Ricoh Aficio MP C7501SP, imagio MP C6001 Series, imagio MP C7501 Series User Manual

Copyright (c) 2011 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All rights reserved.
imagio MP C6001/C7501 series
Security Target
Author : RICOH COMPANY, LTD. Date : 2011-09-15 Version : 1.00
Portions of imagio MP C6001/C7501 series Security Target are reprinted with written permission from IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, New Jerse
08855, from IEEE 2600.1, Protection Profile for Hardcopy Devices, Operational Environment A, Copyright © 2009 IEEE. All rights reserved.
This document is a translation of the evaluated and certified security target written in Japanese.
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Revision History
Version Date Author Detail
1.00 2011-09-15 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. Publication version.
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Table of Contents
1 ST Introduction..................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 ST Reference .................................................................................................................. 7
1.2 TOE Reference ...............................................................................................................7
1.3 TOE Overview................................................................................................................ 8
1.3.1 TOE Type ...................................................................................................................8
1.3.2 TOE Usage.................................................................................................................8
1.3.3 Major Security Features of TOE.............................................................................10
1.4 TOE Description........................................................................................................... 11
1.4.1 Physical Boundary of TOE...................................................................................... 11
1.4.2 Guidance Documents...............................................................................................14
1.4.3 Definition of Users...................................................................................................15 Direct User........................................................................................................15 Indirect User.....................................................................................................16
1.4.4 Logical Boundary of TOE ........................................................................................17 Basic Functions ................................................................................................17 Security Functions............................................................................................20
1.4.5 Protected Assets.......................................................................................................22 User Data..........................................................................................................22 TSF Data...........................................................................................................23 Functions ..........................................................................................................23
1.5 Glossary........................................................................................................................23
1.5.1 Glossary for This ST................................................................................................23
2 Conformance Claim............................................................................................................. 27
2.1 CC Conformance Claim................................................................................................ 27
2.2 PP Claims..................................................................................................................... 27
2.3 Package Claims............................................................................................................ 27
2.4 Conformance Claim Rationale..................................................................................... 28
2.4.1 Consistency Claim with TOE Type in PP...............................................................28
2.4.2 Consistency Claim with Security Problems and Security Objectives in PP .........28
2.4.3 Consistency Claim with Security Requirements in PP..........................................29
3 Security Problem Definitions.............................................................................................. 32
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3.1 Threats.........................................................................................................................32
3.2 Organisational Security Policies.................................................................................. 33
3.3 Assumptions................................................................................................................. 33
4 Security Objectives..............................................................................................................35
4.1 Security Objectives for TOE......................................................................................... 35
4.2 Security Objectives of Operational Environment........................................................ 36
4.2.1 IT Environment .......................................................................................................36
4.2.2 Non-IT Environment ...............................................................................................37
4.3 Security Objectives Rationale...................................................................................... 38
4.3.1 Correspondence Table of Security Objectives.........................................................38
4.3.2 Security Objectives Descriptions ............................................................................39
5 Extended Components Definition....................................................................................... 43
5.1 Restricted forwarding of data to external interfaces (FPT_FDI_EXP) ....................... 43
6 Security Requirements........................................................................................................ 45
6.1 Security Functional Requirements.............................................................................. 45
6.1.1 Class FAU: Security audit.......................................................................................45
6.1.2 Class FCS: Cryptographic support .........................................................................48
6.1.3 Class FDP: User data protection ............................................................................49
6.1.4 Class FIA: Identification and authentication.........................................................54
6.1.5 Class FMT: Security management..........................................................................57
6.1.6 Class FPT: Protection of the TSF............................................................................63
6.1.7 Class FTA: TOE access............................................................................................64
6.1.8 Class FTP: Trusted path/channels..........................................................................64
6.2 Security Assurance Requirements............................................................................... 64
6.3 Security Requirements Rationale................................................................................ 65
6.3.1 Tracing .....................................................................................................................65
6.3.2 Justification of Traceability.....................................................................................67
6.3.3 Dependency Analysis...............................................................................................73
6.3.4 Security Assurance Requirements Rationale.........................................................75
7 TOE Summary Specification............................................................................................... 76
7.1 Audit Function ............................................................................................................. 76
