Renesas E8 User Manual

To our customers,
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On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid Renesas Electronics document. We appreciate your understanding.
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April 1 Renesas Electronics Corporation
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, 2010
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1. All information included in this document is current as of the date this document is issued. Such information, however, is
subject to change without any prior notice. Before purchasing or using any Renesas Electronics products listed herein, please confirm the latest product information with a Renesas Electronics sales office. Also, please pay regular and careful attention to additional and different information to be disclosed by Renesas Electronics such as that disclosed through our website.
2. Renesas Electronics does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights
of third parties by or arising from the use of Renesas Electronics products or technical information described in this document. No license, express, implied or otherwise, is granted hereby under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of Renesas Electronics or others.
3. You should not alter, modify, copy, or otherwise misappropriate any Renesas Electronics product, whether in whole or in part.
4. Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided only to illustrate the operation of
semiconductor products and application examples. You are fully responsible for the incorporation of these circuits, software, and information in the design of your equipment. Renesas Electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software, or information.
5. When exporting the products or technology described in this document, you should comply with the applicable export control
laws and regulations and follow the procedures required by such laws and regulations. You should not use Renesas Electronics products or the technology described in this document for any purpose relating to military applications or use by the military, including but not limited to the development of weapons of mass destruction. Renesas Electronics products and technology may not be used for or incorporated into any products or systems whose manufacture, use, or sale is prohibited under any applicable domestic or foreign laws or regulations.
6. Renesas Electronics has used reasonable care in preparing the information included in this document, but Renesas Electronics
does not warrant that such informatio n is error free. Renesas Electronics assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred by you resulting from errors in or omissions from the information included herein.
7. Renesas Electronics products are classified according to the following three quality grades: “Standard”, “High Quality”, and
“Specific”. The recommended applications for each Renesas Electronics product depends on the product’s quality grade, as indicated below. You must check the quality grade of each Renesas Electronics product before using it in a particular application. You may not use any Renesas Electronics product for any application categorized as “Specific” without the prior written consent of Renesas Electronics. Further, you may not use any Renesas Electronics product for any application for which it is not intended without the prior written consent of Renesas Electronics. Renesas Electronics shall not be in any way liable for any damages or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of any Renesas Electronics product for an application categorized as “Specific” or for which the product is not intended where you have failed to obtain the prior written consent of Renesas Electronics. The quality grade of each Renesas Electronics product is “Standard” unless otherwise expressly specified in a Ren esas E lectronics data sheets or dat a books, etc.
“Standard”: Computers; office equipment; communications equipment; test and measurement equipment; audio and visual
equipment; home electron ic appliances; machine tools; personal electronic equipment; and industrial robots.
“High Quality”: Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.); traffic control systems; anti-disaster systems; anti-
crime systems; safety equipment; and medical equipment not specifically designed for life support.
“Specific”: Aircraft; aerospace equipment; submersible repeaters; nuclear reactor control systems; medical equipment or
systems for life support (e.g. artificial life support devices or systems), surgical implantations, or healthcare intervention (e.g. excision, etc.), and any other appl i cations or purposes that pose a d irect threat to human life.
8. You should use the Renesas Electronics products described in this document within the range specified by Renesas Electronics,
especially with respect to the maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, movement power voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installation and other product characteristics. Renesas Electronics shall have no liability for malfunctions or damages arising out of the use of Renesas Electronics products beyond such specified ranges.
9. Although Renesas Electronics endeavors to improve the quality and reliability of its products, semiconductor products have
specific characteristics such as t he occu rrence o f failure at a certai n rate an d malfunct io ns under cert ain u se con dition s. Further, Renesas Electronics prod ucts are not subject to radiation resistance design. Please be sure to implement safety measures to guard them against the possibility of physical injury, and injury or damage caused by fire in the event of the failure of a Renesas Electronics product, such as safety design for hardware and software including but not limited to redundancy, fire control and malfunction prevention, appropriate treatment for aging degradation or any other appropriate measures. Because the evaluation of microcomputer software alone is very difficult, please evaluate the safety of the final products or system manufactured by you.
10. Please contact a Renesas Electronics sales office for details as to environmental matters such as the environmental
compatibility of each Renesas Electronics product. Please use Renesas Electronics products in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances, including without limitation, the EU RoHS Directive. Renesas Electronics assumes no liability for damages or losses occurring as a result of your noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations.
