RISCO Group ACIS User Manual

Access Control Installer Station
User Manual for ACIS Version
About This Manual
This manual has been written to help you understand and use the Access Control Installer Station (ACIS) application. It presents the operational details and functional capabilities of the application.
Intended Audience
This manual is primarily intended for Installers who will use the ACIS application to register and configure Proxies, Controllers and Doors. Installers can also create and manage Sections, create other installers and generate section level reports.
Prerequisites for Use
Basic understanding of Access Control System is required. Basic understanding of Windows and GUI operations is required. Knowledge of Web-based applications is essential. Basic knowledge of configuration of devices and network addresses is essential.
Organisation of the Manual
The information in this document is organised as follows:
About ACIS introduces ACIS. It provides the software and hardware details required for ACIS.
Getting Started describes how to log on and log off from ACIS. It also provides an overview of the activities that
you need to perform after you set up firmware devices at the client side.
Registering Proxy describes the process to register and configure Proxy.
Registering Controller describes the process to register and configure Controller.
Door Configuration describes the process to configure Doors after controllers are configured.
Performing Built in Test for a Proxy describes how to test the Proxy from ACIS.
Performing Built in Test for a Controller describes how to test the Controller from ACIS.
Downloading Firmware describes the process to upgrade the firmware version.
Adding Locations describes the steps to add, rename and delete the location in ACIS.
Adding Sections describes the process to add new section.
Creating and Editing Installer Profiles tells you how to create new installers and edit the existing ones.
Generating Section Level Reports describes the reports that can be generated in ACIS.
Contact provides the contact details of Risco.
Glossary provides explanation for terms used in this manual.
Index of the terms, concepts and tasks in the manual are provided in this section.
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Typographical Conventions
The typographical conventions used in this manual are:
Convention Indicates Example
User Manual for ACIS Version
Command and Screen element names
URLs and Hyperlinks URLs and hyperlinks. http://www.riscogroup.com
<Text> Examples are placed in angular
System Messages
Buttons, check boxes, option buttons, etc. Commands that you choose from the menus or dialog boxes appear in title case and in bold font.
brackets. User needs to replace them with appropriate options.
Cross-references are marked in orange and made bold.
System messages, alerts and error messages appear in bold and italics.
Click Next after choosing the option Every one or Just Me
Replace localhost with <Server Name>.
For details, see Glossary.
The system displays a message, “No
proxy with the given Reference Number exists
Feedback and Suggestions
Home: http://www.riscogroup.com
Email: support@riscogroup.com
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1 ABOUT ACIS .................................................................................................................................. 1
2 GETTING STARTED WITH ACIS .................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Before Using ACIS ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Logging on to ACIS .................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Logging Off from ACIS .............................................................................................................. 5
2.4 Overview of the Activities in ACIS............................................................................................. 5
3 REGISTERING PROXY ................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Register Proxy ............. ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ........... 7
3.2 Configure Proxy ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Delete Proxy ............................................................................................................................. 17
3.4 Add a Template Proxy .................. .............................. ............................... .............................. . 18
3.5 Replace Proxy .......................................................................................................................... 21
3.6 Transfer Proxy .......... ............................... .............................. ............................... .................... 23
3.7 View Action Log ....................................................................................................................... 25
4 REGISTERING CONTROLLER ..................................................................................................... 27
4.1 Register Controller ................. ............................... .............................. ............................... ...... 27
4.1.1 Configure Controller ........................................................................................................... 30
4.1.2 Configure Relay Details ...................................................................................................... 32
4.1.3 Configure Sensor Details .................................................................................................... 34
4.1.4 Configure Reader Details ................................................................................................... 36
4.2 Door Configuration .................................................................................................................. 37
4.2.1 Basic .................. ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ 37
4.2.2 Devices .............................................................................................................................. 39
4.2.3 Events ................... ................... .................... ................... .................... ................... ...... ...... 43
4.3 Duplicate the Controller ........................................................................................................... 44
4.4 Delete a Controller ................................................................................................................... 45
