Instruction Manual
Recovery Station
46 84 5 93

Instructi on M an ua l ENVIRO English
Table of Contents
1. General Information…………………………………… 1……
2. Safety…………………………………………………………3
2.1 P erson nel Qualif icati ons…… …………… ………3
2.2 Special Hazards………… …… …… …… …… …… 4
2.3 Labels / Safe ty M ar ki ngs…………………… …… 7
3. Technical Specifications…………………………………8
4. Parts Description……………………………………………9
5. Instruction of Operation Panel…………………………10
6. Electrical Diagram…………………………………………1
7. Operation……………………………………………………12
8. Recovery Method…………………………………………14
9. Self-Purge Method…………………………………………16
10. Liquid Push / Pull Mode…………………………………17
11. FAQ and Trouble Shooting……………… ……………20
12. Maintenance………………………………………………22
13. Service……………………………………………………23
14. Recycling………………………………………………… 23

English Ins tr uc tion Manual ENV IR O
1. General Inf ormation
Thank you for pur ch as in g the ENVIRO Refrig er an t
Recovery Mach in e!
ENV IRO combines an innovative refrige rant gas compressio n syste m with a rugg ed, mou lde d case that i s desig ned
to offer m ax im um pr ot ec tion fr om dama ge during transit
and normal hand li ng.
With normal use and with care as prescribed in this Manual,
you r ENVIRO wi ll give you years of trouble-free operation.
Safety First!
When found on the machine, this inte rnational symbol is i nt en ded to a le rt t he u se r to the presence of important operating, safety and maintenance (servicing) instructions in this Manual. As used in the Manual, it is intended to
draw y ou r at te ntion to critical ite ms .
It is im po rtant t o r ea d t hi s e nt ir e M an ua l a nd be fa mi li ar
with its contents b ef or e us in g the machine!
The ENVIRO is a Recov ery Mach ine for a bro ad range of
refrigerants. Recovering refrigerants into a separate storage c yl in de r i nv ol ve s a process of g as compr es si on ,
resulting in high pressures within the mach in e, t he c onnecting hoses and the st orage c ylinder. High-pressure
sys tems mus t always be treated with care and respect to
pre vent ca re less accidents.

Instructi on M an ua l ENVIRO Engl is h
Product Saf et y:
The ENVIRO has been designed to meet the requirements
of t he S ta nd ar d fo r Re fr ig er an t Re co very M ac hines, A RI
and certificati on .
If an ap proved cyli nder wit h overfill is no t available always
use an a pp ro ve d sc al e to monit or the cylinders capacit y.
Additionally, a pp roved refrigerant hoses must be used
which have shut-off d ev ic es w it hi n 30 0mm of t he e nd s to
reduce the like li ho od of refrigerant le ak ag e t o the atmosphere when chang in g cy li nd ers or setups.
Responsib il it y:
Onl y a qualified technician who has been prop erl y traine d
in the ca re an d use of s uc h e quipment and in the recovery process itself mu st o nl y op er ate the ENVIRO.
The op er ating in structions are p art of the prod uc t an d
must be st ored i n cl os e pr ox imity to t he E NV IRO wh er e
they should be read il y ac ce ssible to qualifi ed p er so nnel
at all times.
The qualif ie d p ersonnel must ha ve car ef ul ly read and
understood the operat in g in st ru ctions prior to op erating
the device.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage whatsoeve r arising through i mproper us e, failure to comply w it h
the se opera tin g ins tru ctions, assignment of in ade quately
qualified perso nn el , or una ut ho rised modificatio n of the
The General Terms and Co nditions as set out in the sale s
documentati on s ha ll apply.
Subject to te ch ni ca l modificatio ns .

English Ins tr uc tion Manual ENV IR O
Key to symbols
… indic ates a po tentially hazardous si tuation
that co ul d result in serious injury or death if
not avoide d.
… in di ca te s el ec tr ical h az ar d. Fai lu re to c omply
with t he se safet y instruct io ns may re sult i n serious injury or dea th .
2. Safety
Bef ore setup an d operation of the devic e, ensure
tha t it i s not damaged in any way. Fa ilure to comply co ul d result in s er io us physi ca l injury and/or
material dama ge .
Risk of death by el ec tr ocution.
2.1 Personnel Q ua li fications
Risk of injury through use by unqualified personnel!
Improper hand li ng o f the device can le ad t o se rious personal an d ma te rial damage.

Instructi on M an ua l ENVIRO Engl is h
The activiti es de sc ribed in these o pe ra ti ng instructi on s
should only be c ar ri ed out by skill ed pers on ne l in possession of the qu al if ications outl in ed b el ow.
Kee p unqualifi ed personnel away from ha zar dous areas.
Skilled per so nn el
Skilled personnel are workers who, th ro ug h th ei r sp ecialist tr ai ning a nd operation al knowledge of t he recovery machin e, ar e capable o f carrying ou t the described
work and independently identi fy in g po te nt ia l ha zards.
2.2 Special Haz ar ds
Before start in g th e Eq ui pm en t as su re that it
is well grou nd ed .
Risk of seri ou s in ju ry a nd d ea th !
While us in g th e electric al wire, the wi re must be
well connecte d an d gr ounded.
Risk of serious i nj ur y and death!
Only a qualified elect ri ci an sh ould perform wire
connection ac cording t o the t ec hn ic al stan da rd
and circuit dia gr am .
Risk of serious i nj ur y and death!

English Ins tr uc tion Manual ENV IR O
Be sure t he power is o ff before e xa mi ni ng o r
repairing the recovery unit. R isk of s er io us in jury and death!
Use onl y authorized ref illable refrige rant tanks.
The Unit requ ires the use of recover y tan ks wi th
a minimu m wor king pre ssure of 40 bar (580psi ).
Do n ot overfill t he recovery tank. Tank is full a t
80% capac it y. T he re should b e enough sp ac e
for liquid expansion.
Overfilling of the tank may cause a violent explosion.
A Charging scale is required to prevent overfilling.
It is compu lso ry t o we ar s afe ty g oggles, and protective gl ov es whi le working wi th refri ge ra nt s to
pro tect skin and eyes fro m refrigerant gas and liquid. Avo id a ny c on tact with caust ic g as o r liquid.
Risk of serious i nj ur y!
Be sure t ha t a ny room w he re work is bei ng co nducted is thoro ug hl y ventilated.
When using an extension cord, the cord should be
a minimum of 1.5 mm (15 awg) and no longer than
7.5 m. Otherwise Volta ge m ay d ro p an d da mage
the compres so r! The ca bl e mu st be compl et el y