RCA RTD317W Instruction


Step 1: Identify

First verify that your unit requires an update
Turn on the Home Theater System
Open the DVD Door
Push the “Clear” button on the Home Theater System Remote Control and TV
screen displays “STS8315_250W.NA.xxx.R1”
If the last 3 digits are less than 100, such as ““STS8315_250W.NA.056.R1”; then your unit needs an update.
STEP 2 - Download:
Download the zip file from the website. The file contains 1 DVDROM file.
You must add the file onto a CD-R for the upgrade to work correctly (Data disc).
Important: Please disconnect all speakers on the RTD317W and turn down you the volume on the TV.

Step 3: Upgrade

Open the DVD Door
Insert the Update Disc
Close DVD Door
Make sure [Y] is highlighted
Push the OK button on the remote control
When the update is completed the TV screen will blink and the Home Theater System will shut OFF and then back ON again.

Step 4: Verify

Now verify that you now have the updated software
Open the DVD Door
Push the “Clear” button on the Home Theater System Remote Control
It should say “STS8315_250W.NA.100.R1”