RKI Instruments, Inc. warrants gas alarm equipment sold by us to be free from
defects in materia ls and workmans hip, and perform ance for a perio d of one year from
date of shipment from RKI Instruments, Inc. Any parts found defective within that
period will be repair e d or repl ace d, at our optio n, fre e of char ge . This w arra nty do es
not apply to those items which by their nature are subject to deterioration or
consumption in normal service, and which must be cle aned, repaired, or replac ed o n
a routine basis. Examples of such items are:
Absorbent cartridgesBatteries
Pump diaphragms and valvesFilter elements
Warranty is voided by abuse including mechanical damage, alteration, rough
handling, or repairs procedures not in accordance with the instruction manual. This
warranty indicates the full extent of our liability, and we are not responsible for
removal or replacement costs, local repair costs, transportation costs, or contingent
expenses incurred without our prior approval.
This warranty covers instruments and parts sold to users only by authorized
distributors, dealers, and representatives as appointed by RKI Instruments, Inc.
We do not assume indemnification for any accident or damage caused by th e
operation of th is gas mo nitor an d our war ranty is li mited to r eplacement of par ts or our
complete goods.
CAUTION:Read and understand this manual before using the SDM-2012. Also
read and understand the GX-2012 Operator’s Manual and/or Gas
Tracer Operator’s Manual.
Table of Contents
This section briefl y describes the S DM-2012 D ocking S t ation, the Single Modul e Data
Viewer Program, and the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller Program. This
section also describes the SDM-2012 Docking Station PC Controlled Configuration Operator’s Manual (this document). Table 1 at the end of this section lists the SDM2012’s specifications.
The SDM-2012 Docking Station is an advanced, reliable system that provides
charging, calibratio n, bump test in g, and cali brati on and bu mp test r ecords for the GX2012 and Gas T r acer port able g as monitor s. It is de signed to s ave the calibrati on and
bump test reco rds to a USB flash drive (standalone functionality) or to be connected
directly to a computer (PC controlled functionality). If calibration and bump test
records are stored to a USB flash drive while operating in the standalone
configuration, the Single Module Data Viewer Program can then be used with a
Windows-based personal computer to retrieve calibration and bump test data files
from the USB flash drive or from the computer’s hard drive if the files have been
transferred to the hard drive from the flash drive. If you are using the PC Controller
Program while operating in the PC controlled configuration, you may retrieve
instrument data, bump test, and calibrate up to 10 units at once. Instrument
information and data for each instrument can be viewed directly using the PC
Controller Program and can be printed from the PC Controller Program. For
instructions to use the SDM-2012 in th e S tan dalone config uration, see th e SDM-2012 Docking Station Standalone Configuration Operator’s Manual.
The purpose of this manual is to explain how to set up and use the SDM-2012 in PC
Controlled config uratio n. It also explai ns how to use the SD M-GX Doc king S t ation PC
Controller Program. You will learn how to:
•install and launch the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller Program
•setup the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller Program for use with the
•prepare the SDM-2012 for use
•bump test and calibrate up to 10 units using the PC controlled configuration
•use the SDM-2012 to charge a GX-2012 or Gas Tracer
•view, print, and export calibr ation and bump test records
•view instrumen t inf or m ati on and data using the PC Controller Program
•update instrument parameters using the PC Controller Program
1 • Introduction
CAUTION:The GX-2012 and Gas Tracer detect oxygen deficiency and elevated
levels of oxygen, combustible gases, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen
sulfide (GX-2012 only), all of which can be dangerous or life
threatening. When using the GX-2012 or Gas Tracer, you must follow
the instructions and warnings in the GX-2012 Operator’s Manual or
Gas Tracer Operator’s Manual to assure proper and safe operation of
the unit and to minimize the risk of personal injury.
CAUTION:The operator of this instr umen t is advised that if the equi pment is u sed
in a manner not specifie d in this manual, the protection pr ovided by the
equipment may be impaired.
