IV. AAddvvaanncceedd AAddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn ............ 64
System Information ........................ 64
Status Test ..................................... 65
Print Job Management ................... 66
User List Management ................... 67
HTTP Proxy Settings ...................... 67
Log File Settings ............................ 68
V. AAppppeennddiicceess ................................... 70
1: HotSpot Printer Operation .......... 71
2: Keypad Layout & Operation ....... 73
3: Check Device Status via WIM .... 75
4: HotSpot-compatible Models ....... 77
5: File Format Support ................... 78
6: WebPay 2.0 Overview ............... 80
7: Frequently Asked Questions ...... 83
8: Troubleshooting ......................... 87
) ............. 3
Copyright 2009 by Ricoh Americas Corporation. All rights reserved.
Documentation revision 1; November, 2009
Copyright 2009 by Ricoh Americas Corporation. All rights reserved.
No part of this publ ication m ay be repro duced, tr ansm itted, trans cribed, stor ed in a re trieval s ystem, or translate d
into any language or computer language, in an y form or by any means, electroni c, mechanical, opt ical, chem ical,
manual or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Ricoh Americas Corporation.
HotSpot Printer a registered trademark of Ricoh Americas Corporation.
PrintSpots is a registered trademark of PrinterOn Corporation.
Blackberry is a registered trademark of Research in Motion Limited
iPhone is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Inc.
Windows and Internet Ex pl orer are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
The material in this docum ent is for information on ly and is subject to change without notice. W hile reasonable
efforts have been m ade in the preparation of this document to as sure its accurac y, Ricoh Americas Corporation,
its contractors and partner s, assume no liability resulting from errors or omissions in this docum ent or from the
use of the information contained herein.
Ricoh Americas Cor poration reserves the right to m ake changes in the product design without reservation and
without notification to its users.
All screens used within this guide are for illustration purposes only, as they may vary based on actual system
and InDesign® are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc.
Thank you for choosing a HotSpot Printer! Offering a unique combination of hardware and embedded
software, HotSpot Printers harness the Internet to deliver a secure, integrated solution for printing from
any computer (on any platform [PC, Mac or Linux]), cell phone or wireless handheld devices. With no
need for driver downloads or software installation, your HotSpot Printer is the plug-and-play solution for
printing anytime, anywhere.
About This Guide
To follow is a breakdown of the five sections in this guide. Each section provides an overview of content
and, if applicable, walks you through the common tasks of HotSpot Printer management and operation.
I. Introduction
This section lays the foundation for understanding your HotSpot Printer and PrinterOn’s hosted
Mobile Printing Service, including an explanation of exactly how your service works.
II. Installation
This section contains step-by-step instructions on how to install your HotSpot Printer, register your
Mobile Printing Service, and t hen test the printer.
III. Management
This section covers a wide range of optional customization functions that are available to HotSpot
Printer administrators. Learn how to personalize the service to reflect your corporate identity.
IV. Advanced Administration
This section covers tasks and settings that may be required, such as status testing, print job and
user list management, as well as proxy and log file parameters.
V. Appendices
This section contains useful references designed to answer questions you may have, including
HotSpot Printer and keypad operation, checking device status, HotSpot-compatible printer models,
file format support, optional WebPay 2.0 plug-in, frequently asked questions and troubleshooting.
PrinterOn Web Page
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
How to Read This Guide
The following conventions, terms and acronyms are used in this guide.
Convention Description
Important: Indicates key information.
Example: Important: A network connection is required…
Note: Indicates supplementary information.
Example: Note: For more information…
Bold face
[Button Name]
Term Description
HotSpot Printer™
HotSpot Keypad
PrinterOn® Corporation
Indicates where you can find additional information. Within the PDF file, click
on the link to go to that section or Web site.
Example: Reference: See
Indicates a specific action to be taken.
Example: Click Web Pages icon
Indicates a button/tab on the HotSpot keypad, printer control panel or
computer screen.
Example: Press [OK] on the HotSpot keypad.
Ricoh's name for its Network Laser Printers running the embedded
PrinterOn Print Delivery Software (PDS).
