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Additional Document for User’s Manual
(Notes on Connection of RH850/E1M-S2)
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1.1 Features of an E1, E20 or E2 emulator ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Caution on using the E20 emulator .............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Configuration of manuals .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
2. Connecting the Emulator and User System ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Connector mounted on the user system ....................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Pin assignments of the connector ................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.3 Connection interface and modes .................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.4 Examples of recommended connections between the connector and MCU ................................................................................ 9
2.4.1 Example of recommended connections ................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.2 Connecting the RESET pin .................................................................................................................................................. 12
2.4.3 Connecting the TVDD pin .................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.4 Hot plug-in adapter for the E1 emulator ............................................................................................................................... 14
2.4.5 Isolator for the E1 emulator .................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.4.6 Small connector conversion adapter for the E1 emulator .................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Overview of specifications specific to the E2 emulator............................................................................................................... 20
3.1.2 External trigger input and output .......................................................................................................................................... 21
4. Notes on Usage ................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
4.1 Notes on differences in operation between the actual device and the E1, E20 or E2 emulator ................................................. 22
4.2 Cautionary notes on debugging .................................................................................................................................................. 24
5. Internal Circuits of the Emulator ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
6.1 Problems when the emulator is connected ................................................................................................................................. 38
6.2 Problems after the emulator is connected .................................................................................................................................. 40
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E1/E20/E2 Emulator 1. Outline
1. Outline
1.1 Features of an E1, E20 or E2 emulator
An E1, E20 or E2 emulator is an on-chip debugging emulator that includes a flash programming function, which is used
for debugging and programming programs to be embedded in microcontrollers that have on-chip flash memory. That is,
either product can debug a program while the target microcontroller is connected to the user system, and can write
programs to the on-chip flash memory of microcontrollers.
1.2 Caution on using the E20 emulator
The functions used for debugging of the RH850 family by using the E20 emulator are the same as in the E1 emulator.
Large trace function, characteristic function of the E20 emulator, cannot be used.
1.3 Configuration of manuals
When using the E1, E20 or E2 emulator in debugging with an RH850 family product, be sure to read the manuals (1) and
(2) below. Also read the application note (3) if required.
Set the switch on the “1” side
when the target device is an
RH850 and on the “3” side when
the target device is an RL78.
The target device is an RH850 microcontroller (default setting).
Note on connector insertion and removal (1):
damage the wiring.
Note on connector insertion and removal (2):
Be aware that the user-system interface cable or the connector conversion adapter must be inserted with the correct
the wrong
orientation may cause damage.
• For the connection of an E2 emulator
To use an E2 emulator with a 14-pin connector, use the connector conversion adapter that comes with the E2. Figure 2-3
shows an example of the connection.
The connector conversion adapter is provided with a switch. Setting for the switch must be on the “1” side for the
RH850. Operation is not guaranteed if the switch is on the “3” side. For setting the switch, refer to Table 2-2.
Figure 2-3 Connecting the User System Interface Cable to the 14-pin Connector in the E2 Emulator
Table 2-2 Setting of Switches (SW1)
3 The target device is an RL78 microcontroller.
When connecting or disconnecting the user-system interface cable and the user system, grasp the connector cover
at the end of the cable or both sides of the board of the connector conversion adapter. Pulling the cable itself will
orientation. Connecting the user-system interface cable or the connector conversion adapter with
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E1/E20/E2 Emulator 2. Connecting the Emulator and User System
Signal name (#: active low, -: unused)
4-pin LPD
2-wire UART
2 (*1)
12 (*1)
13 (*2)
14 (*1)
Unused pins:
2.2 Pin assignments of the connector
Table 2-3 shows the pin assignments of the 14-pin connector.
Table 2-3 Pin Assignments of the 14-pin Connector
Pin No.
I/O (*3)
Notes 1. Securely connect pins 2, 12, and 14 of the connector to GND of the user system. These pins are used for
electrical GND and to monitor connection with the user system by the E1, E20 or E2 emulator.
2. Be particularly sure to connect pin 13 before using the emulator.
3. Input and output are defined from the perspective of the user system.
Do not apply signals from the user system to unused pins. Doing so may damage the pins.
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E1/E20/E2 Emulator 2. Connecting the Emulator and User System
Mode and Connection Interface
User Boot Mode
Serial Programming Mode
Tool to be Used
Connection Interface
Connection Interface
Flash Programmer (e.g. RFP)
2-wire UART
When OPJTAG is
2-wire UART
During debugging
4-pin LPD
2.3 Connection interface and modes
The operating mode and the connection interface of an E1, E20 or E2 emulator is switched in the ways shown in Table
2-4 according to whether it is in use for debugging (when a debugger is in use) or programming (when the Flash
Programmer is in use). The serial programming mode may still be used even if the debugger is in use. When flash
memory is programmed by the downloading function of the debugger, the flash self-programming function is used.