11. This document may not be reproduced or duplicated, in any form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Renesas
12. Please contact a Renesas Electronics sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in this
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(Note 1) “Renesas Electronics” as used in this document means Renesas Electronics Corporation an d also includes its majority-
owned subsidiaries.
(Note 2) “Renesas Electronics product(s)” means any product developed or manufactured by or for Renesas Electronics.
User’s Manual
E8 Emulator
User’s Manual R0E000080KCE00E
Renesas Microcomputer Development Environment System
Rev.10.00 2007.08
Notes regarding these materials
1. This document is provided for reference purposes only so that Renesas customers may select the appropriate Renesas products for their use. Renesas neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other rights of Renesas or any third party with respect to the information in this document.
2. Renesas shall have no liability for damages or infringement of any intellectual property or other rights arising out of the use of any information in this document, including, but not limited to, product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, and application circuit examples.
3. You should not use the products or the technology described in this document for the purpose of military applications such as the development of weapons of mass destruction or for the purpose of any other military use. When exporting the products or technology described herein, you should follow the applicable export control laws and regulations, and procedures required by such laws and regulations.
4. All information included in this document such as product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, and application circuit examples, is current as of the date this document is issued. Such information, however, is subject to change without any prior notice. Before purchasing or using any Renesas products listed in this document, please confirm the latest product information with a Renesas sales office. Also, please pay regular and careful attention to additional and different information to be disclosed by Renesas such as that disclosed through our website. ( )
5. Renesas has used reasonable care in compiling the information included in this document, but Renesas assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of errors or omissions in the information included in this document.
6. When using or otherwise relying on the information in this document, you should evaluate the information in light of the total system before deciding about the applicability of such information to the intended application. Renesas makes no representations, warranties or guaranties regarding the suitability of its products for any particular application and specifically disclaims any liability arising out of the application and use of the information in this document or Renesas products.
7. With the exception of products specified by Renesas as suitable for automobile applications, Renesas products are not designed, manufactured or tested for applications or otherwise in systems the failure or malfunction of which may cause a direct threat to human life or create a risk of human injury or which require especially high quality and reliability such as safety systems, or equipment or systems for transportation and traffic, healthcare, combustion control, aerospace and aeronautics, nuclear power, or undersea communication transmission. If you are considering the use of our products for such purposes, please contact a Renesas sales office beforehand. Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of the uses set forth above.
8. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, you should not use Renesas products for the purposes listed below: (1) artificial life support devices or systems (2) surgical implantations (3) healthcare intervention (e.g., excision, administration of medication, etc.) (4) any other purposes that pose a direct threat to human life Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of the uses set forth in the above and purchasers who elect to use Renesas products in any of the foregoing applications shall indemnify and hold harmless Renesas Technology Corp., its affiliated companies and their officers, directors, and employees against any and all damages arising out of such applications.
9. You should use the products described herein within the range specified by Renesas, especially with respect to the maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, movement power voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installation and other product characteristics. Renesas shall have no liability for malfunctions or damages arising out of the use of Renesas products beyond such specified ranges.
10. Although Renesas endeavors to improve the quality and reliability of its products, IC products have specific characteristics such as the occurrence of failure at a certain rate and malfunctions under certain use conditions. Please be sure to implement safety measures to guard against the possibility of physical injury, and injury or damage caused by fire in the event of the failure of a Renesas product, such as safety design for hardware and software including but not limited to redundancy, fire control and malfunction prevention, appropriate treatment for aging degradation or any other applicable measures. Among others, since the evaluation of microcomputer software alone is very difficult, please evaluate the safety of the final products or system manufactured by you.
11. In case Renesas products listed in this document are detached from the products to which the Renesas products are attached or affixed, the risk of accident such as swallowing by infants and small children is very high. You should implement safety measures so that Renesas products may not be easily detached from your products. Renesas shall have no liability for damages arising out of such detachment.
12. This document may not be reproduced or duplicated, in any form, in whole or in part, without prior written approval from Renesas.
13. Please contact a Renesas sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in this document, Renesas semiconductor products, or if you have any other inquiries.