The HotSpot Printer component that enables release code entry. The
keypad also supports other functions, such as job reprint, delete, etc.
Ricoh’s partner that provides the software that runs on the HotSpot Printer
and hosts the Mobile Printing Service.
PrintSpots is the name of PrinterOn’s Mobile Printing Service. Print jobs
are sent to a “PrintSpots,” i.e., the URL or email address of a HotSpot
IV. Advanced Administration.
Release Code
Tracking Number
Web Image Monitor
Also called Privacy Release Code, a 4- to 10-digit code generated by the
PrinterOn Server and communicated to the user. This code is entered on the
HotSpot keypad to release the print job.
An 8-digit code generated by the PrinterOn Server at the same time the
release code is assigned. This code is for troubleshooting purposes, not
release of print jobs at the printer.
Ricoh Web interface that is built into the controller of all Ricoh printers,
enabling the administrator to manage settings on the device. All that is
needed is a standard Web browser and the printer’s IP address.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
Acronym Description
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A protocol for assigning dynamic IP
addresses to devices connected to a network, for simplified network
Embedded Software Architecture. Ricoh’s Java platform that is required to
host PrinterOn’s Mobile Printing Service.
High Speed Internet Access is required for proper operation of the HotSpot
Internet Service Prov ider. A company that provides access to the Internet.
Information Technology. A broad subject concerned with all aspects of
managing and processing inf orm at ion.
HyperText Transfer Protocol. Defines how messages are formatted and
transmitted via the Web. For example, when you enter a URL in your
browser, this sends an HTTP command to a server, directing it to locate
and transmit the requested Web page.
HyperText Transfer Protocol/Secure. URLs that require an SSL connection
start with https instead of http.
Secure Sockets Layer. SSL is encryption technology used for communication between a Web browser and server, ensuring the integrity and
privacy of data exchange. All major browsers, e.g., Internet Explorer, are
SSL enabled.
Transport Layer Security. An authentication prot ocol uti lized when you email
documents to a HotS pot Pri nter . The TLS protocol is designed to prevent
eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery.
Uniform Resource Locator. An addressing system that allows a user to
specify documents or resources anywhere on the Internet.
Service & Support Resources
Following is a summary of all HotSpot Printer-related resources, including important URLs, email
addresses and Help Desk resources. Keep this page handy for future reference.
URL Current information on HotSpot
Printers, including free downloads
and other support services
URL Locate active HotSpot Printers http://www.printspots.com
URL Print via Web upload (document or
Web page)
Email Print via email (message/
Email Subscription renewal Contact your authorized HotSpot Printer sales
* Note: xxxxx is the unique 5- or 6-digit HotSpot Printer ID located on the labels supplied with the device, as well
as the Mobile Printing subscription certificate. See
Your Subscription Certificate.
Ricoh Help Desk
United States: 1-800-RICOH38 (1-800-742-6438)
Canada: 1-800-263-0815
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
II.. IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn
How HotSpot Printing Work s
A HotSpot Printer is a hardcopy output solution that enables mobile users to print documents securely
across the Internet, without the need for a device-specific driver or special software. From any Internetenabled computer (laptop/notebook/desktop), cell phone or other wireless handheld device, HotSpot
users can send files directly to the printer. How? It is very simple.
Input Processing Output
Documents, Web pages, email messages/attachments are sent from the Internet-enabled
device to the PrinterOn Ser ver, using 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption.
The Server generates a compressed printable data file that is automatically formatted for
the target HotSpot Printer, and then transmitted. For jobs submitted via the PrinterOn
Web Page, a private release code is generated and then displayed on the computer
screen. In addition, the release code is emailed to the supplied address.
The print job is received by the target HotSpot Printer, again using 128-bit SSL encrypt-
tion. The file resides safely in the printer hard disk drive until the user arrives at the printer
and enters the release code, via the attached HotSpot keypad. The file is decompressed
and printed.
•The print job downloads directly to the HotSpot Printer’s hard disk drive and remains there,
encrypted, for 72 hours. If the assigned release code is not entered into the device keypad within 72
hours, the file is automatically deleted from the printer’s hard disk drive.
