RKI Instruments SP-220 TYPE F, SP-220 TYPEH2 Operating Manual

Portable Gas Leak Detec t or
SP-220 Series
Operating Manual
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Table of Contents
1. Outline of the Product ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Preface ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Purpose of use ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Definition of DANGER, WARNING, CAUT IO N an d NO TE ............................................................................. 3
How to check the standards and explosion-proof specifications ................................................................... 4
2. Important Notices on Safety ........................................................................................................................... 5
2-1. Danger cases........................................................................................................................................... 5
2-2. Warning cases ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2-3. Precauti ons .............................................................................................................................................. 7
2-4. Safety infor mation (for ATEX/IECEx specifications) ................................................................................ 9
3. Product Components .................................................................................................................................... 10
3-1. Names and fu nc t i o ns for each part ....................................................................................................... 10
4. How to Use ................................................................................................................................................... 13
4-1. Before usi n g th e de tector ...................................................................................................................... 13
4-2. Preparation for start-up .......................................................................................................................... 13
4-3. How to replace the batteries .................................................................................................................. 13
4-4. How to start the detector ....................................................................................................................... 15
4-5. Basic opera ting procedures ................................................................................................................... 17
4-6. How to detect ......................................................................................................................................... 18
4-7. Changing the concentration measuring mode ...................................................................................... 19
4-8. Perform in g ai r c al ibr a t i on ...................................................................................................................... 22
4-9. Snap logger ........................................................................................................................................... 23
4-10. Peak hold function ............................................................................................................................... 24
4-11. Changing the alarm and operation sounds ......................................................................................... 24
4-12. How to turn on th e i l l umination lamp ................................................................................................... 25
4-13. Power-off ............................................................................................................................................. 25
5. Display Mode ................................................................................................................................................ 26
5-1. Entering the display mode ..................................................................................................................... 26
5-2. Measured g as reading setting ............................................................................................................... 29
5-3. Changing the measuring mode ............................................................................................................. 31
5-4. Log data display .................................................................................................................................... 32
6. User Mode .................................................................................................................................................... 33
6-1. Entering th e user mode ......................................................................................................................... 33
6-2. Date/time setting .................................................................................................................................... 35
6-3. Clock function ON/OFF setting .............................................................................................................. 36
7. Alarm Function .............................................................................................................................................. 37
7-1. Gas alarm activation .............................................................................................................................. 37
7-2. Fault alarm activation ............................................................................................................................ 37
8. Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................. 38
8-1. Maintena nce intervals and items ........................................................................................................... 38
8-2. How to clean .......................................................................................................................................... 40
8-3. Parts replacement ................................................................................................................................. 40
9. Calibration Mode .......................................................................................................................................... 43
9-1. Fresh Air Adjustment ............................................................................................................................. 43
9-2. Preparing for a Span Adjustment (Gas Ba g) ......................................................................................... 45
9-3. Preparing for a Span Adjustment (Deman d Flow Regulator) ................................................................ 46
9-4. Automatic Span Adjustment ................................................................................................................... 46
9-5. Manual Span Adjustment ....................................................................................................................... 49
9-6. Password ............................................................................................................................................... 51
10. Storage and Disposal ................................................................................................................................. 54
10-1. Procedures to store the detector or leave it for a long time ................................................................ 54
10-2. Procedures to use the detec tor again ................................................................................................. 54
10-3. Disposal of products ............................................................................................................................ 55
11. Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................................... 56
12. Spare Parts List .......................................................................................................................................... 58
13. Product Specificat io ns ................................................................................................................................ 59
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1. Outline of the Product
Thank you for choosin g our portable gas leak det ec t or S P-220 TYPE F (hereinafter referred to as the detector). Pl ease check that the m od el number of the product you purchased is include d i n th e specifications on this manual.
This manual ex p la i ns how to use the detector and its specifications. It contains information required for using the detector properly. First-time users and users who have already used the product m ust r ea d a nd understand the o perating manual to en h ance the knowledg e a nd experience before using the detector.