7.2 Identification and Authentication Function................................................................ 78
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7.3 Document Access Control Function ............................................................................. 80
7.4 Use-of-Feature Restriction Function........................................................................... 82
7.5 Network Protection Function....................................................................................... 83
7.6 Residual Data Overwrite Function.............................................................................. 83
7.7 Stored Data Protection Function ................................................................................. 84
7.8 Security Management Function .................................................................................. 84
7.9 Software Verification Function .................................................................................... 89
7.10 Fax Line Separation Function ..................................................................................... 89
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List of Figures
Figure 1 : Example of TOE Environment.......................................................................................................9
Figure 2 : Hardware Configuration of the TOE............................................................................................ 12
Figure 3 : Logical Scope of the TOE............................................................................................................17
List of Tables
Table 1 : Identification Information of TOE...................................................................................................7
Table 2 : Definition of Users.........................................................................................................................15
Table 3 : List of Administrative Roles ..........................................................................................................15
Table 4 : Definition of User Data.................................................................................................................. 22
Table 5 : Definition of TSF Data...................................................................................................................23
Table 6 : Specific Terms Related to This ST.................................................................................................23
Table 7 : Rationale for Security Objectives...................................................................................................38
Table 8 : List of Auditable Events................................................................................................................. 46
Table 9 : List of Cryptographic Key Generation...........................................................................................49
Table 10 : List of Cryptographic Operation ..................................................................................................49
Table 11 : List of Subjects, Objects, and Operations among Subjects and Objects (a).................................50
Table 12 : List of Subjects, Objects, and Operations among Subjects and Objects (b).................................50
Table 13 : Subjects, Objects and Security Attributes (a)...............................................................................50
Table 14 : Rules to Control Operations on Document Data and User Jobs (a) ............................................. 51
Table 15 : Additional Rules to Control Operations on Document Data and User Jobs (a)............................52
Table 16 : Subjects, Objects and Security Attributes (b)...............................................................................53
Table 17 : Rule to Control Operations on MFP Applications (b)..................................................................53
Table 18 : List of Authentication Events of Basic Authentication.................................................................54
Table 19 : List of Actions for Authentication Failure....................................................................................54
Table 20 : List of Security Attributes for Each User That Shall Be Maintained ...........................................55
Table 21 : Rules for Initial Association of Attributes....................................................................................57
Table 22 : User Roles for Security Attributes (a).......................................................................................... 58
Table 23 : User Roles for Security Attributes (b)..........................................................................................59
Table 24 : Authorised Identified Roles Allowed to Override Default Values................................................ 60
Table 25 : List of TSF Data...........................................................................................................................61
Table 26 : List of Specification of Management Functions...........................................................................62
Table 27 : TOE Security Assurance Requirements (EAL3+ALC_FLR.2)....................................................64
Table 28 : Relationship between Security Objectives and Functional Requirements...................................66
Table 29 : Results of Dependency Analysis of TOE Security Functional Requirements.............................. 73
Table 30 : List of Audit Events......................................................................................................................76
Table 31 : List of Audit Log Items................................................................................................................ 77
Table 32 : Unlocking Administrators for Each User Role............................................................................. 79
Table 33 : Stored Documents Access Control Rules for Normal Users........................................................81
Table 34 : Encrypted Communications Provided by the TOE ......................................................................83
Table 35 : List of Cryptographic Operations for Stored Data Protection......................................................84
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Table 36 : Management of TSF Data............................................................................................................85
Table 37 : List of Static Initialisation for Security Attributes of Document Access Control SFP.................88
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1 ST Introduction
This section describes ST Reference, TOE Reference, TOE Overview and TOE Description.
1.1 ST Reference
The following are the identification information of this ST. Title : imagio MP C6001/C7501 series Security Target Version : 1.00 Date : 2011-09-15 Author : RICOH COMPANY, LTD.
1.2 TOE Reference
This TOE is identified by the following: digital multi function product (hereafter "MFP"), Fax Controller Unit (hereafter "FCU"), Security Card (residual data overwrite option), and HDD Encryption Card, all of which constitute the TOE. The MFP is identified by its product name and version. MFP versions consist of software and hardware ve rsion s. The FC U and the Se curity Card are id entifi ed by th eir res pectiv e name s and versions. The HDD Encryption Card is identified by its name. Table 1 shows the identification informatio n of the TOE.
Table 1 : Identification Information of TOE
Names Versions
Software System/Copy 1.03 Network Support 9.62 Scanner 01.05 Printer 1.03 Fax 02.00.00 RemoteFax 02.00.00 Web Support 1.04 Web Uapl 1.01 NetworkDocBox 1.01 animation 1.00 RPCS 3.10.6
- Ricoh imagio MP C6001 SP
- Ricoh imagio MP C7501 SP
RPCS Font 1.00
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Names Versions
Engine 1.07:06 OpePanel 1.04 LANG0 1.03 LANG1 1.03 Hardware Ic Key 01020700 Ic Ctlr 03
Options FCU name imagio Fax Unit Type23 GWFCU3-18(WW) 02.00.00 Security Card name imagio Secu rity Card Type7 Data Erase Opt 1.01x HDD Encryption Card
imagio HDD Encryption Card Type7
Keywords : Digital MFP, Documents, Copy, Print, Scanner, Network, Office, Fax
1.3 TOE Overview
This section defines TOE Type, TOE Usage and Major Security Features of TOE.