4.5 Add a Template Controller ....................................................................................................... 46
4.5.1 General ........................................................................................................................ ...... 46
4.5.2 Relay Details ...................................................................................................................... 48
4.5.3 Sensor Details .................................................................................................................... 49
4.5.4 Readers Details .................................................................................................................. 50
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4.6 Replace Controller ................................................................................................................... 54
4.7 Transfer Controller .............. ............................... ............................... ................................. ...... 57
5 PERFORMING BUILT-IN TEST FOR PROXY ............................................................................... 61
6 PERFORMING BUILT-IN TEST FOR CONTROLLER ................................................................... 64
7 DOWNLOADING FIRMWARE ....................................................................................................... 66
7.1 Upgrade Proxy ................................................................................................................... ...... 66
7.2 Upgrade Controller .................................................................................................................. 67
7.3 Tasks ........................................................................................................................................ 70
8 ADDING A LOCATION .................................................................................................................. 72
8.1 Add a Location ......................................................................................................................... 72
8.2 Rename a Location .................................................................................................................. 73
8.3 Delete a Location ............................................................................................................... ...... 74
9 ADDING A SECTION .................................................................................................................... 75
9.1 Add Section .............................................................................................................................. 75
9.1.1 LDAP Server Configuration ..................... ............................... .............................. ............... 77
9.2 Edit Section .............................................................................................................................. 78
10 ADDING AND EDITING AN INSTALLER PROFILE .................................................................. 80
10.1 Add an Installer Profile ............................................................................................................ 80
10.2 Edit Installer Profile ................................................................................................................. 83
11 GENERATING SECTION LEVEL REPORTS ............ ............................... ............................... ... 86
11.1 As Built Report ......................................................................................................................... 86
11.2 Proxy Configuration ................................................................................................................. 88
11.3 Controller Configuration .......................................................................................................... 90
11.4 Door Configuration .................................................................................................................. 91
11.5 System Parameters .................................................................................................................. 94
GLOSSARY .......................... ............................... .............................. ................................................ ... 96
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INDEX ............. ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ........... ....................... 99
RISCO GROUP LIMITED WARRANTY ............................................................................................... 101
CONTACTING RISCO GROUP ........................................................................................................... 102
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List of Tables
TABLE 1: CONFIGURE PROXY ................................................................................................................ 13
ABLE 2: ADD TEMPLATE PROXY ........... ......................... ......................... ......................... .................... 19
ABLE 3: CONFIGURE CONTROLLER ...................................................................................................... 31
ABLE 4: CONFIGURE RELAY ................................................................................................................ 33
ABLE 5: CONFIGURE SENSOR ............................................................................................................... 35
ABLE 6: CONFIGURE READER .............................................................................................................. 36
ABLE 7: CONFIGURATION OF BASIC DEVICES ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ... 38
ABLE 8: DEVICE CONFIGURATION ......... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ...... .. ... ... ... ... .. . 40
ABLE 9: RELAY MODES ....................................................................................................................... 41
ABLE 10: EVENTS CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................... 44
ABLE 11: ADD TEMPLAT E CONTROLLER .................. ......................... ......................... ......................... . 47
ABLE 12: ADD A SECTION ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... ................. 76
List of Figures
FIGURE 1: LOGIN SCREEN ................. ............................... .............................. ............................... ........... 4
IGURE 2: ACIS HOME PAGE .... .................... ................... ................... .................... ................... .............. 5