Note that the contents of this manual are subject to change without notice for product improvement. It is also prohibit ed to c o p y or reproduce this manu a l, in whole or in part, withou t permission.
Regardless of warranty period, we shall not make any indemnification for accidents and damage caused by using the detec t or. Make sure to read the warranty policy specified on the warranty.
Purpose of use
This detector is us e d to de tect fluorocarbons leaking out in air. Detection results are not intended to guarantee life or safety in any way.
Throughout this manual, the following indications are used to ensure safe and effective work.
This message indicates that improper handling may cause serious damage on life, health or assets.
This message indicates that improper handling may cause serious damage on health or assets.
This message indicates that improper handling may cause minor damage on health or assets.
This message indicates advice on handling.
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How to check the standards and explosion-proof specifications
The detector has d ifferent specificati ons depending on the sta nd ards or explosion-proof certification type. Check the specifications of the product you ha v e bef ore use. See the Declar ation of Conformity at the end of this operating manual for CE marking specifications. For the product specifications, check the nameplate attached to the product shown in the following figure.
(1) Nameplate exampl e of TIIS
(2) Nameplate exampl e of CE marking
* The above nameplate (1) or (2) is
attached depending on th e specified
explosion-proof spec i fications.
Ex mark
CE mark
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2. Important Notices on
To maintain the performance and use the det ec t or safely, observe the following instructions of DANGER, WARNING, and CAUTION.
2-1. Danger cases
About use
While conducting measurement in a manhole or confined space, do not lean over or look into the manhole or closed space. It may lead to dangers because oxygen-deficient air or other gases may blow ou t.
Oxygen-deficient air or oth er gases may be discharg e d f rom the gas exhaustin g ou t le t of the detector. Never inhale t he air or gases.
High-concentration (100% LEL or higher) gases may be discharged from the gas exhausting outlet of the detector. Never use fire near it.
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2-2. Warning cases
Sampling point pressure
The concentration meter is designed to draw gases under the atmospheric pressure. If excessive pres sure is applied to th e g as in l et an d ou t l et of t h e de t ec t or, measure d gases may leak out from its inside and may cause dangerous conditions. Be sure that excessive pressure is not applied to th e de t ec t or’s gas inlet or ou tl e t during use.
Air calibration in atmosphere
Perform an air calibration in a fresh air environment. If interference gases or other gases exist, the adjustmen t c an n ot be performed prop erly, thus leading to da ng er s wh e n gas is present.
Response to gas alarm
A gas alarm is triggered by changes in temperature and humidity. In such a case, check the atmosphere for freshness and perform air calibration again in the measured atmosphere. Example) If th e de t ec t or is t ur n e d on in a ro om with a temperature of 20 ºC an d a humidity of 40% RH and taken outs id e ( a temperature of 30ºC a nd a humidity of 60% RH), an alar m is triggered by humidity changes. In such a case, perform air calibration outside and measure. The detector per f or ms air calibration a ut omatically when it is tur n e d on . E v en in s uch a case, check the atmosphere for freshness and perform air calibration again in the measured atmosphere.
Battery level check
Before use, check that there remains sufficient battery power . When the detector is not used for a long period, the batteries may be exhausted. Never fail to replace them with new ones before use.
If a low battery voltage alarm is triggered, gas detection cannot be conducted. If the alarm is triggered during use, turn off the power and promptly replace the batteries in a safe area.
Do not throw the detector into fire.
Do not wash the detector in a washing machine or ultrasonic cleaner, etc.
Do not block the buzzer sound opening. No alarm sound can be heard.
Do not remove the battery while the power is on.
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2-3. Precautions
Do not use the detector where it is exposed to oil, chemicals, etc. Do not submerge the detector under water on purpose.
Do not use in a plac e wh ere the detector is exp osed to liquids such as o il an d c h emicals.