System Requirements
To use the SDM-GX Docking St atio n PC Controll er Softw are, your perso nal computer
must meet the following requirements:
•Operating System s: Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, Windows® 7.
•Processor: IBM® compatible PC running Pentium® 2 processor or equivalent
•Memory: 3 2 MB RAM minimum
•Hard Disk Space: 32 MB minimum
•CD-RO M Drive
•One (for 4 or less SDM-2012s) or two (for 5 or more SD M-2012s) available
USB port(s), one or two USB hubs may also be needed depending on the
number of SDM-2012s in your system. See “USB Hub Requirements for
Multiple Station Systems” on page 12.
System Requirements • 2
Table 1: SDM-2012 Specifications
Input Power12 VDC
NOTE: AC Adapter with 100 - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz,
0.6A input and 1 2 VDC, 1.2A output provided as
Environmental Conditions•For Indoor Use Only
•-10° C to 40° C, below 80% Relative Humidity, NonCondensing
Applicable InstrumentsGX-2012 and G as Tracer
Memory Capaci ty64 KB (S tandalone configuration only)
Maximum Record Size256 bytes (Standalone configuration only)
Maximum Number of
Records Saved
Number of Calibration Gas
Standard Accessories•AC Adapter
200 (Standalone configuration only)
Up to two calibration gas cylinders per bump test or
calibration at a time
•USB Flash Drive
•Single Module Data Viewer Software
•SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller
•Inlet Air Filter
•Instruction Manual
•10 Foot Long 5/16 Inch Exhaust Tube
•Two 3 Foot Long 3/16 Inch Tubes for GAS 1
and GAS 2 Fittings
•10 Foot Long 3/16 Inch Tube for GAS 1 and
GAS 2 Manifolding
3 • Specifications
•3 T-Fittings
•Check Valve
•USB Cable, Type A to Type B
About this Manual
The SD M-2012 D ocking S ta tion PC Controll ed Config uration O perator’s Man ual uses
the following conventions for notes, cautions, and warnings.
NOTE:Describes additional or critical information.
CAUTION:Describes potentia l damage to equipm en t.
WARNING:Describes potential danger that can result in injury or death.
Cautions & Safety Information
•Use only polyurethane sample tubing with the SDM-2012. Consult RKI
Instruments, Inc. for other materials.
•Do not subject the SDM-2012 to infrared or intense light. This may cause
communication errors.
•Do not expose the SD M-2012 to water.
•Do not subject the SDM-2012 to any hard impact.
About this Manual • 4
To Power Jack
on SDM-2012
Back Panel
Figure 1: Single-Port AC Adapter
To Power Jack
on SDM-2012
Back Panels
Figure 2: 3-Port AC Adapter
This section describes the SDM-2012 docking station. It is designed to be used on a
table top and cons ists of the AC ad aptor , T ype A to T y pe B USB cable, air filte r , check
valve, 3 plasti c T-fittings, sample tubing, instrument panel, back panel, control panel,
status LEDs, and 2 USB ports.
AC Adapter
Single-Port AC Adapter
The single-port AC ada pt er is a w all plug style ada pter w ith a 5 f oot cable. The en d of
the cable has a plug that connects to the power jack on the SDM-2012’s back panel.
The AC adapter is rated 100 - 240 VAC input, 12 VDC 1.2 A output.
3-Port AC Adapter
The 3-port AC adapter is a wall plug style adapter with three 5-foot cables. The end of
each cable has a plug that connects to t he power jack on the SDM-2012’s back
panel. The AC adapter is rated 100 - 240 VAC input, 12 VDC 2.0 A output.