1.3.1 TOE Type
This TOE is a digital multi function product (hereafter "MFP"), which is an IT device that inputs, stores, and outputs documents.
1.3.2 TOE Usage
The operational environment of the TOE is illustrated below and the usage of the TOE is ou tlined in this section.
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Figure 1 : Example of TOE Environment
The TOE is used by connecting to the local area network (hereafter "LAN") and telephone lines, as shown in Figure 1. Users can operate the TOE from the Operation Panel of the TOE or through LAN communications. Below, explanations are provided for the MFP, which is the TOE itself, and hardware and software other than the TOE.
A machinery that is defined as the TOE. The MFP is connected to the office LAN, and users can perform the following operations from the Operation Panel of the MFP:
- Various settings for the MFP,
- Copy, fax, storage, and network transmission of paper documents,
- Print, fax, network transmission, and deletion of the stored documents. Also, the TOE receives information via telephone lines and can store it as a document.
Network used in the TOE environment.
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Client computer
Performs as a client of the TOE if it is connected to the LAN, and users can remotely operate the MFP from the client computer. The possible remote operations from the client computer are as follows:
- Various settings for the MFP using a Web browser installed on the client computer,
- Operation of documents using a Web browser installed on the client computer,
- Storage and printing of documents using the printer driver installed on the client computer,
- Storage and faxing of documents using the fax driver installed on the client computer.
Telephone line
A public line for the TOE to communicate with external faxes.
A device to prevent the office environment from network attacks via the Internet.
FTP Server
A server used by the TOE for folder transmission of the stored documents in the TOE to its folders.
SMB Server
A server used by the TOE for folder transmission of the stored documents in the TOE to its folders.
SMTP Server
A server used by the TOE for e-mail transmission of the stored documents in the TOE.
External Authentication Server
A server that identifies and authenticates the TOE user with Windows authentication (Kerberos authentication method). This server is only used when External Authentication is applied. The TOE identifies and authenticates the user by communicating with the external authenticatio n server via LAN.
RC Gate
An IT device used for @Remote. The function of RC Gate for @Remote is to relay communications between the MFP and maintenance centre. A transfer path to other external interface for input information from the RC Gate via network interface is not implemented in the TOE. The RC Gate products include Remote Communication Gate A, Remote Communication Gate Type N, and Remote Communication Gate Type L.
1.3.3 Major Security Features of TOE
The TOE stores documents in it, and sends and receives documents to and from the IT devices connected to the LAN. To ensure provision of confidentiality and integrity for those documents, the TOE has the following security features:
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- Audit Function
- Identification and Authentication Function
- Document Access Control Function
- Use-of-Feature Restriction Function
- Network Protection Function
- Residual Data Overwrite Function
- Stored Data Pr ot ect i on Fu nct ion
- Security Management Function
- Software Verification Function
- Fax Line Separa t i on Fu nct i o n
1.4 TOE Description
This section describes Physical Boundary of TOE, Guidance Documents, Definition of Users, Logical Boundary of TOE, and Protected Assets.
1.4.1 Physical Boundary of TOE
The physical boundary of the TOE is the MFP, which consists of the following hardware components (shown in Figure 2): Operation Panel Unit, Engine Unit, Fax Unit, Controller Board, HDD, Ic Ctlr, Network Unit, USB Port, SD Card Slot, and SD Card.
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Figure 2 : Hardware Configuration of the TOE
Controller Board
The Controller Board is a device that contains Processors, RAM, NVRAM, Ic Key, and FlashROM. The Controller Board sends and receives information to and from the units and devices that constitute the MFP, and this information is used to control the MFP. The info rmation to control the MFP is processed by the MFP Control Software on the Controller Board. The following describes the components of the Controller Board:
- Processor A semiconductor chip that performs basic arithmetic processing for MFP operations.
- RAM A volatile memory medium which is used as a working area for image processing such as compressing/decompressing the image data. It can also be used to temporarily read and write internal information.
- NVRAM A non-volatile memory medium in which TSF data for configuring MFP operations is stored.
- Ic Key A security chip that has the functions of random number generation, cryptographic key generation
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and digital signature. It has the memory medium inside, and the signature root key is installed before the TOE is shipped.
- FlashROM A non-volatile memory medium in which the following software components are installed: System/Copy, Network Support, Scanner, Printer, Fax, RemoteFax, Web Support, Web Uapl, NetworkDocBox, animation, RPCS, RPCS Font, LANG0, and LANG1. These are part of the TOE and are included in the MFP Control Software.
