Roche Accu-Chek Smart Pix User Manual

User’s Manual
Diabetes Management System
Software version 3.0
User’s Manual for the Accu-Chek® Smart Pix diabetes management system
Date of issue: October 2016 © 2016 Roche Diabetes Care All rights reserved
All other product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
System requirements:
Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 10
PDF reader (for PDF version 1.6/Acrobat 7 and higher)
Screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels
Read the User’s Manual carefully before the first use. The installation, use and maintenance/data backup of the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software are the sole responsibility of the user. Roche accepts no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from non-compliance with this User’s Manual.
In addition, we advise you to refrain from installing any software on your computer which is not from a trustworthy source and to protect your computer against unauthorised third-party access. This particularly applies to the security of any existing Internet access. Use up-to-date software for virus protection and your firewall and install the security updates and patches recommended by the manufacturers.
If you have obtained the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software from a USB flash drive: The USB flash drive is the original medium used to provide the software, but it is not a removable medium for storing data you have created yourself. Avoid potential data loss (for example from damage to or loss of the USB flash drive) and always store all files locally on your computer or on a network server.
Do not remove the USB flash drive containing the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software while data is being exchanged. Doing so could cause irreparable damage to files.
Important note:
your healthcare professional first.
Never change your therapy based on data contained in the
report element; always talk to
Important note:
selected. We therefore strongly recommend that you talk to your healthcare professional before you change the configuration for blood glucose data (Hypo risk, Mean blood glucose and Variability) as well as for CGM data (hypo duration, CGM median, CGM variability).
The number of blood glucose tests per test day must be sufficient in order to draw appropriate conclusions regarding therapy from the statistical analysis. In addition, the tests must be conducted at meaningful points in time spread over the course of the day. Only then does the analysis in the relevant blood glucose parameter. If, for example, blood glucose is only tested when blood glucose levels are within the normal range (euglycaemia) or higher range (hyperglycaemia), the
Important note:
has been properly selected. We therefore strongly recommend that you talk to your healthcare professional before you change the limit. This function is not a substitute for hypoglycaemia training by your healthcare professional.
Important note:
the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software. All the pages and functions are stored in the device itself or in the software, where they can be called up. An Internet connection is only required if you wish to automatically update the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software, download it from the Internet or send data by email.
The displayed blood glucose
Hypo limit
You do
can only be a reliable indicator of low blood glucose (hypoglycaemia) if the limit
require an Internet connection if you wish to use the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device and
will only be meaningful if the settings have been properly
report element correctly reflect the
Hypo risk
is artificially lowered.
Version note
This User’s Manual is valid for the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software,
version 3.0
in connection with an
Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 2),
version 2.2.1
or higher, or
Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 1),
version 3.05
or higher.
You can check the software versions as described below:
Open the Help menu by clicking the icon (on the right­hand edge of the button bar). You can display the software version by clicking
This displays both the software version of the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software and the version of the connected Accu-Chek Smart Pix device.
Latest software versions
You can download the latest software versions of the Accu-Chek Smart Pix system using the
Software update...
option in the Help menu or as an automatic download (if configured) from the Internet.
Accu-Chek Smart Pix diabetes management system Contents
1 Overview of the system
1.1 Overview of the device............................................................................................................................................................. 15
1.2 Overview of the status indicator signals of the system............................................................................................... 16
1.3 Software overview ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17
1.4 Buttons overview........................................................................................................................................................................ 18
1.5 Printed symbols.......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
2 Before you start using the system
2.1 What you require to use the system................................................................................................................................... 22
2.2 Copying software to the computer...................................................................................................................................... 24
Connecting the device ..............................................................................................................................................................25
Connecting the USB flash drive ............................................................................................................................................25
Preparing the download version ...........................................................................................................................................25
3 Launching and configuring the software
3.1 Launching the software........................................................................................................................................................... 29
3.2 Configuring the software........................................................................................................................................................ 30
General settings ..........................................................................................................................................................................31
Selecting a language .................................................................................................................................................................32
Time and date format ................................................................................................................................................................33
Display options (graphical representation and logbook format) .............................................................................33
Personal settings ........................................................................................................................................................................34
Automatic features .....................................................................................................................................................................35
Save options .................................................................................................................................................................................42
Settings for new patients .........................................................................................................................................................44
Customised settings for the patient record currently displayed ...............................................................................54
Adjusting menu and button bar ............................................................................................................................................55
Accu-Chek Smart Pix diabetes management system Contents
4 Using the software
4.1 Reading data manually ............................................................................................................................................................ 58
