Part Number: 71-0046RK
Revision: B
Released: 3/1/11
Read and understand this instruction manual before operating
detector . Improper use of the dete ctor could result in bodily harm
or death.
Periodic calibration and maintenance of the detector is essential
for proper operation and correct readings. Please calibrate and
maintain this detector regularly! Frequency of calibration
depends upon the type of use you have and the sensor types.
T ypical calibration frequencies for most applications a re between
3 and 6 months, but can be required more often or less often
based on your usage.
Model GD-K77D
Operator’s Manual
RKI Instruments, Inc. warrants gas alarm equipment sold by us to be free from defects in
materials and workmanship, and performance for a period of one year from date of
shipment from RKI Instruments, Inc. Any parts found defective within that period will be
repaired or replaced, at our option, free of charge. This warranty does not apply to those
items which by their nature are subject to deterioration or consumption in normal service,
and which must be cleaned, repaired, or replaced on a routine basis. Examples of such
items are:
Absorbent cartridgesBatteries
Pump diaphragms and valvesFilter elements
Warranty is voided by abuse including mechanical damage, alteration, rough handling, or
repairs procedures not in accordance with the instruction manual. This warranty indicates
the full extent of our liability , and we are not responsible for removal or replacement costs,
local repair costs, transportation costs, or contingent expenses incurred without our prior
This warranty covers instruments and parts sold to users only by authorized distributors,
dealers, and representatives as appointed by RKI Instruments, Inc.
We do not assume indemnification for any accident or damage caused by the operation of
this gas monitor and our warranty is limited to replacement of parts or our complete goods.
The Model GD-K77D has been specially developed for semiconductor gas-leak
monitoring and is one of the most advanced units of its kind. It contains a long-life pump
and electrochemical sensor to detect a wide variety of semiconductor gasses quickly and
reliably. The long-life sensor has a memory so it can be calibrated separately from the
monitor, then installed for quick and easy servicing. The Model GD-K77D’s narrow
footprint and wall mounting bracket permit flexible placement. Built for reliability and ease
of use, the Model GD-K77D includes the latest innovations in gas-leak monitoring
•Digital LED display for readout of gas concentrations
•Sensor information and calibration stored within sensor memory
•Several transmission options available
•Self-diagnostic functions performed by microcomputer
•Easy replacement of pump and sensor
•Two alarm levels plus trouble alarm
WARNING:The Model GD-K77D detects semiconductor gasses that may be toxic
or combustible. Users of the Model GD-K77D must follow the
instructions and warnings in this manual to assure proper and safe
operation of the Model GD-K77D.
About this Manual
This manual is intended for use with the RKI Instruments® Intelligent Gas Detector, Model
GD-K77D. It describes the Model GD-K77D’s specifications, internal components,
operation, calibration, and maintenance.
Important Safety Precautions
To ensure the consistent performance and reliability of the RKI Instruments Intelligent Gas
Detector, Model GD-K77D, carefully read and follow the instructions in this manual before
using the unit. Keep this manual where you can find it easily. When operating or
performing maintenance on the Model GD-K77D, refer back to this manual as required.
Also keep maintenance records, and use them to plan for future repairs and maintenance
of the Model GD-K77D.
If the Model GD-K77D is not operated according to the instructions in this manual, RKI
Instruments, Inc. cannot assume any responsibility for consequential injury or damage.
Because the Model GD-K77D is considered to be safety equipment designed to detect
semiconductor gases, which can be toxic or explosive, be sure to check the Model GDK77D daily. If any problem or malfunction is found, contact your local distributor, or RKI
Instruments, Inc. immediately.
Throughout this manual you will see cautionary labels. Read them carefully and heed their
warnings. Failure to do so may result in injury or damage.
1 • OverviewModel GD-K77D Operator’s Manual
DANGER:This label alerts you to the possibility of serious injury or death when
using or servicing the Model GD-K77D improperly in potentially
hazardous environments or conditions. The Model GD-K77D is not
explosion proof. Do not use the Model GD-K77D for gas detection
above the lower explosive limit (LEL).
WARNING:This label alerts you to the potential danger of electrical shock, or
other hazards. When electrical safety is n ot followed, injury or damage
to the Model GD-K77D may result. Remember that the Model GD-K77D
is an electrically powered device. In some circumstances, the Model
GD-K77D may be affected by electrical noise, static electricity, or
electromagnetic interference. If the environment in which the Model
GD-K77D is to be placed has these electrical hazards, take the
appropriate steps to shield the Model GD-K77D properly.
CAUTION: This label alerts you to the possibility of injury or damage to the Model GD-K77D
when operation and maintenance of the Model GD-K77D are not performed in
accordance with the instructions in this manual. When replacing parts for the Model
GD-K77D, use only RKI replacement parts. Modified or non-RKI replacement parts
can damage the Model GD-K77D. Should such damage occur, RKI Instruments, Inc.
is not responsible, and the warranty may be voided.
