RKI Instruments, Inc. warrants gas alarm equipment sold by us to be free from
defects in materia ls and workmans hip, and perform ance for a perio d of one year from
date of shipment from RKI Instruments, Inc. Any parts found defective within that
period will be repair e d or repl ace d, at our optio n, fre e of char ge . This w arra nty do es
not apply to those items which by their nature are subject to deterioration or
consumption in normal service, and which must be cle aned, repaired, or replac ed o n
a routine basis. Examples of such items are:
Absorbent cartridgesBatteries
Pump diaphragms and valvesFilter elements
Warranty is voided by abuse including mechanical damage, alteration, rough
handling, or repairs procedures not in accordance with the instruction manual. This
warranty indicates the full extent of our liability, and we are not responsible for
removal or replacement costs, local repair costs, transportation costs, or contingent
expenses incurred without our prior approval.
This warranty covers instruments and parts sold to users only by authorized
distributors, dealers, and representatives as appointed by RKI Instruments, Inc.
We do not assume indemnification for any accident or damage caused by th e
operation of th is gas mo nitor an d our war ranty is li mited to r eplacement of par ts or our
complete goods.
CAUTION:Read and understand this manual before using the SDM-2009. Also
read and understand the GX-2009 Operator’s Manual.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter briefly describes the SDM-2009 Docking Station and the Single Module
Data Viewer Program. This chapter also describes the SDM-2009 Docking Station Standalone Operation Operator’s Manual (this document). Table 1 at the end of this
chapter lists the SDM-2009’s specifications.
About the SDM-2009
The SDM-2009 Docking Station is an advanced, reliable system that provides
charging, calibration, bump testing, and calibration and bump test records for the
GX-2009 portable gas monitor. It is designed to save the calibration and bump test
records to a USB flash drive (standal one functional ity) or to be conn ected directly to a
computer (PC contr olled f unctiona lity). If calibra tion an d bump test recor ds are stor ed
to a USB flash drive while operating in the standalone configuration, the Single
Module Data Viewer Program can then be used with a Windows-based personal
computer to retrieve calibration and bump test data files from the USB flash drive or
from the comput er’s hard drive if the fi les have b een transferre d to the hard driv e from
the flash drive. If you are using the PC Controller Program while operating in the PC
controlled configuration, you may retrieve instrument data, bump test, and calibrate
up to 10 instruments at once. Instrument in formation and data for each i nstrument
can be viewed directly using the PC Controller Program and can be printed from the
PC Controller Program. For instructions to use the SDM-2009 with the PC Controller
Program, see the SDM-2009 Docking S ta tion PC Co ntrolled Co nfiguration Op erator’s Manual.
The purpose of this manual is to explain how to set up and use the SDM-2009 in
Standalone configuration. It also explains how to use the Single Module Data Viewer
Program. You will learn how to:
•install and launch the Single Module Data Viewer Program
•prepare the SDM-2009 for use
•perform a bump test
•perform a calibration
•save calibration and bump test records to a USB flash drive
•view, print, and export calibr ation and bump test records
•use the SDM-2009 to charge an instrument
Overview • 1
CAUTION:The GX-2009 detect s oxygen defi ciency and elevated levels of oxygen ,
combustible gases, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen sulfide, all of
which can be dange r ous or life threatening. Wh en using the GX-2009,
you must follow the instructions and warnings in the GX-2009
Operator’s Manual to assure proper and safe operation of the
instrument and to minimize the risk of personal injury.
CAUTION:The operator of this instr umen t is advised that if the equi pment is u sed
in a manner not specifie d in this manual, the protection pr ovided by the
equipment may be impaired.
System Requirements
To use the Single Module Data Viewer Software, your personal computer must meet
the following requirements:
•Operating System s: Windows® XP, Windows® Vista, Windows® 7.
•Processor: IBM
compatible PC running Pentium® 2 processor or equivalent
•Memory: 3 2 MB RAM minimum
•Hard Disk Space: 32 MB minimum
•CD-RO M Drive
•Available USB port
2 • System Requirements
Table 1: SDM-2009 Specifications
Input Power12 VDC
NOTE: AC Adapter with 100 - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz,
0.6A input and 1 2 VDC, 1.2A output provided as
Environmental Conditions•For Indoor Use Only
•-10° C to 40° C, below 80% Relative Humidity, NonCondensing
Applicable InstrumentsGX-2009
Memory Capacity64 KB
Maximum Record Size256 bytes
Maximum Number of
Records Saved
Number of Calibration Gas
Standard Accessories•AC Adapter
One calibration gas cylinder per bump test or
•USB Flash Drive
•Single Module Data Viewer Program
•SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller
•Inlet Air Filter
•Instruction Manual
•10 Foot Long Exhaust Tube
•One 3 Foot Long Tube for GAS Fitting
•10 Foot Long 3/16 Inch Tube for GAS
manifolding (used for PC Controlled
Configuration only )
•2 T-Fittings (used for PC Controlled
Configuration only )
•Check Valve (used for PC Controlled
Configuration only )
•USB Cable, Type A to Type B
Specifications • 3
About this Manual
The SDM-2009 Docking Station Standalone Configuration Operator’s Manual uses
the following conventions for notes, cautions, and warnings.