Operation Panel Unit (hereafter "Operation Panel")
The Operation Panel is a user interface installed on the TOE and consists of the following devices: key switches, LED indicators, an LCD touch screen, and Operation Control Board. The Operation Control Board is connected to the key switches, LED indicators, and LCD touch screen. The Operation Panel Control Software is installed on the Operation Panel Control Board. The Operation Panel Control Software performs the following:
1. Transfers operation instructions from the key switches and the LCD touch screen to the
Controller Board.
2. Controls the LEDs and displays information on the LCD touch screen according to display
instructions from the Controller Board.
OpePanel, which is one of the components that constitute the TOE, is the identifier for the Operation Panel Control Software.
Engine Unit
The Engine Unit consists of Scanner Engine that is an input device to read paper documents, Printer Engine that is an output device to print and eject paper documents, and Engine Control Board. The Engine Control Software is installed in the Engine Control Board. The Engine Control Software sends status information about the Scanner Engine and Printer Engine to the Controller Board, and operates the Scanner Engine or Printer Engine according to instructions from the MFP Control Software. Engine, which is one of the components that constitute the TOE, is the identifier for the Engine Control Software.
Fax Unit
The Fax Unit is a unit that has a modem function for connection to a telephone line. It also sends and receives fax data to and from other fax devices using the G3 standard for communication. The Fax Unit sends and receives control information about the Controller Board and Fax Unit and fax data. FCU, which is one of the components that constitute the TOE, is the identifier of the Fax Unit.
The HDD is a hard disk drive that is a non-volatile memory medium. It stores documents, login user names and login passwords of normal users.
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Ic Ctlr
The Ic Ctlr is a board that implements data encryption and decryption function s. I t is pr ovid ed w ith functio n s for HDD encryption realisation.
Network Unit
The Network Unit is an external interface to an Ethernet (100BASE-TX/10BASE-T) LAN.
USB Port
The USB Port is an external interface to connect a client computer to the TOE for printing directly from the client computer. During installation, this interface is disabled.
SD Card/SD Card Slot
The SD Card is a memory medium in which Data Erase Opt (MFP Control Software) are stored. When used, the SD Card is inserted into the SD Card Slot that is inside the MFP. Only the customer engineer is allowed to open the cover and insert the SD Card into the SD Card Slot during installation.
1.4.2 Guidance Documents
The document sets of this TOE are as follows:
- imagio MP C7501/C6001 series Operating Instructions <About This Machine> D081-7603
- imagio MP C7501/C6001 series Operating Instructions <Troubleshooting> D081-7630
- imagio MP C7501/C6001 series Operating Instructions <Copy Function & Document Server Function> D081-7620
- imagio MP C7501/C6001 series Quick guide <Fax Function> D498-8501
- imagio MP C7501/C6001 series Quick guide <Network & System Settings> D081-7640
- imagio MP C7501/C6001 series Quick guide <Security Reference> D081-7645
- App2Me Start Guide D085-7902
- Notes for Users D081-7614A
- Operating Instructions Drivers&Utilities imagio MP C6001/C6001SP/C750 1/C7501SP D081-7700A
- imagio Security Card Type7 imagio Security Card Type9 Operating Instructions D377-7902
- To Users of This Machine D029-7909
- To Users of This Machine D060-7785
- imagio MP C7501/C6001 series Operating Instructions <Notes on Security Functions> D081-7685
- Notes for Administrators: using this Machine in a Network Environment Compliant with IEEE Std.
-2009 D081-7684
- Help 83NHBNJAR1.10 v110
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1.4.3 Definition of Users
This section defines the users related to the TOE. These users include those who routinely use the TOE (direct users) and those who do not (indirect users). The direct users and indirect users are described as follows: Direct User
The "user" referred to in this ST indicates a direct user. This direct user consists of normal users, administrators, and RC Gate. The following table (Table 2) shows the definitions of these direct users.
Table 2 : Definition of Users
Definition of
Normal user
A user who is allowed to use the TOE. A normal user is provided with a login user name and can use Copy Function, Fax Function, Scanner Function, Printer Function, and Document Server Function.
A user who is allowed to manage the TOE. An administrator performs management operations, which include issuing login names to normal users.
RC Gate
An IT device connected to networks. RC Gate performs the @Remote Service Function of the TOE via RC Gate communication interface. Copy Function, Fax Function, Scanner Function, Printer Function, Document Server Function, and Management Function cannot be used.
The administrator means the user registered for TOE management. According to its roles, the administrator can be classified as the supervisor and the MFP administrator. Up to four MFP administrators can be registered and selectively authorised to perform user management, machine management, network management, and file management. Therefore, the different roles of the management privilege can be allocated to multiple MFP administrators individually. The "MFP administrator" in this ST refers to the MFP administrator who has all management privil eges (Tabl e 3).