4.2 Reading data automatically.................................................................................................................................................... 62
4.3 Managing records...................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Creating a new patient record ..............................................................................................................................................63
Assigning an existing record .................................................................................................................................................65
Confirming the device assignment ..................................................................................................................................... 65
Importing records ......................................................................................................................................................................66
4.4 Further report and record management features.......................................................................................................... 67
Opening a record ....................................................................................................................................................................... 67
Closing the record and report ...............................................................................................................................................68
Editing patient records ............................................................................................................................................................. 69
Deleting a record .......................................................................................................................................................................70
Archiving a record ..................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Activating the interface to Accu-Chek Connect online .............................................................................................. 71
Adjusting the patient list display ..........................................................................................................................................73
4.5 Exporting reports as PDF files............................................................................................................................................... 75
4.6 Printing reports ........................................................................................................................................................................... 77
4.7 Emailing reports.......................................................................................................................................................................... 79
4.8 Displaying archived reports (PDF files)............................................................................................................................. 82
4.9 Using report elements in other applications.................................................................................................................... 83
4.10 Special functions........................................................................................................................................................................ 84
Searching for software updates for the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device
and the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software ............................................................................................................................85
Setting the date and time in the meter .............................................................................................................................. 87
Additional special functions .................................................................................................................................................. 89
Accu-Chek Smart Pix diabetes management system Contents
5 Reports and records
5.1 General information about the reports.............................................................................................................................. 91
Report elements ..........................................................................................................................................................................91
Selecting and assigning preferred report elements ......................................................................................................92
Analysed data ..............................................................................................................................................................................93
Report styles .................................................................................................................................................................................94
Keys and additional information on reports .....................................................................................................................95
5.2 Overview of icons in reports.................................................................................................................................................. 96
5.3 Interactive features in the report ....................................................................................................................................... 101
Toggling panes .........................................................................................................................................................................101
Changing the time range ......................................................................................................................................................102
Changing time intervals ........................................................................................................................................................105
Changing chart contents ...................................................................................................................................................... 106
Toggling the display between BG and CGM results .................................................................................................. 107
Displaying additional information in charts ...................................................................................................................108
Selecting chart contents .......................................................................................................................................................109
5.4 Blood glucose: contents of the report ............................................................................................................................. 110
Overview .....................................................................................................................................................................................110
Trend ............................................................................................................................................................................................115
Standard day .............................................................................................................................................................................119
Standard week ..........................................................................................................................................................................123
Metabolic control ....................................................................................................................................................................127
Statistics ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 130
Device settings .........................................................................................................................................................................137
Basal rate – Bolus ....................................................................................................................................................................137
Basal rates .................................................................................................................................................................................. 139
Insulin pump lists ....................................................................................................................................................................140
Accu-Chek Smart Pix diabetes management system Contents
