Raymarine ST70 User Manual

ST70 Instrument
Installation Guide
Document reference: 87079-1 Date: May 2007
Contents iii


Chapter 1:Before you begin ............................................................................. 1
1.2Certified install ation ............................................................................. 1
1.3Getting assistance ................................ ............................... ...............1
Chapter 2:Planning ............................................................................................3
Chapter 3:Installation ....................................................................................... 9
Chapter 4:Tec hnical specifications ............................................................17
Chapter 5:Te mplates ....................................................................................... 19
2.1System overviews ............................................................. ..................3
2.2Positioning the ST70 instrument .........................................................5
2.3Parts supplied ........... .................................. ............................... ......... 6
2.4Parts not supplied .......................................... .............................. ....... 7
3.1Install the instrument ......................................................... ..................9
3.2Install transducers ............................................................. ................14
3.3Final fix .......................................... ................................. ...................15
3.4Commission the instrument ...............................................................15
Preface v


Warnings and cautions
WARNING: Product installation and operation This equipment must be installed, commissioned and operated in accordance with the Raymarine instructions provided. Failure to
do so could result in personal injury , damage to your boat and/or poor product performance. Before you install the ST70 instrument, check that individual components are the correct voltage for your boa t’s supply .
WARNING: Electrical safety Make sure you hav e switched off the power supply before you start
installing this product. WARNING: Navigational safety
Although we have designed this product to be accurate and reliable, many factors can affect its performance. Therefore, it should serve only as an aid to navigation and should never replace commonsense and navigational judgement. A lways maintain a permanent watch so you can respond to situations as they develop.
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) conformance
Raymarine equipment and accessories conform to the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) regulations for use in the recreational marine environment. Correct installation is required to ensure that EMC performance is not compromised.
Always check the installation before going to sea to make sure that it is not affected by radio transmissions, engine starting or other forms of interference.
To do this:
1. Turn on all transmitting equipment (radar, VHF radio, etc).
2. Check that all electronic systems are unaffected by interference from the transmit­ting equipment.
EMC installation guidelines
Raymarine equipment and accessories conform to the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) regulations. This minimizes electromagnetic interference between equipment, which could otherwise affect the performance of your system.
Correct installation is required to ensure that EMC performance is not compromised. For optimum EMC performance, we make the following recommendations:
Place Raymarine equipment and cables at least 3 ft (1 m) from any equipment that transmits, or cables that carry, radio signals from VHF radios, cables and anten­nas. In the case of SSB radios, the distance should be increased to 7 ft. (2 m).
Place Raymarine equipment and cables more than 7 ft (2 m) from the path of a radar beam. A radar beam can normally be assumed to spread 20 degrees above and below the radiating element.
Use a power source separate from that used for engine-start. This is important to prevent erratic behavior and data loss which can occur if the engine-start does not have a separate battery .
Use Raymarine-specified cables.
Do not cut or extend cables unless doing so is detailed in the installation manual.
Where constraints on the installation prevent any of the above recommendations:
Always allow the maximum separation possible between different items of electri­cal equipment.
This will provide the best conditions for good EMC performance of the installation.
Suppression ferrites
Raymarine cables may be fitted with suppression ferrites. These are necessary for correct EMC performance. Any ferrite removed during installation must be replaced as soon as installation is complete.
Use only ferrites of the correct type, supplied by Raymarine authorized dealers.
Connections to other equipment
If Raymarine equipment is to be connected to other equipment using a cable not supplied by Raymarine, a Raymarine suppression ferrite MUST always be attached to the cable near the Raymarine unit.
EMC Servicing and maintenance
Undue noise and interference may be a symptom of an EMC-related problem. Please report any EMC-related problem to your nearest Raymarine dealer. We use such information to improve our quality standards.
T o minimize any EMC related problems and ensure the best possible perfor­mance form your Raymarine equipment, follow the guidelines given in the instal­lation instructions.
Product documents
The following user documents are available to help you install and operate an ST70 instrument controller:
ST70 Instrument Installation Guide (this document).
ST70 Instrument Operating Guide.This is a detailed manual supplied with your ST70 instrument. It contains important commissioning instructions.
•SeaTalk SeaTalkng connectivity.
Reference Manual. This provides detailed information regarding
Preface vii
T o the best of our knowledge, the information in the product documents was correct when they went to press. However, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in product documents.
In addition, our policy of continuous product improvement may change specifications without notice. Therefore, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any differences between the product and the accompanying documents.

Product disposal

Waste Electrical and Electronic (WEEE) Directive
The WEEE Directive requires the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
Whilst the WEEE Directive does not apply to some of Raymarine's products,
we support its policy and ask you to be aware of how to dispose of this product. The crossed out wheelie bin symbol, illustrated above, and found on our products
signifies that this product should not be disposed of in general waste or landfill. Please contact your local dealer, national distributor or Raymarine T echnical Services
for information on product disposal.

Chapter 1: Before you begin 1

Chapter 1: Before you begin
The ST70 instrument must be installed correctly. For a safe and successful installation, we recommend a certified installation.

1.1 Installation overview

The key steps in the procedure are as follows:


1. Plan your system.
2. Decide where to locate the ST70 instrument.
3. Check parts.


1. Mount and connect the instrument.
2. Install the transducers.
3. Fix equipment in place.
4. Commission the instrument before use.

1.2 Certified installation

Raymarine recommends certified installation by a Raymarine approved installer. A certified installation qualifies for enhanced warranty benefits. Contact your Raymarine dealer for further details and refer to the separate warranty card packed with your product.

1.3 Getting assistance

Should you require further assistance with your installation, please refer to your dealer or visit the Raymarine web site: www.raymarine.com.
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