RKI Instruments Pioneer 4W User Manual

Pioneer Gas Monitor
Operator’s Manual
Part Number: 71-0027RK Edition: Second Released: June 2001
RKI Instruments, Inc. • 33248 Central Ave, Union City, CA 94587 • (510) 441-5656
RKI Instruments, Inc., warranties gas alarm equipment manufactured by RKI and sold by RKI to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment from RKI Instruments, Inc. Any parts found defective within that period will be repaired or replaced, at our option, fr ee of char ge. This warranty does not apply to items that are subject to deterioration or consumption in normal service, and which must be cleaned, repaired, or replaced routinely. Those items include, but are not limited to:
absorbent cartridges sensors pump diaphragms and valves filter elements lamp bulbs and fuses batteries
This warranty is voided by mechanical damage, misuse, alteration, rough handling, or repairs not in accordance with the operator’s manual. This warranty indicates the full extent of our liability. We ar e not responsible for r emoval or r eplacement costs, local repair costs, transportation costs, or contingent expenses incurred without our prior approval.
, I
, I
. I
This warranty covers instruments and parts sold to end users by authorized distributors, dealers, and representatives of RKI Instruments, Inc.
We do not assume indemnification for any accident or damage caused by the operation of this gas monitor. Our warranty is limited to replacement of parts or our complete goods.
ii • Warranty Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
About the Pioneer Gas Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
About this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chapter 2: Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
External Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Internal Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Chapter 3: Installation and Start Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Mounting the Pioneer Gas Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Wiring the Pioneer Gas Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Starting Up the Pioneer Gas Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Chapter 4: Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Normal Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Alarm Indications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Instrument Setup Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Display Setpoints and Readings Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Chapter 5: Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Preventive Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Replacing Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Appendix A: Parts List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Appendix B: Gas Detectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Gas Detection Options for the Pioneer Gas Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Table of Contents • iii
iv Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter briefly describes the Pioneer Gas Monitor. This chapter also describes the
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
lists the specifications for the Pioneer.
About the Pioneer Gas Monitor
The Pioneer is a fixed-mounted, continuous-monitoring instrument. This multiple channel gas monitor is capable of detecting gas at up to four locations. The display screen simultaneously displays the gas readings of all active channels.
The Pioneer includes audible and visual alarms that warn you of hazardous gas conditions. The alarm circuit includes three levels of alarms: alarm 1, alarm 2, and alarm 3. The fail circuit alerts you to failures in the detector(s) or monitor.
(this document). Table 1-1 at the end of this chapter
Four instrument programs allow you to display and change instrument, channel, and calibration settings.
About this Manual
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
Chapters 1 through 5
start up, operate, and maintain the Pioneer.
Appendix A
accessories offered for the Pioneer.
Appendix B
with your Pioneer . If you add an additional gas detection channel at a later date, make sure you add the applicable manual insert to Appendix B to keep your manual up to date.
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
cautions, and warnings.
Describes additional or critical information.
is organized as follows:
describe components of the Pioneer and procedures to install,
lists the part numbers and descriptions for replacement parts and
includes manual inserts for the gas detection channels originally shipped
uses the following conventions for notes,
Describes potential damage to equipment.
WARNING: Describes potential danger that can result in injury or death.
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Introduction • 1
Table 1-1 lists specifications for the Pioneer. See the applicable detection insert in Appendix B, Gas Detectors, for specifications that apply to the detectors supplied with the Pioneer.
Input Power • 100 to 125 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Construction (housing) Fiberglass/polyester with lexan window (NEMA 4X) Dimensions 12.0 in. H x 10.0 in. W x 6.0 in. D Weight 8 lbs. (without analyzer cards or AC line cord) User Controls • Reset switch
Table 1-1: Specifications
• 200 to 250 VAC, 50/60 Hz (optional)
• 11 to 22 VDC or 23 to 60 VDC
• Program buttons (ESCAPE, UP/YES, DOWN/NO, and ENTER)
Relays Rated for 8 amps at 250 VAC resistive, Form C Standard Accessory Operator’s manual (this document)
2 • Introduction Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
Chapter 2: Description
This chapter describes external and internal components of the Pioneer Gas Monitor.
External Description
This section describes the housing and all external components of the Pioneer. For the purposes of this description, the housing door is considered the front of the monitor.
The Pioneer’s fiberglass housing is weather- and corrosion-resistant. It is suitable for installation where general purpose equipment is in use. The housing door is hinged on the left side and is secured by two latches on the right side. The display screen and status lights are visible through a window in the housing door. Four mounting feet are attached to the back of the housing (one at each corner). The mounting feet allow you to install the housing to a vertical surface. Four conduit hubs on the bottom of the housing are for external wiring connections.
To avoid electrical interference, do not route detector and power wiring through the same conduit hub. Always install a 3/4 in. NPT conduit plug in any unused hub. See Appendix A. Parts List, for ordering information.