This manual describes the followings
- E8 Emulator functions
- Preparation before use
- Debugger functions
- Tutorial
- Appendix: (Components of the E8 Emulator, Notes on High-performance Embedded Workshop, and Diagnostic Test Procedure)
This manual does not intend to explain how to write C/C++ or assembly language programs, how to use any particular operating system or how best to tailor code for the individual devices. These issues are left to the respective manuals.
Microsoft IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. All brand or product names used in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies or organizations.
and Windows® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Document Conventions
This manual uses the following typographic conventions:
Table 1 Typographic Conventions
Convention Meaning
[Menu->Menu Option] Bold text with ‘->’ is used to indicate menu options
(for example, [File->Save As...]). FILENAME.C Uppercase names are used to indicate filenames. “enter this string” Used to indicate text that must be entered (excluding the “” quotes). Key + Key Used to indicate required key presses. For example, CTRL+N means
press the CTRL key and then, whilst holding the CTRL key down,
press the N key.
(The “how to” symbol)
When this symbol is used, it is always located in the left hand margin.
It indicates that the text to its immediate right is describing “how to”
do something.


Before using this product, be sure to read the user’s manual (this user's manual) carefully. Keep this user’s manual, and refer to this when you have questions about this product.
The emulator in this document refers to the following products that are manufactured by Renesas Technology Corp.: (1) Emulator (2) User system interface cable The emulator herein does not include the customer’s user system and host machine.
Purpose of use of the emulator:
This emulator is a device to support the development of a system that uses the Renesas MCUs. It provides support for system development in both software and hardware. Be sure to use this emulator correctly according to said purpose of use. Please avoid using this emulator for other than its intended purpose of use.
For those who use this emulator:
This emulator can only be used by those who have carefully read the user’s manual and know how to use it. Use of this emulator requires the basic knowledge of electric circuits, logical circuits, and MCUs.
When using the emulator:
(1) This product is a development supporting unit for use in your program development and
evaluation stages. In mass-producing your program you have finished develop ing, be sure to make a judgment on your own risk that it can be put to practical use by performing integration test, evaluation, or some experiment else.
(2) In no event shall Renesas Solutions Corp. be liable for any consequence arising from the use
of this product.
(3) Renesas Solutions Corp. strives to renovate or provide a workaround for product malfunction
at some charge or without charge. However, this does not necessarily mean that Renesas Solutions Corp. guarantees the renovation or the provision under any circumstances.
(4) This product has been developed by assuming its use for program development and
evaluation in laboratories. Therefore, it does not fall under the application of Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Law and protection against electromagnetic interference when used in Japan.
(5) Renesas Solutions Corp. cannot predict all possible situations or possible cases of misuse
where a potential danger exists. Therefore, the warnings written in this user’s manual and the warning labels attached to this emulator do not necessarily cover all of such possible situations or cases. Please be sure to use this emulator correctly and safely on your own responsibility.
(6) This product is not qualified under UL or other safety standards and IEC or other industry
standards. This fact must be taken into account when taking this product from Japan to some other country.
Usage restrictions:
This emulator has been developed as a means of supporting system development by users. Therefore, do not use it as a device used for equipment-embedded applications. Also, do not use it for developing the systems or equipment use d fo r the foll o wi n g pu r poses either: (1) Transportation and vehicular (2) Medical (equipment where human life is concerned) (3) Aerospace (4) Nuclear power control (5) Undersea repeater If you are considering the use of this emulator for one of the above purp oses, please be sure to consult your local distributor.
About product changes:
We are constantly making efforts to improve the design and performance of this emulator. Therefore, the specification or design of this emulator or its user’s manual may be changed without prior notice.
About the rights:
We assume no responsibility for any damage or infringement on patent rights or any other rights arising from the use of any information, products or circuits presented in this user’s manual. (1) We assume no responsibility for any damage or infringement on patent rights or any other
rights arising from the use of any information, products or circuits presented in this user’s manual.
(2) The information or data in this user’s manual does not implicitly or otherwise grant a license
for patent rights or any other rights belonging to us or third parties.
(3) This user’s manual and this emulator are copyrighted, with all rights reserved by us. This
user’s manual may not be copied, duplicated or reproduced, in whole or part, without prior written consent of us.
About diagrams:
The diagrams in this user’s manual may not all represent exactly the actual object.
Device names:
Chapters 1 through 6 of the Debugger Part in this user’s manual use R8C/Tiny as an example of the device names.
If your product becomes faulty within one year after its purchase while being used under good conditions by observing "IMPORTANT" and "Precautions for Safety" described in this user's manual, we will repair or replace your faulty product free of charge. Note, however, that if your product's fault is raised by any one of the following causes, we will repair it or replace it with new one with extra-charge:
- Misuse, abuse, or use under extraordinary conditions
- Unauthorized repair, remodeling, maintenance, and so on
- Inadequate user's system or misuse of it
- Fires, earthquakes, and other unexpected disasters In the above cases, contact your local distributor.