5.5 CGM results ............................................................................................................................................................................... 141
Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................................142
Trend .............................................................................................................................................................................................144
Standard day ..............................................................................................................................................................................145
Standard week ..........................................................................................................................................................................154
Statistics ......................................................................................................................................................................................154
Metabolic control .....................................................................................................................................................................159
5.6 Logbooks..................................................................................................................................................................................... 160
Diary (record) ...........................................................................................................................................................................161
Contents of the diary ..............................................................................................................................................................162
Adjusting the diary view ........................................................................................................................................................163
Editing diary entries ................................................................................................................................................................165
Logbook .....................................................................................................................................................................................175
Daily statistics ..........................................................................................................................................................................177
5.7 Bibliography for reports......................................................................................................................................................... 179
HBGI / LBGI ..............................................................................................................................................................................179
Hypo risk ....................................................................................................................................................................................179
Blood glucose target range ................................................................................................................................................180
Variability ...................................................................................................................................................................................180
Guidance for clinical practice ............................................................................................................................................180
Ambulatory Glucose Profile ................................................................................................................................................181
Accu-Chek Smart Pix diabetes management system Contents
6 Preparing the devices
6.1 Accu-Chek Active blood glucose meter......................................................................................................................... 187
6.2 Accu-Chek Aviva blood glucose meter
Accu-Chek Aviva Nano blood glucose meter .............................................................................................................. 189
6.3 Accu-Chek Aviva Combo blood glucose meter
Accu-Chek Aviva Expert blood glucose meter ............................................................................................................. 190
6.4 Accu-Chek Aviva Insight diabetes manager................................................................................................................. 191
6.5 Accu-Chek Compact blood glucose meter.................................................................................................................... 192
6.6 Accu-Chek Compact Plus blood glucose meter.......................................................................................................... 193
6.7 Accu-Chek Go blood glucose meter................................................................................................................................ 194
6.8 Accu-Chek Guide blood glucose meter.......................................................................................................................... 195
6.9 Accu-Chek Instant blood glucose meter
Accu-Chek Instant S blood glucose meter ....................................................................................................................196
6.10 Accu-Chek Mobile blood glucose meter........................................................................................................................ 197
6.11 Accu-Chek Performa blood glucose meter
Accu-Chek Performa Nano blood glucose meter .......................................................................................................199
6.12 Accu-Chek Performa Combo blood glucose meter.................................................................................................... 200
6.13 Accu-Chek Performa Insight diabetes manager ......................................................................................................... 201
6.14 Accu-Chek Insight insulin pump....................................................................................................................................... 202
6.15 Accu-Chek Spirit insulin pump .......................................................................................................................................... 203
6.16 Accu-Chek Spirit Combo insulin pump........................................................................................................................... 204
6.17 Note on time settings for the Accu-Chek insulin pumps......................................................................................... 205
6.18 Accu-Chek Insight CGM system........................................................................................................................................ 207
7 Error signals and troubleshooting
7.1 Errors without error signals.................................................................................................................................................. 210
7.2 Error signals on the device................................................................................................................................................... 211
............................................................................................................................... 209
Accu-Chek Smart Pix diabetes management system Contents
8 Appendix
8.1 Cleaning the device................................................................................................................................................................. 213
8.2 Disposal of the device............................................................................................................................................................ 213
8.3 Cleaning the USB flash drive............................................................................................................................................... 213
8.4 Disposal of the USB flash drive.......................................................................................................................................... 214
8.5 Using a USB flash drive......................................................................................................................................................... 214
8.6 Abbreviations............................................................................................................................................................................. 215
9 Accu-Chek Smart Pix software Terms of Use
10 Customer support