The buzzer is on the bottom of the housing. It is behind the reset switch. The buzzer sounds audible alarms to warn you of gas alarms and instrument failures.
Reset Switch
The reset switch is on the bottom of the housing. It is in front of the buzzer. The reset switch serves three functions:
You can reset the alarm circuits for “latched” alarms after an alarm 1, alarm 2, or alarm 3 condition passes.
If the alarm silence setting is ON in the Instrument Setup program, you can silence the buzzer during an alarm 1, alarm 2, or alarm 3 condition. You cannot silence failure alarms.
You can adjust the alarm silence setting in the Instrument Setup program (see Chapter 4, Operation).
You can run the Display Setpoints and Readings program (see Chapter 4, Operation).
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Description • 3
Internal Description
This section describes the internal components of the Pioneer.
Display screen
Alarm lights
(see Fig. 2-2)
AC fuses
(115V—1 amp top only)
(220V—1/2 amp both)
Power switch
AC terminal strip
External wiring
terminal strips (lower)
External wiring
terminal strips (upper)
(behind switch)
Ground stud
(under display
screen board)
PILOT light
FAIL light
Program buttons
(see Fig. 2-2)
Analyzer card
Analyzer card
socket (4)
DC fuse
(3A, 250V)
Expansion terminal strip
Analyzer Card
terminal strips
Recorder output
Conduit hubs
(3/4 in. NPT)
Reset switch
Figure 2-1: Pioneer Gas Monitor Component Location
4 • Description Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
The Pioneer includes up to two AC fuses and one DC fuse.
AC fuse(s)
Two AC fuse holders are above the power switch (near the upper left corner of the main circuit board). The AC fuse(s) protects the AC line circuitry from short circuit or overload.
For a 115 VAC power source, a 1-amp fuse is installed in the top fuse holder. For a 220 VAC power source, two 1/2-amp fuses are installed in the top and bottom fuse holders.
DC fuse
The DC fuse is to the right of the fourth analyzer card socket (near the lower right corner of the main circuit board). The DC fuse protects the DC line circuitry from short circuit or overload. The DC fuse is rated at 3 amps.
The standard conguration is for 115 VAC operation. 220 VAC operation is an
optional conguration and must be specied when ordering.
Power Switch
The power switch is directly below the AC fuse. The power switch turns the incoming power source on and off at the Pioneer. When the switch is up, the power switch is on. A round polycarbonate guard is mounted to the switch bushing to protect against accidental contact with live parts on the circuit board near the switch.
The transformer is to the right of the AC fuse (under the display screen). The transformer receives the incoming AC voltage and converts it to a nominal DC voltage.
Ground Stud
The ground stud extends from the bottom left corner of the main circuit board. Remove the nut to install a ground wire terminated with a #10 lug, then replace the nut.
CAUTION: Do not use the GND terminal to connect the ground wire. Use the ground stud
described above.
Terminal Strips
The Pioneer includes four terminal strips for external wiring connections. See Chapter 3, Installation and Start Up, for wiring procedures.
NOTE: The analyzer card also includes three terminal strips. They are described at the
end of this chapter.
AC terminal strip
The 3-point AC terminal strip is below and to the right of the power switch. You connect the incoming AC power source to the AC terminal strip. The AC terminal strip is labeled
TB1 on the main circuit board. A polycarbonate terminal cover protects against
accidental contact with the live terminal screws once power to the unit is turned on.
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Description • 5
External wiring terminal strips
Two external wiring terminal strips are below the AC terminal strip and to the left of the relays. Each 12-point terminal strip includes a lower (terminals 1 through 6) and upper (terminals 7 through 12) row of terminals. The external wiring terminal strips are labeled
TB2 and TB3 on the main circuit board. Table 2-1 lists the function of the external wiring
terminal strips.
Table 2-1: Terminal Assignments for the External Wiring Terminal Strips
Terminal Number Wire to:
Expansion terminal strip
The 3-point expansion terminal strip is below and between the third and fourth analyzer card sockets (near the bottom right corner of the main circuit board). You can network up to four Pioneers together by using the expansion terminal strip. The expansion terminal strip is labeled TB4 on the main circuit board.
1 Not currently used
2, 3 RS-485 connection to a personal computer (PC)
4 Shield
5, 6 RS-232 connection to a PC
7 - 9 External alarm for common alarm 3 relay
10 - 12 External alarm for common alarm 2 relay
1, 2 DC power source (Y ou can use DC power as a primary
or backup power source.) 3, 4 The buzzer (factory-wired) 5, 6 The reset switch (factory-wired)
7 - 9 External alarm for common alarm 1 relay
10 - 12 External alarm for common fail relay
NOTE: Each analyzer card also includes alarm 3, alarm 2, and alarm 1 relays that are
dedicated to the channel that the analyzer card is plugged into.
