RISCO Group ACOS User Manual

Access Control Operator Station
User Manual
User Manual for ACOS
About This Manual
This manual has been written to help you understand and use Access Control Operator Station (ACOS) application. It presents the functional capabilities and operational details of ACOS and contains the procedures that you should know for performing your business tasks using this application.
Intended Audience
This manual is primarily intended for operators in Risco Group who will use the ACOS application to create new accounts, installer companies and other account management related activities.
Prerequisites for Use
Basic understanding of the access control systems and security systems is essential for using this manual. Knowledge of Risco Access Control System is essential to use this manual.
Organization of the Manual
This manual is organized as follows:
General Information about ACOS provides an overview of ACOS. It also details the hardware and software requirements.
Getting Started takes you on a quick tour of ACOS and explains how to log on and log off from ACOS.
Create New Account describes how to create new accounts.
Configure Account provides the details on how to search, edit and configure an account.
Create Installers Companies describes how to create new installer companies.
Configure Installers describes how to search, edit and configure installer companies
Create Operators describes how to create other Operators
Configure Operators describes how to search, edit and configure Operators
Reset Password describes the process to reset password for operators.
Import/Export Language describes how to import and export multi-lingual localization data for ACOS,
ACIS, ACUS and ACWS applications.
System Access Report describes the process to view system access report.
Reports describe the reports that an operator available to the operator.
Contacts provides the contact details of Risco
Glossary provides the glossary of the terms used in this manual.
Index of the terms, concepts and tasks is provided in this section.
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Typographical Conventions
The following typographical conventions are used in this manual:
Convention Indicates Example
User Manual for ACOS
Command and Screen element names
URLs and Hyperlinks URLs and hyperlinks. http://www.riscogroup.com
<Text> Examples or samples are placed in
System Messages
Buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, etc. Commands that you choose from the menus or dialogue boxes appear in title case and in bold font.
angular brackets. User needs to replace them with appropriate options.
Cross-references are written in bold and orange.
The system messages are written in italics, bold and double quotes.
Notes for providing extra information about the particular task appear in the document.
Click Login. ACOS home page appears.
Enter the URL in the form of ­http://www.<domain name>.com
For more details on software requirements, refer to section 10
Importing and Exporting Multi­lingual files in ACOS.
The system displays a message, “Account created successfully
Note: At any point in time, click
Cancel to quit from the
screen and return to the home page. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Feedback and Suggestions
Home: http://www.riscogroup.com
Email: support@riscogroup.com
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User Manual for ACOS
1 Introduction to ACOS ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Overview of the Activities in ACOS ........................................................................................................ 2
2 Getting Started with ACOS .......................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Before Using ACOS ............................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Logging On to ACOS ............................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Logging off from ACOS .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 ACOS Menu Bar .................................................................................................................................... 6
3 Creating a New Account ............................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Add a New Account ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 License Details of an Account ............................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Technical and Personal Contact Details .............................................................................................. 15
3.4 View Process Status ............................................................................................................................ 17
4 Configuring an Account ............................................................................................................. 19
4.1 Search Accounts ................................................................................................................................. 19
4.2 Configure Account ............................................................................................................................... 22
4.3 Delete an Account ............................................................................................................................... 25
5 Creating New Installer Company ............................................................................................... 27
5.1 Add an Installer Company ................................................................................................................... 27
6 Configuring an Installer Company ............................................................................................ 32
6.1 Search an Installer Company .............................................................................................................. 32
6.2 Configure an Installer Company .......................................................................................................... 35
6.3 Delete an Installer Company ............................................................................................................... 37
7 Creating a New Operator Profile ................................................................................................ 38
7.1 Add an New Operator Profile ............................................................................................................... 38
8 Configuring Operator Profile ..................................................................................................... 41
8.1 Search Operator .................................................................................................................................. 41
8.2 Configure Operator .............................................................................................................................. 43
8.3 Delete an Operator .............................................................................................................................. 45
9 Reset Password .......................................................................................................................... 47
9.1 Basic Search ....................................................................................................................................... 48
9.2 Advanced Search ................................................................................................................................ 48
9.3 Reset Password .................................................................................................................................. 50