1 Overview of the system

Chapter 1, Overview of the system
The Accu-Chek Smart Pix system is used for the easy and automatic analysis of blood glucose values, CGM results and therapy data from various Accu-Chek meters and insulin pumps. The analysis is provided on a computer in the form of a report consisting of various configurable report elements. The system is made up of the following components:
Accu-Chek Smart Pix software
The Accu-Chek Smart Pix software generates the reports and also allows you to manage the records of several users or patients. You obtain the software in one of the following ways:
With the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 2). The setup program is stored directly on the device.
On a USB flash drive.
Available as a downloadable file from the website
Accu-Chek Smart Pix device
The Accu-Chek Smart Pix device1 is connected to the computer and communicates with the meters and insulin pumps. If you obtained the software from a USB flash drive or as a download, you can also use the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 1) to communicate via the infrared port, or use a suitable USB cable (USB, type A to USB, micro B) to communicate with USB devices.
1. The Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 2) and the download
version of the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software are not available in all countries.
Chapter 1, Overview of the system
Using the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software with the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 2)
Connect the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 2) to the computer when you want to read data from a meter or an insulin pump.
Place the meter or the insulin pump with its infrared
port facing the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device,
Connect the meter with a USB port to the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device by means of a USB cable.
Launch the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software.
Prepare the device for transferring data (see chapter 6).
Click the
Read device
Chapter 1, Overview of the system
Using the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software (USB flash drive or download)
Connect the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 1) to
the computer when you want to read data from a meter or an insulin pump.
Place the meter or the insulin pump with its infrared
port facing the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device,
Connect a USB cable for transferring data first to the
meter with a USB port (USB, micro B) and then directly connect the other end to a free USB port on your computer (USB, type A).
Launch the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software.
Prepare the device for transferring data (see
chapter 6).
•Click the
Read device
Chapter 1, Overview of the system
The Accu-Chek Smart Pix software is a computer program and component of the Accu-Chek Smart Pix system. It contains the following functions:
Create (and edit) reports.
Archive reports with selected elements as a PDF file.
Email reports with selected elements.
Display and print archived reports.
Manage and edit user or patient records.
Importing device data as well as printing and saving reports can be automated.
The graphical report elements displayed have interactive functions for customising the display.
Install software updates for the Accu-Chek Smart Pix system.
All reports are displayed and all functions are used from within the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software.

1.1 Overview of the device

Chapter 1, Overview of the system
The device is made up of the following components, which are briefly described below.
Device1: This device enables connection to various Accu-Chek meters and insulin pumps with infrared or USB ports. At the same time, it contains all the files required for installing the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software.
USB plug for connecting to the computer.
Infrared window for communicating with similarly equipped Accu-Chek meters and insulin pumps.
USB cable with USB micro B plug to connect directly to similarly equipped Accu-Chek meters.
1. Note: This device is not available in all countries.
Chapter 1, Overview of the system

1.2 Overview of the status indicator signals of the system

The Accu-Chek Smart Pix system indicates various operating states with the status indicators on top of the device. If all status indicators are off, the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device is not connected to a computer or the computer is not switched on. The following status indicators may be lit up:
Device name:
Glows continuously when the device is connected to a computer and the computer is switched on. The device is ready for operation.
Flashes when a setting or update file is being received.
Luminous surface:
Off: the device is ready for operation but not active.
Pulsates slowly: the device is actively searching for a meter.
Glows continuously: the device is reading data, analysing it or is transferring information (for example, the time) to the meter.
Flashes quickly: the device is displaying an error.
Software updates for the Accu-Chek Smart Pix system can be installed via the computer. The device name flashes while this type of update is being installed.

1.3 Software overview

7 8 109 11
Chapter 1, Overview of the system
The Accu-Chek Smart Pix software consists of the following elements:
Title bar of the program window, showing the program name and the buttons for minimising, maximising and closing the window.
Navigation panel for selecting the displayed report element
Button bar containing the buttons for calling up program functions.
Display pane for showing the reports and records.
Interactive time axis for displaying and selecting the time range.
Statistics, display options and key (distributed over three tabs)
The user interface needs a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768 pixels. On larger screens, the window size can be maximised in any way within the screen area.
Note about the illustrations in this User’s Manual
Bear in mind that all illustrations of screen content (screen­shots) used in this User’s Manual only serve as examples in terms of both their visual appearance and content. The actual appearance depends on your individual system and software settings. The content displayed depends on the meter data or insulin pump data that was read.
Chapter 1, Overview of the system
13 17 18161514