5 • Description
USB Cable
Type A, for
connection to
PC USB port
Type B, for connection
to USB port on the
SDM-2012's back panel
Exhaust Tubing, 5/16 Inch
ID,10 feet
Particle Filter for Air Inlet
Calibration Gas Sample Tubing, 3/16
Inch ID, 3 feet, 2 Tubes Included
Manifold Tubing, 3/16 I nch
ID,10 feet
Figure 4: Air Filter & Sample Tubing
A Type A to Type B USB cable is provided with the docking station. It is used to
connect the USB port on the back of the SDM-2012 to a computer.
Figure 3: USB Cable
Air Filter, Sample Tubing, and Chec k Valve
A cylindrical particle filter with a short length of tubing is supplied with the SDM-2012
for installation to the AIR fitting on the back panel. The filter keeps particulate
contamination out of the docking station.
Three types of sampl e tubes are i nclude d with the docking st atio n. Two 3 foot lengths
of 3/16 inch ID p olyurethane tubing are provided to connect the regulator on a
calibration cylinder to the GAS 1 and GAS 2 fittings on the back panel. One 10 foot
length of 3/16 inch ID polyurethane tubing is provided for GAS 1 and GAS 2 manifold
construction (if desired). In addition, a 10 foot length of 5/16 inch ID polyurethane
tubing is provided for connection to the exhaust fitting on the back panel to allow
routing of the exhaust to a location su ch as an open window where the exhaust can
WARNING:Do not use an exhaust tube that is longer than 10 feet. The increased flow
restriction caused by a longer tube may affect gas response and cause
inaccurate calibration and bump test results.
Description • 6
A check valve is included with the SDM-2012. It is intended for use on the exhaust
Figure 5: Check Valve
For Exhaust
Figure 6: T- Fittings
fitting when manifolding multiple docking stations together. See “Assembling a
Manifold for Multiple SDM-201 2 Units” on page 15 for manifolding instructions.
Three T-fittings are included with the SDM-2012. The larger fitting is for the exhaust
tubing manifold constr uction. The two sma ller fittings a re for GAS 1 and G AS 2 tubing
manifold construction.
7 • Description
Instrument Panel
Exhaust Line
GasOut to
Instrument Line
Alkaline Battery
Pack Cradle
Charging Contacts
IR Port
Exhaust Line (Must Be
Installed by User)
Lithium Ion Battery
Pack Cradle
Exhaust Line Connection Fitting
Figure 7: Instrument Panel (Shown Without Recess Cover Flap)
The instrument panel is on the top of the SDM-2012 and includes the instrument
cradle, the IR port, the charging contacts, the exhaust line connection fitting, and the
gas out to instrument line . The in strum en t cra dl e con si st s of two r ecesse d ar ea s and
is designed to accept the instrument. The recess at the front of the instrument panel
is for instruments that have a Li-ion battery pack installed. Charging contacts are
located at the back of this recess. The recess behind the Li-ion batter y pa ck cradle i s
for instruments that have an alkaline battery pack installed. A plastic flap covers the
recess that is not in use. Insert the instrument into the appropriate instrument cradle
recess when you perform a bump test, calibrat e, or charge an instrumen t. An infrared
(IR) port in the fron t rece ss lines up w ith the in strumen t’ s IR por t when it is inse rted in
either recess and is used to communicate with the instrument. The exhaust line
connection fitting is in the upper left corner of the instrument panel. The exhaust line
is not factory installed and must be installed by the user. An exhaust line storage
fitting is located along the right side of the instrument panel and accepts the fitting at
the end of the exhaust line for storage. The gas out to instrument line is coiled and
stored in a recess in the upper middle portion of the instrument panel.
Description • 8
GX-2012 OFF
Recess Cover Flap
Figure 8: Instrument Panel with Alkaline Instrument Installed
GX-2012 OFF
Recess Cover F lap
Figure 9: Instrument Panel with Lithium Ion Instrument Installed
9 • Description
Back Panel
Gas 2 Fitting
Power Jack
Air Fitting
Gas 1 Fitting
Back Panel USB
Port (Type B),
For Computer
Exhaust Fitting
Figure 10: Back Panel
The back panel includes the power jack, sample fittings, and a USB PC connector.