10Importing/Exporting Multi-Lingual Files in ACOS ................................................................... 52
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11Viewing System Access Report ................................................................................................ 59
12Generating Reports..................................................................................................................... 60
12.1 Account Installer Company List Report................................................................................................ 62
12.2 Account License Report ....................................................................................................................... 63
12.3 Account Report .................................................................................................................................... 64
12.4 Installer Company Account Report ...................................................................................................... 66
12.5 Installer Company Installer Report ...................................................................................................... 66
12.6 Installer Company Report .................................................................................................................... 67
13Creating New Server Type ......................................................................................................... 69
13.1 Create a New Server Type .................................................................................................................. 69
14Configuring Server Type ....................................................................................................... ..... 70
14.1 Configure Server Type......................................................................................................................... 70
14.2 Delete Server Type Name ................................................................................................................... 71
Appendix ...................................................................................................................... ........................ 73
Glossary ...................................................................................................................... ......................... 75
Contact ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Index ......................................................................................................................... ............................ 77
Notes ...................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
RISCO Group Limited Warranty ........................................................................................................ 79
Contacting RISCO Group ................................................................................................................... 80
Total number of pages in the manual, including the cover page: 88
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List of Tables
TABLE 3: MENU BAR............................................................................................................................... 6
ABLE 4: ADD AN ACCOUNT................................................................................................................... 9
ABLE 6: ACCEPTABLE PHONE NUMBER FORMATS IN ACOS ............................................................. 73
List of Figures
FIGURE 1: LOG ON TO ACOS .................................................................................................................. 4
IGURE 2: ACOS HOME PAGE ................................................................................................................ 5
IGURE 3: CHANGE PASSWORD .............................................................................................................. 6
IGURE 4: ABOUT RISCO ......................................................................................................................... 7
IGURE 5: ABOUT RISCO ......................................................................................................................... 7
IGURE 6: CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT ..................................................................................................... 8
IGURE 7: LICENSE DETAILS ................................................................................................................. 12
IGURE 8: CONTACT DETAILS ............................................................................................................... 15
IGURE 9: FULL NAME .......................................................................................................................... 16
IGURE 10: ACCOUNT CREATED SUCCESSFULLY ................................................................................. 17
IGURE 11: PROCESS STATUS ............................................................................................................... 18
IGURE 12: CONFIGURE ACCOUNT ....................................................................................................... 19
IGURE 13: ADVANCED SEARCH ........................................................................................................... 21
IGURE 14: ADVANCED SEARCH - ACCOUNTS ...................................................................................... 21
IGURE 15: ADVANCED SEARCH - EXAMPLE ........................................................................................ 22
IGURE 16: CONFIGURE ACCOUNT ....................................................................................................... 23
IGURE 17: STATISTICS ......................................................................................................................... 24
IGURE 18: CONFIGURE ACCOUNT – SEARCH RESULTS ....................................................................... 26
IGURE 19: DELETE ACCOUNT .............................................................................................................. 26
IGURE 20: CREATE AN INSTALLER COMPANY .................................................................................... 27
IGURE 21: MAIN INSTALLER DETAILS ................................................................................................ 29
IGURE 22: FULL NAME ........................................................................................................................ 29
IGURE 23: INSTALLER COMPANY CREATED SUCCESSFULLY .............................................................. 30
IGURE 24: EMAIL SENT TO AN INSTALLER .......................................................................................... 31
IGURE 25: SEARCH INSTALLER COMPANY .......................................................................................... 32
IGURE 26: ADVANCED SEARCH - INSTALLER COMPANY .................................................................... 34
IGURE 27: ADVANCED SEARCH - RESULTS ......................................................................................... 34
IGURE 28: CONFIGURE INSTALLER COMPANY .................................................................................... 35
IGURE 29: MAIN INSTALLER DETAILS ................................................................................................ 36
IGURE 30: CONFIGURE INSTALLER COMPANY – SEARCH RESULTS .................................................... 37
IGURE 31: DELETE INSTALLER COMPANY .......................................................................................... 37