The detector is not water-pressure-resistant. Do not use the detector where a high water pressure is
applied to it (under a faucet, shower, etc.) or submerge it under water for a long time. The detector is water-proof only in fresh wa ter and running water, and not in hot wat er, salt wat er, detergen t, chemicals, human sweat, etc.
The gas inlet and outlet are not water-proof. Be careful not to let water such as rainwater, etc. get into these parts. Because this may cause trouble and gas cannot be detected.
Do not place the de tector where water or d irt gets accumulated. The detector placed at such a location may cause malfunction due to water or di rt that gets into the buzzer opening, etc.
Note that dra win g i n d irty water, dust, metallic powder, etc. will si gn if icantly deterior at e th e s e ns or sensitivities. Be careful when t he de tector is used in an environment where thes e el ements exist.
Do not use the detector in a place where the temperature drops below -20ºC or rises over 55ºC.
The operating temperature of the detector is -20 to +55ºC. Do not use the detector at higher temperatures, humidities and pressures or at lower temperatures than the operating range.
Avoid long-term use of the detector in a place where it is exposed to direct sunlight.
Do not store the detector in a sun-heated car.
Avoid a sudden humidity or temperature change.
Do not leave the de tector in a place with hi g h temperature and hum i di ty for a long time. The
performance of the unit m ay de t eriorate.
Observe the operating restrictions to prevent condensation inside the concentration meter or gas sampling hose.
Condensation formed on the detector or taper nozzle causes clogging, gas adsorption, etc., which may disturb accurate gas detection. Thus, condensation must be avoided. In addition to the installati on envir onment, c areful ly monitor the temperature/humidity of the sampling point to prevent condensati on , etc. on the detector or tape r no zzl e . P l e as e observe the operatin g r estrictions.
Do not use a transceiver near the detector.
Radio wave from a transceiver or other device near the detector may disturb readings. If a transceiver or ot h er r ad i o w a ve trans mitting device is us ed , it m us t be us e d in a pl ace w her e it disturbs nothing.
Do not use the det ec t or near a device that em its str on g e lectromagnetic wa v es ( h ig h-frequency or high-voltage devices).
Verify that the flow check display is rotating before using the detector.
If the flow check display is not rotating , th e g as de tector is not operati n g pr o p erly. Check whether the flow rate is lost.
Never fail to perfor m a regular maintenance.
Since this is a precision device , a regular maintenance must be performed. Continuing to use the detector without performing maintenance will compromise the sensitivity of the sensor, thus resulting in inaccurate gas detection.
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After a gas continuously comes into contact or a highly-concentrated gas comes into contact, the detector may stay in alarm. In such a case, draw fresh air for more than five minutes (recommended) and perform air calibration again.
Pressing buttons unnecessarily may change the settings, preventing alarms from activating correctly. Operate the detector using only the procedures described in this operating manual.
Do not drop or gi ve shoc k to the detector. The accuracy of th e de tector may be deter i ora te d.
Do not jab the buzzer opening with a sharp-pointed item. Doing so may cause a failure or
Do not remove the panel sheet on the display. The water-proof and dus t-proof performances will be deteriorated.
Do not affix a label or the like on the infrared port. Infrared communications can no longer be conducted.
The operating environment may include gases that have harmful effects on the sensor of the detector. The detector cannot be used in the presence of the following gases: (1) High-concentration sulfides (such as H2S, SO2, etc.)(2) Halogen gases (such as chloride compounds, etc.)(3) Silicone (Si compounds)(4) High-concentration solvent gasesDo not use the detector in th e pr esence of the above (1) , ( 2), and (3) gases (such as h ig h-concentration sulfides, halo gen gases, silicone, etc.), which may shorten the sensor life significantly or cause malfunctions such as inaccurate readings. In case the detector is used for detection in the presence of silicone, etc., be sure to check the gas sensitiv it i es before using it again. If the above (4) gas (high-concentration solvent gas) is exposed, a crack may occur in the unit. Thus, do not use high-concentration solvent gases.