•For the user’s convenience, up to five (5) reprints can be released at the HotSpot keypad, after the
first job is printed, for a total of six (6) copies. The reprint function times out after 20 minutes, after
which the file is automatically erased from the printer’s hard disk drive.
• The HotSpot Printer’s URL is www.printeron.net/ricoh/
• The HotSpot Printer’s email address is ricoh. xxxxx
- xxxxx is the unique 5- or 6-digit HotSpot Printer ID located on the lab els sup pl ie d with the device, as
well as the Mobile Printing Service subscription certificate.
- Printer URLs can also be found by searching PrinterOn’s directory at www.printeron.com.
Reference: For step-by-step instructions, see
Appendix 1: HotSpot Printer Operation.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
System Reliability
To ensure uninterrupted service, your state-of-the-art Mobile Printing Service support an infrastructure
that incorporates critical redundancy factors, thus facilitating reliable, timely, accurate and secure file
processing, transfer, and output.
•Dual-Network Operation Centers – While we refer to the “PrinterOn Server,” for simplicity, in
actuality there are clusters of server farms for load balancing. Should one center be removed from
operation, the other is always available for undisrupted service.
•Three Inbound Internet Connections – These physically-distinct connections are managed by
two separate Internet Service Providers (ISPs). This prevents downtime caused by the loss of any
single connection or one of the ISPs.
•Battery BackupSystem – In the event of a power outage, each physical location incorporates
Battery Backup Systems to prevent the loss of print job data. Furthermore, the Battery Backup
Systems are supported by generators for longer-term outages, if battery backup is not sufficient.
Data Security
Your HotSpot Printer utilizes three forms of communication with the PrinterOn Server:
1. HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) – HTTP communication takes place with the Server during
the license validation process, when you register your HotSpot Printer on line.
2. HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol/Secure) – HTTPS communication occurs when a print job
is submitted through the PrinterOn Web Page. 128 -bit SSL encryption technology secures all
information exchange between your Web browser and the Server.
Note: Using both HTTP and HTTPS requires that data be allowed to pass through the firewall
using TCP ports 80 and 443. As most environments allow for secure Internet communications on
client computers, the HotSpot Printer does not require any special firewall configuration. If a
proxy server is used, the HotSpot Printer must be configured with a proxy user account.
Reference: See IV. Advanced Administration, About Service Status (Screen 2), HTTP Proxy
3. TLS (Transport Layer Security) - When emailing messages/attachments, the PrinterOn Server
will accept requests for TLS authentication. The TLS protocol is designed for secure data and file
exchange over the Internet; the client/server prevents eavesdropping, tampering, or message
Important: After the PrinterOn Server confirms successful file transfer, all records of the
print job on the Server are deleted.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
Your Service Subscription
Your new HotSpot Printer ships with a one-year
PrintSpots Mobile Printing Service subscription,
which also serves as your proof of purchase.
subscription starts on the date of purchase
register your HotSpot Printer today, in order to
take immediate advantage of your new mobile
printing capability.
Toward the end of the first year of service, Ricoh/
PrinterOn will send a subscription-renewal
reminder (to the registered email address). At
that time, a 2-, 3- or 4-year subscription
extension can be purchased.
Note: For more information and pricing, please contact your authorized HotSpot Printer sales
Printer Configurations
•Color Laser Printers
The Color HotSpot Printer ships with the following components pre-installed:
- Printer with 550-sheet Paper Tray, 100-sheet Bypass Tray, and standard Automatic Duplexing
- 512MB RAM
- 60GB hard disk drive
- USB host interface
- USB keypad and Velcro strips
- VM card with PrinterOn’s JAVA-based mobile printing software
- One-year Mobile Printing Service subscription (see previous section
for details)
•Black-and-White Laser Printers
The Black-and-White HotSpot Printer ships with the following components pre-installed:
- Printer with 500-sheet Paper Tray and 100-sheet Bypass Tray
- 256MB RAM
- 40GB hard disk drive
- USB host interface
- USB keypad and Velcro strips
- VM card with PrinterOn’s JAVA-based mobile printing software
- One-year Mobile Printing Service subscription (see previous section
for details)
Note: For more information on printer-related options and specifications, please refer to the
associated product brochure and/or your authorized HotSpot Printer sales representative.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
For Print Release, Press OK
OptionPrt. JobsSupplies
P r i n t R e l e a s e
P r e s s O K
•Printer LCD Panel Design
HotSpot-enabled printers are designed with either a 2- or 4-line LCD panel, for Black-and-White
and Color Laser Printers, respectively. For illu stration purposes, the 4-line display is used in
this guide.