Table 2-4 Modes and Connection Interfaces
(e.g. CS+)
automatically set
(*)OPJTAG automatic setting function: When a device is debugged, the OPJTAG bit in the option byte register
determines the type of connection interface. Debugging will not start if the interface selected by the OPJTAG bit does not
match that selected by the debugger. If the OPJTAG automatic setting function is enabled, the emulator makes a
transition to the serial programming mode without fail and reads the OPJTAG bit. If the interface differs from that
selected by the debugger, the OPJTAG bit is rewritten, the mode is switched to the normal operating mode, and
debugging will start.
When this function is enabled to start debugging, since the mode is switched to the serial programming mode, some
emulation may be impossible since the initial values in memory and of ECC errors after a reset are undefined. Therefore,
only use the OPJTAG automatic setting function when the OPJTAG bit in the option byte register is to be modified. For
details on setting this function, refer to the user’s manual for the debugger you are using.
With CS+, select “Yes” as the [Set OPJTAG in LPD connection before connecting] property on the [Connect Settings]
tabbed page to enable the OPJTAG automatic setting function.
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E1/E20/E2 Emulator 2. Connecting the Emulator and User System
2.4 Examples of recommended connections between the connector and MCU
This section describes examples of recommended connections between the target MCU and interface circuit.
2.4.1 Example of recommended connections
Multiple recommended examples for connection are given in accord with the purposes for which the emulator is to be
used. Select the appropriate circuit with reference to the table shown below. Be sure to take the specifications of the
target device as well as measures to prevent noise into consideration when designing your circuit.
Both debugging (4-pin LPD) and programming (2-wire UART)
Only programming (2-wire UART)
Figure 2-4
Figure 2-5
R20UT3433EJ0300 Rev.3.00 Page 9 of 44
E1/E20/E2 Emulator 2. Connecting the Emulator and User System
14-pi n connector
Target device
1K to
1K to
1K to
(1) Connection which allows Both debugging (4-pin LPD) and programming (2-wire UART)
Figure 2-4 Example of Connection
Refer to section 2.4.2, Connecting the RESET pin, for more information on the reset circuit.
For details on TVDD, refer to section 2.4.3, Connecting the TVDD pin.
Make wiring runs between the 14-pin connector and target device as short as possible (within 50 mm is
recommended). Do not connect the signal lines between the connector and MCU to other signal lines.
Use GND to apply a guard ring for the wiring which runs between the 14-pin connector and target device. Do
not route high-speed signal lines parallel to each other or allow them to cross each other.
Pin names may vary among target devices. Refer to the user’s manual for the target device you are using for the
actual pin names.
Proceed with appropriate processing for pins of target devices which do not require connection to the emulator
in accord with the descriptions in “Handling of Unused Pins” in the user’s manual for the target device.
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E1/E20/E2 Emulator 2. Connecting the Emulator and User System
Target device
1K to
1K to
1K to
14-pi n connector
(2) Connection which allows Only programming (2-wire UART)
Figure 2-5 Example of Connection
Refer to section 2.4.2, Connecting the RESET pin, for more information on the reset circuit.
For details on TVDD, refer to section 2.4.3, Connecting the TVDD pin.
Make wiring runs between the 14-pin connector and target device as short as possible (within 50 mm is
recommended). Do not connect the signal lines between the connector and MCU to other signal lines.
Use GND to apply a guard ring for the wiring which runs between the 14-pin connector and target device. Do
not route high-speed signal lines parallel to each other or allow them to cross each other.
Pin names may vary among target devices. Refer to the user’s manual for the target device you are using for the
actual pin names.
Proceed with appropriate processing for pins of target devices which do not require connection to the emulator
in accord with the descriptions in “Handling of Unused Pins” in the user’s manual for the target device.
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E1/E20/E2 Emulator 2. Connecting the Emulator and User System
14-pin connector
Target device
2.4.2 Connecting the RESET pin
While you are using the E1, E20 or E2 emulator, pin 13 (RESET pin) of the 14-pin connector must be connected to the
reset pin of the target device. An example is shown in the figure below.
The E1, E20 or E2 emulator fixes the RESET pin to the low level before the debugger is activated. After the debugger is
activated, the emulator either keeps the pin at the low level or places it in the high-impedance state in accord with the
operation of the debugger.
Figure 2-6 Example of Connecting a Reset Circuit
Output of the reset circuit should be either n-channel open drain or be a signal generated solely by a resistor and
capacitor (and possible other components).
For the target device in this user’s manual, pull the RESET signal (RES) up to the SYSVCC voltage.