About battery replacement
Never fail to tur n off the po wer of the detector before replacing the b atteries.
Replace both of the two batteries with new ones at one time.
Pay attention to the polarities of the bat te r i es.
In a low-temperature environment, the operating time is shortened due to the battery performance property.
At low temperat ures, the responses of the LCD display may slow down.
Perform air calibration under pressure and temperature/humidity conditions close to those in
the operating en v iro nment and in fresh air.
Perform air calibr ation after the readi ng is stabilized.
If there is a sudden temperature change of 15ºC or more between the storage and operational
locations, tur n on t h e p o we r of th e de tector, let it stand for more than 5 minutes in a similar environment to the operational location, and perform air calibration in fresh air before using it.
When cleaning the de te cto r, do not splash water over it o r use o r gani c solv en ts such as alcohol and benzine on i t. The sur f ac e of th e d etector may be disco lored or damaged.
If the detector is not used for a long time, turn on the power at least once every six months and check that the pump draws in air (about three minutes). The detector, when not activated for a long time, ma y ce as e to wo r k because of hardenin g of th e gr e ase in the pump motor.
If the detector is not used for a long time, store it after removin g t he batteries. Battery leaks may result in fire, injury, etc.
When the detect or is us ed again after a long-period storage, never fail to perform air calibration. For information on readjustment including air calibration, please contact RKI.
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2-4. Safety information (for ATEX/IECEx specifications)
Portable gas leak detector S P-2 2 0 is a g as detector to continuously detect combustible gases. The detector draws gases with the internal micro pump. Use only two TOSHIBA AA alkaline batteries (LR6T) connected in series for power supply. Do not replace the dry batteries in a hazardous location.
Explosion-proof specifications
Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
Operating temperature range: -20 to +55°C
Electrical sp e cif ications
Only TOSHIBA AA alkaline batteries (LR6T) can be used.
Certificate Number
IECEx: IECEx PRE 15.0060
ATEX: Presafe15 A TEX7188
Applied standards
IEC 60079-0:2011 EN60079-0:2012 IEC 60079-11:2011 EN60079-11:2012
Do not replac e t he battery unit in a hazar dous location. Do not replac e t he dry batteries in a ha zardous location. Do not disassemble/modify the unit. Use only TOSHIBA AA alkaline batteries (LR6T) for the dry battery unit.
INST. No. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A B C D E A: Manufacturing year (0-9) B: Manufacturing month (1-9, XYZ for Oct.-Dec.) C: Manufacturing lot D: Serial number E: Factory code
RIKEN KEIKI CO., LTD. 2-7-6 Azusawa, Itabashi-ku, T okyo, 174-8744 Japan Web site: http://www.rikenkeiki.co.jp/
TOSHIBA AA alkaline batteries (LR6) can be used for TIIS specifications.
II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga
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3. Product Components
3-1. Names and functions for each part
This section describes names and functions of main unit, the battery unit parts, and the LCD display.
Main unit
Gas inlet
Collects gas es.
Alarm LED arrays
Blinks or lights up in response to an alarm.
LCD display
Displays gas concentrations, measured gas name, alarms, etc.
AIR button
Keep this switch pressed to perform air calibration. Used to change the screen and decrease numerical values in the setting mode.
MODE button
Press this switch to change between display modes. Used to change the screen and increase numerical values in the setting mode.
POWER button
Turns the power ON or OFF . Used to change the screen and confirm values in the setting mode.
Gas outlet
Exhausts the gas dr a wn in t o the detector. (Do not block it.)
Alarm LED arrays
Blinks or lights up in response to an alarm.
Infrared port
Used during inf ra r e d c om m un ications.
Battery cover
Protects the battery. Remove it to replace the batteries.
LED light
Provides you light for work.
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Standard accessories
Unpack and check the main unit and accessories.
