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Roche Diagnostics Corporation
Technical Publications Department
9115 Hague Road
P.O. Box 50457
Indianapolis, IN 46250-0457
Manual Conventions
For the purposes of this user’s guide, the following naming conventions are used.
COBAS MIRA Classic Analyzer = Classic
COBAS MIRA S Analyzer = S
COBAS MIRA L Analyzer = L
COBAS MIRA Plus Analyzer = Plus
COBAS MIRA Plus CC Analyzer = Plus CC
Table of Contents
COBAS MIRA Software Versions3
Daily Startup – Summary5
Calibration and Control – Classic, S, and L7
Quality Control Files11
Start and Stop15
Deleting Worklists17
COBAS MIRA Maintenance19
ISE Maintenace29
COBAS MIRA Troubleshooting35
Troubleshooting for the ISE Module39
Troubleshooting for Probes and Pipettors49
Flags and Messages51
Error Codes55
Non-Routine Procedures57
COBAS MIRA Spare Parts List59
Interfacing to COBAS MIRA Systems61
1.The 40-Character printer is mounted in the upper left side of the chassis on the L, S, and Plus
modules. The Classic printer is located on the cover of the instrument.
2.Z Needle Carriage Assembly contains the sample tip, reagent head assembly, and probe.
3.Transfer Arm Assembly holds the 100 µL sample pipette, 1,000 µL reagent pipette, and the Z needle
carriage assembly.
4.The CRT is mounted to the right of the printer. The intensity control is located to the left of the
mainpower switch.
5.The Analyzer Assembly contains six segment chambers and the photometer optics.
6.The Automatic Cuvette Changer is only found on the S and the Plus CC.
7.The rack plate Assembly on the S and Plus CC analyzer is refrigerated. The Classic, L, and Plus rack
plates are not refrigerated.
COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide1
2COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide
Software Versions
COBAS MIRA Software Versions
Software version 8735 or 8847
S, L
Software version 8847
Plus, Plus CC
Software version 9215
To verify the software version of the instrument, press <Program> <6> <6> Instrument configuration and
view the System Program information.
COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide3
Software Versions
4COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide
Daily Startup
Daily Startup — Summary
(For details see COBAS MIRA Maintenance and ISE Maintenance sections.)
Daily Operation
1 Switch on the COBAS MIRA analyzer.
2 Enter “Operator Code” and “Password” if required.
3 Perform daily maintenance (COBAS MIRA System and ISE) according to the maintenance log sheet.
(See Maintenance section.)
4 Prepare reagents as needed. Place in appropriate positions on the reagent racks.
5 Prepare CAL-CS rack: replace tip cleaner; replace controls.
6 Program worklist (see pages 13-14).
7 Prepare sample cups and place in appropriate sample rack position.
8 Place racks on the rack platform. (With rack cooling, place refrigerated reagents to the left and room
temperature reagents to the right).
10 Replace cuvette segments if necessary.
11 Press <START>.
Daily ISE Module Startup
The ISE Module should always be left on.
1 Check Standards and Reference Solutions; swirl bottles to remove inside condensation. Replace the
bottles if almost empty.
2 Switch on the COBAS MIRA analyzer.
3 Prime the ISE module, standards, and mixtower.
4 Provide serum on CAL-CS 8 rack for activation and fluid adjust. (This rack position is defined under
6 Place samples and controls on appropriate racks. Program the worklist.
Daily Shutdown – Plus, S/L, and Classic (Software Version 8847)
1At the end of the day, perform a needle/tube clean with a 1:4 dilution (25%) of Clorox brand bleach
(unscented). Place a full 4 mL container of 25% Clorox in the tip cleaner position of the Cal/CS 8 rack.
Press <INFO> <6> <9> <F1> Start.
Set the screen as follows:
•Number of sequences: 4
•Prime Time: 300 S
•Reagent: ON
•Sample: ON
This procedure takes approximately 6 1/2 minutes. Press <ESCAPE> when complete.
COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide5
Daily Startup
Daily Shutdown – Plus, S/L, and Classic (Software Version 8847) (cont’d)
2Classic (Software Version 8735G)
1. Prepare three sample cups with 25% Clorox.
2. Prepare 10 mL reagent container with 25% Clorox.
3. Request on worklist the CLRX test five times on each sample cup.
4. Press <START> (allow to run).
5. Prime for 5 minutes afterwards.
Z-position DOWN.
6COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide
Calibration and Control
Calibration and Control – Classic, S, and L
Calibration Requests
1Press <ROUTINE>. In place of sample cup position, type “PC” to calibrate without assaying patients.
This orders controls at the same time.
2Select appropriate test(s) to be calibrated and press <ENTER>. The request leaves the screen and can be
reviewed under <INFO> <3> Calibration Control. Precalibration requests flash. Control requests flash
in <INFO><4> Quality Control.
3Place calibrator(s) in appropriate position(s) on calibrator rack. Press <START> when ready to
An alternative to the PC request is CA. This form of calibration request is only started if patient
requests for the test are on the worklist. Controls must be requested by the “CS” command
A precalibration request can be changed to a calibration request (SW>8847.AB). This removes
the precalibration request from the worklist if no patients are ordered. The “PC” command
may not be used for the ISE tests.
Control Requests
Perform the following in place of sample cup position on the Routine or STAT worklist.
1Type “CS.” Controls will be assayed if patient requests for the tests are ordered on the worklist.
2Select the appropriate test(s).
3Press <ENTER>. Request leaves the screen and can be reviewed under <INFO> <4> Quality Control.
Controls requested by this method are displayed as green letters on a black background.
If controls are not defined in the test parameters, run controls as patients. Defined controls run
automatically after each precalibration request or as programmed.
COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide7
Calibration and Control
Calibration and Control – Plus
Calibration Requests
1Press <ROUTINE> <F3> Action.
2Type “PCA” to calibrate without assaying patients.
3Select appropriate test(s) to be calibrated and press <ENTER>. The request leaves the screen and can be
reviewed under <INFO> <3> Calibration Control. Precalibration requests flash.
4Place calibrator(s) in appropriate position(s) on calibrator rack. Press <START> when ready to calibrate.
An alternative to the PCA request is CA. This form of calibration request is only performed if
Control Requests
patient requests for the test are on the worklist.
A precalibration request can be changed to a calibration request (SW > 8847.AB). This
removes the calibration request from the worklist if no patients are ordered. The “PCA”
command may not be used for the ISE tests.
1Press <ROUTINE> or <STAT> Worklist. Press <F3> Action.
2Type “PCS” to assay controls without patients.
3Or type “CS” to assay controls and patients.
4Select the appropriate test(s) for controls and press <ENTER>. The request leaves the screen and can be
reviewed under <INFO> <4> Quality Control. Precontrol requests flash. Control requests are not
5Place controls in appropriate positions on calibrator rack. Press <START> to assay.
A precontrol request can be changed to a control request. This removes the control request from
For all COBAS MIRA Analyzers:
Changing Calibrator Values
1Press <PROG> <5> Racks.
2Select CAL/CS rack.
3Press <F3> STD.
4Type position of the STD to be changed. Press <ENTER>.
5Press <F1> Change STD.
the worklist if no patients are ordered. If controls are not defined, run controls as patients. The
“PCS” command may not be used for the ISE tests.
6Select the desired test key, or press <SPACE> to change all calibrator values for all tests using this
7Enter the new value. Press <↓> to go to the next test.
8Press <ESCAPE> when all values have been entered.
8COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide
Calibration and Control
Changing Control Values
1Press <PROG> <5> Racks.
2Select CAL/CS rack.
3Press <F2> CS.
4Type the position of the control to be changed. Press <ENTER>.
5Press <↓> or <↑> to find desired test.
6Press <F1> Change Control. Select the appropriate test, or press <SPACE> to change values for all tests
using the control.
7Enter new values. Press <↓> to advance to the next test.
8Press <ESCAPE> when all ranges have been entered.
Naming Calibrators or Controls
1Press <PROG> <5> Racks.
2Select CAL/CS rack.
3Press <F1> Change Name.
4Type the cup position of the calibrator or control.
5Press <ENTER>.
6Type in the name.
7Press <ENTER>.
8Type in the lot number.
9Press <ESCAPE> when finished.