Precautions for Safety

Before using this product, be sure to read the user’s manual (this user's manual) carefully. Keep this user’s manual, and refer to this when you have questions about this product.


Be sure to read and understand the warnings below before using this emulator. Note that these are the main warnings, not the complete list.
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in property damage.
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
CAUTION used without the safety alert symbol indicates a
NOTE emphasizes essential information.
1. Do not repair or remodel the emulator product by yourself for electric shock prevention and quality assurance.
2. Always switch OFF the host computer and user system before connecting or disconnecting any CABLES or PARTS. Failure to do so will result in a FIRE HAZARD and will damage the user system and the emulator product or will result in PERSONAL INJURY. The USER PROGRAM will be LOST.
3. Connect the connectors in the user system and in the
user interface cable by confirming the correct direction.
Place the host computer and user system so that no cable is bent or twisted. A bent or twisted cable will impose stress on the user interface leading to connection or contact failure. Make sure that the host computer and the user system are placed in a secure position so that they do not move during use nor impose stress on the user interface.


Contents 1
Section 1 Overview........................................................................................... 1
1.1 Warnings...........................................................................................................................3
1.2 Environmental Conditions ................................................................................................4
1.3 Components ......................................................................................................................5
Section 2 E8 Emulator Functions ..................................................................... 7
2.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................7
2.2 Trace Functions....................................................................................................................9
2.3 Break Functions...................................................................................................................10
2.4 Memory Access Functions...................................................................................................11
2.5 Stack Trace Function...........................................................................................................12
2.6 Online Help..........................................................................................................................12
Section 3 Preparation before Use...................................................................... 13
3.1 Emulator Preparation...........................................................................................................13
3.2 Emulator Hardware Configuration.......................................................................................15
3.3 Emulator Software Configuration........................................................................................19
3.3.1 CD..........................................................................................................................19
3.4 Installing Emulator’s Debugger...........................................................................................20
3.5 Connecting the Emulator to the Host Computer..................................................................21
3.6 Connecting the Emulator to the User System......................................................................23
3.7 Connecting System Ground.................................................................................................25
3.8 System Check ......................................................................................................................26
3.9 Uninstalling the Emulator’s Debugger ................................................................................35
Section 4 Preparations for Debugging.............................................................. 39
4.1 Method for Activating High-performance Embedded Wor kshop.....................................39
4.1.1 Creating the New Workspace (Toolchain Not Used)...........................................40
4.1.2 Creating the New Workspace (Toolchain Used)..................................................44
4.1.3 Selecting an Existing Workspace.........................................................................56
4.2 Setting at E8 Emulator Activation ....................................................................................58
4.2.1 Setting at Emulator Activation.............................................................................58
4.2.2 Downloading a Program ......................................................................................60
4.2.3 Setting the Writing Flash Memory Mode ............................................................61
Section 5 Debugging......................................................................................... 71
5.1 Setting the Environment for Emulation............................................................................ 71
5.1.1 Opening the [Configuration] Dialog Box ............................................................71
5.1.2 [General] Page .....................................................................................................72
5.2 Downloading a Program ................................................................................................... 74
5.2.1 Downloading a Program ......................................................................................74
5.2.2 Viewing the Source Code ....................................................................................75
5.3 Stopping Your Program....................................................................................................78
5.3.1 Address Interrupt Breakpoints .............................................................................78
5.4 Using the Event Points......................................................................................................79
5.4.1 PC Breakpoints ....................................................................................................79
5.4.2 Break Conditions .................................................................................................79
5.4.3 Opening the [Event] Window..............................................................................79
5.4.4 Setting PC Breakpoints........................................................................................79
5.4.5 Add ......................................................................................................................80
5.4.6 Edit.......................................................................................................................80
5.4.7 Enable ..................................................................................................................80
5.4.8 Disable .................................................................................................................80
5.4.9 Delete...................................................................................................................80
5.4.10 Delete All.............................................................................................................80
5.4.11 Go to Source ........................................................................................................81