Power Jack
The power jack is located in the bottom left corner of the back panel. The plug on the
end of the AC adapter cable mates to it.
Sample Fittings
Four sample fittings are located on the back o f the SDM-2012. The AIR fitting is in the
upper left corner and draws air into the SDM-2012. The two GAS fittings are in the
center of the back panel and are used to connect the SDM-2012 to calibration gas
cylinders. The GAS 1 fitting is above the GAS 2 fitting. All three fittings accept 3/16
inch ID tubing.
An exhaust fitting is located in the upper right corner. It allows routing of the
exhausted calibration gas to a convenient location. This fitting accepts 5/16 inch ID
tubing. Even though the exhau st gas can be r outed to an area to b e safely disp ersed,
the docking station should still be installed in a well ventilated a rea.
PC Connection
A type B USB connection is located beneath the exhaust fitting on the SDM-2012’s
back panel. It is used to connect the SDM-2012 to a PC.
Description • 1 0
Control Panel
GX-2012 O FF
SDM-20 12
Control Buttons
Figure 11: Control Panel
The control panel is us ed to setup and operate the docking station in the Standalone
configuration. It is located at the front of the docking station. It includes the control
buttons, the control button LEDs, and the CHARGE status LED.
Five control butto ns are located on the control p anel. From lef t to right the y are BUMP
ENTER, and COPY control buttons are not used in the PC Controlled configuration of
the SDM-2012. The BUMP T LED and CAL S LEDs indicate the results of bump
tests and calibrations, respectively. The COPY LED does not indicate anything in the
PC Controlled configuration but will be on if the SDM-2012 was used in the
Standalone configuration and calibration and bump test records are still stored in the
SDM-2012’s memory. The CHARGE LED is located above the POWER button and
functions as a pilot LED, a system failure LED, and a charge indication LED.
The POWER button turns the SDM-2012 on and off.
11 • Description
Front Panel
Figure 12: Front Panel
A type A USB port is located on the front of the docking station. This port can be used
to save calibration and bump test data to a USB flash drive. This USB port is for use
only in the Standalone configuration of the SDM-2012 and is not used in the PC
Controlled configuration.
NOTE:The SDM-2012 does not support connection of a computer to the front
USB port, only a USB flash drive.
USB Hub Requirements for Multiple
Station Systems
If you have more docking stations than you have available USB ports, you will need a
USB hub. RKI provides both a 4-port hub and a 7-port hub. If you have more than 7
docking stations, you will need to purchase one of each hub. Do not connect one hub
to the other. Make sure that each USB hub has its own USB port on your computer.
You may also purchase your own USB hub of any port number from your local
electronics store but it must meet the following requirements:
•USB 2.0
•compatible with your Windows
An AC adapter comes with the USB hub(s) sold by RKI but does not need to be
plugged in for SDM-2012 operation. If the hub will be used to charge other devices,
the AC adapter needs to be plugged in.
operating system
USB Hub Requirements for Multiple Station Systems • 12
Hardware Setup
Figure 13: SDM-2012 Arrangement
This section describes how to assemble the hardware that came with the SDM-2012,
assemble a manifold, and connect calibration gas.
Hardware Assembly
The hardware assembly consists of connecting the AC adapter(s), installing the air
filter(s), installing the check valve(s), connecting the sample tubing and connecting
the USB cable(s). The SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller software can support
1-10 SDM-2012 docking stations connected at the same time. Perform the following
steps to complete the hardware assembly for each SDM-2012:
1.Place the SDM-2012(s) on a convenient table top near an AC wall socket or
power strip in a well ventilated area. A location near a window that can be
opened is best so that the exhaust can be routed to the window.