AA alkaline battery (2 pcs) ( ins tal l ed)
Taper nozzle (1 pc)
Rubber protec tion cover (1 pc) (Protect the detector from shocks by being hit, etc.)
Hand strap (1 pc)
Replacement hydrophobic filters (5 pcs)
Product warra n t y ( 1 pc)
Operating manual (1 pc)
Quantity Name
Rubber protection cover
1 pc
AA alkaline batt ery
2 pcs
Taper nozzle
1 pc Hand strap
1 pc
Replacement hydrophobic filters
1 bag
(5 pcs
1 pc
1 pc
If there is anything missing, contact RKI.
Approx. 9 g
Approx. 70 mm
Approx. 2 g
Approx. 150 mm
Do not remove the panel sheet on the display. The water-proof and dus t-proof performances will be deteriorated.
Do not affix a label or the like on the infrared port. Infrared communications can no longer be conducted.
42 g
Approx. 44 g
Approx. 14.5 mm
Approx. 42.5 mm
Approx. 149 mm
Approx. 50 mm
Approx. 1g
φ16 mm
Plastic bag
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LCD display
Operating state display
Displays the operating status in the detection mode. Normal: Blinking
Flow check display
Displays the drawing status. Normal: Rotating
Gas concentration display
Displays gas concentration and units (ppm).
Alarm sound display
Displays the setting status of the alarm sound.
Operation sound display
Displays the setting status of the operation sound.
Battery level icon
Displays a reference of the battery level.
Bar meter display
Displays the level of gas concentration in the form of a bar meter.
Mode display
Displays the measuring mode status.
Gas name and message display
Displays the gas name and a message according to the function.
The meanings of bat tery level icons are as follows:
: Sufficient/ : Low/ : Needs replacement If the batter y lev e l further drops, the insid e of the battery icon starts to bl i nk ( ).
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4. How to Use
4-1. Before using the detector
First-time users and user s wh o ha v e a lr ea dy used the detector must follow the operating precautions. Ignoring the pr ec autions may damage t h e u n it, res u lt i ng in in ac curate gas measurement.
4-2. Preparation for start-up
Before use, read and understand the following precautions. Ignoring these may cause inaccurate gas detection.
The batteries are installed (with sufficient battery level). Check that the taper nozzle and filter are not contaminated. Check that the taper nozzle is not bent or has no hole. Check that the nipple to which the taper nozzle is attached is not loose.
4-3. How to replace the batteries
When the detector is used for the firs t t ime, or when the battery level is low, attach two new AA alkaline batteries according to the following procedures.
1 Check that the power of the
detector is turned off.
Turn off the power if it is turned on.
Turn the lock plate
counterclockwise and open
the battery cover.
Remove old batteries and
then put new batteries while observing the correct polarity.
Close the battery cover and
tur n t he lock plate clockwise to lock.
Battery cover
Lock plate
Dry batteries
Displaying batte ry
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Never fail to turn off the power of the detector bef ore replacing the batteries.
Replace the batteries in a safe plac e.
Replace both of the two batteries with new ones at one time.
Pay attention to the polarities during replacement. Replace while checking the battery polarities
stamped on the body.
If the batter y cov er is not completel y locked, the dry batter ies m a y become dislodged or wa ter may get in through the clearan ce. Wa ter may also get in if a minute forei gn sub stan ce is caugh t between the detector and battery cover.
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4-4. How to start the detector
When the power is t ur n ed on , a s e lf -diagnostic starts, and then the detector enters the detection mode.
Press and hold th e POWER button until the buzzer blips (one second or longer) to turn o n th e po w e r. When the power is t ur n ed on , th e LCD display chang es au tomatically as sho wn be l o w, and the detec t or enters the detection mode.
Press and hold t he POWER button for one second or longer.
Hold it down until all the LCDs and alarm lamp light up and the buz zer bl ips.