IGURE 3: ACTIVE PROXIES IN A SECTION ................ ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ..... 8
IGURE 4: SECTION HOME PAGE ................ ............................ ........................... ............................ ........... 9
IGURE 5: REGISTER PROXY .................................................................................................................. 10
IGURE 6: PROXY REGISTRATION ON ENTERING ALL THE VALUES ..... ................... .................... .............. 11
IGURE 7: SUCCESS MESSAGE ON PROXY REGISTRATION ............ ............................ ............................ ... 12
IGURE 9: CONFIGURE PROXY ............................................................................................................... 13
IGURE 10: PROXY CONFIGURED SUCCESSFULLY .................................................................................. 16
IGURE 11: CONNECTED CONTROLLER .................................................................................................. 17
IGURE 12: DELETING A PROXY ... ........... ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ... 18
IGURE 13: ADDING A TEMPLATE PROXY .............................................................................................. 19
IGURE 14: TEMPLATE PROXY CREATED SUCCESSFULLY ...................................................................... 21
IGURE 15: REPLACING A PROXY .................... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ... 22
IGURE 16: MESSAGE ON SUCCESSFULLY REPLACING A PROXY ............................................................. 23
IGURE 17:TRANSFER PROXY ................................................................................................................ 24
IGURE 18: PROXY TRANSFERRED SUCCESSFULLY ................................................................................ 25
IGURE 19: PROCESS STATUS ................................................................................................................ 26
IGURE 20: REGISTER CONTROLLER ...................................................................................................... 28
IGURE 21: CONTROLLER REGISTRATION IN DIFFERENT SECTION .................. ............ ........... ........... ...... 29
IGURE 22: CONTROLLER REGISTERED SUCCESSFULLY ......................................................................... 30
IGURE 23: CONFIGURING THE CONTROLLER ..... ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ . 31
IGURE 24: RELAY DETAILS .................................................................................................................. 33
IGURE 25: SENSOR DETAILS .......................... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ... 35
IGURE 26: READER DETAILS ................................................................................................................ 36
IGURE 27: CONFIGURATION OF BASIC DEVICES ...... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ...... ... ... .. . 38
IGURE 28: CONFIGURATION OF DEVICES .............................................................................................. 39
IGURE ............... ................... .................... ................... .................... ................... .................................. 41
IGURE ............... ................... .................... ................... .................... ................... .................................. 42
IGURE 29: EVENTS ........................ .............................. ............................... .............................. ............ 43
IGURE 30: DUPLICATI NG CONTROLLER ............ ............................ ............................ ........................... . 45
IGURE 31: DELETE THE CONTROLLER .................................................................................................. 46
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FIGURE 32: ADD TEMPLATE CONTROLLER .......................... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ . 47
IGURE 33: TEMPLATE RELAYS ............................................................................................................. 49
IGURE 34: TEMPLATE SENSOR DETAILS ............................................................................................... 50
IGURE 35: TEMPLATE READERS ........................................................................................................... 51
IGURE 36: TEMPLATE READER TECHNOLOGY DETAILS ........................ ................................. ............... 52
IGURE 37: TEMPLATE READER ASSIGN TO DETAILS ............ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ...... 53
IGURE 38: TEMPLATE CONTROLLER CREATED SUCCESSFULLY ............................................................ 54
IGURE 39: REPLACING THE CONTROLLER .......................... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... . 55
IGURE 40: SEARCH RESULTS ............................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ...... 56
IGURE 41: NEW CONTROLLER .................. ................... .................... ................... ................... ............... 57
IGURE 42: TRANSFER CONTROLLERS ................................................................................................... 58
IGURE 43: TRANSFER CONTROLLER – SEARCH RESULTS ...................................................................... 59
IGURE 44: TRANSFER TO A SECTION .................... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ...... 60
IGURE 45: BUILT IN TEST – PROXY ...................................................................................................... 61
IGURE 46: PROXY LOG .................... ................. ................. ................ ................. ................. ................ . 62
IGURE 47: BUILT-IN TEST REPORT ....................................................................................................... 62
IGURE 48: BUILT IN TEST - CONTROLLER ................. ............................... .............................. ............... 64
IGURE 49: CONTROLLER LOG .......... ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ ......... ........ ........ . 64
IGURE 50: RESTART MESSAGE ............................................................................................................. 65
IGURE 51: BUILT IN TEST REPORT ................. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ... 65