2-line LCD 4-line LCD
•Printer Restrictions
When the printer is accessed via the Mobile Printing Service, envelope printing, custom paper
sizes, special paper types, and other advanced printer driver features are not supported.
However, advanced driver features are available when the printer is being utilized as a standard
network printer.
HotSpot Printer Applications
Research has indicated that the tool knowledge workers miss most while away from the off ice is… the
printer. Indeed, business travelers and mobile professionals need to be able to print from the road,
satellite offices, library, hotel room, café or restaurant, as easily as they print documents at their home
or corporate office. As businesses must compete in a global marketplace, easy access to the printed
page – presentations, spec sheets, proposals, boarding passes, travel itinerary – has never been more
•A hotel chain uses HotSpot Printers to enable guests (users) to print securely from their rooms
without the involvement of IT staff. Integration with the hotel's accounting system allows print charges
to be billed directly to guest (user) rooms.
•A coffee franchise uses HotSpot Printers to cater to their Web-surfing clientele. Having printers on
site lengthens customer stays, increasing revenues on refills. The ability to support cash payments
also increases revenue.
•A law firm uses HotSpot Printers to enable visiting attorneys and clients to print, as needed, without
IT support. Temporary and contract employees are directed to HotSpot Printers for security
•A conference center uses HotSpot Printers to allow all guests (users) to print without setting up
accounts for each user/event at Guest Services – a logistics headache when trade shows come to
•Any organization concerned with security, for example, the use of thumbnail drives to transfer files
prior to printing can utilize Hot Spot Printers to avoid exposure to information theft and alteration.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
Marketing Toolkit
We have created exciting marketing tools that will allow you to effectively advertise your Mobile Printing
Services. These instructional resources and point-of-purchase (POP) display materials ensures
maximum visibility and end-user satisfaction.
Point-of-Purchase (POP) Display
Your new HotSpot Printer shipped with an envelope containing a point-of-purchase (POP) display and
two plastic holders, along with instructions on how to set up the display on your printer. For more
information, see II.Installation, Step E: Install POP Display (optional
Free Downloads
Free Marketing Toolkit downloads include an Email Blast, Slim Jim and Tent Card point-of-purchase
pieces. To download the files, please visit
Tools link.
www.ricoh-usa.com/hotspotprinters. Click on the HotSpot
Email Blast
If you wish to reach out to potential customers
through email, we have designed an eye-catching
marketing piece that can be delivered by either
inserting the file into the email itself (as shown) or as
a file attachment. Craft a message to your target
audience, for maximum impact.
The Email Blast is available in three file formats PDF, PSD, HT ML and JPEG. Choose the format that
best suits your requirements.
Slim Jim
The Slim Jim is a point-of-purchase display card that and is
available in PDF and Adobe InDesign format (fonts included).
Personalize the card with your business name/location, Web
and email addresses. Print this two-sided card in duplex mode
and trim to size, then place in plastic holders/display racks as
a take-away pamphlet.
Your customers, visitors or clients can learn how to use your
Mobile Printing Service, in three easy steps.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
Tent Card
Print and fold this card so that it is readable on either side of
the fold. This free-standing card can be placed on a table
top, counter or other flat surface. This is a great advertisement for your HotSpot Printer patrons who may wish to try
your new service.
Tent cards are available as either a generic tent card or a
tent card with fields for listing your HotSpot Printer's email
address and Web page address. The tent card files are
available in PDF and Adobe InDesign, with fonts included.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
HotSpot Printer Poster
A HotSpot Printer poster is also available through your authorized
sales representative. This pre-printed advertising piece is the ideal
way to promote your HotSpot Printer service. Place the poster in
high-traffic area for maximum impact. Note: Please check with your
local representative for poster availability.