Four relays are to the right of the external wiring terminal strips. The relays are single­pole, double-throw (SPDT) and are rated for 8 amps at 250 VAC (resistive). The relays are from top to bottom alarm 3, alarm 2, alarm 1, and fail. The relays are common for all channels. For example, the alarm 1 relay energizes when any active channel goes into an alarm 1 condition.
NOTE: You can select normally energized or normally de-energized relays in the
Instrument Setup program. This section describes the default setting: normally de-energized. The fail relay is factory-set as normally energized and is not user-selectable.
6 • Description Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
Display Screen
NOTE: The display screen, status lights, and program buttons are mounted to a small
circuit board. The circuit boar d is mounted to the main cir cuit board by standof fs.
The display screen is mounted to a circuit board that is installed in front of the main circuit board. The display screen simultaneously displays the target gas, measuring unit, and current gas reading of all active channels.
The display screen also displays messages, settings, and other data when you are operating the instrument programs (see Chapter 4, Operation).
FAIL light
PILOT light
Display screen
ALARM 3 light
ALARM 2 light
ALARM 1 light
Data logging chip (optional)
ESCAPE button
UP/YES button
DOWN/NO button
ENTER button
Figure 2-2: Display Screen Component Location
Status Lights
The Pioneer includes six status lights that indicate the current status of the monitor.
POWER light
The POWER light is on the main circuit board near the top edge. The green POWER light is on when the Pioneer has live power connected and the power switch is in the ON position.
PILOT light
The PILOT light is above the display screen and to the left of the FAIL light. The green PILOT light is on when the monitor is receiving incoming power. The PILOT light flashes when the alarms are disabled. The alarms are disabled during instrument warm up and when you enter one of the Pioneers various programs.
FAIL light
The FAIL light is above the display screen and to the right of the PILOT light. The FAIL light turns on when the Pioneer is experiencing a fail condition. A fail condition can be caused by a failure within the monitor or detector(s) wired to the monitor. See Chapter 5, Maintenance, or the troubleshooting section in the applicable detection insert to respond to a fail condition.
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Description • 7
ALARM 3 light
The ALARM 3 light is to the left of the display screen. The ALARM 3 light turns on when the Pioneer is experiencing an alarm 3 condition (see Chapter 4, Operation).
ALARM 2 light
The ALARM 2 light is to the left of the display screen and below the ALARM 3 light. The ALARM 2 light is on when the Pioneer is experiencing an alarm 2 or alarm 3 condition.
ALARM 1 light
The ALARM 1 light is to the left of the display screen and below the ALARM 2 light. The ALARM 1 light turns on when the Pioneer is experiencing an alarm 1, alarm 2, or alarm 3 condition.
Program Buttons
The Pioneer includes four program button that allow you to enter the instrument programs, navigate through the programs, update instrument and channel settings, and save changes to the program settings.
ESCAPE button
The ESCAPE button is above and to the right of the display screen. Use the ESCAPE button to:
move backward through the instrument programs
cancel changes you make in the instrument programs
enter the Instrument Setup program (when pressed with the ENTER button)
UP/YES button
The UP/YES button is to the right of the display screen and below the ESCAPE button. Use the UP/YES button to:
change settings within the instrument programs
enter the Calibration program (when pressed with the ENTER button)
DOWN/NO button
The DOWN/NO button is to the right of the display screen and below the UP/YES button. Use the DOWN/NO button to:
change settings within the instrument programs
enter the Channel Setup program (when pressed with the ENTER button)
ENTER button
The ENTER button is to the right of the display screen and below the DOWN/NO button. Use the ENTER button to:
move forward through the instrument programs
save changes you make in the instrument programs
enter the Instrument Setup program (when pressed with the ESCAPE button)
enter the Calibrate program (when pressed with the UP/YES button)
enter the Channel Setup program (when pressed with the DOWN/NO button)
8 • Description Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
Analyzer Card
The analyzer card plugs into one of four u-shaped sockets near the bottom right corner of the main circuit board. Each channel of detection includes an analyzer card. The analyzer card includes the detector terminal strip, analog output terminal strip, external alarms terminal strip, pilot light, and three relays.
The terminals unplug from the terminal strips to give better access to the terminals when you make wiring connections.
Detector terminal strip
The 7-point detector terminal strip (terminals 1 through 7) is the terminal strip closest to the bottom of the analyzer card. You connect wiring from the detector to the detector terminal strip.
NOTE: See the applicable detection insert in Appendix B, Gas Detectors, to wire the
detector to the analyzer card.
Analog Output terminal strip
The 2-point analog output terminal strip (terminals 8 and 9) is directly above the detector terminal strip. You connect wiring from a recording device (if applicable) to the analog output terminal strip.
The output at the analog output terminal strip is 4 to 20 mA or 0 to 1 V. The output is selectable by jumpers on the analyzer card. The standard (default) output is 4 to 20 mA.
External alarms terminal strip
NOTE: The Pioneer also includes two common external alarm terminal strips. These
common terminal strips activate external alarms for all active channels.