NOTE: This label indicates that important advice or operating or maintenance tips follow. Read
the note carefully and follow its instructions.
Model GD-K77D
Operator’s ManualOverview • 2
Table 1: Specifications for the Model KD-K77D
Relay output for remote alarmElectrochemical cell
Relay output for remote alarmRefer to the RKI Instrument, Inc. list of detectable gasses
Target gas and detection rangeSee RKI List of Detectable Gases
Accuracy± 10% of reading or ± 5% of full scale (whichever is greater)
Signal output (4-20 mA)Two-wire digital signal
DisplayDigital LED display, 4 digit
AlarmsTwo alarm levels: alarm 1 (yellow LED),
alarm 2 (red LED), trouble
Relay output for remote alarmDry contact for each alarm1, alarm2, and trouble alarm
Self-diagnostic functionsTrouble, low flow, system failure, communication error
Temperature and humidity ranges0-40 C, 30-85% relative humidity
Power requirements24 VDC+/- 10%, approximately 10W
Recommended cable (see also RKI
wiring chart)
Dimensions and weight2.8"(W) x 6.7"(H) x 6.0"(D), 4.4lb.
Recommended tubing4 mm x 6 mm PTFE (Teflon tubing, RKI part # 06-1272RK)
Fuse5.2 mm diameter x 20 mm length; 2A, 250V
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Accessories: Dust filter
WARNING:When using the GD-K77D, you must follow the instructions and warnings
in this manual to assure proper and safe operation of the GD- K77D and to
minimize the risk of personal injury. Be sure to maintain and period ically
calibrate the GD-K77D as described in this manual.
The Model GD-K77D is designed to measure gas leaks in an industrial setting. Gas leaks
are detected by an internal electrochemical sensor, and the gas concentration is displayed
by a four-digit LED display.
LED Display
Flow Meter
8.0 MA
ID Card
Gas Inlet, fo r ø 4 x 6
mm PTFE Tube
Gas Exhaust, for ø 4 x 6
mm PFTE Tube
Cable Bushing
Figure 1: External Component Location
Model GD-K77D
Operator’s ManualDescription • 4
Detector unit
Wall mounting bracket
Figure 2: Removing the Cover and Detector Unit
5 • DescriptionModel GD-K77D Operator’s Manual
The Model GD-K77D provides a three-wire 4-20mA signal output for a controller. The
Model GD-K77D-NT provides a two-wire digital signal which is used by the RM-77NT
accessory and is then converted to either an RS-232C or RS-485 signal. It has two gas
alarm levels, two sets of gas alarm relay contacts, a trouble alarm, and trouble relay
The Model GD-K77D is a sample draw gas detection head. The Model GD-K77D draws in
the sample gas from a remote location using an internal pump. The flow system directs
the gas to an internal gas sensor. Various lengths of inlet tubing can be used, and tubing
length is determined by the target gas and the operating environment. When using the
Model GD-K77D in areas containing dust or other particulate contamination, use the
appropriate sample filter. The correct sample filter is dependent on the target gas.
The Model GD-K77D has a rugged metal case. A sturdy wall mounting bracket is supplied
that allows the Model GD-K77D to be securely attached to a wall for convenient operation
and maintenance.
On the fron t of th e ca se ar e f o u r LE D s, a LE D di sp l ay, a flowme te r, and a large s cr e w t h at
is used to open and close the case cover. On the bottom are located a gas inlet, a gas
exhaust, and two cable bushings for external wiring.
Alarm Lights
Four light-emitting diodes (LEDs) provide visual alarms for gas concentrations and
malfunctions, and are part of the detector panel along with the LED display. These LEDs
are located on the front of the unit in the upper left corner for greatest visibility. They
perform the following functions:
PW/TR. Indicates power on or off and warns that the Model GD-K77D is not operating
normally. When PW/TR is lit (green color), the Model GD-K77D is fully powered and is
operating normally. When the PW/TR is off, power to the Model GD-K77D has been shut
off. When the PW/TR is flickering, the Model GD-K77D is not operating normally.
•ALM1. Indicates the first gas alarm (orange color).
•ALM2. Indicates the second gas alarm (red color).
•SKIP. Indicates that the Model GD-K77D is in Maintenance Mode and has temporarily
stopped gas detection.
An LED display shows gas concentration in parts per million (PPM). The LED display is
located on the front of the unit in the upper right corner for easy viewing.
The flowmeter checks the sample flow rate of the target gas reaching the sensor inside
the Model GD-K77D. The flowmeter is a glass tube on which are marked two red flow
lines. A flow ball indicates whether the flow rate is within, or outside, the red flow lines.