Additional Marketing Resources
Please check the HotSpot Printer Website (www.ricoh-
usa.com/hotspotprinters) for pricing and availability of future
marketing tools, including:
• 24” Vinyl Desktop Circle
• 38” Vinyl Floor Circle
• Hanging Ceiling Display
If you require additional customization, please work with your
authorized HotSpot sales representative. He/she will be able to direct you to marketing partners that
can assist.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
IIII.. IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
This section contains step-by-step instructions on how to install your HotSpot Printer, register your
Mobile Printing Service, and then test the printer.
Step A:Install Printer
To install your HotSpot Printer, proceed as follows:
1. Unpack and connect printer. For detailed installation
instructions, refer to the printer’s Quick Installation
Guide, located in the box.
•A network connection is required before you activate your Mobile Printing Service. Ethernet settings
are detailed in the printer’s Quick Inst allation Guide. Should you need further assistance, contact
the Ricoh Help Desk (U.S.: 1-800-RICOH38 [1-800-742-6438]; Canada: 1-800-263-0815).
•It is strongly suggested that you do not disable DHCP
2. Turn printer OFF.
3. Attach HotSpot keypad into the USB port on the
rear of the printer.
4. Affix keypad to printer’s top cover with Velcro
Velcro strips. Place to left side, as shown.
5. Turn printer ON.
6. Print Configuration Page(s). The Configuration
Page(s) contain important printer information, such
as Unit Number (Serial Number) and IP Address.
a. Press [Menu] on printer control panel.
for initial setup and testing.
b. Scroll down [] to [List/Test Print], and then press [OK].
c. Scroll down [] to [Config. Page], and then press [OK].
d. Locate the Unit Number or Printer ID, which appears at the
top of the page. This is the printer’s Serial Number, which
you will need to have available for the next step, Step B.
Note: The Configuration Page also identifies your printer’s IPv4 Address (circled above),
which is required when using Web Image Monitor and PrinterOn Service Status utilities.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
Step B:Register Printer
The HotSpot Printer Registration Service is available 24/7. To register a new printer from a computer
with Internet access, proceed as follows:
1. Open your Web browser.
2. Go to:
3. Click [Get Started Now].
4. Read Terms and conditions of use,
and then click [Accept].
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
Printer Machine ID is the “Unit
User Login and Password are
Asterisk (*) ind icates
Number” (i.e., Serial Number)
located at the top of the
Configuration Page. See
A, 6).
located on your Mobile Printing Service subscription certificate.
a required field.
5. Complete all required fields, and then
click [Submit].
Note: A confirmation email is sent to the specified email address to validate the address. You must
follow the instructions in the email in order to complete the registration process.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
For Print Release, Press OK
OptionPrt. JobsSupplies
PrinterOn x.x LicenseValid
OptionPrt. JobsSupplies
HotSpot Keypad
Step C:Check License Status
To confirm that your PrinterOn application is running properly, i.e., your license is valid, proceed as
1. Turn printer ON, if necessary.
Note: Approximately 90 seconds after [Ready] displays on the
printer’s LCD, the message [For Print Release, Press OK] should
appear (see Fig. 1). The HotSpot Printer is now in standby mode.
2. Press question mark button [?] on HotSpot keypad.
Important: The message [PrinterOn x.x LicenseValid] should
appear in the printer’s LCD (see Fig. 2). This indicates that the
application is working properly. If a different message appears,
e.g., [PrinterOn x.x NoLicense] or [PrinterOn x.x Internet Down], see
Appendix 8: Troubleshooting.
3. Press [Cancel] on HotSpot Keypad to return to standby mode.
Printer LCD
Fig. 1
Remote Service Status Check
To check HotSpot Mobile Printing Service
status from any computer with an Internet
connection. Open your Web browser and enter:
Default credentials:
• User Name = hotspot
• Password = printeron
Note: For more information, see
IV. Advanced
Fig. 2
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
Step D: Test Printer
To test your HotSpot Printer, send a print job using Method A and/or Method B, outlined below. Note
that these instructions are general guidelines, as your configuration settings may vary.