1.4 Buttons overview

In the program window you will find the following buttons:
button Returns to the report element that was displayed last. This button is only activated once you leave the displayed start screen to display another report element.
Read device
Activates the data transfer from an available device.
Open patient list
button You can open an existing record from the patient list or create a new record.
button You can save a record that was just displayed but has not yet been assigned to a patient.
button Selected report elements are output to a printer of your choice.
button The default email program on the computer is launched and selected report elements (in PDF format) as well as the associated record (if selected) are automatically attached to an empty email.
Chapter 1, Overview of the system
Save as PDF report
Selected report elements are saved in a PDF file.
Open PDF report
button Open reports previously saved as PDF files in order to display or print them using the PDF reader installed on the computer (for example, Adobe Reader).*
Software settings
button Use this button to adjust the settings for the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software.
Device settings
button Access to special functions such as the configuration of suitable devices
button This is where you can find menu options for direct access to the User’s Manual and to the software update, and for displaying the program version.
*If you do not yet have a program for displaying PDF files on your computer, you can, for example, download Adobe Reader from the Adobe website (
) free of
You can configure the arrangement of functions and buttons on the button bar according to your needs (see page 55).
Chapter 1, Overview of the system

1.5 Printed symbols

Symbol Description
This symbol identifies safety information that indicates a possible risk of damage to your health.
This symbol draws your attention to important information.
Catalogue number Batch code - year of manufacture
The Accu-Chek Smart Pix software fulfils the requirements of the European Directive 93/42/EEC on medical devices.
The USB flash drive fulfils the requirements of the European Directive 2014/30/EU on electromagnetic compatibility.
This product fulfils the legal requirements of the People’s Republic of China on the use of certain substances in electronic products.
The USB flash drive falls inside the scope of the European Directive 2012/19/EU (Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment, WEEE).
Some passages in this User’s Manual are highlighted by symbols. Read these passages very carefully. There are more symbols on the type plate of the device and/or on the packaging.
Consult instructions for use. The User’s Manual for the Accu-Chek Smart Pix diabetes management system can be opened by clicking on the
A printed version of the User’s Manual for the Accu-Chek Smart Pix diabetes management system can be requested by email from

2 Before you start using the system

Chapter 2, Before you start using the system
You can use the Accu-Chek Smart Pix system (device and software) on any computer which meets the necessary system requirements. Any additional computer features required are listed below.
The Accu-Chek Smart Pix software is supplied on the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device and is installed directly from it. In addition, Roche provides the Accu-Chek Smart Pix soft­ware on a USB flash drive or as a downloadable file. The software can be used on a standalone computer as well as on a network server.
Files generated (for example, records or archived reports) are either saved locally or on a server where they are available for shared access. Just as with all other data, you should protect these files from inadvertent data loss by backing them up regularly.
If you have obtained the Accu-Chek Smart Pix soft-
ware from a USB flash drive: The USB flash drive is the original medium used to provide the software, but it is not a removable medium for storing data you have created yourself. Avoid potential data loss (for example, from damage to or loss of the USB flash drive) and always store all files locally on your computer or on a network server.
Chapter 2, Before you start using the system

2.1 What you require to use the system

You have... You also require...
Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 2)1 A computer that meets the respective system require-
ments and a printer, if you wish to print reports.
Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 1) A computer that meets the respective system
requirements and a printer, if you wish to print reports.
The Accu-Chek Smart Pix software (USB flash drive or download)
A suitable USB cable (USB, micro B to USB, type A), if you wish to read data from meters with a USB port.
Accu-Chek Smart Pix software (USB flash drive or download)
1. Note: This device is not available in all countries.
A computer that meets the respective system requirements and a printer, if you wish to print reports.
A suitable USB cable (USB, micro B to USB, type A), if you wish to read data from meters with a USB port.
An Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 1) if you wish to read data from meters with an infrared port.
Chapter 2, Before you start using the system
The following requirements must be met to be able to use special functions:
Adobe Reader or a similar program must be installed to be able to display and print PDF files (PDF version
1.6/Acrobat 7 and higher).
Internet access is required to be able to download software updates, to send emails and to receive data
Accu-Chek Connect
A properly configured email program (Microsoft Outlook, Windows Live Mail or Mozilla Thunderbird) must be installed to be able to email reports.
Chapter 2, Before you start using the system