Pin 13 (RESET) of the E1, E20 or E2 emulator is pulled up (by a 100-kΩ resistor) within the emulator (refer to
section 5, Internal Circuits of the Emulator).
The RESET pin of the target device may be pulled up or down within the device. On this point, refer to the
user’s manual for the target device.
The maximum sink current accepted by the RESET pin of the E1, E20 or E2 emulator is 2 mA. Select an
appropriate pull-up resistance which does not surpass this value.
Adjust the time constant of the reset circuit so that the time elapsing before the signal reaches 80% of the high
level from the low level is within 900 µs.
When you use hot plug-in, consider installation of a capacitor between the reset signal and GND in order to
suppress a noise. In this case, however, the specifications of the time described above must be satisfied.
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E1/E20/E2 Emulator 2. Connecting the Emulator and User System
2.4.3 Connecting the TVDD pin
(1) Power source monitoring function
Connect the power source on the user system to pin 8 (TVDD pin) of the 14-pin connector. For the target device in
this user’s manual, this will be the source of the VCC voltage.
The power source connected to the TVDD pin provides power to the final stage output buffer and first stage input
buffer on the E1/E20/E2 emulator circuit. When the E1, E20 or E2 emulator is connected, it will draw current as
described below in addition to the current drawn by the user system.
E1/E2 emulator: Approx. 20 mA when TVDD is 3.3 V, and approx. 40 mA when TVDD is 5.0 V
E20 emulator: Approx. 40 mA when TVDD is 3.3V, and approx. 100 mA when TVDD is 5.0 V
If there is a possibility you will be using hot plug-in connection, you will need to configure the circuit as shown
below. Pin 8 of the E1 emulator is connected to a 4.7-uF capacitor as shown in (1) in Figure 2-7, so hot plug-in
connection of the emulator may lead to a momentary drop in the power-supply voltage on the user system. This
might cause the MCU to be reset. As shown in (2) in Figure 2-7, this effect can be reduced by placing a ferrite bead
(or inductor) and relatively large capacitor with low equivalent series resistance near the TVDD line of the
connector for connection of the emulator. Note that this measure will not completely eliminate the voltage drop.
Note that hot plug-in connection is only for use during debugging, and a separately sold hot plug-in adapter is
necessary to use this function otherwise.
Figure 2-7 Circuit Configuration for Hot Plug-in
(2) Power supply function (applies only to the E1 or E2 emulator)
The E1 or E2 emulator can also supply power at 3.3 V or 5.0 V from the TVDD pin to the user system (at a current
of up to 200 mA). When using this function, take care of the following points.
Do not use this function if power is being separately supplied to the user system. Attempting to do so
might break the E1 or E2 emulator.
Do not use this function for a user system which draws a current of 200 mA or more. The E1 or E2
emulator or USB interface of the host machine might be broken.
Make sure that the supplied voltage is within the voltage range required by the user system.
E1 emulator : The 5.0-V supply depending on the environment of the host machine in use, the voltage
might be lower than 5.0 V by 0.5 V or more.
E2 emulator : The 5.0-V supply depending on the environment of the host machine in use, the voltage
might be lower than 5.0 V by 0.3 V or more.
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E1/E20/E2 Emulator 2. Connecting the Emulator and User System
Power supply from the E1 or E2 emulator depends on the quality of the USB power supply of the host machine, and as such,
processes, use the Renesas Flash Programmer.
Warning for Turning the Power On/Off:
When supplying power, ensure that there are no shorts between the user system and power circuit. Only connect
precision is not guaranteed. When writing a program that requires reliability, do not use the power supply function of the E1
or E2 emulator. Use a stable, separate power supply for the user system. When writing a program for mass production
the E1, E20 or E2 after confirming that there are no mismatches of alignment on the user system port connector.
Incorrect connection will result in the host machine, the emulator, and the user system emitting smoke or catching
2.4.4 Hot plug-in adapter for the E1 emulator
For hot plug-in connection to the E1 emulator, use the hot plug-in adapter for the E1 emulator (R0E000010ACB00)
that is separately available from Renesas.
2.4.5 Isolator for the E1 emulator
For a debugging environment where there is a difference in potential between the GND of the user system and that of
the host PC, use the isolator for the E1 emulator (R0E000010ACB20) which is separately available from Renesas.
2.4.6 Small connector conversion adapter for the E1 emulator
A small connector conversion adapter for the E1 emulator (R0E000010CKZ11) is separately available from Renesas
for user system boards which are too small to mount the 14-pin connector that is the standard connector for the E1
emulator. By using the adapter, you can reduce the area taken up by the connector mounted on your system.
However, when you use the small connector conversion adapter for the E1 emulator, be aware that the pin assignments
of the connector differ from those of the standard interface connector for the E1 emulator.
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