Note: The URL and/or email address you use includes the HotSpot Printer’s unique 5- or 6-digit ID
), which is located on the label affixed to the printer, as well as the Mobile Printing Service
subscription certificate.
Method A: Print via Web Upload
1. Open your Web browser.
2. Go to: www.printeron.net/ricoh/
•This URL must be
typed in lower-case letters.
If typed in upper case, the screen reads [The page you requested could not be found.].
Re-enter URL using lower-case letters.
•If you enter a URL using a non-existent printer
ID (
), the screen reads [The page you
requested could not be found.]. Re-enter
URL with correct ID.
•If you enter a URL using a valid printer ID (xxxxx
reads [Service offline]. Click [Back] and enter URL with ID of a registered printer.
3. Browse to your document or, if printing a Web page, e nter the complete URL.
4. Enter your email address.
5. Click [Submit].
Note: Your release code is displayed, along with a tracking number. In additional, this information is
emailed to the address entered in step 4.
6. Follow the instructions on the HotSpot Printer LCD to enter your release code and print the job.
Method B:Print via Email
), but the unit is not yet registered, the screen
1. Open your email application.
2. Enter the printer’s email address:
3. Send email/attachments as you normally would.
4. The service replies with a confi r mation messag e
that includes your private release code and details
regarding the print job (as shown at right).
Note: If Method A:Print via Web Upload was
used to submit the job, the release code will
display on the computer screen as well.
5. Follow the instructions on the HotSpot Printer LCD
to enter your release code and print the job.
Important: Print speed may be affected by network,
application, or computer performance
Reference: For detailed instructions, see
Appendix 1: HotSpot Printer Operation and Appendix 2:
HotSpot Keypad Layout & Operation.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
Step E:Install POP Display (optional)
Your new HotSpot Printer ships with an envelope containing a point-of-purchase (POP) display and
two plastic holders. In order to install the POP display, proceed as follows:
1. Remove POP display and plastic holders from envelope.
2. Slide POP display in groove of plastic holders. Space
holders evenly along bottom edge.
3. Remove holders’ adhesive strips. Place on top of the
HotSpot Printer, as shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3
• Placement of the POP display varies depending on the printer model.
• POP display adds approximately 10.5″ in height. When adding toner, remove the display or
allow for clearance.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
Insert your logo
Tell users how to
Provide custom
Choose which langAdd a HotSpot Printing
Add your own
Step F:Customize Service (optional)
PrinterOn Web Pages are highly customizable. This means that you can edit the appearance of the
PrinterOn Website that hosts your Mobile Printing Service. Though customization is optional, we
suggest you review the key features of this flexible solution to learn how you can easily tailor the
service to your specific needs.
Note: Customization instructions are covered in the next section
Start Page
uages to display in
this drop-down.
and personal
headline text.
III. Management.
Indicate printer
location, pricing
and availability.
send print jobs to
your HotSpot
instructions that
make print job
submission as
easy as 1-2-3.
Help text, e.g.,
contact informa-
Add your own Terms &
Conditions and Privacy
Policy statement.
After job is submitted, offer print
job options (e.g., #
of copies, pricing
info, job approval
screens, etc.
Partner’s logo.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
Customized Start Page
Fig. 4
IIIIII.. MMaannaaggeemmeenntt
Your Mobile Printing Service allows for extensive customization of the user interface (see Fig. 4). You
can add a company logo, headline text and color palette, as well as create personalized content directed
to your users. Users that visit the PrinterOn Web Page, using the HotSpot Printers unique URL (e.g.,
The authorized administrator simply logs in to the Management Home Page, and then selects t he
desired function icon (see Fig. 5). The following key features and functions are available, among many
) can then view, and, if applicable, select those settings that you have
• Add company logo and colors
• Add partner logos and links
• Set printer defaults
• Add/remove printers
• Add/remove administrators
• Add/remove languages
• Add/edit Help text
• Modify contact information
• Set pricing/billing options
• Create a custom end-user survey
• View/export activity reports
• Add terms & conditions, privacy notice
Management Home Page
Fig. 5
Administrator Log In / Log Out
Log In…
1. Open your Web browser.
2. Go to: https://www.printeron.net/administrators.
Important: To ensure that your
service is updated correctly, do not
make changes to your service in
multiple browser windows.