Changing Date and Time
1Press <PROG> <6> System Parameters.
2Press <5> Set-up Parameters.
3Press <F1> Modify.
4Change “Date.” Press <ENTER>.
5Change “Month.” Press <ENTER>.
6Change “Year.” Press <ENTER>.
7Type in “Hour” (24-hour clock). Press <ENTER>.
8Type in “Minutes.” Press <ENTER>.
9Press <F2> Time Set to store new time.
COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide9
Calibration and Control
10COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide
Quality Control Files
Quality Control Files
Closing QC Files
Close the QUALITY CONTROL files on a regular basis to ensure adequate storage capacity for TEST
be deleted selectively by test or in its entirety. Closing QUALITY CONTROL causes the automatic printout
as defined in OUTPUT MODE, <PROGRAM> <6> <3>. The Monthly Report Parameter under
<PROGRAM> <6> <5> must be set to ON. The QC Auto Mode parameter under <PROGRAM> <6> <3>
determines the printouts that are generated. STATIST prints statistics only. PLOT prints statistics and plot
the data. VALUES prints statistics, a plot, and the daily mean values. All control levels for the specified test
are closed.
Ensure that there is an adequate supply of paper on the instrument.
CLOSE QUALITY may be selected from the following areas:
•QUALITY CONTROL assignment table for closing ALL tests. Press <INFO><4> and <F2> CLOSE
QUALITY. Confirm by pressing ENTER.
•DAILY or MONTHLY REPORT for closing SINGLE tests. Press <INFO> <4>, select the appropriate test
key and press <F4> CLOSE QUALITY. Confirm by pressing ENTER.
•<PROGRAM> <5> <RACKS> CAL-CS 8/30 for closing either all or selective tests.
Change of Control
The change control function is only accessible with an operator priority level 4 defined under <PROGRAM>
<6> <4>. For tests with existing MONTHLY QC REPORT, the test file cannot be accessed to change control
ranges without first closing the QUALITY CONTROL. Instead, the control ranges may be modified using the
CAL-CS 8/30 RACK program section. This updates the ranges in the test file automatically.
•Press <PROG> <5>, and the screen displays the different types of racks.
•Press the corresponding number of the desired rack type (CAL-CS 8/30). The screen changes to show
the CAL-CS 8/30 assignment table.
•Press <ENTER> or <↓> to move to the following pages or <↑> to review preceding pages. Programmed
names and lot numbers for the calibrators/standards and controls are listed next to the corresponding cup
•Press <F2> CS and the CONTROL POSITION prompt appears.
•Type in the desired cup position and press <ENTER>. The tests using this control with the assigned
values is displayed.
•Press <ENTER> or <4> to move to the following pages or <1> to review preceding pages.
•To change a control range, press <F1> CHANGE CONTROL and the TEST prompt appears.
COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide11
Quality Control Files
Change of Control (cont’d)
•Changing only one test: Select the desired test key (with test level if required). The test and the assigned
value is displayed. The value is changed by entering a new concentration. Press <ENTER> to
update the corresponding test file.
Changing more than one test: Press <SPACE> ALL. The first test and the assigned value are
displayed. Type in the new values followed by <ENTER> to the test. Press <↓> and the display changes
to show the next test. Repeat until all the tests have been changed. If some tests are not going to be
changed, press <↓> until the required test is displayed.
•Press <ESCAPE> and the CAL-CS 8/30 assignment table appears.
12COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide
Programming a Worklist with Patient ID OFF (Classic, S, L)
1Press <ROUTINE>.
2Type the cup position where the sample is placed.
3Press <ENTER>.
4Select appropriate test(s). Use <F4> Test Level to select tests, profiles, or ratios from different
5Press <ENTER>.
6Repeat steps for each patient. Use <F2> To for groups of patients with the same test(s).
STAT requests are programmed using the <STAT> key. Remember to press the <START> key
Programming a Worklist with Patient ID ON (Classic, S, L only)
1Press <ROUTINE>.
2Type the cup position where the sample is placed.
3Press <ENTER>.
4Type the patient identifier.
5Press <ENTER>.
6Select appropriate test(s). Use <F4> Test Level to select single tests (Levels 1 - 4), profiles
(Level 5), or ratios (Level 6) from different levels.