5.4.12 [Set Break] Dialog Box........................................................................................81
5.4.13 Setting Break Conditions.....................................................................................82
5.4.14 Edit.......................................................................................................................83
5.4.15 Enable ..................................................................................................................83
5.4.16 Disable.................................................................................................................84
5.4.17 Delete...................................................................................................................84
5.4.18 Delete All.............................................................................................................84
5.4.19 Go to Source ........................................................................................................84
5.4.20 Sequential Conditions ..........................................................................................84
5.4.21 Editing Break Condition s.....................................................................................84
5.4.22 Modifying Break Conditions...............................................................................84
5.4.23 Enabling Break Conditions..................................................................................84
5.4.24 Disabling Break Conditions.................................................................................84
5.4.25 Deleting Break Conditions...................................................................................85
5.4.26 Deleting All Break Conditions.............................................................................85
5.4.27 Viewing the Source Line for Break Conditions................................................... 85
5.4.28 [Break condition x] Dialog Box...........................................................................85
5.5 Viewing the Trace Information.........................................................................................87
5.5.1 Opening the [Trace] Window ..............................................................................87
5.5.2 Acquiring Trace Information ...............................................................................87
5.5.3 Clearing the Trace Information............................................................................88
5.5.4 Saving the Trace Information in a File ................................................................88
5.5.5 Viewing the [Source] Window ............................................................................88
5.5.6 Trimming the Source ...........................................................................................88
5.6 Using the Start/Stop Function................................................................................................89
5.6.1 Opening the [Start/Stop Function Setting] Dialog Box........................................89
5.6.2 Specifying the Routine to be Executed................................................................89
5.6.3 Restrictions on the Start/Stop Function................................................................91
Section 6 Tutorial.............................................................................................. 93
6.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................93
6.2 Running the High-performance Embedded Workshop........................................................94
6.3 Setting up the E8 Emulator..................................................................................................94
6.4 Setting the [Configuration] Dialog Box...............................................................................95
6.5 Checking the Operation of RAM.........................................................................................97
6.6 Downloading the Tutorial Program.....................................................................................99
6.6.1 Downloading the Tutorial Program........................................................................99
6.6.2 Displaying the Source Program..............................................................................100
6.7 Setting a PC Breakpoint.......................................................................................................101
6.8 Setting Registers..................................................................................................................102
6.9 Executing the Program.........................................................................................................104
6.10 Reviewing Breakpoints......................................................................................................107
6.11 Viewing Memory...............................................................................................................108
6.12 Watching Variables............................................................................................................109
6.13 Stepping Through a Program.............................................................................................112
6.13.1 Executing [Step In] Command.............................................................................112
6.13.2 Executing [Step Out] Com m a nd..........................................................................113
6.13.3 Executing [Step Over] Com mand ........................................................................114
6.14 Forced Breaking of Program Executions...........................................................................115
6.15 Displaying Local Variables................................................................................................116
6.16 Break Function...................................................................................................................117
6.16.1 PC Break Function...............................................................................................117
6.17 Hardware Break Function..................................................................................................121
6.18 Trace Functions..................................................................................................................124
6.18.1 Displaying the Trace Window..............................................................................124
6.19 Stack Trace Function.........................................................................................................125
6.20 What Next?........................................................................................................................127
Appendix A Components of the E8 Emulator.................................................. 129
Appendix B Window Functions........................................................................ 131
Appendix C Command-Line Functions............................................................ 135
Appendix D Notes on High-performance Embedded Workshop..................... 137
Appendix E Diagnostic Hardware Program ..................................................... 143
E.1. System Setup to Execute the Check Program...................................................................143
E.2. Executing the Check Program...........................................................................................143
E.3 When an Error Occurs.......................................................................................................145

