insert and install another jumper between pins #4 and #9 on the insert. This will jumper out the missing SLS switch #4. Re-install the hood and clamp the male Harting connector back in the SLS #4 position.
F. If an installation requires more than four SLS switches, an expansio n
box(es) can be installed to in crea se the tota l num ber of SLS swi tche s. Refer to drawings Y-156773 and Y-157131.
G. The SLS enclosure must be bolted to the mounting plate of an enclosure
in the vertical position. Refer to dra wi ng YD-24475 for mounting dimensions.
H. The SLS box must be protected upstream from the isolation contactor
by a Class J time delay fuse. Maximum available fault current is 42 KA at 480V. In order to ensure IEC 947-4-1 Type 2 or better protection, fuses are to be sized per NEC Article 430 part D, but shall not exceed the following:
85 A cont actor size = 100 A max. 30 A contactor size = 30 A max.
I. Power wire size and terminal torque
Table 1.A
SLS Rating Cat. No. Power Wire Size Terminal Torque
30 A with P i lz relay 1000-NXSLSV30 #14…#6 AWG
(2.5…16 mm
85 A with P i lz relay 1000-NXSLSV85 #14…#2 AWG
(2.5…50 mm
31 lb-in. (3.5 Nm) +0%…5%
52 lb-in. (6 Nm) +0%…5%
J. SLS switch in stallation
1. Mount in the vertical plane per drawing YD-24492.
2. Use conduit and hub or strain relief cord grip.
3. Connect SLS cable to terminal blocks that correspond to the pin numbers on the Harting connectors per drawing Y-156328.
Publication 1000-UM001B-US-P - July 2000
Commiss ioning Box and Switch
This procedure is to be followed at first time startup and any subsequent SLS service.
A. Inspection
1. Visually inspect enclosure and components for damage that may have occurred in installation or shipment. Look for loose wires or damaged components.
2. For first time ins t allati on, rem o ve adh e sive pro tect iv e pape r cover from SLS box wind ow .
3. Check incoming and outgoing three phase power lines for proper selection and siz ing. Sel ect per NEC arti cle 43 0 par t B and size per NEC tabl e 310-16 , 75°C column. Note that the preferred wire, MTW, is rated 90°C, but it must be size d per th e 75°C column.
4. Check incoming and outgoing lines along with associated line voltage control wires that attach to the isolation contactor for proper torque. Refer to wirin g dia gra m fo r va lue s. Also c heck tha t the lug s do not crimp down on the wire insulation.
5. Check to see that the proper class J time delay fuse is installed ahead of the SLS box. Refer to wiring diagram notes and see item H under “Installation Instructions”.
6. Check to see that the proper size grounding conductor has been installed between the ground bus in the main enclosure and the ground bus in the SLS box (refer to item D under “Installation
Instructions”). Refer to NEC Table 250-66 for sizing.
7. Verify that the SLS switches are connected to the SLS box and that unneeded SLS switches are jumpered out in the Harting connectors as per item E under “Installation Instructions”.
8. Inspect SLS cable installation for protection against damage. Refer to
item C under “Installation Instructions”.
9. If required, check to see that white phenolic nameplate on the SLS switch cover is engraved as specified. Also check to see that screws that secure this nameplate to cover are resealed on the inside of cover when nameplate is replaced. This is to ensure NEMA Type 4 (IP65) watertight construction.
10.Verify that the control transformer primary and secondary is connected per the system voltage per not e #4 on wiring diagram Y-155798. Refer to Appendix A.
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2-2 Commissioning Box and Switch
B. Verification of SLS operation
1. Turn all SLS switches to the ON position.
2. Check the machine to see that damage or injury will not occur if the machine is started.
3. En e rgi ze the motion bu s tha t the SLS box con tactor controls.
4. Check for machine operation an d by operating with the norma l start and stop functions. Check to see that the signals to the PLC and drive are correct. Leave machine in the stopped mode.
5. Observe LEDs in SL S box for the following conditions:
Power suppl y DC ON = on.
VSR — POWER = on .
Safety relay 1SR — POWER ON, CH1, CH2, K1, K2 = on.
Safety relay SR — POWER ON, CH1, CH2, K1, K2 = on.
LED termina l blo cks — PL US = on, 12 = of f, MI NU S = on.
6. All SLS switch SAFE lights should be o ff.
7. Check voltage on secondary of CCT.
8. Measure DC voltage on power supply output. If necessary, adjust to 27V.
9. One at a time, check the operation of each SLS switch by turning it to the OFF position. Then check for the following:
SAFE light on.
IC dropped out.
1CR dropped out (refer to cross bar).
Safety relay dropped out, LED — POWER ON = on, CH1, CH2,
K1, K2 = off.
VSR indicates saf e condit io n. LE D — POWER = on, six phase
voltages = off.
LED T.B. — PLUS = on, 12 = on, MINUS = on
Publication 1000-UM001B-US-P - July 2000
C. To provide an indicat ion of tamper in g, seal th e SLS box, the
SLS switches and the Harting connectors with a tamper-resistant indicating seal. There are holes in the right hand side of the enclosures for this and in the Harting connectors.
D. A service log shall be kept for each SLS box that keeps track of the
1. Serial number of SLS box
2. Date of commissioning
3. Name of SLS commissioning technician
4. Name of the SLS service technician
5. Description of service performed
6. Date of ser vi ce
Component Function and
Operational Procedure
The machine operat or shou ld not use the SLS to perfor m a norm al stop function. The SLS should only be used to isolate the system. Machine access is allowed only after the SLS switch is locked and tagged in the OFF position and the white SAFE light is illuminated to verify that the system is indeed isolated. If the white SAFE light fails to illuminate when the SLS switch is turned to the OFF position, the machine cannot be considered isol ated nor safe. The operator should not enter the machine, but should contact a SLS qualified service technician.
Table 3.A SLS Box
Component Cat. No. Source Description Repairable Function
Enclosure 32267-121-51 Allen-Bradley See-through cover Provides segregation and
protection of the SLS
components. Mounting plate 32267- 122-02 Allen-Bradley Mounts equipment. Control
transformer Primary fuse block 1492-FB2C30-L Allen-Bradley Class CC rejection type
Primar y fuses KLDR Allen-Bradley
Second ary fuse block
Second ary fuse KLDR Allen-Bradley
Power su pply PS5R-C/50W 24 V IDEC Current limiting 24VDC
Safety contactor 100S-C85D04C Allen-Bradley 85 A IEC safety contactor,
B075-1017-GA Micron 480/400 – 120/110V No Provides 120V for control circuit.
No Secures fuse and indicates
with blown fuse indication Class CC fuse No Protec ts CCT primary.
or Littlefuse
1492-FB 1C30-L Allen-Bradley Class CC rejection type
with blown fuse indication Class CC fuse No Protec ts CCT sec ondary.
or Littlefuse
with LED
120V coil
No Secures and indicates status.
No Provides current limited 24V DC
No Provides isola tion and s tatus
for SLS circuit.
throug h N.C. pos itive guid ed
auxiliary. 2 N.O. auxiliary 100-SA20 Allen-Bradley 2 N.O. auxiliary No Provides control circuits with
positive guidance and
monito ring of power poles. Surge suppressor 100-FSC280 Allen-Bradley 120V RC type No Absorbs coil spikes.
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+ 39 hidden pages