6.6.5 Starting point modulation (*) 25
6.6.6 Interface selection (() 25
6.6.7 DHW cut-in temperature (B) 25
6.6.8 Fan Speed at DHW full load (C) 26
6.6.9 Forced part load time after start (HTG only - G) 26
6.6.10 DHW control stop set point (I) 26
6.6.11 DHW control option (J) 26
6.6.12 HTG cut in temp (N) 27
6.6.13 Boiler type (P) 27
6.6.14 Maximum delay time (U) 27
6.6.15 Start and end point analog signal (Q and Y) 27
6.7 Read-out mode (X00) 28
6.8 Fan speed mode (<00) 28
6.9 Failure mode (x00) 28
7 Installation instructions 29
7.1 General 29
7.2 Location 29
7.3 Flue gas discharge and air supply 30
7.3.1 General 30
7.3.2 Classification due to discharging flue gases 31
7.3.3 Material and installation 32
7.3.4 Single boiler conventional flue 33
7.3.5 Single boiler, room sealed flue 34
7.3.6 Different pressure zones 35
7.3.7 Modular installations 36
7.4 Hydraulic installation 36
7.4.1 Condensate and AAV discharge 36
7.4.2 Water treatment 36
7.4.3 Cold feed and expansion tank height for open vented systems 38
7.4.4 Safety valve 38
7.4.5 Gas connection 38
7.4.6 System pump 38
7.4.7 Waterflow 39
7.5 DHW production 39
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