2.2 Copying software to the computer

The Accu-Chek Smart Pix software can be used locally on your computer or on a network server. To do this, copy the entire program folder to a suitable location on the selected hard disk. Depending on your needs, you have the following options:
If you are the only person who will be using the program, copy the program folder locally to your computer. You will also save the created files there.
If you want to use the program in a network and the same software settings are to apply for every workstation, install the program folder on the network server. You will also save the created files there. On the server, the program can also be used by several network users at the same time.
If you want to use the program in a network, but allow individual software settings for every workstation, copy the program folder separately to every single workstation. The created files, however, will be saved on the server to enable shared access to all data despite individual settings.
Depending on your needs, make the appropriate prepara­tions for copying the software from the following three options:
Chapter 2, Before you start using the system

Connecting the device

To copy the software from the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 2): Insert the USB plug of the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device into a free USB port on your computer. You can do this while your computer is either on or off. This connection provides the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device with power and it therefore does not need a battery or a power pack.
After connecting the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device and turning on the computer as necessary, the glowing Accu-Chek Smart Pix logo appears and indicates operational readiness. Simultaneously, the computer recognises the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device as removable media (similar to a USB flash drive).

Connecting the USB flash drive

To copy the software from the USB flash drive: Insert the USB flash drive into the computer. The computer recognises it as removable media.

Preparing the download version

To copy the software from the download folder: The software is offered as a compressed data package (ZIP archive) for download. After downloading the ZIP file (for example, to the
extracting the files, the installation folder
Smart Pix Software
folder), extract this file by double-clicking it. After
is created in the selected location.
Chapter 2, Before you start using the system
Copy the program to your computer as follows:
If this has not been done automatically, open a window on your computer which displays the contents of the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (as a disk), of the USB flash drive or of the extracted installation folder. You can do this from Explorer.
Double-click the setup program the instructions on the screen.
Select the location to which you wish to copy the “Accu-Chek Smart Pix Software” program folder.
– If you are usually logged on as the administrator,
open the applicable).
– If you are usually not logged on as the
administrator, select a location which you can access even with limited access rights, for example, the
– When installing the program on a network server,
ensure that all users have the necessary access rights for the selected location.
My Computer
folder (or
or Windows
Programs (x86)
and follow
, if
For security reasons, the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device
is furnished with write-protection. Therefore before you can use it, the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software must be copied to your computer and then run from there.
Chapter 2, Before you start using the system
Select the option to install the corresponding drivers if
you have obtained the software from a USB flash drive or download and wish to read data from meters with a USB port. This driver installation is not required for the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 2) because the drivers are pre-installed on the device.
Administrator access rights are required for installing the USB driver software.
Upon completion of the installation, shortcuts are
automatically created in the Windows start menu and/ or on the desktop (depending on the options you selected).
If you are using the application on several computers in the network, make sure that the location for saving the shared files is identical on every computer.
Chapter 2, Before you start using the system

3 Launching and configuring the software

3.1 Launching the software

To launch the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software, double-click either the program file an existing shortcut (see chapter 2.2).
The program launches with a program window which is still empty.
If you only wish to use the program to edit a record
already saved or to display saved reports it is not necessary to connect the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device.
If you wish to use the program to read new data,
connect the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device or a suitable meter (for example, the Accu-Chek Mobile blood glucose meter directly via USB) now.
If a suitable device is already connected, you can use the
Read device
Chapter 3, Launching and configuring the software
Accu-Chek Smart Pix Software.exe
button to read the data directly from the device.
Chapter 3, Launching and configuring the software

3.2 Configuring the software

You can customise several areas of the Accu-Chek Smart Pix software to tailor it to your needs. These settings are independent of those which may have been applied to the Accu-Chek Smart Pix device (model 1).
Click the
Software settings
button to open the corresponding dialogue box. Depending on the actual situation, you will find selected setup areas in this dialogue box. This can be seen from the tabs below the top edge of the window:
If no record is currently open, you will find the setup
General settings
If a record is open, you will find the setup area
and a setup area whose name corresponds to
Settings for new patients
the open record, instead.
For all the settings described on the following pages, the following applies:
Click the
button to save the modified settings and
close the dialogue box, or:
Click the
button to discard the modified settings and close the dialogue box without saving the changes.
+ 198 hidden pages