IGURE 32: CREATE A NEW OPERATOR ................................................................................................ 38
IGURE 33: FULL NAME ........................................................................................................................ 39
IGURE 34: OPERATOR CREDENTIALS .................................................................................................. 40
IGURE 35: EMAIL SENT TO AN OPERATOR ........................................................................................... 40
IGURE 36: SEARCH OPERATOR - BASIC ............................................................................................... 41
IGURE 37: ADVANCED SEARCH - OPERATORS .................................................................................... 42
IGURE 38: ADVANCED SEARCH - RESULTS ......................................................................................... 43
IGURE 39: CONFIGURE OPERATOR ...................................................................................................... 44
IGURE 40: CONFIGURE OPERATOR – SEARCH RESULTS ..................................................................... 45
IGURE 41: DELETE OPERATOR ............................................................................................................ 45
IGURE 42: RESET PASSWORD .............................................................................................................. 47
IGURE 43: ADVANCED SEARCH - RESET PASSWORD .......................................................................... 49
IGURE 44: SEARCH RESULTS – ADVANCED SEARCH .......................................................................... 50
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FIGURE 45: EMAIL EXAMPLE - RESET PASSWORD ................................................................................ 51
IGURE 46: IMPORT/EXPORT MULTI-LINGUAL FILES ........................................................................... 52
IGURE 47: SERVER TYPE ................................................................................................................... 53
IGURE 48: SAVE LANGUAGE FILE ....................................................................................................... 54
IGURE 49: EXPORTED FILE .................................................................................................................. 55
IGURE 50: IMPORT LANGUAGE FILE.................................................................................................... 56
IGURE 51: BROWSE AND SELECT FILE ................................................................................................ 57
IGURE 52: IMPORT FILE SELECTED ..................................................................................................... 57
IGURE 53: SYSTEM ACCESS REPORT ................................................................................................... 59
IGURE 54: ACOSREPORTS .............................................................................................................. 60
IGURE 55: STATUS FOR REPORTS DOWNLOAD ................................................................................... 61
IGURE 56: REPORT TYPES ................................................................................................................... 62
IGURE 57: ACCOUNT INSTALLER COMPANY LIST REPORT ................................................................. 63
IGURE 58: ACCOUNTS LICENSE REPORT ............................................................................................. 64
IGURE 59: ACCOUNT REPORT ............................................................................................................. 65
IGURE 60: INSTALLER COMPANY ACCOUNT REPORT ......................................................................... 66
IGURE 61: INSTALLER COMPANY – INSTALLER REPORT .................................................................... 67
IGURE 62: INSTALLER COMPANY REPORT .......................................................................................... 68
IGURE 63: NEW SERVER TYPE ............................................................................................................ 69
IGURE 64: CONFIGURE SERVER TYPE ................................................................................................. 70
IGURE 65: CONFIGURE SERVER TYPE – DETAILS................................................................................ 71
IGURE 66: DELETE SERVER TYPE ........................................................................................................ 72
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User Manual for ACOS
List of Abbreviations
ACCB Access Control Controller Board
ACIS Access Control Installer Station
ACOS Access Control Operator Station
ACUS Access Control User Station
AMAC Account Management Autonomous Component
ID Identification Number
OS Operating System
RAC RISCO Access Control
RMAC Risco Management Autonomous Component
RSP RISCO Service Platform
URL Uniform Resource Locator
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User Manual for ACOS
1 Introduction to ACOS
The Risco Access Control system (RAC) is a security system that can be used to control and manage access to a site (building). The RAC system comprises several client applications. Their details are described in the following table.
Application Name User Purpose
Access Control Operator Station (ACOS)
Access Control Installer Station (ACIS)
Access Control User Station (ACUS)
Access Control Web Station (ACWS)
Access Control Management Station (ACMS)
Map Editor User
ACOS is used for client account management.
ACIS is used to configure devices at the client location and create sections in an account.
ACUS is used to manage the access control system at the location.
ACWS is used for visitor management and automation execution
ACMS is used to view server queue details and manage worker handler threads.
Map Editor is used to create Maps that will be used in the Access Control System at the client site.
You will use ACOS to create and manage accounts. An account is created for a client who has purchased the RAC system and wants to implement it within the premises. An Account is the physical location where RAC System will be deployed and managed.
When you create an Account and assign an Installer Company to it, the Installer from the company sets up the hardware at the location and configures the devices. When an operator creates an Installer Company, a Main Installer is created who has access to ACIS (used to configure firmware devices) and all sections in the particular account. (The premises of an account can be divided into sections depending upon requirement. A section is an area that divides the account into logical configurable units.) When you create an account, a Main User and a Main Section are created. Main User is the user profile created by default. The Main Section is the logical configuration unit created in an account by default.
Each account has a unique identification number, (Account Reference Number) assigned to it. This Account Reference Number serves as the most important identifier for the account and is required to log on to ACUS and ACWS. This should be present in the Configuration file when the Installer configures firmware devices.
When ACOS is installed, the Main Operator is created. The Main Operator can create other operators who have access to ACOS.
ACOS is available in the following languages:
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When you select your preferred language and logon to ACOS, application is localised in that language.