NOTE:Describes additional or critical information.
CAUTION:Describes potentia l damage to equipm en t.
WARNING:Describes potential danger that can result in injury or death.
Cautions & Safety Information
•Use only polyurethane sample tubing with the SDM-2009. Consult RKI
Instruments, Inc. for other materials.
•Do not subject the SDM-2009 to infrared or intense light. This may cause
communication errors.
•Do not expose the SD M-2009 to water.
•Do not subject the SDM-2009 to any hard impact.
4 • About this Manual
Chapter 2: Description
To Power Jack
on SDM-2009
Back Panel
Figure 1: Single-Port AC Adapter
To Power Jack
on SDM-2009
Back Panels
Figure 2: 4-Port AC Adapter
This section describes the SDM-2009 docking station. It is designed to be used on a
table top and cons ists of the AC ad aptor , T ype A to T y pe B USB cable, air filte r , check
valve, 2 plastic T-fittings, sample tubing, instru ment crad le, back pa nel, cont rol p anel,
status LEDs, and 2 USB ports.
AC Adapter
Single-Port AC Adapter
The single-port AC ada pt er is a w all plug style ada pter w ith a 5 f oot cable. The en d of
the cable has a plug that connects to the power jack on the SDM-2009’s back panel.
The AC adapter is rated 100 - 240 VAC input, 12 VDC 1.2 A output.
4-Port AC Adapter
The 4-port AC adapt er is a wa l l p lug style adapter with four 5-foot cables . The end of
each cable has a plug that connects to t he power jack on the SDM-2009’s back
panel. The AC adapter is rated 100 - 240 VAC input, 12 VDC 2.0 A output.
Overview • 5
USB Cable
Exhaust Tubing, 5/16 Inch
ID,10 feet
Particle Filter for Air Inlet
Calibration Gas Sample Tubing, 3/16
Inch ID, 3 fe et
Manifold Tubing, 3/16 Inch
ID,10 feet
Figure 4: Air Filter & Sample Tubing
A Type A to Type B USB cable is provided with the docking station. It is only for use
with the PC Controlled configuration. It is not used in the Standalone configuration.
Figure 3: USB Cable
Air Filter and Sample Tubing
A cylindrical particle filter with a short length of tubing is supplied with the SDM-2009
for installation to the AIR fitting on the back panel. The filter keeps particulate
contamination out of the docking station.
Three types of sample tubes are included with the docking station. One 3 foot length
of 3/16 inch ID polyurethane tubing is provided to connect the regulator on a
calibration cylinder to the GAS fitting on the back panel. One 10 foot length of 3/16
inch ID polyurethane tubing is provided for manifolding the GAS fitti ng . Th i s t ubing is
only needed in the PC Controlled configuration of the SDM-2009. In addition, a 10
foot length of 5/16 inch ID polyurethane tubing is provided for connection to the
exhaust fitting on the back panel to allow routing of the exhaust to a location such as
an open window where the exhaust can disperse.
6 • USB Cable
WARNING:Do not use an exhaust tube that is longer than 10 feet. The increased flow
Figure 5: Check Valve
For Exhaust
Figure 6: T- Fittings
restriction caused by a longer tube may affect gas response and cause
inaccurate calibration and bump test results.
A check valve is included with the SDM-2009 but is not needed for the Standalone
configuration. It is used for the PC Controlled configuration.
Two T-fittings are included with the SDM-2009. The larger fitting is for the exhaust
tubing. The smaller fitting is for the GAS tubing. Neither T-fitting is needed for the
Standalone configuration. They are used in the PC Controlled configuration.
Air Filter and Sample Tubing • 7
Instrument Cradle
GX-200 9 OFF
SDM-2009 Without GX-2009
GX-200 9 OFF
Charging Contacts
SDM-2009 With GX-2009
IR Port
Inst rum ent Cradle
Instrument Retaining
Figure 7: Instrument Cradle
The instrument cradle is a recessed area on the top of the SM-2009 that is designed
to accept the GX-2009. Insert the GX-2009 in the instrument cradle when you
perform a bump test or calibration. The cradle has charging contacts on the bottom
that mate with the contacts on the back of the GX-2009. There are sample ports in
the front of the cradle that match up with the GX-2009’s sensors and route air and
calibration gas to the sensors during a bump test or calibration. An infrared (IR) port
at the back of the cra dle l i ne s up wi th th e GX -2009’s IR port when it is inserted i n th e
cradle and is used to communicate with the GX-2009. A retaining tab that holds the
GX-2009 in the cradle is located to the right of the IR port.
8 • Instrument Cradle
Back Panel
Gas Fittin g
Exhaust Fitting
Back Panel USB
Port (Type B),
For Computer
Air Fitting
Power Jack
Figure 8: Fittings and Connections
The back panel includes the power jack, sample fittings, and a USB PC connector.