IGURE 52: FIRMWARE DOWNLOAD....................................................................................................... 66
IGURE 53: PROXY FIRMWARE DOWNLOADED SUCCESSFULLY .............. ................. ................. .............. 67
IGURE 54: UPGRADING FIRMWARE OF THE CONTROLLER ........................... ........................... ............... 68
IGURE 55: CONTROLLER UPGRADED SUCCESSFULLY ........................................................................... 69
IGURE 56: ACIB FIRMWARE UPGRADE SUCCESSFULLY ....................................................................... 70
IGURE 57: FIRMWARE UPGRADE STATUS ............................................................................................. 71
IGURE 58: SECTION HOME PAGE .......................................................................................................... 72
IGURE 59: LOCATION ........................................................................................................................... 73
IGURE 60: ADD LOCATION NAME ........................................................................................................ 73
IGURE 61: RENAME LOCATION NAME .................................................................................................. 74
IGURE 62: DELETE LOCATION .... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ...... 74
IGURE 63: ADDING A NEW SECTION ............ ................ ................. ................ ................. ................. ...... 75
IGURE 64: NEW SECTION CREATED ..................... ................ ................. ................. ................. .............. 77
IGURE 65: CONFIGURE A SECTION ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ... 78
IGURE 66: ADDING AN INSTALLER ....................................................................................................... 80
IGURE 67: INSTALLER CREATED .......................................................................................................... 82
IGURE 68: ACIS HOME PAGE FOR NEW INSTALLER ........ ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ... 83
IGURE 69: SEARCH AN INSTALLER .......................... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .. ... ...... ... .. . 84
IGURE 70: CONFIGURING AN INSTALLER .............................................................................................. 85
IGURE 71: SECTION LEVEL REPORTS ............. ................. ................. ................ ................. ................. ... 86
IGURE 72:AS BUILT REPORT ................................................................................................................ 87
IGURE 73: DOOR DETAILS ............. ............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. ...... 88
IGURE 74: PROXY CONFIGURATION REPORT ........................................................................................ 89
IGURE 75: ACCB CONFIGURATION REPORT ................... ................... .................... ................... ............ 90
IGURE 76: DOOR CONFIGURATION REPORT ................. ...................... ....................... ...................... ...... 92
IGURE 77: DOOR CONFIGURATION REPORT ................. ...................... ....................... ...................... ...... 93
IGURE 78: SYSTEM PARAMETERS .. ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............... 95
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List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation/ Acronym
ACCB Access Control Controller Board
ACIB Access Control Input Output Board
ACIS Access Control Installer Station
ACOS Access Control Operator Station
ACPE Access Control Physical Entity
ACUS Access Control User Station
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
GUI Graphical User Interface
IO Input/Output
LDAP Light Directory Access Protocol
MAC Address Media Access Control Address
NTP Network Time Protocol
OTP One-time password
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
RAC RISCO Access Control
REN Request to Enter
REX Request to Exit
RSP RISCO Service Platform
UI User Interface
URL Uniform Resource Locator
WN Wireless Networks
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1 About ACIS
Access Control Installer Station (ACIS) is a Web-based application used by the Installer during the set up of Access Control System and its configuration.
Each client will have an account. The premises of the client (where access control system is going to be implemented) would be divided into one or more sections (A section is an area that divides the account into logical configurable units). Each section is managed independently. When an account is created, a Main Section and a Main Installer are created. The Main Installer has access to all the sections in the account and can create new installers. An employee of an installer company would go to the customer site and do the physical setup and wiring, installation and configuration of the devices.
This application will enable you to configure devices for each section. The devices that you configure from ACIS are:
Proxy: Proxy is the communicating device between the Access Control Controller Board and
Risco Server Platform
ACCB known as Controller takes the access control decisions. You can configure Controller from
Access Control Input/Output Board: The ACIB is connected to the ACCB, when you configure
doors, relays and sensors, ACIB is configured. You can upgrade the ACIB version from ACIS.
Doors: You can configure Door settings in ACIS.
Relays: You can connect Door Lock, Alarm and Devices on the Relay. You can configure the relay
setting from ACIS.
Sensors: You can connect any type of Sensor to the ACCB. You can configure the sensor setting
from ACIS
Readers: Readers are devices that read the card or any data and send message to ACIB. You can
configure the reader settings from ACIS.
You have to register and configure Proxy and Controller and configure Doors. You can upgrade the firmware version. You can create new sections and create installers.
ACIS is available in following languages:
When you log on to ACIS, you need to perform the following tasks in order to start the RAC system:
1. Register a Proxy. You boot up a Proxy using a USB and register it using its unique reference ID.
2. After the Proxy is registered, you need to configure Proxy.
3. After you configure Proxy, you register Controller. A controller is booted through a Proxy. All the
unregistered controllers are available to be registered.