1.1 Overview of the Activities in ACOS
You will use ACOS primarily for account creation and management. The activities that an operator performs using ACOS are:
Create New Account
Configure/edit Account
Create New Installer Company
Configure/Edit Installer Company
Create New Operator
Configure/Edit Operator
Reset Password
Import/Export Multi-Lingual Data files
View System Access Report
Generate Reports
Create New Server Type
Configure Server Type
Each of these tasks is explained in the manual.
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2 Getting Started with ACOS
This section describes the process to log on and log off from ACOS. In addition, it describes all the screen elements on the home page and the menu bar.
Before Using ACOS
Before using ACOS ensure that you have verified the following:
ACOS is installed on the machine.
You have the correct user name and password to log on to ACOS.
Logging On to ACOS
After ACOS is successfully installed, log on to the application.
To logon to ACOS:
1. Click Start All Programs Risco Axes Plus ACOS ACOS Client. The splash screen for the application appears.
Double-click the ACOS icon created on the desktop after installation. The splash screen for the application appears.
The Login screen appears after the splash screen.
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Figure 1: Log on to ACOS
2. Select the language from the drop-down list. The available languages are English, French, Italian and Hebrew. Select the preferred language and the labels and data on the screen appears in that language.
Note: If you do not select any language, then you logon to ACOS in the default language
selected for the logged on operator. The Default language for the Main Operator is the default language of the machine where ACOS is installed.
3. Enter the user name and password in the User Name and Password fields respectively.
Note: The User Name is not case sensitive. You can enter the user name in lowercase or
uppercase. However, the Password is case-sensitive. When the operator is added in ACOS, the login ID and Password is sent to the operator via email.
ACOS account is locked after three unsuccessful login attempts.
4. Click Login. ACOS home page appears.
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Figure 2: ACOS Home Page
When you logon to ACOS and the home page appears, the name of the logged on operator appears on the upper-right corner of the screen. The product logo appears at the upper-left corner. You can click
(Minimize) to minimize the Window. You can click (Close) to close the Window.
2.2.1 For the First Time User
If you are logging in for the first time, you will have to change your password after you first successful logon. The Change Password dialog box appears after you log on.
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Figure 3: Change Password
1. The Login ID and Email Address are displayed by default. In the Old Password field, enter your current password. Enter and confirm a new password in the New Password and Confirm Password fields and click OK. The password is changed and ACOS Home Page appears.
Note: The Change Password dialog box appears if you are logging on for the first time or your
password has been reset. You can click Cancel to quit logging on to ACOS.
2.3 Logging off from ACOS
To log off from ACOS, click the Logout link available at the upper-right corner of the Window.
2.4 ACOS Menu Bar
ACOS home page provides the following options.
Table 1: Menu Bar
Option Name Description
Home To return to the home page from anywhere in the application, click Home.
Help Click Help to view the online help for ACOS. You can also press F1 to view
online help.
About Click About to view the general information of ACOS.
You can view additional details about Risco and the Installer Company by clicking the About button.
To view additional details:
1. Click About. The following screen appears.
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Figure 4: About Risco
2. Click About Risco, the details of Risco Group are displayed.
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Figure 5: About Risco
The hyperlinks for Product Information, News and Events, Risco Website and Technical Support Email Address are given. Click any of them to view the information.
Note: Click Cancel to quit this screen and return to the home page.
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3 Creating a New Account
Whenever any organization/company purchases the Risco access control system, an account for the company is created in ACOS. Each client must have an account. The operator creates a new account through ACOS and assigns an Account Reference Number to it. The Account Reference Number is a unique identification number for each account.
3.1 Add a New Account
To create a new account:
1. On ACOS Home page, click New Account. The New Account screen appears.
Figure 6: Create a New Account
Note: At any point in time, click Cancel to quit from the screen and return to the home page. All
fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
2. Enter the following details on the screen in the General tab.
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Table 2: Add an Account
Field Name Description
Account Reference Number
Account Name
Address Details
Enter the account reference number. Each Account will have a unique reference number. This is a mandatory field.
Note: The Account Reference Number is the most
important identifier for an account and is used to log on to ACUS and ACWS.
Enter the name of the company. This serves as the account name. This is a mandatory field and the field length should be between 1 and 100 characters.
Detailed description of the Account.