The 9-point external alarm terminal strip is above the analog output terminal strip. You connect wiring from external alarms (if applicable) to the external alarm terminal strip. This terminal strip has common (C), normally closed (NC) and normally open (NO) terminals for alarm 1, alarm 2, and alarm 3 connections.
Pilot light
The pilot light is between the external alarms terminal strip and analog output terminal strip. The pilot light ashes when the analyzer card is receiving power and operating normally. The pilot light does not ash or is off when a failure occurs.
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Description • 9
NOTE: The Pioneer also includes four common relays (to the left of the analyzer card
sockets). The common relays activate for all active channels.
Three relays are behind the external alarm terminal strip. The relays are single-pole, double-throw (SPDT) and are rated for 8 amps at 250 VAC (resistive). The relays are from top to bottom alarm 1, alarm 2, and alarm 3. The relays are dedicated to the channel that the analyzer card is plugged into only. For example, the alarm 1 relay energizes only when the channel that the card is plugged into goes into an alarm 1 condition.
NOTE: You can select normally energized or normally de-energized relays in the
Instrument Setup program. This section describes the default setting: normally de-energized.
10 • Description Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
Chapter 3: Installation and Start Up
This chapter describes procedures to mount the Pioneer Gas Monitor, make wiring connections to the monitor, and start up the monitor.
WARNING: Perform all installation and start-up procedures in a “fresh air”
environment (known to be free of combustible gas, toxic gas, and of normal oxygen content). The Pioneer is not in operation as a gas monitoring system until the start-up procedure is complete.
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Installation and Start Up • 11
Mounting the Pioneer Gas Monitor
Perform the following procedure to install the instrument housing at the mounting site.
1. Select the mounting site. When you select the mounting site consider the following factors:
Is an AC or DC power source available?
Is there enough room to open the housing door and make wiring connections
through the conduit hubs at the bottom of the housing?
Are the display screen and status lights visible?
2. If necessary, close and latch the housing door.
3. Position the monitor on a vertical surface at eye level (4 1/2 to 5 feet from the floor).
4. Insert 1/4 in. or 5/16 in. screws through the slots in the mounting feet at each corner of the housing to secure the housing to the mounting surface (see Figure 3-1).
10.5 in.
8.0 in.
13.4 in.
12.5 in.
12.9 in.
3/4 in. conduit hub
(total of 4 hubs)
Note: The housing is 6.25 in. deep.
Figure 3-1: Pioneer Gas Monitor Outline and Mounting Dimensions
12 • Installation and Start Up Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
4 to 20 mA
4 to 20 mA
4 to 20 mA
(3-wire type)
(2-wire type)
(typical wiring)
NOTE 3: See Appendix B
for other detection types.
(typical wiring)
of main circuit board.
NOTE 1: Connect ground wire to
ground stud on lower left corner
(see manual
for 230VAC
115V, 60 HZ.
RS 485
(see manual)
RS 232
(see manual)
NO 7
1 +
24 VDC
NC 9
NO 10
NC 12
(see manual)
Figure 3-2: Pioneer Gas Monitor External Wiring Diagram
NOTE 2: The internal buzzer and
reset switch are factory-wired.
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Installation and Start Up • 13
Wiring the Pioneer Gas Monitor
This section describes procedures to connect the AC power source, DC power source, external alarm(s), recorder, and detector(s). See Figure 3-2 for a general wiring diagram of all external wiring to the Pioneer.
conduit plugs in all unused conduit hubs. See Appendix A. Parts List, for ordering information.
W ARNING: Make all connections to the Pioneer befor e you plug in or turn on the AC or
DC power source. Before you make any wiring adjustments, always verify that all power sources are not live.
Connecting the AC Power Source
After completing all wiring connections, install 3/4 in. NPT
If you are using DC power as the primary power source, go to the next section, Connecting the DC Power Source on page 15.
Perform the following procedure to connect the AC power source to the Pioneer.
WARNING: Verify that the power source is unplugged or turned off at the power source
end before you continue with this procedure.
1. Open the housing door , and locate the AC terminal strip (TB1). See Figure 2-1, Pioneer Gas Monitor Component Location, to assist you in locating the AC terminal strip.
2. Remove the AC terminal cover by removing the two screws that retain it.
3. Guide the AC power cord through the leftmost conduit hub on the bottom of the Pioneer housing.
CAUTION: Do not route power and detector wiring through the same conduit hub. The power
wiring may disrupt the transmission of the detector signal to the monitor.
4. Connect the AC line to the AC terminal strip as shown in Figure 3-3. (Connect the ground wire to the ground stud on the lower left corner of the main circuit board.)
5. Replace the AC terminal cover.
(factory-wired) Ground
1 2
AC Power Source
AC Terminal Strip
Figure 3-3: AC Power Wiring
14 • Installation and Start Up Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
Connecting the DC Power Source
WARNING: Verify that the power source is unplugged or turned off at the power source
end before you continue with this procedure.