Section 1 Overview

The High-performance Embedded Workshop is a Graphical User Interface intended to ease the development and debugging of applications written in C/C++ programming language and assembly language for Renesas microcomputers. Its aim is to provide a powerful yet intuitive way of accessing, observing and modifying the debugging platform in which the application is running.
The E8 emulator (hereafter referred to as the emulator) is a software and hardware development support tool for application systems using the Renesas microcomputer. For applicable MCUs, refer to the web site.
The main unit of the emulator is connected through the dedicated debugging interface to the user system. The user system can be debugged under the conditions similar to the actual application conditions. The emulator enables debugging anywhere indoors or out. The host computer for controlling the emulator must be an IBM PC compatible machine with USB.
This manual describes the contents that comply with versions of the High-performance Embedded Workshop 4.0 or later.
Figure 1.1 shows the system configuration using the emulator.
Figure 1.1 System Configuration with the Emulator
The emulator has three activation modes:
(1) A mode in which the emulator program is started after it has been downloaded to the target
device: This mode is used when there is no emulator program in the flash memory of the target device. (2) A mode in which the emulator program is started without downloading it to the target device: This mode is used when there is an emulator program in the flash memory of the target device. (3) A mode in which the emulator is used as the flash memory programmer: This mode is used when the emulator is used for programming the flash memory.
The emulator provides the following features:
(1) Excellent cost-performance card emulator Compactness and USB connection are obtained. (2) Realtime emulation Realtime emulation of the user system is enabled at the maximum operating frequency of the
MCU. (3) Excellent operability Using the High-performance Embedded Wo rkshop on the Microsoft
Windows® XP operating system enables user program debugging using a pointing
Windows® 2000, or
device such as a mouse. (4) Various debugging functions Various break and trace functions enable efficient debugging. Breakpoints and break
conditions can be set by the specific window, trace information can be displayed on a window,
and command-line functions can be used. (5) Debugging of the user system in the final development stage The user system can be debugged under conditions similar to the actual application conditions. (6) Compact debugging environment A laptop computer can be used as a host computer, creating a debugging environment in any
place. (7) The emulator can be used to program the internal flash memory.

