Ricoh 450, imagio Neo 350 series, imagio Neo 450 series Security Manual

350/450 Series
Operating Instructions
Security Reference
For safety, please read this manual carefully before you use this product and keep it handy for future reference.
This manual contains detailed instructions on the operation and maintenance of this machine. To get maximum versatility from this machine all operators should carefully read and follow the instructions in this manual. Please keep this manual in a handy place near the machine.
Please read the Safety Information in the Copy Reference manual before using this machine. It con­tains important information related to USER SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS.
Parts of this manual are subject to change without prior notice. In no event will the company be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages as a result of handling or operating the machine.
Use of controls or adjustment or performance of procedures other than those specified in this manual might result in hazardous radiation exposure.
, Windows® and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries.
AppleTalk, Apple, Macintosh, Mac and TrueType are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Incor­porated.
Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and might be trademarks of their respective companies. We disclaim any and all rights in those marks.
Some illustrations in this manual might be slightly different from the machine.
Certain options might not be available in some countries. For details, please contact your local dealer.
ISO15408 Security Capability.................................................................... 1
1.Security Settings
Operating Conditions................................................................................. 3
Operating Environment .................................................................................. 3
Key Operator Settings.................................................................................... 4
User Settings.................................................................................................. 5
Security Functions of This Machine......................................................... 6
Protection of Documents Temporarily Saved in the Memory of This Machine
Scanning the Original in Copier, Scanner or Document Server Mode ........... 8
Canceling a Transmission While the Original is Being Scanned (Facsimile)
Canceling a Print Job ................................................................................... 11
Resetting this machine................................................................................. 11
.... 8
....... 8
Protecting Documents Stored in the Document Server ....................... 12
Scanning in Document Server mode ........................................................... 13
Scanning in Copy mode ............................................................................... 20
Scanning in Scanner Mode .......................................................................... 24
Storing from Printer Driver ........................................................................... 31
Scanning in Facsimile Mode ........................................................................ 44
Sending a Stored File................................................................................... 49
Printing Stored Documents .......................................................................... 53
Locked Print.............................................................................................. 56
Printing a Locked Print File .......................................................................... 56
Deleting Locked Print Files .......................................................................... 57
Personal Boxes......................................................................................... 59
Printing Personal Box Messages ................................................................. 59
Key Operator Tools (for Administrator) ................................................. 61
Programming/Changing Key Operator Code ............................................... 62
Display Password with Stored File............................................................... 62
Delivery Server IP Address .......................................................................... 63
Programing/Editing Personal Boxes ............................................................ 63
Cautions When Using Security Modes................................................... 67
Key Operator Settings.................................................................................. 67
User Settings................................................................................................ 67
INDEX......................................................................................................... 68
ISO15408 Security Capability
The security mode of imagio Neo 350/450 series are compliant with ISO/IEC 15408 (level:EAL3) standards. Users requiring security control must use this ma­chine in security mode.
Unauthorized copying and access through customer networks reduces docu­ment security. Confidential documents should be protected using security modes.
To enable security modes, contact an engineer through your sales or service rep­resentative.
Refer to the version of software in the following table to see if the products you are using are certified models or not. Contact your sales or service representative to check which version of software is installed on the machine.
Certified Version
System/Copy 5.23 Printer Application 3.02
NIB 1.79 Scanner Application 2.24
Net File Application 2.19
Fax Application 5.21.0 FCU Dver 07.00.00
Remote Fax Application
Security Settings
Operating Conditions
This machine has two modes: normal, and security-enhanced mode. “Secu­rity Functions of This Machine” are available only in security mode.
Security modes operate on the premise that the machine is used un­der the following conditions:
Operating Environment
• This machine is used normally (i.e. it is not damaged, modified or lacking components).
• When connected to a network, this machine is protected from unau­thorized access and attacks such as packet wiretapping.
• The machine is managed by a person who has carefully read and under­stood the operating instructions for this machine and can ensure mainte­nance and safe operation by general users.
In General Office
• The machine is located in a room and connected to a telephone line or an internal network.