3. Under Hospitality, click
[Manage my service],
4. Enter Email/User Name and Password.
•The credentials are on the Mobile Printing
Service subscription certificate that
shipped with the printer. If necessary, see
Your Service Subscription.
Reference: To change credentials, see
Update your account preferences
5. Click [
Log In
Page displays. See Fig. 6.
]. The Management Home
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
Log Out…
After modifying settings within the Management screens, you must log out in order to ensure that the
session has ended. To do so, click [
Log out
Management Home Page Overview
The Management Home Page is where you will select and set customization functions. Before doing
so, review the following description of Home Page functions. You will then be prepared to customize
your service, as outlined in the next section,
1. Open the Management Home Page. If necessary, see
2. Review the Management Home Page.
Management Functions.
Administrator Log In / Log Out.
Management Home Page
Fig. 6
About Management Home Page
associated with your service. To add more printers to your
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
A Function Icons
This row of icons provides one-click access to the following
Web Pages – Edit PrinterOn Web Pages to reflect your own
brand colors, logo, text, etc.
Languages – Add another language (English, Spanish,
French, Dutch, German and/or Italian), which is userselectable from the PrinterOn Web Page.
Printers – Update your printer settings, add/remove printers,
set pricing and billing information, etc.
Software – Though this function icon is available, there is no
need to perform download, upgrade or manage your printer
release software.
Reports – View and export reports of printer activity. Create
your own end-user survey to gauge response.
Administrators – Add/remove administrators of your service.
Update Account – Update contact and/or billing address
B Group Name
C Service Summary
All HotSpot Printers are automatically under the same "Group
Name,” so there is no need to create a Group.
•URL – Your PrinterOn Web Page URL (users will visit in
order to send a file) is created by combining the brand name
and unique 5- or 6-digit HotSpot Printer ID (
[Update Account] function icon
). To change the name, do so through t he
•Service Name – This is the brand/ID combination created for
your service, e .g ., ricoh/xxxxx
one Mobile Printing Service, each one will have a unique
Service Name. Each Service Name will be listed on the
Management Home Page for you to select the service to
. If you are managing more than
•Annual Renewal Date – The Renewal Date is the scheduled
expiration date of your subscription. Depending on the
subscription purchased, it can be 1, 3 or 4 years. If you wish to
renew your service, please contact your authorized HotSpot
Printer sales representative to purchase an extension. For
details, see
Your Service Subscription.
• Number of Printers – This is the number of printers you have
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
service, or to edit your printer information, do so through the
[Printers] function icon .
•Show/Hide your service in searches – You can restrict the
accessibility of your service by hiding it in searches, preventing
users from finding your service in Printer Directory searches.
•Set Online/Offline – If you need to temporarily make your
service unavailable, for printer maintenance, for example, you
can present users with a notification page when they browse to
your service Website. You can customize the text on this page
by clicking the [Web Pages] function icon
•Create a new service under a new group name – This
function is not applicable to HotSpot Printers.
•Clone this service – This function is not applicable to HotSpot
•Get Guest Awareness Kit – This function is not applicable to
HotSpot Printers.
• Delete this S ervice – Warning! Do not click this button.
Doing so will permanently remove your Mobile Printing Service.
D Additional Services
•Update your account preferences – Allows you to update
login, including adding and removing email addresses and
updating your contact information.
•Hotel Administrator support page – Clicking this link open
the Support for Service Administrators page where you can
find PrinterOn FAQs and documentation.
•About Guest Printing Services – Click this link to view
information about the many benefits your Mobile Printing
Service offers users.
3. Return to the Management Home Page, if necessary.
HotSpot Printer Operator’s Guide
Fig. 7
Management Functions
Web Pages
Web Pages are the screens presented to users after they open the HotSpot Printer URL
1. Open Management Home Page. If necessary, see
2. Click Web Pagesfunction icon .
3. Review the Web Pages screen, and then make any nece ssa r y changes.
). To edit the appearance and content of those pages, proceed as
Administrator Log In / Log Out.
Web Pages Screen
+ 65 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.