1.1 Warnings

READ the following warnings before using the emulator product. Incorrect operation will damage the user system and the emulator product. The USER PROGRAM will be LOST.
(1) Check all components against the component list provided at the side of the component box
after unpacking the emulator. (2) Never place heavy objects on the casing. (3) Protect the emulator from excessive impacts and stresses. For details, refer to section 1.2,
Environmental Conditions. (4) When moving the host computer or user system, take care not to vibrate or damage it. (5) After connecting the cable, check that it is connected correctly. For details, refer to section 3,
Preparation before Use. (6) Supply power to the connected equipment after connecting all cables. Cables must not be
connected or removed while the power is on.

1.2 Environmental Conditions

Observe the conditions listed in tables 1.1 and 1.2 when using the emulator. Failure to do so will cause illegal operation in the user system, the emulator product, and the user program.
Table 1.1 Environmental Conditions
Item Specifications
Temperature Operating: +10°C to +35°C
Storage: –10°C to +50°C
Humidity Operating: 35% RH to 80% RH, no condensation
Storage: 35% RH to 80% RH, no condensation
Vibration Operating: 2.45 m/s2 max.
Storage: 4.9 m/s Transportation: 14.7 m/s
Ambient gases No corrosive gases may be present
Table 1.2 Operating Environments
Item Description
Host computer IBM PC or compatible machine with built-in Pentium
performance CPU (600 MHz or higher recommended) OS Windows® 2000, or Windows® XP Minimum memory
capacity Hard-disk capacity Installation disk capacity: 100 Mbytes or more. (Prepare an area at
Interface USB (USB1.1, full-speed)* Pointing device such as
mouse Power voltage 5.0 ± 0.25 V (USB-bus power type) Current consumption 500 mA (max) CD drive Required to install the software for the emulator or refer to the emulator
128 Mbytes or more (double of the load module size)
least double the memory capacity (four-times or more recommended)
as the swap area.)
Connectable to the host computer; compatible with Windows® 2000 or
Windows® XP.
user’s manual.
* Can be connected to a host machine supporting USB 2.0.
III or higher-
* Not all hardware (such as host machine, USB devices, USB hub) combination will work and

1.3 Components

Check all the components unpacking. For details on the E8 emulator components, refer to the component list provided at the side of the component box. If the components are not complete, contact our E-mail address for user registration or refer to the web site.

Section 2 E8 Emulator Functions

This section describes the emulator functions. They differ according to the device supported by the emulator.

2.1 Overview

Table 2.1 gives a functional overview of the emulator.
Table 2.1 Emulator Functions
No. Item Function
1 User program execution
2 Reset function
3 Trace function
4 Break functions
Executes a program with the operating frequency within a range guaranteed by devices.
Reset emulation
Step functions:
Single step (one step: one instruction) Source-level step (one step: one source) Step over (a break did not occur in a subroutine) Step out (when the PC points to a location within a subroutine, execution continues until it returns to the calling function)
Issues a reset from the High-performance Embedded Workshop to the device during break.
Branch trace function incorporated in the device (four branches) The support of this function depends on a device.
Hardware break condition (one condition) The support of this function depends on a device.
PC break condition (255 points)
Forced break function
Address match break function
Table 2.1 Emulator Functions (cont)
No. Item Function
5 Memory access function
6 General/control register
access function
7 Internal I/O register
access function
8 Source-level debugging
9 Command line function Supports command input.
10 Help function Describes the usage of each function or command syntax input
Downloading to RAM
Downloading to flash memory
Single-line assembly
Reverse assembly (disassembly)
Reading of memory
Writing to memory
Automatic updating of a display of selected variables during
user program execution
Reads or writes the general/control register.
Reads or writes the internal I/O register.
Various source-level debugging functions.
Batch processing is enabled when a file is created by arranging commands in input order.
from the command line window.
The specific functions of the emulator are described in the next section.