• Entry is restricted so that unautho­rized persons cannot use this ma­chine.
• A firewall prevents unauthorized external access.
In Public Facilities
• The machine is monitored by facility personnel.
• The machine is connected to tele­phone line but not to a network. Document Server mode is disabled.
Customer engineers dispatched from
Ricoh Company, Ltd. and affiliated companies are instructed to maintain user information security. Key opera­tors can ask customer engineers to ob­serve the maintenance procedure.
Ricoh Company, Ltd. and affiliated
companies manage the CSS centers (or Ricoh service centers ) that pro­vide maintenance services via tele­phone lines.
CSS centers (or Ricoh service cen-
ters) manage each user's informa­tion very carefully.
Security Settings
Key Operator Settings
The machine is not protected from illegal operations using networks such as wiretapping. Users need to take general measures to prevent unauthorized access to user net­works.
This machine is not protected from physical attacks such as removing or exchanging the hardware incor­rectly. Users need to take general measures to prevent physical at­tacks.
After relocating the machine or power outage, check the following to ensure machine security:
"Security" is displayed on the
control panel.
The Key Operator Code is pro-
grammed using an eight-digit number.
When choosing a Key Operator
Code, do not use multiple repe­titions of the same number such as 00000000or sequences such as 12345678. These kinds of codes can be guessed easily. Us­ing such codes will reduce secu­rity.
See "Key Operator Code", "Key Operator Tools 1/2" in the Sys­tem Settings manual.
To view a password for a docu­ment stored in the document serv­er, press [
Stored File
Make sure to select [
Display Password with
], and then select [ON].
] after
viewing the password. If [ON] is left selected after viewing the password, security is not guar­anteed.
All Initial Settings
] is selected for
the applicable range of the Key Operator Code.
] is selected under [
Password with Stored File
Use the display to check the securi­ty modes are working properly. When the machine is operating in security modes, the date/time and Securityare alternately dis­played in the top right-hand cor­ner of the display. For details about how to operate this machine in security modes, ask your sales or service representative.
Program a Key Operator Code to prevent unauthorized persons from making or changing User Tools settings. Program the Key Operator Code using 8 digits with the number keys, and then select
All Initial Settings
When choosing a password for
the Personal Box, do not use multiple repetitions of the same number such as “0000”or se­quences such as “1234”. These kinds of codes can be guessed easily. Using such codes will re­duce security.
See "Display Password with Stored File", "Key Operator Tools 2/2" in the System Set­tings manual.
User Settings
Enter passwords discreetly. If you note a password on paper, keep it hidden from other people.
Register a user name for a docu­ment stored in the document serv­er to identify creator or type, but not to protect the document from other people.
When the machine is operating in security modes, the date/time and Securityare alternately dis­played in the top right-hand cor­ner of the display. For details about how to operate this machine in security modes, ask your sales or service representative.
Operating Conditions
When choosing a password for a
document stored in the document server or the locked print, do not use multiple repetitions of the same number such as “0000”or se­quences such as “1234”. These kinds of passwords can be guessed easily. Using such codes will re­duce security.
Security Settings
Security Functions of This Machine
This machine provides the following security functions:
❖❖❖❖ Protection of documents printed with
the Locked Print function (Printer mode)
❖❖❖❖ Protection of documents temporarily
saved in memory (in Copier, Facsimi­le, Printer, Scanner and Document Server modes)
Deleted data is not reused. It is not available to other users.
If you push {{{{
stopped copy process, you can de­lete temporarily saved documents scanned in Copier, Facsimile or Scanner mode and data sent to the printer (this machine).
Clear Modes
}}}} key in
❖❖❖❖ Protection of documents stored in the
document server
You can attach a password to a document stored in the document server. Printing, delivery and fax transmission of documents is not possible unless the password is en­tered. Your documents are thereby protected from unauthorized ac­cess.