Perform the following procedure to connect the DC power source to the Pioneer.
NOTE: A jumper block located at the middle upper edge of the main circuit board
allows you to congure the Pioneer to operate from either 12 VDC or 24 VDC.
To select 12 VDC operation (input range of 11 to 22 VDC), install the jumper
block over the right two pins. To select 24 VDC operation (input range of 23 to 60 VDC), install the jumper block over the left two pins. The factory default conguration is for 24 VDC operation.
1. Open the housing door, and locate the bottom external wiring terminal strip (TB2). See Figure 2-1, Pioneer Gas Monitor Component Location, to assist you in locating the bottom external wiring terminal strip.
2. Guide a DC power cord through one of the conduit hubs on the bottom of the Pioneer housing.
CAUTION: Do not route power and detector wiring through the same conduit hub. The power
wiring may disrupt the transmission of the detector signal to the monitor.
3. Connect the DC line to the lower row of terminals on the external wiring terminal strip as shown in Figure 3-4.
1 2
DC Power Source
Figure 3-4: DC Power Wiring
External Wiring Terminal Strip (TB2)
Connecting External Alarms
Perform the following procedure to connect external alarms to the Pioneer.
NOTE: The analyzer card includes external alarm connections that are dedicated to the
applicable channel only. See Appendix B, Gas Detectors, to wire external alarms to the analyzer card.
1. Open the housing door, and locate the external wiring terminal strips (TB2 and TB3). See Figure 2-1, Pioneer Gas Monitor Component Location, to assist you in locating the external wiring terminal strips.
2. Guide the wiring of the external alarm through one of the conduit hubs on the bottom of the Pioneer housing.
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Installation and Start Up • 15
CAUTION: If the external alarm device is powered by AC current, do not route the external
alarm wiring and detector wiring through the same conduit hub. The external alarm wiring may disrupt the transmission of the detector signal to the Pioneer.
3. Connect the leads from the external alarm to the terminals on the appropriate external wiring terminal strip as shown in Figure 3-5. See Table 2-1, Terminal Assignments for the External Wiring Terminal Strips, to determine the applicable external alarm terminals.
Power Source
+ (H)
External Wiring Terminal Strip (TB2, TB3)
+ (H)
Alarm Device
Figure 3-5: External Alarm Wiring
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for additional external alarms.
Connecting Recorders
Perform the following procedure to connect a recor ding device to the Pioneer. The output at the analyzer cards analog output terminal strip is a 4 to 20 mA proportional to the detection range of the applicable detector. Unless specied, the analyzer card is set up at the factory for 4 to 20 mA output.
1. Open the housing door, and locate the analog output terminal strip on the applicable analyzer card. (The analog output terminal strip is the 2-point terminal strip between the detector terminal strip and the external alarm terminal strip.)
0 to 1 V signal that is
2. Guide the wiring from the recording device through one of the conduit hubs on the bottom of the Pioneer housing.
CAUTION: Do not route power and detector wiring through the same conduit hub. The power
wiring may disrupt the transmission of the detector signal to the monitor.
3. Connect the leads from the recording device to the analog output terminal strip as shown in Figure 3-6.
(Rec Out +)
(Rec Out -)
Analog Output Terminal Strip
(on analyzer card)
Figure 3-6: Recorder Output Wiring
16 • Installation and Start Up Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
Connecting RKI Detectors
See the manual insert(s) in Appendix B, Gas Detectors, to wire the detector(s) supplied by RKI Instruments, Inc., to the Pioneer.
Connecting User-Supplied 4 to 20 mA Transmitters
NOTE: : See the manual insert, Generic 4 to 20 mA Transmitter, in Appendix B,
Gas Detectors, for more detailed information related to the use of user-supplied 4 to 20 mA transmitters with the Pioneer.
Perform the following procedure to connect a 4 to 20 mA transmitter (that you supply) to the Pioneer.
1. Open the housing door, and locate the detector terminal strip on the applicable analyzer card. (The detector terminal strip is the 7-point terminal strip that is below the analog output terminal strip.)
2. Route the cable leading from the transmitter through one of the conduit hubs on the bottom of the Pioneer housing.
CAUTION: Do not route power and transmitter wiring through the same conduit hub. The
power wiring may disrupt the transmission of the transmitter’s signal to the Pioneer.
3. Connect the wires to the detector terminal strip of the applicable analyzer card as shown in Figure 3-7. The detector is the 7-point terminal strip (terminals 1 through 7) on the card.
3-Wire Connection
7 Gnd
6 24 V
5 4-20 4 RED 3 WHT 2 GRN 1 BLK
Detector Terminal Strip
2-Wire Connection
Detector Terminal Strip
7 Gnd 6 24 V 5 4-20 4 RED 3 WHT 2 GRN 1 BLK
Figure 3-7: Generic 4 to 20 mA Transmitter Output Wiring
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Installation and Start Up • 17
Starting Up the Pioneer Gas Monitor
Perform the following procedure to place the Pioneer into normal operation.