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4. After registering, you Configure Controller and create doors as required.
5. After doors are created, you can configure sensors and relays as required. Each door has four relays and
four sensors and two readers. A door can accommodate up to four readers.
6. The relays and sensors that are not connected to any door are external relays and sensors. You configure
external relays and sensors along with controller in the Configure Controller screen.
7. After the proxy is registered and configured, you may perform Built-in Test for Proxy, which provides the
Memory information, CPU Information, Virtual Memory Statistics, Stack Memory, RAM Information, Flash Information, Active/Backup Proxy Connections and Hardware Information about the Proxy.
8. After the controller is registered and configured, you may perform Built-in Test for Controller, which
provides the Memory information, CPU Information, Virtual Memory Statistics, Stack Memory, RAM Information, Flash Information, Active/Backup Proxy Connections, Access Authorization Data Count, ACIB Communication Status and Hardware Information about the Controller.
9. You can upgrade Proxy, ACCB, ACIB, and Reader versions using Firmware Download.
After these tasks are performed, there are some generic tasks that you can do as per your requirement:
You can add a Template Proxy. A Template Proxy is not an actual device but created in case you want to configure the Proxy settings and keep it ready till the time an actual device is available. When you obtain the Real Proxy, you can replace the Template Proxy with the Real Proxy. Similarly, you can add and configure a Template Controller and replace it with the real controller whenever required.
You can transfer proxies between sections provided there are no devices connected to a Proxy. You can transfer controller between sections. The default configurations for the controller are applied. The doors created for the controller in the original section are deleted.
You can create new sections in the account. The Main Installer can create other installers and assign sections to them. Only the main installer has access to all the sections in the account. You can view the section level reports for Proxy Configuration, Controller Configuration, Door Configurations and other system parameters in ACIS.
The procedures to perform each of these tasks are explained in this manual.
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2 Getting Started with ACIS
ACIS is a Web-based application. This section describes how to logon to ACIS, log off from ACIS and perform all tasks in the application. The ACIS user is known as Installer. When a new account is created (for a company that has bought the RAC System), the operator specifies the installer company that will install the Risco Access Control (RAC) system at the client side. The installer has a company reference ID and is assigned accounts where he can install RAC system. The installer manually installs the hardware devices at the client site and then uses ACIS Web application to configure them with the system.
2.1 Before Using ACIS
Before using ACIS, ensure that you have verified the following:
You have the correct URL where ACIS is deployed.
You have the correct user name, password and your installer company reference number to log on to
To register the devices, you need to have the hardware devices and their details (such as proxy
reference number) with you.
The devices must be boot up to be able to configure through ACIS.
2.2 Logging on to ACIS
When the operator creates an installer company successfully, then a system-generated email with the User Name, OTP Device ID and Company reference ID is sent to installer’s email address. The Operator creates a main installer. The main installer can create other installers.
To log on to ACIS:
1. Enter the URL of the ACIS application in your browser. The URL is in the format:
http://<server name where ACIS is installed>/ACIS
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Figure 1: Login Screen
2. Select the language in which you want to be logged on to ACIS application from the Language drop-
down list. By default, Default language is selected. The languages available are:
Select any language and the labels and text on the user interface appears in the selected language.
Note: If you do not select any language, ACIS is displayed in the default language of the computer.
3. Enter the User Name and Password. When the operator creates a new account an assigns it to an installer
company, the main installer is created and the User Name, One Time Password (OTP) Device ID and Company Reference ID is sent to the main installer by a system-generated email.
4. Enter the Installer Company Reference Number.
5. Click Login. The ACIS home page appears. When you logon to ACIS for the first time, only main section is
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Figure 2: ACIS Home Page
Note: The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. At any point in time, you can click Cancel to
exit the application.
The Account Name and sections to which you have access to are displayed on the screen. You can select any other Account Name to which you have access to from the Account Name drop-down list.