If you enter a password incorrect­ly, an error message will ap­pear:Password entered is not correct. Press ter the password again. When the machine is operating in security modes, if you enter an incorrect password three times consecu­tively, document access will be denied. You will be unable to ac­cess the document even if you subsequently enter the password correctly. Once document access is refused, even if you subse­quently enter the correct pass­word, the message “Password entered is not correct will ap­pear. To release the lock, turn off the main power switch, and then turn it on to re-enter.
, and then en-
When using Locked Print, printing is not possible unless a password is entered using the control panel. Your documents are safe from be­ing viewed by other people.
If you enter a password incor­rectly, an error message will ap­pear:Password entered is not correct. Press enter the password again. When the machine is operating in se­curity modes, if you enter an in­correct password three times consecutively, document access will be denied. You will be un­able to access the document even if you subsequently enter the password correctly. Once document access is refused, even if you subsequently enter the correct password, the mes­sage Password entered is not correct will appear. Turning off the main power switch will delete the document awaiting printing. To release the lock, you have to send the print job from your computer again.
, and then
Security Functions of This Machine
❖❖❖❖ Protection of received documents
stored in a Personal Box (Facsimile mode)
Printing documents stored in a Personal Box is not possible unless a password is entered using the control panel. Your documents are safe from being viewed by other people.
If you enter a password incor­rectly, an error message will ap­pear:Password entered is not correct. Press
, and then
enter the password again. When the machine is operating in se­curity modes, if you enter an in­correct password three times consecutively, personal box ac­cess will be denied. You will be unable to access the box even if you subsequently enter the password correctly. Once docu­ment access is refused, even if you subsequently enter the cor­rect password, the message Password entered is not cor­rect will appear. To release the lock, turn off the main power switch, and then turn it on to re­enter.
❖❖❖❖ Protection from unauthorized tele-
phone line access
Protection from unauthorized tele­phone line access Only faxes and CSS/Ricoh service cent communi­cations are accepted. Dial-up and other forms of telephone line ac­cess are barred.
"Using CSS (CUSTOMER SUP­PORT SYSTEM)" in the Copy Reference
❖❖❖❖ Key Operator Tools
You can program a Key Operator Code so that only authorized oper­ators can change security settings.
Security Settings
Protection of Documents Temporarily Saved in the Memory of This Machine
Documents scanned in Copier, Fac­simile or Scanner mode or data sent from a printer driver for printing are temporarily saved in memory. You can delete documents or data to avoid unauthorized printing.
Completing a process correctly, Used image data in the process will not printing in next operation (copying, printing, facsimile transmit , scan­ning).
Canceling a Transmission While the Original is Being Scanned (Facsimile)
Canceling a transmission after press-
ing the {{{{
Canceling a transmission using the
Change/Stop TX File]
}}}} key.
Scanning the Original in Copier, Scanner or Document Server Mode
Press the {{{{
The machine will stop storing the original and the data will not be sent.
}}}} key.
Press the {{{{
The machine will stop storing the original and the data will not be sent.
}}}} key.
Press [
Protection of Documents Temporarily Saved in the Memory of This Machine
Canceling a Transmission While the Message is Being Sent
Use this procedure to cancel a trans­mission after the original has been scanned.
If transmission finishes while you
are carrying out this procedure, it will not be canceled.
If you cancel a message while it is
being sent, transmission is halted as soon as you finish this proce­dure. However, some pages of your message may have already been sent and will be received at the other end.
Select the file you want to cancel.
Stop Transmission
For details, see "Canceling a Mem­ory Transmission" in the Facsimile Reference <Basic Features>
The list of programed files being transmitted or a waiting transmis­sion is displayed.
Change/Stop TX File
To cancel another file, repeat
and C.
The machine will return to standby mode.
Security Settings
Canceling a transmission using the
{{{{Clear/Stop}}}} key
Press the
Select the file you want to cancel.
Press [
The machine will return to standby mode.
Press [
To cancel another file, repeat
Stop Transmission
and C.
Protection of Documents Temporarily Saved in the Memory of This Machine
Canceling a Print Job
Press the {{{{
chine's control panel.
Press [
A message appears on the display panel indicating that the print job is being canceled.