Table 3 : List of Administrative Roles
Definition of
Management Privileges Explanation
Supervisor Supervisor
Authorised to delete and register the login password of the MFP administrator.
User management privilege
Authorised to manage normal users. This privilege allows configuration of normal user settings.
MFP administrator
Machine management privilege
Authorised to specify MFP device behaviour (network behaviours excluded). This pr ivilege allows configuration of device settings and view of the audit log.
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Network management privilege
Authorised to manage networks and configure LAN settings. This privilege allows configuration of network settings.
File management privilege
Authorised to manage stored documents. This privilege allows access management of stored documents. Indirect User
Responsible manager of MFP
The responsible manager of MFP is a person who is responsible for selection of the TOE administrators in the organisation where the TOE is used.
Customer engineer The customer engineer is a person who belongs to the organisation which maintains TOE operation. The
customer engineer is in charge of installation, setup, and maintenance of the TOE.
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1.4.4 Logical Boundary of TOE
The Basic Functions and Security Functions are described as follows:
Figure 3 : Logical Scope of the TOE Basic Functions
The overview of the Basic Functions is described as follows:
Copy Function
The Copy Function is to scan paper documents and copy scanned image data from the Operation Panel. Magnification and other editorial jobs can be applied to the copy image. It can also be stored on the HDD as a Document Server document.
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Printer Function
The Printer Function of TOE is to print or store the documents the TOE receives from the printer driver installed on the client computer. It also allows users to print and delete the stored documents from the Operation Panel or a Web browser.
- Receiving documents from the printer driver installed on the client computer.
The TOE receives documents from the printer driver installed on the client computer. Printing methods for documents is selected by users from the printer driver. The printing methods include direct print, Document Server storage, locked print, stored print, hold print, and sample print. For direct print, documents received by the TOE will be printed. The documents will not be stored in the TOE. For Document Server storage, the received documents will be stored on the HDD as Document Server documents. For locked print, stored print, hold print, and sample print, the received documents will be stored on the HDD as printer documents. A dedicated password, which is used for locked print, is not subject to this evaluation.
- Operating from the Operation Panel
The TOE can print or delete printer documents according to the operations by users from the Operation Panel.
- Operating from a Web browser
The TOE can print or delete printer documents according to the operations by users from a Web browser.
- Deleting printer documents by the TOE
The deletion of printer documents by the TOE differs depending on printing methods. If locked print, hold print, or sample print is specified, the TOE deletes printer documents when printing is complete. If stored print is specified, the TOE does not delete printer documents even when printing is complete.
According to the guidance document, users first install the specified printer driver on their own client computers, and then use this function.
Scanner Function
The Scanner Function is to scan paper documents by using the Operation Panel. The scann ed do cuments will be sent to folders or by e-mail. The documents to be sent to folders or by e-mail will be stored in the TOE, so that they can be transmitted afterwards. The documents stored in the TOE are called scanner documents. Scanner documents can be sent to folders or by e-mail, or deleted from the Operation Panel or a Web browser.
Folder transmission can be applied only to the destination folders in a server that the MFP administrator pre-registers in the TOE and with which secure communication can be ensured. E-mail transmission is possible only with the mail server and e-mail addresses that the MFP administrator pre-registers in the TOE and with which secure communication can be ensured.
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Fax Function
The Fax Function is to send paper documents and documents received from the fax driver installed on the client computer to external faxes (Fax Transmission Function). Also, this function can be used to receive documents from external faxes (Fax Reception Function).
Documents to be sent by fax can be stored in the TOE. Those documents stored in the TOE for fax transmission are called fax documents. Fax documents can be sent by fax, and they also can be printed, deleted, and sent to folders.
The documents received by fax can be stored in the TOE, printed, deleted from the TOE, and downloaded to the client computer.
- Fax Transmission Function
A function to send paper documents, documents in the client computer, and fax documents to external faxes over a telephone line.
Paper documents will be scanned and sent by fax using the Operation Panel. The documents in the client computer are sent by fax from the fax driver installed on the client computer. Fax documents are sent by fax from the Operation Panel or a Web browser. Documents can be sent by fax only to the telephone numbers that are pre-registered in the TOE.
- Fax Data Storage Function
A function to temporarily store paper documents or documents in the client computer for fax transmission in the TOE. Those documents stored in the TOE are called fax documents. Paper documents will be scanned and stored using the Operation Panel. The documents in the client computer are sent to and stored in the TOE by operating the fax driver installed on the client computer.
- Operation Function for Fax Documents
A function to print or delete fax documents. This function can be used from the Operation Panel or a Web browser.