2.If you have more than one SDM-2012, arrange them side by side as shown in
Figure 13 below. Each docking station has three connection tabs on the left
side near the bottom of the station and three connection recesses on the right
side near th e bottom of the station. The tabs from one docking statio n can be
pushed into the recesses on another station to mechanically connect the
docking stations.
3.Insert the round plug on the end of each AC adapter’s cable into the power
jack on the back of each SDM-2012.
NOTE:If you have multiple SDM-2012s and are using a 3-port AC adapter,
plug each of the round plugs on the end of the AC adapter into the
power jack on th e back of 3 separate SDM-2012s.
4.Connect the AC adapter’s wall plug into a wall AC socket or power strip.
5.Install the exhaust line, a clear 12 inch long tube with a black plastic push-on
13 • Hardware Setup
fitting, by pushing the open end of the exhaust tube onto the exhaust line
Open En d
GX-2012 O FF
Instru men ts, I nc .
www.rkiins truments.com
Blac k Push On Fitti n g
Step 2:
Black Push
On Fitting
Step 1:
Ope n End
Figure 14: Installing the Exhaust Line
connection fitting located in the upper left corner of the instrument panel. You
may then push the black push on fitting of the exhaust line onto the exhaust
line storag e fitting on the other side of the instrument panel.
6.Install th e air filter to the AI R fitting of ea ch SD M-2012 so that th e ar row on the
filter that in dicates dir ection of fl ow is poin ting toward s t he AI R fitt ing. Push the
open end of the flexible tube that is on one end of the filter onto the AIR fitting
on the back of the SDM-2012.
7.Install the 10 foot long 5/16 inch ID flexible tube that is included with each
SDM-2012 on the exh aust fitting of e ach SDM-2012 . Route the t ube to an area
where the exhaust can b e safe ly d isperse d, such as an ope n w indow. Exhaust
tubing from multiple units can be daisy chained together in a manifold for more
convenient operation. In this case, the check valves that are provided with th e
docking stations need to be used. See "Assembling a Manifold for Multiple
SDM-2012 Units" below for instructions.
CAUTION:The maximum recomme nded le ngth for th e exha ust tube is 10 feet. Do
not use more than 10 feet of tubing or tubing with an ID of less than
5/16 inch for the exhaust tube or the bump test and calibration
accuracy will be adversely affected. The exhaust tube that is shipped
with the SDM-2012 has an ID of 5/16 inch and is 10 feet long.
Hardware Setup • 1 4
8.Install the 3 foot long 3/16 inch ID tubes that are included with the SDM-2012
on the GAS 1 and GAS 2 fittings. GAS 1 and GAS 2 tubing from multiple units
can be daisy chained together in a manifold for more convenient operation.
See "Assembling a Manifold for Multiple SDM-2012 Units" below for
9.Connect the provided USB cord from the type B USB port on the bac k of the
SDM-2012 to an available USB port on your computer or to a USB hub that is
connected to your computer. See “USB Hub Requirements for Multiple Station
Systems” on page 12 for more information about USB hubs.
Assembling a Manifold for Multiple SDM-2012 Units
Up to 10 SDM-2012 s can be manifolded together and draw from one gas cylinder. If
you only have standard 4-gas GX-2012s, you only need to create a manifold for the
GAS 1 fitting. If you have a st andar d 4-gas GX -201 2 plu s a %volu me sens or, you will
need to create one manifold for the GAS 1 fitting and another manifold for the GAS 2
fitting. If you have a Gas Tracer of any configuration, you will need to create one
manifold for the GAS 1 fitting and ano ther ma nifold for the GAS 2 fitting. Th e exhau st
lines can also be manifolded together and be routed away from the docking stations
with only one 10 foot long 5/16 inch piece of tubing.
Each SDM-2012 is shipped with exhaust tubing, GAS 1 and GAS 2 tubing, T-fittings
in two different sizes, and a check valve.
Exhaust Tubing
Reference Figure 15 for the in structions below.