Power Jack
The power jack is located in the bottom left corner of the back panel. The plug on the
end of the AC adapter cable mates to it.
Sample Fittings
Three sample fittings are located on the back of the SDM-2009. The AIR fitting is in
the upper left corner and draws air into the SDM-2009. The GAS fitting is to the right
of the AIR fitting and is used to connect the SDM-2009 to a calibration gas cylinder.
Both fittings accept 3/16 inch ID tubing.
An exhaust fitting is located in the upper right corner. It allows routing of the
exhausted calibration gas to a convenient location. This fitting accepts 5/16 inch ID
tubing. Even though the exhau st gas can be r outed to an area to b e safely disp ersed,
the docking station should still be installed in a well ventilated a rea.
PC Connection
A type B USB connection is located beneath the exhaust fitting on the SDM-2009’s
back panel. It is only used for the PC Controlled conf iguration and is not used in the
Standalone configuratio n.
Back Panel • 9
Control Panel
GX-2009 OFF
SDM-200 9
Control Buttons
Figure 9: Control Panel
The control panel is us ed to setup and operate the docking station in the Standalone
configuration. It is located at the front of the docking station. It includes the control
buttons, the control button LEDs, and the CHARGE status LED.
Five control butto ns are located on the control p anel. From lef t to right the y are BUMP
control buttons each have an LE D above them that indi cates the status of th e function
controlled by that button. The CHARGE LED is located above the POWER button
and functions as a pilot LED, a system failure LED, and a charge indication LED.
Table 2: Control Butto n Functions
Control Button Function(s)
BUMP T•Initiates a bump test
•Cancels a bump test
•Moves down a list of para m ete rs
•Decreases an ad justable
Control Button LED
Indicates status of a bump test
in progress
10 • Control Panel
Table 2: Control Butto n Functions
Control Button Function(s)
CAL S•Initiates a calibration
•Cancels a calibration
•Clears data from docking station
memory (when used with COPY
•Moves up a list of parameters
•Increases an adjustable parameter
•Puts docking station into various
edit modes
•Makes a displayed parameter
•Escapes or cancels an operation
•Turns off connected instrument
(when used with POWER button)
COPY •Copies data to a USB flash drive.
•Clears data from docking station
memory (when used with CAL S
Control Button LED
Indicates status of a ca l ibr ation
in progress
•Indicates amount of docking
station memory used
•Indicates status of copying
•Indicates the result of a copy
POWER•Turns on the docking station
•Turns off the docking station
•Turns off connected instrument
(when used with EDIT ENTER
Control Pa nel • 1 1
Front Panel
Figure 10: Front Panel
A type A USB port is located on the front of the docking station. This port can be used
to save calibration and bump test data to a USB flash drive. This USB port is for use
only in the Standalone configuration of the SDM-2009.
NOTE:The SDM-2009 does not support connection of a computer to the front
USB port, only a USB flash drive.
12 • Front Panel
Chapter 3: Preparing to Use the SDM-2009
There are four tasks that must be completed before you can begin to use the
SDM-2009: hardware assembly, setting or confirming the bump test and calibration
parameters, connecting calibration gas, and installing the Single Module Data Viewer
Software on your computer. This chapter describes how to assemble the parts that
are shipped with the SDM-2009, how to set or view the bump test and calibration
parameters, and how to install the Single Module Data Viewer Software on a
Windows based personal computer.
Hardware Assembly
The hardware assembly co nsist s of connecti ng the AC ad apter, installing the a ir filter,
and connecting the sample tubing. Perform the following to complete the hardware
1.Place the SDM-2009 on a convenient table top near an AC wall socket in a
well ventilated area. A location near a window that can be opened is best so
that the exhaust can be routed to the windo w.
2.Connect the AC adapter’s wall plug into a wall AC socket.
3.Insert the round plug on the end of the AC adapter’s cable into the power jack
on the back of the SDM-2009.
NOTE:If you have multiple SDM-2009s and are using a 4-port AC adapter,
plug each of the round plugs on the end of the AC adapter into the
power jack on th e back of 4 separate SDM-2009s.
4.Install the air filter so that the arrow on the filter that indicates direction of flow
is pointing towards th e AIR fitting. P ush the open en d of the flexib le tube that is
on one end of the filter onto the AIR fitting on the back of the SDM-2009.
5.Install the 10 foot long 5/16 inch ID flexible tube that is included with the SDM2009 onto the exhaust fitti ng locate d in the upper lef t corner of th e back p anel .
Route the tube to an are a wh ere t he exha ust can be saf ely d ispersed , su ch as
an open window.
CAUTION:The maximum recomme nded le ngth for th e exha ust tube is 10 feet. Do
not use more than 10 feet of tubing or tubing with an ID of less than
5/16 inch for the exhaust tube or the bump test and calibration
accuracy may be adversely affected. The tube that is shipped with the
SDM-2009 has an ID of 5/16 inch and is 10 feet long.
6.Install the 3 foot long 3/16 inch ID tube that is included with the SDM-2009 on
the GAS fitting.
Overview • 1 3
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