After you register and configure devices for each section, the details such as the total number of proxies, ACCB’s and doors in the section appear on the Manage Account dashboard under the particular section name. In addition, if there are any disconnect proxies or controllers, the information in also displayed on the dashboard.
2.3 Logging Off from ACIS
Click the Logout link at the upper-left corner of the home page to log out from ACIS.
2.4 Overview of the Activities in ACIS
When you log on to ACIS, you need to perform the following tasks in order to start the RAC system:
1. Register Proxy
2. Configure Proxy
3. Register Controller
4. Configure Controller
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5. Configure Door
6. Perform Built-in Test for Proxy
7. Perform Built-in Test for Controller
After these tasks are performed, there are some generic tasks that you can do as per your requirement:
Replace or Transfer Proxy
Add Template Proxy
Replace or Transfer Controller
Add Template Controller
Firmware Download
Adding Locations
Create Section
Create and Edit Installer
View Section Level Reports
The procedures to perform each of these tasks are explained below.
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3 Registering Proxy
You have to set up the firmware and then configure the firmware with the RSP. The devices that are setup are Proxy, Controllers, ACIB, Relays, Sensors and Readers. Refer to the Glossary for the explanation of each of the devices.
Each reader is connected to an Access Control Input-Output Board (ACIB). Up to four readers can be connected to one ACIB. The ACIB is connected to the Access Control Controller board (ACCB) and up to two ACIB’s can be connected to the board. ACCB stores the actual configurations. All the access decisions are taken by ACCB. ACCB communicates with the Risco Service platform (RSP) through a Proxy. Proxy provides a communication channel between the ACCB/ACIB and the RSP. This includes proxy to RSP (like events) and RSP to ACCB (configuration updates) communication
Each section must have at least one primary proxy and can have one standby Proxy. The standby proxy serves as a backup device in case of failure of the primary proxy, hence, it is recommended to have one stand by Proxy. Each Proxy can have only one Stand by Proxy.
You have to register a proxy for a section and then only then it will be functional. In case the authentication of users is through LDAP, then proxy will connect and authenticate through the onsite LDAP server, GSM, WN, PSTN and other networks.
A proxy uses LAN/WAN first to communicate with the RSP Server. In case LAN/WAN is not available, then a proxy will first connect to a dial-up (PSTN) connection and if that is not available, to a GSM connection.
You can perform the following actions:
Register Proxy
Add Template Proxy
Transfer Proxy
Replace Proxy
3.1 Register Proxy
Whenever you create a section, you need to register the proxy to it. For each section in the account, you can have multiple proxies. Proxies need to be registered and assigned to the sections in order for them to communicate with the RSP. When we select an account, all the sections in the account are displayed. Each section displays the total number of proxies, controllers and doors assigned to the section. The number of disconnected devices are displayed too.
To register Proxy:
1. Log on to ACIS. The home page appears.
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Figure 3: Active Proxies in a Section
2. Select the account from the Account Name drop-down list. As an installer, you may have access to
multiple accounts. Select the relevant account where you want to do configuration.
3. Click the Section Name to which you want to register a Proxy. For example, click Main_Section. The main
page for registering Proxies appears.
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Figure 4: Section Home Page
4. Click Register Proxy. The Register Proxy screen appears.
Note: The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
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Figure 5: Register Proxy
5. Enter the Proxy Reference Number. The Proxy Reference Number is the unique identification number
written on each Proxy device.
6. Click Get. The MAC Address and the IP address of the Proxy are populated in the respective fields.
7. Select the Section to which you want to register this proxy from the drop-down list. This proxy is assigned
to the Main Section.
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Figure 6: Proxy Registration on entering all the values
8. Click Register. The Proxy is registered for the selected section. The system displays a message, “Proxy
Registered Successfully”.
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Figure 7: Success message on Proxy Registration
After the successful registration, the Proxy Name appears in the Tree View in the bottom left corner of the screen. The tree view displays all the Proxies, Controllers and Doors connected to the section. The registered Proxy Name appears in the tree view.
After you register and configure devices for each section, the details such as the total number of proxies, ACCB’s and doors in the section appear on the Manage Account dashboard under the particular section name.