This procedure cancels the print
job that is being processed by the machine. In some cases, the machine may already be pro­cessing data for the next print job following the one currently being output. In this case, the next print job is also canceled when you press [
Job Reset
}}}} key on the ma-
] on the display
Job Reset
Resetting this machine
When this machine stops by jam, pro­ceed this process.
Press the {{{{
machine's control panel.
Clear Modes
}}}} key on the
When the machine is being
shared by multiple computers, be careful not to accidentally cancel someone else's print job.
You cannot stop printing data
that has already been processed internally by the machine. Be­cause of this, printing may con­tinue for a few pages after you press [
A print job that contains a large
volume of data may take con­siderable time to stop.
Because of memory overflow, print
que will delete automatically.
Job Reset
Security Settings
Protecting Documents Stored in the Document Server
You can attach a password to a docu­ment stored in the document server. Printing, delivery and fax transmis­sion of documents is not possible un­less the password is entered. Your documents are thereby protected from unauthorized access.
Once you have entered a correct
password, the desired document is selected (highlighted). When a job is finished but the document is left selected, people without the pass­word can also print or delete it. When you have finished printing or deleting a document, make sure to press the key of that document again, or the [Clear/Stop] key to un­select the document. If you have selected several documents, make sure you press the [Clear Modes key to deselect them.
Frequently check the display panel
to see whether the machine is in se­curity mode or not. When the ma­chine is operating in security mode, the date/time and “Securi- ty appear alternately in the top right-hand corner of the display. For details about how to operate this machine in security mode, ask your sales or service representa­tive.
If you enter a password incorrect-
ly, an error message will ap­pear:Password entered is not correct. Press [Exit], and then en­ter the password again. When the machine is operating in security modes, if you enter an incorrect password three times consecutive­ly, document access will be denied. You will be unable to access the document even if you subsequent­ly enter the password correctly. Once document access is refused, even if you subsequently enter the correct password, the message Password entered is not correct will appear. To release the lock, turn off the main power switch, and then turn it on to re-enter. However, access attempts for oth­er documents are still accepted.
Once you have entered an incor-
rect password, it takes longer (more than one minute) than usual before the machine is ready for op­eration after power on.
Scanning in Document Server mode
For details, see "Scanning in Docu­ment Server mode" in the Copy Reference manual.
Protecting Documents Stored in the Document Server
Enter a file name, user name, or
password if necessary.
If you do not wish to register a
file name, go to step
If you do not register a file
name, it is stored automatically.
Press the {{{{
The "Select Files to Print" display appears.
Press the
Document Server
Scan Original
}}}} key.
The security is not guaranteed if
no password is entered.
To set the file name
A Press the B Enter the new file name using
the letter keys on the display panel.
For information about how to input characters, see the System Settings manual.
File Name
The "Scan Original" display appears.
C Press the
Security Settings
To set the user name
A Press the [User Name] . B Enter the new user name using
the letter keys on the display panel.
If you want to enter non-reg-
istered name, press the [Non- registered Name], then enter the new user name.
To set the password
A Press the [Password] . B Enter the password using the
number keys (4 digits).
To change the number en-
tered, press the [Clear] or {{{{Clear/Stop}}}} key and enter a new number.
The security is not guaran-
teed if no password is en­tered.
C Press the [OK] .
C Press the [OK] or {{{{#}}}} key.
Set your originals either on the
exposure glass or into the docu­ment feeder.
Make any desired settings.
Press the [
cancel the file name, password, or print settings and return to the "Select Files to Print" display.
Scanning Finished
] to
Protecting Documents Stored in the Document Server
Press the {{{{Start}}}} key.
The document is saved in the Doc­ument Server. The saved docu­ments are displayed on the "Select Files to Print " display.
If you have set your originals on
the exposure glass, press the
Scanning Finished] after all orig-
inals have been scanned. The "Select Files to Print" display ap­pears.
To stop scanning, press the
To resume the paused scanning
job, press the [Resume] in the confirmation dialog box. To de­lete the saved images and cancel the job, press the [Cancel] .
Press the [Scanning Finished] .
To change the file name, user name, or password
A Press the line of the document
whose file name, user name, or password you want to change.