- Folder Transmission Function of Fax Data
A function to send fax documents to folders by using the Operation Panel. The MFP administrator must pre-register the destination server that provides secure
communication with the TOE. Users select the destination server from the servers that the MFP administrator pre-registers, and send data to the folder.
- Fax Reception Function
A function to receive documents from external faxes via the telephone line and store the received documents in the TOE. Those stored documents in the TOE are called received fax documents.
- Operation Function for Received Fax Documents
A function to operate the received fax documents from the Operation Panel or a Web browser. Documents can be printed and deleted using the Operation Panel, while they can be printed, deleted and downloaded from a Web browser.
According to the guidance document, users first install the specified fax driver on their own client computers, and then use this function.
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Document Server Function
The Document Server Function is to operate documents stored in the TOE by using the Operation Panel and a Web browser.
From the Operation Panel, users can store, print and delete Document Server documents. Also, users can print and delete fax documents.
From a Web browser, users can print and delete Document Server documents, fax, print, download, and delete fax documents. Also, users can send scanner documents to folders or by e-mail, download and delete them.
Management Function
The Management Function is to control the MFP's overall behaviour. This function can be implemented using the Operation panel or a Web browser.
Maintenance Function
The Maintenance Function is to perform maintenance service for the MFP if it is malfunctioning. When analysing causes of the malfunction, a customer engineer performs this function from the Operation Panel. The customer engineer will implement this function following the proced ures that are allowed to customer engineers only. If the MFP administrator sets the Service Mode Lock Function to "ON", the customer engineer cannot use this function.
In this ST, the Service Mode Lock Function is set to "ON" for the target of evaluation.
Web Function
A function for the TOE user to remotely control the TOE from the client computer. To control the TOE remotely, the TOE user needs to install the designated Web browser on the client computer following the guidance documents and connect the client computer to the TOE via the LAN.
@Remote Service Function
A function for the TOE to communicate with RC Gate via networks for @Remote Service. As for the configuration of this TOE, this function has no access to the protected assets. Security Functions
The Security Functions are described as follows:
Audit Function
The Audit Function is to generate the audit log of TOE use and security-relevant events (hereafter, "audit events"). Also, this function provides the recorded audit log in a legible fashion for users to audit. This function can be used only by the MFP administrator to view and delete the recorded aud it log. To view and delete the audit log, the Web Function will be used.
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Identification and Authentication Function
The Identification and Authentication Function is to verify persons before they use the TOE. The persons are allowed to use the TOE only when confirmed as the authorised user.
Users can use the TOE from the Operation Panel or via the network. By the network, users can use the TOE from a Web browser, printer/fax driver, and RC Gate.
To use the TOE from the Operation Panel or a Web browser, a user will b e required to enter h is or her login user name and login password so that the user can be verified as a normal user, MFP administrator, or supervisor.
To use the Printer or Fax Function from the printer or fax driver, a user will be required to enter his or her login user name and login password received from the printer or fax drivers, so that the user can be verified as a normal user.
To use the @Remote Service Function from the RC Gate communication interface, it will be verified whether the communication request is sent from RC Gate.
Methods to verify normal users are Basic Authentication and external server authentication. The users will be verified by the MFP administrator-specified procedure, whereas the MFP administrator and supervisor can be verified only by the Basic Authentication.
This function includes protection functions for the authentication feedback area, where dummy characters are displayed if a login password is entered using the Operation Panel. In addition to this and for the Basic Authentication only, this function can be used to register passwords that fulfil the requirements of the Minimum Character No. (i.e. minimum password length) and obligatory character types the MFP administrator specifies, so that the lockout function can be enabled and login password quality can be protected.
Document Access Control Function
The Document Access Control Function is to authorise the operations for documents and user jobs by the authorised TOE users who are authenticated by Identification and Authentication Function. It allows user's operation on the user documents and user jobs based on the privileges for the user role, or the operation permissions for each user.
Use-of-Feature Restriction Function
The Use-of-Feature Restriction Function is to authorise the operations of Copy Function, Printer Function, Scanner Function, Document Server Function and Fax Function by the authorised TOE users who are authenticated by Identification and Authenticatio n Function. It authorises the use of functions based on the user role and the operation permissions for each user.
Network Protection Function
The Network Protection Function is to prevent information leakage through wiretapping on the LAN and detect data tampering. The protection function can be enabled using a Web browser to specify the URL for possible encrypted communication. If the Printer Function is used, the protection function can be enabled using the printer driver to specify encrypted communication. If the folder transmission function of Scanner Function is used, the protection function can be enabled through encrypted communication. If the e-mail
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transmission function of Scanner Function is used, the protection function can be enabled through encrypted communication with communication requirements that are specified for each e-mail address. If the LAN-Fax Transmission Function of Fax Function is used, the protection function can be enabled using the fax driver to specify encrypted communication. When communicating with RC Gate, encrypted communication is used.