1. Click Address. The Address Details dialog box appears.
2. Enter the address in Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 fields.
3. Enter the name of the City where the account is located in the City field.
4. Enter the State, Province or Region Name where the account is located in the State/Province/Region field.
5. Enter the Zip Code in the Zip/Postal Code field.
6. Select the country of the account from the Country drop-down list.
7. Click OK. The address appears on the New Account screen.
This is not a mandatory field.
Phone Number
Enter the phone number for the contact person in the company.
Appendix provides the list of acceptable formats for entering phone numbers in ACOS.
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Installer Company
1. Click Add. The Installer Company dialog box appears.
2. Conduct a blank search for these companies or type the search criteria and click Search. The list of installer companies matching the search criteria appears. The details of the installer companies displayed are:
Installer Company Name
Main Installer ID
Main Installer First Name
Main Installer Last Name
2. Select the check box against the installer company that you want to assign to this account.
3. Click OK. The Installer Company name appears in the field.
You can assign multiple installer companies to a single account.
Select the preferred language. The available languages are English, French, Italian and Hebrew. The Account Language will be used to create the Default Data in the AMAC. The Language selected here will be the default language of the main section and the main user created for the account.
Server Type
For example, if you select Hebrew for an account, then when the user logs on to ACUS, the home page and all the labels and fields appear in Hebrew.
Select the AMAC server type used by the account from the drop-down list. The server types available are:
VIP: The account will be maintained on the RISCO Server but will be a dedicated server for such esteemed customers and the access to these accounts will be on a priority basis.
Non VIP: The account is maintained on the RISCO Server. There could be multiple customer accounts managed on the same server.
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Logging Select the Logging Enabled check box to enable logging
all transactions for the newly created account. You can select either Database or Windows NT for the logging activity as per the business requirement
Database: The error logging or any other information logging through application will be made in database tables.
Windows NT: This will indicate that the error logging or any other information logging through application will be done through the Windows NT (OS) logger.
Logging is enabled for ACUS only.
Days to Keep Audit Log
Auditing Enabled Select the Auditing Enabled check box if you want to
Enter the number of days that you want to maintain the Audit Log.
Note: You can enter this data only if the Auditing
Enabled check box is selected.
enable auditing. All actions or configurations made by the Installer and User are audited.
3.2 License Details of an Account
After you enter the details in the General tab, you must enter the licensing details for the account.
To enter License details:
1. Click the License tab. The License dialog box is displayed. The Account Reference Number and Account Name appear by default.
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Figure 7: License Details
2. Select the check boxes against the required Licenses under the Number of Licences column.
The available licences are:
Field Name Description
Access Control Module
Alarm management
Automation Management
Select this check box to provide the Access Control Module license. If this license is not provided, the user will not be able to logon to ACUS.
Note: If this license is not provided for an account, the users will not be able
to log on to ACUS. However, you can configure it later.
This license allows the client to enable the alarms function. User can manage alarms through ACUS. An alarm will be triggered for Forced Door Entry, Broken Door, Illegal Entry, Fire and so on. If this license is not available, then the user will not be able to configure Alarms in ACUS.
This allows the user to automate certain actions in ACUS. The Automation module is enabled. The user can pre-configure programs that can be run on a desired time and schedule.
Bandwidth Usage For the Bandwidth Usage license, select High, Medium or Low based on the
requirement for the account.
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Field Name Description
User Manual for ACOS
Custom Reports
Graphic Printing of Badges
Hebrew Support, Italian Support, French Support, English Support
Logical Access Web Service
There are two kind of reports:
Predefined reports
Custom reports
If you select this check box, the ACUS user can customize the report types and generate reports in ACUS.
This allows the printing of cards. Displays the layout for the badges (cards). A convenient layout may be chosen for the printing of individuals’ badge. If this licence is not available, the user will not be able to access the Card Layout function and will not be able to print cards.
Select the check boxes against the languages whose support will be available to the RAC system applications. For example, if you select only English and French, then the ACUS User will be able to logon and view the RAC system applications in English and French languages only.
This license is used to find the location of the card holder with the help of a Web service. In this Web service, we enter the details of the card holder and get the present location of the card holder.
For example, If a user’s employee number is an attribute to search and in the Web service, you enter the employee number, it will return you the present location of the user (For example, zone 4).
Maps In Dashboards
Maximum Number of Persons
Maximum Number of Users
Number of Biometric Readers
This license allows the company to create and view maps of the location where RAC system is installed. It shows the plan of the location and the positions of the Doors, Relays, Sensors, and Readers. Accessing the sensors will change the icon for the sensor. It will be a pictorial representation.