After you register a proxy, you need to configure it.
3.2 Configure Proxy
To configure Proxy:
1. Click the Proxy Name that appears in the tree view. The Configure Proxy screen appears.
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Figure 8: Configure Proxy
The Proxy Name, Firmware Version No., IP Address, MAC Address are displayed by default. IP Address and MAC Address fields are non-editable. The Static and DHCP option buttons are read-only. The static function makes the IP address constant. The IP is configured from the configuration file. If the DHCP option button is selected, the proxy will extract the IP address from the DHCP Server.
2. Enter the following details in the fields:
Table 1: Configure Proxy
Field Name Description
Proxy Name
IP Address
Provide a name to the Proxy. This is the only mandatory field on this screen. When you register Proxy, the Proxy name is displayed in this field. You can change it if necessary.
The IP address of the proxy is displayed. This is a read-only field.
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Field Name Description
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MAC Address
Battery Size
Time Zone
Intranet IP Address
This is a read-only field.
In computer networking, a Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to most network adapters or network interface cards (NICs) by the manufacturer for identification and used in the Media Access Control protocol sub layer.
When the device is running on battery, the percentage of battery strength available is displayed in this field.
Select the time zone from the drop-down list. By default, the Proxy time zone is that of the Section.
The Intranet IP address is displayed. This is a read-only field.
Click a list of locations in the Account appears. Select a location.
The Location is auto-populated.
The Static and DHCP option buttons are read-only. The static function makes the IP address constant. The IP is configured from the CFG file.
If the DHCP option button is selected, the IP Address might change every time the Proxy boots up.
to select the location. The Location window, with
Is Standby Proxy
Active Proxy
NTP Details
Select this check box to mark this proxy as a back-up proxy.
Select the active proxy with which you want to pair this proxy as back-up from the drop-down list.
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used for automatic time synchronization. NTP is for synchronizing the time between the proxy and the server. It also synchronizes time between ACCB’s. name
Select the Is External NTP check box to enable and enter the NTP details.
Click the IP Address or the DNS Name option button.
You can select only one option.
Note: In case you do not have an external NTP Server,
then the proxy will use DCC server as NTP server. However, the NTP server service must
You need a valid NTP server IP / DNS
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Field Name Description
configured and running on the machine where DCC is installed.
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Dial Up
Proxy can use the Global System for Mobile communications to communicate with the RSP server. To do that, the GSM services need to be enabled.
The User Name, Password and Access Point Name are reflected based on the configuration file. If the configuration file has no data, then these fields will be blank.
Enter the GSM details in these fields.
Note: When you enter the credentials, please ensure
that you have connected the GSM modem to the proxy. Leave blank in case there you are not using GSM modem.
Proxy can use the Dial up or Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) to communicate with the RSP server
The User Name, Password and Access Point Name are reflected based on the configuration file. If the configuration file has no data, then these fields will be blank.
Enter the Dial Up details in these fields.
Note: When you enter the credentials, please ensure
that you have connected the PSTN modem to the proxy. Leave blank in case there you are not using PSTN modem.
Enable System Log
Select this check box to enable system log for this proxy. By default, the check box is enabled and the installer cannot edit it, but can only select the type of log as required.
Note: There are three levels, Critical, Debug and Info.
Critical is enabled by default. If the user selects Debug, then the debug info along with the critical will be logged. If user selects Info, all three levels of the messages will be logged.
3. Click Apply. The system displays a message, “Proxy configured successfully”.
Click Apply and Close. The changes are reflected and the window is closed. The home page appears.
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If you make changes and are unsure about it, click Undo Changes. The changes are not saved and all
the original details appear.
Click Restore Default. The default configuration is done and all the changes are not saved.
Figure 9: Proxy Configured Successfully
You can click Cancel to close and return to the Home page.
4. Click the Connected Controller tab. The list of controllers connected to the Proxy appears.
The screen displays the following details of the connected controller:
Controller Name
MAC Address - Unique ID for each device.