Residual Data Overwrite Function
The Residual Data Overwrite Function is to overwrite specific patterns on the HDD and disable the reusing of the residual data included in deleted documents, temporary documents and their fragments on the HDD.
Stored Data Protection Function
The Stored Data Protection Function is to encrypt the data on the HDD and protect the da ta so that da ta leakage can be prevented.
Security Management Function
The Security Management Function is to control operations for TSF data in accordance with user role privileges or user privileges allocated to normal users, MFP administrator, and supervisor.
Software Verification Function
The Software Verification Function is to verify the integrity of the executable codes of the MFP Control Software and FCU Control Software and to ensure that they can be trusted.
Fax Line Separation Function
The Fax Line Separation Function is to restrict input information from the telephone lines so that only fax data can be received and unauthorised intrusion from the telephone lines (same as the "fax line") can be prevented. Also, this function can be used to prohibit transmissions of received faxes so that unauthorised intrusion from the telephone lines to the LAN can be prevented.
1.4.5 Protected Assets
Assets to be protected by the TOE are user data, TSF data, and functions . User Data
The user data is classified into two types: document data and function data. Table 4 defines user data according to these data types.
Table 4 : Definition of User Data
Type Description
Document data Digitised documents, deleted documents, temporary documents and their
fragments, which are managed by the TOE.
Function data Jobs specified by users. In this ST, a "user job" is referred to as a "job".
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Copyright (c) 2011 RICOH COMPANY, LTD. All rights reserved. TSF Data
The TSF data is classified into two types: protected data and confidential data. Table 5 defines TSF data according to these data types.
Table 5 : Definition of TSF Data
Type Description
Protected data This data must be protected from changes by unauthorised pers o ns. N o
security threat will occur even this data is exposed to the public. In this ST, "protected data", listed below, is referred to as "TSF protected data". Login user name, Number of Attempts before Lockout, settings for Lockout Release Timer, lockout time, date settings (year/month/day), time settings, Minimum Character No., Password Complexity Setting, S/MIME user information, destination folder, stored and received document user, document user list, available function list, and user authentication procedures.
Confidential data
This data must be protected from changes by unauthorised persons and reading by users without viewing permissions. I n this ST, "con fi dential data", listed below, is referred to as "TSF confidential data". Login password, audit log, and HDD cryptographic key. Functions
The MFP applications (Copy Function, Document Server Function, Printer Function, Scanner Function, and Fax Function) that are for management of the document data of user data are classified as protected assets, whose use is subject to restrictions.
1.5 Glossary
1.5.1 Glossary for This ST
For clear understanding of this ST, Table 6 provides the definitions of specific terms.
Table 6 : Specific Terms Related to This ST
Terms Definitions
MFP Control Software A software component installed in the TOE. This component is stored in
FlashROM and SD Card. The components that identify the TOE include System/Copy, Network Support, Scanner, Printer, Fax, RemoteFax, Web Support, Web Uapl, NetworkDocBox, animation, RPCS, RPCS Font, LANG0, LANG1 and Data Erase Opt.
Login user name An identifier assigned to each normal user, MFP administrator, and supervisor.
The TOE identifies users by this identifier.
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Terms Definitions
Login password A password associated with each login user name. Lockout A type of behaviour to deny login of particular users. Auto logout A function for automatic user logout if no access is attempted from the
Operation Panel or Web Function before the predetermined auto logout time elapses. Auto logout time for the Operation Panel: Time specified by the MFP administrator within 60 to 999 seconds. Auto logout time for the Web Function: 30 minutes (this cannot be changed by users). This auto logout time is also
referred to as "fixed auto logout time". Minimum Character No. The minimum number of registrable password digits. Password Complexity
The mini mum combination of the characters and symbols that can be used as
registrable passwords.
There are four types of characters: uppercase and lower case alphabets, digits
and symbols.
There are Level 1 and Level 2 Password Complexity Settings. Level 1 requires a
password to be a combination of two or more types of characters and symbols
specified above. Level 2 requires a password to be a combination of three or
more types of characters and symbols specified above. Basic Authentication One of the procedures for identification and authentication of TOE users who
are authorised to use the TOE. The TOE authenticates TOE users by using the
login user names and the login passwords registered on the TOE. External Authentication One of the procedures for identification and authentication of TOE users who
are authorised to use the TOE. The TOE authenticates TOE users by using the
login user names and the login passwords registered on the external
authentication server connected to the MFP via LAN. External Authentication
implemented in the TOE includes Windows Authentication, LDAP
Authentication, and Integration Server Authentication. Window s Authentication
supports NTLM Authentication and Kerberos Authentication. As for this ST, the
term "External Authentication" refers to Windows Authentication using
Kerberos Authentication method. HDD An abbreviation of hard disk drive. In this document, unless otherwise specified,
"HDD" indicates the HDD installed on the TOE. User job A sequence of operations of each TOE function (Copy Function, Document
Server Function, Scanner Function, Printer Function and Fax Function) from
beginning to end. A user job may be suspended or cancelled by users during
operation. If a user job is cancelled, the job will be terminated. Documents General term for paper documents and electronic documents used in the TOE. Document data
Attributes of document data, such as +PRT, +SCN, +CPY, +FAXOUT,
+FAXIN, and +DSR. +PRT One of the document data attributes. Documents printed from the client
computer, or documents stored in the TOE by locked print, hold print, and
sample print using the client computer.