7Press <ENTER>.
8Repeat process for each patient.
after ordering a STAT or adding to the ROUTINE worklist.
Use <F2> Copy Last for test selection if the patient being programmed has the exact test request
Programming a Worklist with Sample ID OFF, Barcode OFF (Plus, CC)
1Press <ROUTINE>. Type the sample position, and press <ENTER>.
The patient is identified only by the sample rack position.
Position #1 on the first Sample 30 rack is 1.
Position #1 on the first 16A rack is 601.
Position #1 on the first 16B rack is 1101.
2Select tests/profiles/ratios.
Choices are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Press <F4> Next Set for more choices. Switch to a
different level by pressing the level number. Levels 1 - 4 contain single tests; Level 5 contains profiles,
and Level 6 contains ratios. The screen remains at the last level selected.
3Press <ENTER> to store the sample ID and test requests.
The sample position automatically advances to the next available sample position.
<F2> To is available for ordering tests on a series of samples.
as the previous one.
STAT requests are programmed using the <STAT> key. Remember to press the <START> key
after ordering a STAT or adding to the ROUTINE worklist.
COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide13
Programming a Worklist with Sample ID ON, Barcode OFF
1Enter Sample ID.
2Enter sample position.
Position #1 on the Sample 30 rack is 1.
Position #1 on the first 16A rack is 601.
Position #1 on the first 16 B rack is 1101.
3Select test/profile/ratio.
Choices are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Press <F4> Next Set for more choices. Switch to a
different level by pressing the level number. Levels 1 - 4 contain single tests; Level 5 contains profiles,
and Level 6 contains ratios.
4Press <ENTER> to store the sample ID and test requests.
The Sample position automatically advances to the next consecutive number if defined as numeric
(PROG 6 5).
5Repeat 1-4 for the next patient. Copy previous test request(s) with <F3> Copy Last.
6To review the worklist, press <F1> Display.
Programming a Worklist with Sample ID ON, Barcode ON
1Place the barcode label on the primary tube.
2Select the corresponding worklist by scanning the instruction ROUT or STAT on the barcode table. The
CRT displays the worklist.
3The IDENTIFICATION prompt appears. Using the barcode pen, scan the barcode label on the
primary tube to identify the sample.
4The prompt “TESTS” appears on the screen. Scan the barcode on the table corresponding to the
test, profile, or ratio you wish to run. Complete the request by scanning ENTER.
5Controls and Calibrations (PC, CAL, PCS, and CS) may also be selected using the barcode table and
pen. Scan the action request followed by the tests and ENTER. The “On Request” options are executed
when the <START> key is pressed. The Copy Last function may be used by first scanning the primary
tube barcode followed by the Copy Last instruction.
6Press <F1> Display to view the worklist. “****” refers to non-identified sample positions. When
<START> is pressed, the barcode reader located in the transfer arm reads all of the primary tubes in
the 16A and 16B racks and assign the sample positions.
Sample positions can be entered manually for samples without barcode labels, with labels that are difficult
to read, or specimens in sample cups on a Sample 30 rack.
1Identify the patient.
2Press <F2> Sample position. Enter the position using the barcode table or manually through the
Position #1 on the first Sample 30 rack is 1.
Position #1 on the first 16A rack is 601.
Position #1 on the first 16B rack is 1101.
3Select the test(s) and press <ENTER>.
14COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide
Start and Stop
Start and Stop
START and STOP Functions
Beginning a run – provide samples, reagents (remove the caps), cuvettes, and press <STATUS> and
Interrupting a run – use if racks need to be changed, or reagents or samples added. Press <STOP> and wait
for transfer to go into standby on the status screen before handling racks. Press <START> to reinitiate
Starting a STAT – program in STAT worklist; press <STOP>. Wait for transfer to go into standby on the
status screen before handling racks. Press <START> to reinitiate transfer and the STAT processing.
Terminating the run – Press <STOP> and then <F1> Abort to terminate the transfer and analysis run.
Requests will be returned to their respective worklists and be repeated the next time <START> is pressed.
COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide15
Start and Stop
16COBAS MIRA System User’s Guide
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