Restricts the number of person ID’s from being created using ACUS. These licenses will come into play while creating the cards for the individuals.
If the number of Person ID’s created in ACUS exceed the licence, then a warning message is displayed that informs the user that the licence limit is being exceeded. However, it allows the user to create more persons. The warning message will keep appearing at regular intervals.
You may specify the number of users that will use ACUS application in the RAC system.
This defines the number of required Biometric Readers.
Biometrics refers to methods for uniquely recognizing humans based upon one or more intrinsic physical or behavioural traits. There are several forms of biometric identification employed in access control: fingerprint, hand geometry, iris and face recognition. Biometric Reader is a reader that identifies these human attributes.
If the number of Biometric Readers used exceeds the licence, then a warning message will appear each time a Biometric Reader is used in ACUS. The warning
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Field Name Description
message will inform the user that the licence is exceeded. It will however, allow the user to use Biometric Readers.
User Manual for ACOS
Number of Doors
Number of Proxies
RAC Simultaneous Users
Real Time Event Export
Number of doors for the entry-exit movement at the location. Each account will be provided with a license of using the access control system on a certain number of doors.
If the number of doors used exceeds the licence, then a warning message will appear each time a door is created in ACUS. The warning message will inform the user that the licence is exceeded. It will however, allow the user to configure doors. The warning message will keep appearing at regular intervals.
Controller and the Server communicate through proxy. Depending on the system load, multiple proxies can be configured to accelerate the speed of response. Accordingly, one can decide upon the number of proxies. We can leverage creation of those many proxies as defined in this field.
If the number of Proxies registered exceeds the licence, then a warning message will appear each time a proxy is registered in ACIS. The warning message will inform the user that the licence is exceeded. It will, however, allow the user to register Proxies.
This license value by default is 1. It defines the number of ACUS instances that can be opened simultaneously.
For example, if the number of licenses for RAC Simultaneous Users is 2, then a maximum of 2 instances of the ACUS application can be opened simultaneously on the same machine.
The user will be able to export events using the Event Export function.
Real Time Validation Web Service
This allows the user of ACUS to get the card details of the card holder with the help of a third party interface.
SLA Usage For the SLA Usage license, select Platinum, Gold or Silver based on your
Zone Management
This allows the user to add and configure Zones in a section.
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3.3 Technical and Personal Contact Details
To add contact details:
1. Click the Contact Details tab.
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Figure 8: Contact Details
2. Click Full Name under the Technical Person Details. The Full Name dialog box appears.
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Figure 9: Full Name
3. Select the title from the Title drop-down list. Enter the last name, the first name and the middle name in the Last Name, First Name and Middle Name fields. Select a suffix from the drop-down list if required.
Note: You can also enter the Technical Person Contact name in the name field. The separator is
a space. For example, if you enter the name as HannahCohen, then it will be recognised as only the last name by the system. Hence, use a space to separate the names.
4. Click OK. The Technical Person Contact Name is displayed in the name field on the screen.
5. Enter the Phone Number and Email ID in the respective fields. You can enter the phone
number in any format.
6. Similarly, enter the contact details for the contact person under Contact Person Details.
7. Click Create. The system displays a message, “Account created successfully”. The
status on the bottom-left corner of the screen changes to successful.
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Figure 10: Account Created Successfully
Note: You can click Restore Default to restore the default field values.
When an account is created, the Main User ID and Main Section are created. You can log on to ACUS using the default login ID and Password.
3.4 View Process Status
You can click Status to view status of the task. For example, if you create an account and click Status, the process status for account creation appears.
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Figure 11: Process Status
The details such as Selected Item, Object Name, Description of the task that you performed; Expected Start Date, Update Date and Time, Process Status and Progress details are displayed.
Click Clear Failure to clear all the messages whose Process Status is ‘Fail’.
Click Flush to clear all the status messages irrespective of the status.
Click Clear Successful to clear all the messages whose Process Status is
Click Close to close the window.
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4 Configuring an Account
You can configure and edit accounts after they have been created. Search for the accounts and then configure them. The following section describes how to search for accounts for configuration.
4.1 Search Accounts
To search accounts:
1. On the home page, click Configure Account. The Configure Account screen appears.
Figure 12: Configure Account
4.1.1 Basic Search
The Basic Search can be carried out using the following parameters. Select any of the parameters from the drop-down list.
Field Name Description
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Select None and click displayed.
Select All from the drop-down list and enter the search criteria in the
(Search). All Accounts created in the system are
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