Model GD-K77D
During normal operation, the standard flow rate to the sensor is approximately 0.5 L/min,
and the flow ball should be within the two red flow lines. When the ball drops below the
bottom flow line, the Model GD-K77D cannot accurately detect the target gas. Increase
the flow rate. When the ball rises above the top flow line, reduce the flow rate. For more
information about adjusting the gas flow rate, see “Flow Adjustment Up/Down” under
“Internal and Back Panel Components.”
Operator’s ManualDescription • 6
Internal and Back Panel Components
Refer to the diagram below for the location of Model GD-K77D internal and back panel
components, which are described below. After each component name is a number, which
corresponds to the same number in the diagram.
Detector Unit
Side View
Power Switch (10). Turns power on or off to the Model GD-K77D.
Power Fuse (11). Protects the Model GD-K77D from a power overload.
Mode Switch (12). T oggles the Model GD-K77D’s operating mode between detection and
maintenance. When the Model GD-K77D is being used for gas detection, the Model GDK77D is in normal operation; when performing maintenance on the Model GD-K77D, use
this switch to put the unit into Maintenance Mode.
T est/Set Switch (13). This switch has several functions in Maintenance Mode.
FLOW ADJ Switch (
GD-K77D when the unit is in normal operation. Gas flow adjustments are made when the
flow ball is outside the red flow lines. When the flow ball is above the top flow line, press
the FLOW ADJ switch down to reduce the flow rate. When the flow ball is below the
bottom flow line, press the FLOW ADJ switch up to increase the flow rate. This switch is
also used to increase or decrease parameters in Maintenance Mode.
Detector Unit
Front View
Wall Mounting
Front View
Figure 3: Internal Componen ts
▲/▼) (14). Increases or decreases the gas flow rate to the Model
Pump (15). Draws the sample gas by suction to the sensor inside the Model GD-K77D.
Lithium Battery (16). Provides a bias voltage to the Model GD-K77D sensor in the event
of a power outage or a drop in line voltage.
7 • DescriptionModel GD-K77D Operator’s Manual
CAUTION: When the Model GD-K77D is not used for long periods of time, the lithium battery may lose
power. The lithium battery, under normal operating conditions, has a life expectancy of about
three (3) years from the date of manufacturing. When the lithium battery is replaced, put the unit
into maintenance mode before replacing the battery by pressing the Mode switch for 3 seconds.
Then calibrate the unit as described in the Calibration section. If the Model GD-K77D has been
stored for a long time, calibrate the Model GD-K77D when the unit is put back into service.
Sensor (17). Detects the target gas.
Detector Unit Set Screw (18). Tighten this screw when attaching the wall mounting
bracket to the Model GD-K77D’s case.
Terminals (19). Provides terminations for external wiring.
Flowmeter (20). The flowmeter indicates whether the sample flow rate of the sample
reaching the sensor inside the Model GD-K77D is okay. See “Flowmeter” for more
Block Diagrams
Amp unitSensor
Power sourc e
Al a r m co n tact contro l
Gas alarm contact
(ALM 1, ALM 2)
Tro ubl e alarm contact
- Relays are normally
de-energized (N DE)
- Contac ts close at
alarm condition
Co ntrol unit
GD-K77D 4-20 mA
Figure 4: Electrical Block Diagram
(PW /TR) (ALM 1) (ALM2 ) (SKIP)
Low flow sensor
Trans mission
Model GD-K77D
Operator’s ManualDescription • 8
Low flow sensor
Figure 5: Flow Diagram
Important Safety Procedures
WARNING:Before installing and operating the Model GD-K77D, please read the
following list of precautions before continuing:
Power Source. Check the power source before turning on the Model GD-K77D. Make
sure the power source voltage is within the specified voltage range.
Ground Wire. Do not cut or remove the ground wire to the Model GD-K77D.
Fault Protection. When an electrical fault has occurred (e.g., the fuse blows), do not
attempt to operate the Model GD-K77D. Before starting up the Model GD-K77D, make
sure an electrical fault has not occurred.
Sens or
Fuse. When replacing the Model GD-K77D’s fuse, turn off the power to the unit. Use only
replacement fuses that have the correct current and voltage ratings. Do not use any fuse
other than the one specified for the Model GD-K77D. Using a non-specified fuse will
cause a short and damage the Model GD-K77D.
Explosive Gases. Do not operate the Model GD-K77D in environments containing
explosive gases. The Model GD-K77D is not explosion-proof; its internal circuitry may
cause a spark which could ignite combustible gas or vapors.
External Connections. After making sure the Model GD-K77D is properly grounded and
an electrical fault has not occurred, wire all external connections to the Model GD-K77D.
Lithium Battery. When the lithium battery is replaced, turn all power off to the Model GDK77D before removing the battery. Do not recharge, burn, mutilate, or expose the lithium
battery to temperatures greater the 212
not immerse the battery in water.
9 • Important Safety ProceduresModel GD-K77D Operator’s Manual
F (100o C) because it may leak or explode. Do
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