1.Cut a 1- 2” pi ece o f 5/ 16 in ch tubi ng fo r each SDM- 2012 a nd con ne ct it to each
unit’s exhaust fi tting.
2.Connect the provided check valves to the short pieces of tubing already
installed at the exhaust fittings. Be sure that the arrows that appear on the
check valve are pointing away fr om the exhaust fitting.
3.Cut a 2-3” piece of 5/16 inch tubing for every SDM-2012 except the first one
and connect it to the other end of the check valve.
4.Insert the larger T-fittings into the tubing so that the remaining two ports on the
T-fitting are perpendicular to the exhaust tube and check valve.
5.For the first SDM-2012, cut a 9-10” piece of 5/16 inch tubing and connect it
from the check valve on the first SDM-2012 to the closest port on the second
SDM-2012’s exhaust T-fitting.
6.Use one of the provided 10 foot lengths of tubing and connect it to the T-fitting
on the last SDM-2012 . The maxim um recomm ended e xhaust tub e lengt h is 10
7.For the r emaini ng SDM- 2012s, cut 6-7” pi eces of 5/16 inch tubing and con nect
the remaining T-fittings.
15 • Hardware Setup
7 inches
10 Foot Max
Exhaust Tube
To O penArea
Check Valve
9 inches
Uni t 1
Uni t 1 0Uni t 9Uni t 2
Figure 15: Exhaust Tubing Connections
Hardware Setup • 1 6
GAS 1 and GAS 2 Tubing
NOTE:If you have only standard 4-gas GX-2012s, you do not need to
assemble a GAS 2 manifold. For ever y othe r instr um e nt con fi gura t ion,
a GAS 2 manifold does need to be assembled.
NOTE:If you are planning to bump test or calibrate GX-2012s and Gas
Tracers at the same time, create one manifold for the SDM-2012s that
will test the GX-2012s and a separate manifold for the SDM-2012s that
will test the Gas Tracers. See “Appendix A: Multiple Instrument
Configurations” on page 178 for instructions to bump test or calibrate
GX-2012s and Gas Tracers at once.
GX-2012 GAS 1, GAS 2 and Gas Tracer GAS 1 Tubing
Reference Figure 16 and Figure 17 for the instructions below.
1.Cut a 3-4” piece of 3/16 inch tubing for each GAS 1 and GAS 2 fitting on every
SDM-2012 except the last one.
2.Connect the tubing to the GAS 1 and GAS 2 fittings on every SDM-2012
except the last one.
3.Insert the smaller T-fittings into the tubing so that the remaining two ports on
the T-fitting are perpendicular to the GAS fitting.
4.Cut 6-7” pieces of 3/16 inch tubing and connect the T-fittings.
5.Cut two more 6-7” pieces of 3/16 inch tubing and connect the GAS 1 and GAS
2 fittings of the last SDM-2012 to the appropriate T-fittings from the second to
last SDM-201 2.
6.Cut 2 pieces of 3/1 6 inch tubi ng long enou gh for easy access to the calibrati on
cylinders and connect them to the T-fittings on the first SDM-2012.
Gas Tracer GAS 2 Tubing
You must use a 6 inch humidifier during calibration of th e ppm combustible gas
sensor. There are 3 options for calibration:
•use one calibration cylinder, one demand flow regulator, and one 6 inch
humidifier per SDM-2012
•have one calibration cylinder, one demand flow regul ator, and one 6 inch
humidifier and calibrate all Gas Tracers one at a time using one SDM-2012
•use one calibrat io n cylinder, one demand flow regulator, an d a manifold of up to
ten 6 inch humidifiers
If you choose to manifold the humidifiers together, complete the following manifold
assembly instruct ions, and reference Figure 18.