2.2 Trace Functions

The branch source addresses, mnemonics, operands, and source lines are displayed. Since this function uses the trace buffer built into the device, a realtime trace can be acquired.
Note: The MCUs which have no trace function cannot use this function.

2.3 Break Functions

The E8 emulator has the following four break functions.
(1) Hardware break function
H8 R8C series Uses a break controller incorporated in the device. The access address, instruction fetch address, data, or bus cycle condition can be set. This function can also be set from the
refer to section 5.3.1 Address Interrupt Breakpoints.
Note: The MCUs which have no har dwa re break function cannot use this function.
(2) PC break function (BREAKPOIN T)
Breaks when the dedicated instruction at the specified address that has been replaced is executed.
This function can be set on the [Breakpoint] page in the [Eventpoint] dialog box. It can also be set when the [S/W Breakpoints] column for the line to be set is double-clicked in the [Source] or [Disassembly] window.
(3) Forced break function
Forcibly breaks the user program.
[Event] column in the [Source] window. For the setting,
(4) Address match break function Stops the target program immediately before a specified address instruction is executed. This
function is featured by the address match interrupt of the MCU. This function can be set from the
[Event] column in the Source window. For the setting, refer to section 5.2.2, Viewing the
Source Code.
Note: The address match break points vary depending on the device. And, us er program
operation when device's address match interrupts are used is not guaranteed.

2.4 Memory Access Functions

The emulator has the following memory access functions.
(1) Memory read/write function
[Memory] window: The memory contents are displayed in the window. Only the amount
specified when the [Memory] window is opened can be read. If the memory is written in the [Memory] window, a read in the range displayed in the [Memory] window will occur for updating the window. When the [Memory] window is not to be updated, change the setting in [Lock Refresh] from the popup menu.
me command: A command line function that reads or writes the specified amount of
memory at the specified address.
(2) User program downloading function A load module registered in the workspace can be downloaded. Such module can be selected
from [Download Modules] in the [Debug] menu. Downloading is also possible by a popup menu that is opened by right-clicking on the mouse at the load module in the workspace. The user program is downloaded to the RAM or flash memory.
This function can download information required for source-level debugging with the
Elf/Dwarf2 or IEEE695 file having the debugging information.
(3) Memory data uploading function The specified amount of memory from the specified address can be saved in an S-format file.
(4) Memory data downloading function The memory contents saved in the S-type-formatted file can be downloaded. Select [Load]
from the popup menu in the [Memory] window.
(5) Displaying the variable contents The variable contents specified in the user program are displayed. For the usage of the function
for displaying the variable contents, refer to High-performance Embedded Workshop User’s Manual.
(6) Other memory operation functions Other functions are as follows:
Memory fill
Memory copy
Memory save
Memory verify
Memory search
Internal I/O display
Displaying label and variable names and their contents
Notes: 1. Memory access during user program execution:
When memory is accessed from the memory window, etc. during execution of the user program, execution stops for the memory access and is then resumed. Therefore, realtime emulation cannot be performed.
2. Memory access during user program break: The program can also be downloaded and the BREAKPOINT can be set for the flash memory area by the emulator.

2.5 Stack Trace Function

The emulator uses the information on the stack to display the names of functions in the sequence of calls that led to the function to which the program counter is currently pointing. This function can be used only when the load modules that have the following formats are loaded:
- M32C family C complier (M3T-NC308WA): IEEE695
- M16C family C compiler (M3T-NC30WA): IEEE695
- R8C series C compiler (M3T-NC8C): IEEE695
- H8,H8S,H8SX family C/C++ compiler (such as [R0C40008XSW06R]): Elf/Dwarf2
For the usage of this function, refer to section 6.19, Stack Trace Function.

2.6 Online Help

An online help explains the usage of each function or the command syntax that can be entered from the command line window.
Select [Emulator Help] from the [Help] menu to view the emulator help.
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