All LCDs light
display *
Gas name/
full scale display
Warm-up time
Display exam pl e:
Thursday, October 01, 20 1 5
(Display for city
Detection mode
Automatic air
The buzzer blips
once and the detection mode is
* The date/time di s play i s d isp lay ed o nly when the clock fun cti on i s en abl ed . It i s no t displayed because the
clock function is disabled by default.
To enable the clock function, see "6-3. Clock function ON/OFF setting" on page 36.
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When powering on after leaving the detector for more than five minutes with the batteries removed, such as when powering on for the first time, replacing the batteries, et c., or powering on with the batteries inserted with incorrect polarities, a clock abnormality (FAIL CLOCK) may be triggered. When it is reset using the MODE butto n, the detector moves to th e da t e /t ime setting screen. S ee "6-2. Date/time setting" on page 35 and set the date/t ime.
Warm-up time (WARM UP) is different depending on the stability status of the sensor.
If the detector is not used for a long peri o d, war m-up time may be long er or a s en s or ab n or mality
(FAIL SENSOR) may be displayed. In such a case, restar t the detector.
The detector performs air c al i br at io n a utomatically duri ng start-up. If an envir o nment where the detector is tur ne d o n is d iffere nt from the atmosph ere being measured, perform air calibration again in the measured atmosphere.
About LCD backlight
Pressing the AIR, MODE or POWER button turns on the LCD backl i gh t. The LCD bac klight goes off after 30 seconds of no operation. When an alarm is tr ig g ered, the LCD backlig h t l ig hts up automatically.
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4-5. Basic operating procedures
The detectio n m od e is used after power-on. Gas is detected i n th e ppm range.
Hold down for
3 secs
lamp lights
Hold down for
1 sec
Hold down for
3 secs
Hold down for 3 secs
<AIR calibration>
<Alarm setpoint change>
<Snap logger record>
<Operation/alarm sound ON/OFF>
<Peak clear> <Peak hold ON/OFF> <Display mode>
* Displayed only when the clock
function is enabled See "6-3. Clock function ON/OFF setting" on page 36.
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4-6. How to detect
While the detector is ope rati ng in det e ction mode , put th e tip o f the ta pe r nozz le clo se to the det e cti on area and draw sample. The detector measures gas in the ppm range. If a gas is drawn, the detected gas concentration is displayed with the bar meter on the LCD display.
Before performing gas detection , at tac h th e ta p er no z z le pro v i de d wi t h th e detector to preve nt disturbances by air dust.
While conducting measurement in a manhole or confined space, do not lean over or look into the manhole or closed space. It may lead to dangers because oxygen-deficient air or other gases may blow ou t.
Oxygen-deficient air or oth er gases may be discharg e d f rom the gas exhaustin g ou t le t of the detector. Never inhale t he air or gases.
High-concentration (100% LEL or higher) combustible gases may be discharged from the gas exhausting o ut l et of th e de tector. Never use fire near it.
The detector is designed to draw gases around it under the atmospheric pressure. If excessive pressure is applied to the gas inlet and outlet of the detector, detected gases may leak out from its inside and may cause dangerous conditions. Be sure that excessive pressure is not applied to the detector while used.
When performing an air calibrati o n, v erify that you are in a fr es h a ir en v ir onment before starting. If interference gases or other gases exist, the adjustment cannot be performed properly, thus leading to dangers when the gas leaks.
Issuance of a gas alarm indicates t ha t th er e are ex tr e me dangers. Take proper acti ons based on your judgment.
Before use, check that there remains sufficient battery power . When the detector is not used for a long period, the batteries may be exhausted. Never fail to replace them with new ones before use.
If a low battery alarm is triggered, gas detection cannot be conducted. If the alarm is triggered during use, turn off the power and promptl y replace the batteries i n a safe area.
Do not block the buzzer sound opening. No alarm sound can be heard.
If the main unit is dropped or given a shock, the reading may rise and it may remain so. In such
a case, perform air calibration in a place where the surrounding air is fresh.
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