IP Address
Location Name
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Figure 10: Connected Controller
3.3 Delete Proxy
If we delete a Proxy with controllers which has a back up Proxy, then all the controllers are attached to the backup proxy. It is not possible to restore a deleted Proxy, although it is possible to reboot the Proxy and register it again.
To delete a Proxy:
1. Click the name of the Proxy in the tree view. The Configure Proxy screen appears.
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Figure 11: Deleting a Proxy
2. Click Delete, if there is a Standby proxy then the controllers attach themselves to the Standby proxy. If not,
then the system displays a message, “The Proxy does not have a backup. Do you still want to delete?”
3. Click OK. The Proxy is deleted.
3.4 Add a Template Proxy
A Template Proxy is added when there is no physical device present, but is expected to be available. You can replace the Template Proxy by the Actual Proxy when the device is available. The configuration and the settings done on the Template Proxy get applied to the replaced Proxy.
With the help of Template Proxy, you can configure the proxy before actually installing the hardware.
To add a Template Proxy:
1. Click Add Template Proxy. The Add Template Proxy screen appears.
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Figure 12: Adding a Template Proxy
2. Enter the details as per the following table.
Table 2: Add Template Proxy
Field Name Description
Proxy Name
IP Address
Battery size
MAC Address
Time Zone
Provide a name to the Template Proxy.
This is the only mandatory field on this screen
Enter the IP Address of the Proxy. You also need to choose if the IP Address is of the type Static or DHCP
When the device is running on battery, the percentage of battery strength available is displayed in this field.
Provide the MAC Address.
In computer networking, a Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to most network adapters or network interface cards (NICs) by the manufacturer for identification and used in the Media Access Control protocol sub layer.
Select the time zone from the drop-down list
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Field Name Description
Click the Account appears. Select a location.
to select the location. The Location window, with a list of locations in
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Active Proxy
NTP Details
The Static and DHP option buttons are read-only. The static function makes the IP address constant. The IP is configured from the CFG file.
If the DHCP option button is selected, the IP Address might change every time the Proxy boots up
You cannot configure Active Back-Up Pair for a Template Proxy
The Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used for automatic time synchronization. NTP is for synchronizing the time between the proxy and the server. It also synchronizes time between ACCB’s. name
Select the Is External NTP check box to enable and enter the NTP details.
Click the IP Address or the DNS Name option button.
You can select only one option.
Proxy can use the Global System for Mobile communications to communicate with the RSP server. To do that, the GSM services need to be enabled.
The User Name, Password and Access Point Name are reflected based on the configuration file. If the configuration file has no data, then these fields will be blank.
Enter the GSM details in these fields.
Note: When you enter the credentials, please ensure that you have
connected the GSM modem to the proxy. Leave blank in case there you are not using GSM modem.
You need a valid NTP server IP / DNS
Dial Up
Enable System Log
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Proxy can use the Dial up or Public Switched Telephone Network to communicate with the RSP server
The User Name, Password and Access Point Name are reflected based on the configuration file. If the configuration file has no data, then these fields will be blank.
Enter the Dial Up details in these fields.
Note: When you enter the credentials, please ensure that you have
connected the PSTN modem to the proxy. Leave blank in case there you are not using PSTN modem.
Select this check box to enable system log for this proxy. By default, the check box is enabled and the installer cannot edit it, but can only select the type of log as required.
Note: There are three levels, Critical, Debug and Info. Critical is enabled
by default. If the user selects Debug, then the debug info along with the critical will be logged. If user selects Info, all three levels of the
Field Name Description
messages will be logged.
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Figure 13: Template Proxy Created Successfully
3. Click Apply. The message appears, “Proxy Created Successfully”. The Proxy is visible on the tree view on
the bottom left corner of the screen.
Click Apply and Close. The Template Proxy is created and the window is closed. The home page appears.
You can create multiple Template Proxies for a given section.
3.5 Replace Proxy
If a proxy is malfunctioning, then you can replace the old Proxy with a new Proxy. In addition, when you create a Template Proxy, you can replace the Template Proxy with the Actual Proxy. When a Proxy is replaced, all configuration made to the earlier Proxy is transferred to the New Proxy by default. The old Proxy is deleted from the system.
To replace the Proxy:
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