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Terms Definitions
+SCN One of the document data attributes. Documents sent to IT devices by e-mail or
sent to folders, or downloaded on the client computer from the MFP. For these
operations the Scanner Function is used. +CPY One of the document data attributes. Documents copied by using Printer
Function. +FAXOUT One of the document data attributes. Documents sent by fax or to folders by
using Fax Function. +FAXIN One of the document data attributes. Documents received from the telephone
line. Documents stored in the TOE after the reception are also included. +DSR One of the document data attributes. Document stored in the TOE by using Copy
Function, Scanner Function, Document Server Function, and Fax Data Storage
Function. Documents stored in the TOE after being printed with Document
Server printing or stored print from the client computer, Document user list One of the security attributes of document data.
A list of the login user names of the normal users whose access to documents is
authorised, and it can be set for each document data. This list does not include
the login user names of MFP administrators whose access to the document data
is possible for administration. Stored documents Documents stored in the TOE so that they can be used with Document Server
Function, Printer Function, Scanner Function, and Fax Function. Stored document type Classification of stored documents according to their purpose of use. This
includes Document Server documents, printer documents, scanner documents,
fax documents, and received fax documents. Document Server
One of the stored document types. Documents stored in the TOE when Document Server storage is selected as the printing method for Copy Function, Document Server Function, and Printer Function.
Printer documents One of the stored document types. Documents stored in the TOE when any one
of locked print, hold printing, and sample print is selected as th e printing method
for Printer Function. Scanner documents One of the stored document types. Documents stored in the TOE using Scanner
Function. Fax documents One of the stored document types. Documents scanned and stored using Fax
Function, and those stored using the LAN Fax. Received fax documents One of the stored document types. Documents received by fax and stored. These
documents are externally received and whose "users cannot be identified". MFP application A general term for each function the TOE provides: Copy Function, Document
Server Function, Scanner Function, Printer Funct i o n, and F a x Fu nct i on. Available function list A list of the functions (Copy Function, Printer Function, Scanner Function,
Document Server Function, and Fax Function) that normal users are authorised
to access. This list is assigned as an attribute of each normal user. Operation Panel Consists of a touch screen LCD and key switches. The Operation Panel is used
by users to operate the TOE.
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Terms Definitions
Users for stored and received documents
A list of the normal users who are authorised to read and delete received fax
documents. Folder transmission A function that sends documents from the MFP via networks to a shared folder
in an SMB Server by using SMB protocol or that sends documents to a shared
folder in an FTP Server by using FTP protocol. The following documents can be
delivered to folders: scanned documents using Scanner Function and Fax
Function, and scanned and stored documents using Scanner Function and Fax
IPSec protects the communication for realising this function. Destination folder Destination information for the "folder transmission" function. The destination
folder includes the path information to the destination server, the folder in th e
server, and identification and authentication information for user access. The
destination folder is registered and managed by the MFP administrator. E-mail transmission A function to send documents by e-mail from the MFP via networks to the
SMTP Server. The documents that can be delivered using this function include:
scanned documents using Scanner Function, and scanned and stored document
data using Scanner Function.
S/MIME protects the communication for realising this function. S/MIME user
This information is required for e-mail transmission using S/MIME. Also, this
information consists of e-mail address, user certificate, and encryption setting
(S/MIME setting). Uniquely provided for each e-mail address, the S/MIME user
information is registered and managed by the MFP administrator. LAN Fax One of Fax Functions. A function that transmits fax data and stores the
documents using the fax driver on client computer. Sometimes referred to as
"PC FAX". @Remote General term for remote diagnosis maintenance services for the TOE. Also
called @Remote Service. Maintenance centre The facility where the centre server of @Remote is located. Repair Request
A function for users to request a repair to the maintenance centre via RC Gate
from the TOE.
The TOE displays the Repair Request Notification screen on the Operation Panel
if paper jams frequently occur, or if the door or cover of the TOE is left open for
a certain period of time while jammed paper is not removed.
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