When storing a password,
appears on the left side of the file name.
B If you select a document which
requires a password, the "In­put the Password" window ap­pears. Input the password using the number keys, then press the [OK] .
C Press the [File Management] .
Security Settings
D Press the [Change User Name],
[Change File Name], or [Change Password].
E Enter the new file name, user
name, or password using the letter keys or number keys.
F Press the [OK] .
Printing Saved Documents
You can print any of the documents saved in the Documents Server.
Follow these steps to select a docu­ment and print it out.
For details, see "Printing Saved Document" in the Copy Reference manual.
Press the {{{{Document Server}}}} key.
The "Select Files to Print" display appears.
Press the line for the document
you want to print.
The selected line is highlighted.
If you cannot choose the desired
document by its name, you can print the first page to check the contents. Press the line for the desired document, and press the [Print 1st Page] followed by
the {{{{Start}}}} key.
Protecting Documents Stored in the Document Server
If you select a document which
requires a password, the “Input the Password window ap­pears. Enter your password us­ing the number keys, then press the [OK] .
If you enter an incorrect pass-
word for a document three times consecutively, document access is refused. Turn off the main power switch, and then turn it on to re-enter correctly. However, access attempts for other documents are still ac­cepted.
To delete the value entered,
press the [Clear] or {{{{Clear/Stop}}}}
key. To cancel a selected docu­ment, press the [Cancel] .
To print more than one docu-
ment, repeat step desired documents in the order you want to print them out.
The selected order is shown in the priority column next to the select­ed document(s).
to select the
If you need to change any of the
print settings, press the [Print Set- tings] .
The "Print Settings" display ap­pears.
Press the [
the Select Files to Print” display.
Select File
] to return to
Press the {{{{Clear Modes}}}} key to
cancel all the settings.
For details, see the explanations of each function in this manual.
Enter the required number of
prints using the number keys.
Up to 999 can be entered.
To change the value entered,
press the {{{{Clear/Stop}}}} key and
enter new value.
Press the {{{{Start}}}} key.
The machine starts printing.
To pause the print job, press the
{{{{Clear/Stop}}}} key. In the confir-
mation dialog box, press the [Resume] to resume it, or press the [Cancel] to cancel it.
Security Settings
Deleting Saved Documents
You should delete any of the saved documents using the control panel of the machine.
This section describes how to delete saved documents.
You can save up to 3,000 docu-
ments in the Document Server. No more documents can be saved, when there are 3,000 documents in the Document Server. You should delete unnecessary documents.
You can set the timer to delete the
documents stored in the Docu­ment Server with the User Tools. Delete All Files in the System Settings manual.
You can delete all the saved docu-
ments at a time with the User Tools. Delete All Files in the System Settings manual.
Follow these steps to delete saved documents.
Press the {{{{
The Select Files to Print display appears.
Select a document you want to de-
lete by pressing the name of it.
The selected name is highlighted.
Document Server
}}}} key.
You can search the document
you desire by the file name or the user name. .
You can sort the files in order of
User Name
. Press the key you want to
sort by.
Restrictions on entries are as follows:
User name: up to 16 characters
File name: up to 16 characters
If you cannot choose the desired
document by its name, you can print the first page to check the contents. Press the line for the desired document, and press the
Print 1st Page
by the {{{{
Press the selected line again to
cancel the print job.
If you select a document which
requires a password, the “Input the Password window ap­pears. Enter your password us­ing the number keys, and press the
If you enter an incorrect pass-
word for a document three times consecutively, document access is refused. Turn off the main power switch, and then turn it on to re-enter correctly. However, access attempts for other documents are still ac­cepted.
File Name
], [
}}}} key.
key followed
, or
To delete the value entered,
press the key. To cancel a selected docu­ment, press the
or {{{{
Repeat step BBBB if you want to select
more than one document.
Press the [Delete File] key.
A confirmation dialog box ap­pears.
Press the [Delete] key to delete it.
Protecting Documents Stored in the Document Server
To cancel the delete operation,
press the [Do not Delete] key.
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