1. Complete the mounting and wiring procedures described earlier in this chapter.
2. Complete all installation procedures described in Appendix B, Gas Detectors.
3. Verify that all wiring connections are correct and secure and the Pioneers power switch is in the OFF position.
4. Plug in or turn on the incoming power source (AC or DC) at the power source end.
5. Place the Pioneers power switch in the ON position.
NOTE: To prevent unwanted alarms during warm up, the alarm circuits are not active
for 20 seconds to 2 minutes (depending on warm up) from the time you turn the power switch on.
6. Verify the following:
The PILOT light above the display screen is on.
The POWER light on the main circuit board is on.
The pilot light on each analyzer card is ashing.
If the pilot lights are not on or ashing, see the troubleshooting guides in Chapter 5, Maintenance, and Appendix B, Gas Detectors.
7. Perform the start-up procedure for each detector as described in Appendix B, Gas Detectors.
18 • Installation and Start Up Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
Chapter 4: Operation
This chapter describes the Pioneer Gas Monitor in normal operation. This chapter also describes the Pioneer in alarm 1, alarm 2, alarm 3, and fail conditions and suggests response to these conditions. The Instrument Setup program and Display Setpoints and Readings program are described at the end of this chapter.
Normal Operation
Normal operation is defined as follows:
the start-up procedure is complete.
the Pioneer is not indicating an alarm 1, alarm 2, alarm 3, or fail condition.
the Pioneer is not running the Instrument Setup, Channel Setup, Calibrate, or Display Setpoints and Readings program.
During normal operation, the Pioneer simultaneously displays the target gas, unit of measure, and current gas reading for all active channels. The Pioneer displays the readings horizontally for each channel. If all four channels are installed, channel 1 is the top reading, and channel 4 is the bottom reading.
The PILOT light near the display screen, the POWER light on the main circuit board, and the pilot light on each analyzer card are on during normal condition indicating that the monitor and analyzer cards are receiving incoming power. The output at terminals 8 and 9 of the analyzer card’s output terminal strip is 4 to 20 mA the detection range of the detector that is wired to the analyzer card. (The standard output at terminals 8 and 9 is 4 to 20 mA.)
Alarm Indications
This section describes the Pioneer in alarm 1, alarm 2, alarm 3, and fail conditions and suggests response to these conditions. Table 4-1 lists the alarm indications for each condition.
H2 CH3 C
0 9 0 0
0 to 1 V and is proportional to
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Operation • 19
The Pioneer includes alarm on and alarm off delay settings. The alarm indications described in this section operate according to the default delay settings. See the Channel Setup program section in the applicable detection insert (Appendix B, Gas Detectors) to display or change the alarm on and alarm off delay settings.
Table 4-1: Visual and Audible Alarm Indications
Condition Cause Visual Indication
Alarm 1 Increasing (decreasing for O2) gas reading
at or above the alarm 1 setpoint
Alarm 2 Increasing (decreasing for O2) gas reading
at or above the alarm 2 setpoint
• ALARM 1 light is on
• Gas reading flashes
• ALARM 1 and ALARM 2 lights are on
• Gas reading flashes
Alarm 3 Increasing gas reading at or above the
alarm 3 setpoint
• ALARM 1, ALARM 2, and ALARM 3 lights are on*
• Gas reading flashes
Fail • Disconnected or misconnected
• FAIL light is on Steady tone
detector wiring
• Disconnected or misconnected analyzer card
• Display reading below fail setpoint
• Defective components
* The ALARM 1 and ALARM 2 lights are not on for oxygen channels.
Pulsing tone
Faster pulsing tone than Alarm 1
Faster pulsing tone than Alarm 2
You can select normally energized or normally de-energized relays in the Channel Setup program. The following sections describe the default setting for the relays: normally de-energized. The fail relay is factory-set for normally energized and is not user-selectable.
Alarm 1 Condition
This section describes the audible and visual indications for an alarm 1 condition and suggests response to an alarm 1 condition.
Alarm 1 condition indications
When the gas reading of an active channel reaches the alarm 1 setpoint, the Pioneer senses an alarm 1 condition. The Pioneer alerts you to an alarm 1 condition as follows:
the ALARM 1 light turns on
the gas reading in alarm 1 condition flashes
the buzzer sounds a pulsing tone
the common alarm 1 relay energizes
the alarm 1 relay on the applicable analyzer card energizes
Responding to an alarm 1 condition
This section suggests response to an alarm 1 condition.
1. Follow your established procedure for a low level combustible or toxic gas condition or a decreasing oxygen content condition.
20 • Operation Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
2. After the gas reading falls below the alarm 1 setpoint, press the reset switch to reset the alarm 1 circuit. Resetting the alarm 1 circuit silences the buzzer, turns off the ALARM 1 light, and de-energizes the common and analyzer card alarm 1 relays.