17 • Hardware Setup
NOTE:The following instructions can also be applied to the AIR fitting if you
are using a zero air cylinder and a humidifier tube to perform a WET air
1.Connect a 6 inch humidifier tube to the GAS 2 fitting on the back of each
2.Insert the smaller T-fittings into the open end of every humidifier tube except
the last one so that the remaining two ports on the T -fitting are perpendicular to
the GAS fitting.
3.Connect the last humidifier tube directly to the last T-fitting.
4.Cut 6-7” pieces of 3/16 inch tubing and connect the remaining T-fittings.
5.Cut a piece of 3/16 inch tubing long enough for easy access to the calibration
cylinders and connect them to the T-fitting on the first SDM-2012.
Hardware Setup • 1 8
Unit 9Unit 10
Unit 5
Unit 1Unit 2
Unit 3Unit 4
Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8
Figure 16: Gas 1 Manifold Connections
19 • Hardware Setup
Unit 10Unit 9
Unit 8Unit 7Unit 6
Unit 4Unit 3
Unit 2Unit 1
Unit 5
Figure 17: Gas 2 Manifold Connections
Hardware Setup • 2 0
Unit 2Unit 1
Unit 9
Unit 10
Figure 18: Gas Tracer Humidifier Manifold
21 • Hardware Setup
Connecting Calibration Gas
The GAS 1 and GAS 2 fittings on the back of the docking station are designed to be
used with a calibration gas cylinder that is fitted with a demand flow regulator. The
AIR fitting may be used with a demand flow regulator and a cylinder of zero
emissions air, but this is not normally necessary since the docking station will
generally be in a fresh air area.
The type of calibratio n g as cyli nd er u s ed de pen ds on the gas sensors installed in the
instrument being used w ith the cal ibration st ation. Typically a 4-gas m ix will be used if
the instrument being used with the calibration station is a 4-gas GX-2012 . If a 5sensor GX-2012 is being used, a 100% volume methane cylinder will also be needed.
If a Gas Tr acer is being used, a 1000 p pm me thane cylinde r and a 3-g as cylinde r are
needed. If a Gas Tracer with a %volume sensor is being used, a 1000 ppm methane
cylinder, a 3-gas cylinder, and a 100% volume methane cylinder are needed. The
1000 ppm methane cylinder should be connected to the GAS 2 fitting first. The
docking station will begin every bump test or calibration with the ppm sensor. The
user will need to ch ange th e GAS 2 cylinder to the 100% volu me m ethane cylin der (i f
%volume sensor installed) when prompted to do so by the PC Controller Program
during bump testing an d calib ra ti on .
Use Table 2 below as a guide in determ ining which and how many calibration gas
cylinders are appropriate for your system.
NOTE:Do not use a 4-gas cylinder or any cylinder that includes H2S when
bump testing or calibrating a Gas Tracer. H2S adversely affects the
ppm combustible sensor.
Table 2: Recommended Gas Cylinders
Typical Instrument Types
Recommended Calibration Gas
LEL/Oxy/H2S/CO (GX-2012)4-gas mix with CH4/Oxy/H2S/CO
LEL/Oxy/CO (GX- 2012) 3-gas mix with CH
LEL/Oxy/H2S (GX-2012)4-gas mix with CH4/Oxy/H2S/CO
%V o l CH4/LEL CH4/Oxy/H2S/CO
%V o l CH4/LEL CH4/Oxy/CO
ppm CH4/LEL CH4/Oxy/CO
(Gas Tracer)
•4-gas mix with CH4/Oxy/H2S/CO
•100% Volume CH
•3-gas mix with CH4/Oxy/CO
•100% Volume CH
•3-gas mix with CH4/Oxy/CO
•1000 ppm CH
Hardware Setup • 2 2
Table 2: Recommended Gas Cylinders
Typical Instrument Types
ppm CH
/LEL CH4/%vol CH4/Oxy/CO
(Gas Tracer)
Recommended Calibration Gas
•3-gas mix with CH4/Oxy/CO
•1000 ppm CH
•100% volume CH
To connect calibration gas to the SDM-2012, do the following:
1.If the area around the docking station is not considered a fresh air area (an
area free of combustible and toxic gases and of normal oxygen content,
20.9%) install a tube not longer than 10 feet on the filter attached to the AIR
fitting on the back of the docking station and route it to a fresh air area or
connect a cylinder of zero air with a demand flow regulator to the AIR fitting.