NOTE: To silence the buzzer while in an alarm 1 condition, press the reset switch.
You cannot de-energize the alarm 1 relays until the gas reading falls below (above for oxygen) the alarm 1 setpoint.
Alarm 2 Condition
This section describes the audible and visual indications for an alarm 2 condition and suggests response to an alarm 2 condition.
Alarm 2 condition indications
When the gas reading of an active channel reaches the alarm 2 setpoint, the Pioneer senses an alarm 2 condition. The Pioneer alerts you to an alarm 2 condition as follows:
the ALARM 2 light turns on
the gas reading in alarm 2 condition continues to flash
the buzzer sounds a faster pulsing tone than an alarm 1 condition
the common alarm 2 relay energizes
the alarm 2 relay on the applicable analyzer card energizes
Responding to an alarm 2 condition
This section suggests response to an alarm 2 condition.
1. Follow your established procedure for a mid level combustible or toxic gas condition or a severe decreasing oxygen content condition.
2. After the gas reading falls below the alarm 2 setpoint, press the reset switch to reset the alarm circuit. Resetting the alarm circuit turns off the ALARM 2 light, and de-energizes the common and analyzer card alarm 2 relays.
NOTE: To silence the buzzer while in an alarm 2 condition, press the reset switch.
You cannot de-energize the alarm 2 relays until the gas reading falls below (above for oxygen) the alarm 2 setpoint.
Alarm 3 Condition
This section describes the audible and visual indications for an alarm 3 condition and suggests response to an alarm 3 condition.
Alarm 3 condition indications
When the gas reading of an active channel reaches the alarm 3 setpoint, the Pioneer senses an alarm 3 condition. The Pioneer alerts you to an alarm 3 condition as follows:
the ALARM 3 light turns on
the gas reading in alarm 3 condition continues to flash (the gas reading for O channels begins flashing)
the buzzer sounds a faster pulsing tone than an alarm 1 or alarm 2 condition
the common alarm 3 relay energizes
the alarm 3 relay on the applicable analyzer card energizes
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Operation • 21
NOTE: The alarm 3 relay does not energize if you elect to use it as the channel’s fail relay
in the Channel Setup program (see the “Channel Setup Program” section of the applicable detection insert in Appendix B, Gas Detectors.)
Responding to an alarm 3 condition
This section suggests response to an alarm 3 condition.
1. Follow your established procedure for a high level combustible or toxic gas condition or an increasing oxygen content condition.
2. After the gas reading falls below the alarm 3 setpoint, press the reset switch to reset the alarm 3 circuit. Resetting the alarm 3 circuit turns off the ALARM 3 light, and de-energizes the common and analyzer card alarm 3 relays.
NOTE: To silence the buzzer while in an alarm 3 condition, press the reset switch.
You cannot de-energize the alarm 3 relays until the gas reading falls below the alarm 3 setpoint.
Fail Condition
This section describes the audible and visual indications for a fail condition and suggests response to a fail condition.
Fail condition indications
The Pioneer senses a fail condition for any of the following:
the detector wiring is disconnected or incorrectly connected
the analyzer card is disconnected or incorrectly connected
the display reading is below the fail setpoint
the monitor or detector is malfunctioning
When the Pioneer senses a fail condition, it alerts you as follows:
the FAIL light turns on
the gas reading in fail condition flashes
the buzzer sounds a steady tone
the common fail relay de-energizes
NOTE: If you elected to use the analyzer card’s alarm 3 relay as an individual fail relay
in the Channel Setup program, the relay de-energizes in a fail condition. (See the “Channel Setup Program” section of the applicable detection insert in Appendix B, Gas Detectors.)
Responding to a fail condition
This section suggests response to a fail condition.
1. Verify that the detector wiring is correctly and securely connected.
2. Verify that the analyzer card is securely and correctly installed. (The components of the analyzer card face left when the analyzer card is correctly installed.)
3. See the troubleshooting guide in the applicable detection insert (Appendix B, Gas Detectors).
22 • Operation Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
Instrument Setup Program
This section describes the Instrument Setup program. You can display and change the following instrument settings with the Instrument Setup program.
Alarm On Delay
Alarm Off Delay
Relay Action
Alarm Logic
Alarm Silence
Alarm Hysteresis
Calibration Time Out
Instrument ID (RS-232 or RS-485 address)
Noise Filter
Maximum Number of Channels (for use when connecting to other Pioneers)
Zero Suppression
Instrument Label
Navigating through the Instrument Setup Program
Use the program buttons to the right of the display screen to enter the program, move forward or backward through the pr ogram, change settings within the pr ogram, and save or cancel changes to the program settings. Table 4-2 lists the function of each program button.