2.Install the demand flow regulat or on the calibration gas cylin der(s).
3.Connect the demand flow regulator to the GAS 1 or GAS 2 inlet fitting using
the 3 foot length of 3/16 inch ID sample tubing provided with the docking
For a 3- or 4-gas mix, connect the regulator to the GAS 1 inlet.
For a special calibration cylinder (ppm or %volume), connect the regulator to
the GAS 2 inlet.
NOTE:If you have set up a ma nifold for ca librati ng instr ume nt s, the r egula tors
can be connected to tubing leading to the manifold inlet in stead of
connected directly to the GAS 1 or GAS 2 inlet fitting.
EAGLE 2 and GX Type Instrument Connection
There are 2 different versions of the Docking Station PC Controller program. The
SDM-E2 Docking Station PC Controller program is intended for use with SDM-E2
docking stations and EAGLE 2 instruments. The SDM-GX Docking Station PC
Controller program is intended for use with GX t ype docking stations and GX type
Bump tests and calibrations can be performed on multiple EAGLE 2s and GX type
instruments at the same time. The SDM-E2 Docking Station PC Controller program
controls the EAGLE 2 functions while the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller
program controls the GX type instrument functions. Both programs can be used
simultaneousl y on your PC. Fo llow all i nstructions i n the SDM- E2 Docking Station PC
Controlled Conf iguration Op erator’s Manual as well as th e instructions in thi s manual.
23 • EAGLE 2 and GX Type Instrument Connection
Installing the SDM-GX Docking Station
PC Controller Software
1.Launch Windows®.
2.Exit from all applications and open windows.
3.There are two ways to install the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller
Software: by using the SDM-2012 product CD or by using the SDM-GX
Docking Station PC Controller Software Installation CD.
•If you are using the SDM-2012 Product CD, i nsert the Produ ct CD into your
computer’s CD-ROM drive. The CD will automatically open revealing
several folders. Open the S DM-GX Docking S tation PC Controller Software
folder, double click on setup.exe and continue with step 4.
•If you are using the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller Software
Installation CD, it will automatically begin the installation process. Insert it
in your computer’s CD-ROM drive, then continue with step 4.
4.The SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller InstallShield Wizard comes up to
guide you through installation. Click Next to proceed to the License Agreement
5.Read the license agreement and click the agreement acceptance selection
box, then click Next to proceed to the Customer Information window.
6.Enter a user name and organization and select if you want to install the
program for all users on the computer or just for your user account, then click
Next to proceed to the Destination Folder window.
7.The default installation folder (C:\Program Files\SDM-GX\) is displayed. If you
want to install the software in the default folder continue with step 8. If you
want to install the software in a different location, click Change and choose a
new installation folder and then continue with step 8.
8.Click Next to proceed t o the Ready to Install the Program window.
9.Review the installation settings. If they are OK, click Install and the installation
process will begin. If you want to change installation settings, click Back and
change them to the desired settings.
10. During software installation, the installation program may find newer versions
of Windows files on your computer than those in the Installation CD. If this
happens, the installation software will ask you if you want to keep these newer
files. Click Yes to do so.
Installing the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller Software • 24
11. A Device Driver Window will appear prompting you to install necessary drivers.
You cannot continue the installation without installing the drivers.
Figure 19: Device Driver Installation
12. Click Next to install the drivers. The Wizard will find the appropriate drivers.
13. If this is the first time you are installing a PC Controller Program, a window will
appear saying that the file did not pass Windows logo testing. Click Continue
25 • Installing the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller Software
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