Table 4-2: Program Button Functions for the Instrument Setup Program
Button Function
ESCAPE • Moves you backward through the program
• Cancels changes made to the program settings
• Enters the program (with the ENTER button)
UP/YES • Updates the setting that is flashing on the
display screen
DOWN/NO • Updates the setting that is flashing on the
display screen
ENTER • Moves you forward through the program
• Saves changes made to the program settings
• Enters the program (with the ESCAPE button)
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Operation • 23
Running the Instrument Setup Program
This section describes how to enter the program, display and change program settings, and save or cancel changes to the program settings.
Entering the instrument setup program
1. Open the housing door, and locate the program buttons to the right of the display screen.
2. Press the ENTER and ESCAPE buttons simultaneously three times. The display screen indicates that you are in the Instrument Setup program.
3. Press the ENTER, UP/YES, or DOWN/NO button to continue. The program displays the Alarm ON Delay screen.
Alarm on delay screen
This screen indicates the length of time that the Pioneer delays alarm indications (buzzer and relays) when it senses an alarm 1, alarm 2, or alarm 3 condition. You can choose from a range of 0 Seconds to 60 Minutes. The default setting is
0 Minutes, 1 Seconds .
0 1
To accept the alarm on delay setting and continue the program, press the ENTER button.
The program displays the Alarm OFF Delay screen.
To update the alarm on delay setting:
1. Use the UP/YES and DOWN/NO buttons to display the setting you want.
2. Press the ENTER button to continue the program. The program displays the Alarm OFF Delay screen.
Alarm off delay screen
This screen indicates the length of time that the Pioneer delays turning off alarm indications (buzzer and relays) after an alarm 1, alarm 2, or alarm 3 condition passes. You can choose from a range of 0 Seconds to 60 Minutes. The default setting is 0 Minutes,
0 Seconds .
Alarm 0
NDel Minutes S
De lay :
To accept the alarm off delay setting and continue the program, press the ENTER button.
The program displays the Relay Action screen.
To update the alarm off delay setting:
1. Use the UP/YES and DOWN/NO buttons to display the setting you want.
2. Press the ENTER button to continue the program. The program displays the Relay Action screen.
24 • Operation Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
Relay action screen
This screen indicates how the relays operate in normal and alarm conditions. If the setting is NORMALLY DE-ENERGIZED , the relays energize in alarm conditions. If the setting is
NORMALLY ENERGIZED , the relays de-energize in alarm conditions. The default
NOTE: The common fail relay and channel fail relay (if assigned) are not af fected by this
setting. Fail relay(s) are factory-set as normally energized and are not adjustable.
To accept the relay action setting and continue the program, press the ENTER button. The program displays the Alarm Logic screen.
To update the relay action setting:
1. Use the UP/YES or DOWN/NO button to display the setting you want.
2. Press the ENTER button to continue the program. The program displays the Alarm Logic screen.
Alarm logic screen
This screen indicates how an alarm circuit is reset after the applicable alarm condition passes. If the setting is LATCHING , you must press the reset switch after the alarm condition passes to reset the alarm circuit. If the setting is AUTO-RESET , the alarm circuit is automatically reset after the alarm condition passes. The default setting is LATCHING .
To accept the alarm logic setting and continue the program, press the ENTER button. The program displays the Alarm Silence screen.
To update the alarm logic setting:
1. Use the UP/YES or DOWN/NO button to display the setting you want.
2. Press the ENTER button to continue the program. The program displays the Alarm Silence screen.
Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual Operation • 25
Alarm silence screen
This screen indicates how the buzzer operates during alarm conditions. If the setting is
, you can use the reset switch to silence the buzzer during alarm conditions. If the setting is OFF , you cannot silence the buzzer until all alarm conditions pass. The default setting is ON .
To accept the alarm silence setting and continue the program, press the ENTER
button. The program displays the Alarm Hysteresis screen.
To update the alarm silence setting:
1. Use the UP/YES or DOWN/NO button to display the setting you want.
2. Press the ENTER button to continue the program. The program displays the Alarm Hysteresis screen.
Alarm hysteresis screen
This screen indicates when the Pioneer considers an alarm condition passed. The alarm hysteresis feature helps prevent readings that are near an alarm setpoint from frequently going into and out of alarm (relay chattering). For example, if the alarm hysteresis setting is 2.0% of fullscale, fullscale is 10.0 ppm, and the alarm 1 setpoint is 3.0 ppm; then the Pioneer will not consider the alarm 1 condition “passed” until the reading goes below 2.8 ppm. You can choose from a range of 0.0% to 10.0% of fullscale (in 0.1% increments). The default setting is 2.0% .
To accept the alarm hysteresis setting and continue the program, press the ENTER
button. The program displays the Calibration Time Out screen.
To update the alarm hysteresis setting:
1. Use the UP/YES or DOWN/NO button to display the setting you want.
2. Press the ENTER button to continue the program. The program displays the Calibration Time Out screen.
26 • Operation Pioneer Gas Monitor Operator’s Manual
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