Raymarine ST60 Tridata User Manual

ST60 Tridata Instrument
Owner’s Handbook
Document number: 81040-4 Date:10 November 2002
Raymarine, ST60and SeaTalk aretrademarks ofRaymarine Limited
Important information
Safety notices
WARNING: Product installation & operation
This equipmentmust beinstalled and operated in accordance with theRaymarine instructionsprovided.Failureto doso couldresultin personal injury,damage toyour boat and/or poor product performance.
WARNING: Electrical safety
Make sure you haveswitched offthe power supply before youstart installing this product.
Although we have designedthis productto be accurate and reliable, many factorscan affect its performance. Therefore, it shouldserve only as anaid to navigation and should neverreplace commonsense and navigational judgement. Always maintain apermanent watch so you canrespond to situations as they develop.
EMC conformance
All Raymarineequipment and accessories are designed tothe best industry standards foruse in the recreational marineenvironment.
The designand manufacture of Raymarineequipment and accessories conform to the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards, but correctinstallation is required to ensure that performance is notcompromised.
Handbook information
Tothe best of our knowledge,the information in this handbookwas correct whenit went topress. However,Raymarine cannot accept liability forany inaccuracies oromissions it maycontain.
In addition, our policy of continuous productimprovement may change specifications withoutnotice. Therefore, Raymarine cannot accept liability for anydifferences betweenthe product and the handbook.
ii ST60 Tridata Instrument Owner’s Manual
Important information ..........................................................................................i
Safety notices ................................................................................. i
EMC conformance ........................................................................i
Handbook information .................................................................. i
Introduction ......................................................................................................... vii
Data inputs ..................................................................................vii
SeaTalk ....................................................................................... vii
Stand alone operation.................................................................viii
Remote control ..........................................................................viii
Mounting options.......................................................................viii
Parts supplied ............................................................................... ix
Chapter 1: Operation .........................................................................................1
1.1 Gettingstarted ...............................................................................1
Displayed information ..................................................................1
1.2 Normaloperation .......................................................................... 1
Depth ............................................................................................ 2
Current depth display ..............................................................2
Depth alarmthreshold displays ...............................................3
Speed ............................................................................................ 3
Boat speed ............................................................................... 3
Maximum speed .....................................................................4
Average speed ......................................................................... 4
Velocity made good (to windward) ......................................... 4
Trip ................................................................................................ 5
Log .......................................................................................... 5
Trip screen ............................................................................... 6
Water temperature ...................................................................6
Timers ..................................................................................... 6
1.3 Alarms ..........................................................................................7
1.4 Display settings ............................................................................. 7
Illumination .................................................................................. 7
Contrast .........................................................................................8
1.5 Remote control ............................................................................. 8
Chapter 2: Maintenance and Faultfinding ......................................................9
2.1 Maintenance .................................................................................9
Servicing andsafety ...................................................................... 9
Instrument ..................................................................................... 9
Transducers ................................................................................... 9
Cabling ........................................................................................ 10
iv ST60 Tridata Instrument Owner’s Manual
2.2 Faultfinding ................................................................................ 10
Preliminary procedures ...............................................................10
Fixing faults ................................................................................ 10
Technical support ........................................................................11
World wide web .................................................................... 11
Telephone help line ............................................................... 11
Help usto help you ................................................................12
Chapter 3: Installation .....................................................................................13
3.1 Planningyour installation ........................................................... 13
Site requirements ........................................................................ 13
Transducers ...........................................................................13
Instrument ............................................................................. 15
EMC InstallationGuidelines ......................................................16
Suppression Ferrites ..............................................................17
Connections to Other Equipment ..........................................17
3.2 Procedures ..................................................................................18
Unpacking ...................................................................................18
Fitting theinstrument .................................................................. 18
Surface mounting .................................................................. 18
Flush mounting ..................................................................... 19
Bracket mounting ..................................................................22
Fitting transducer ........................................................................23
Running transducer cable ......................................................23
Connecting the instrument ..........................................................24
Types of connection ..............................................................24
Signal connections ................................................................24
Power supplyconnections ....................................................25
Chapter 4: Calibration .....................................................................................27
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................27
Speed readings ............................................................................27
EMC conformance...................................................................... 27
4.2 Usercalibration ...........................................................................27
Depth ........................................................................................... 29
Depth units ............................................................................29
Depth offset ...........................................................................29
Shallow alarmlock ............................................................... 30
Speed ........................................................................................... 31
Set speedunits ....................................................................... 31
Set speedresolution ..............................................................31
Set logunits ........................................................................... 31
Setting thecorrect speed .......................................................31
Adjust toSOG .......................................................................33
Set temperatureunits ............................................................ 33
Temperature calibration ........................................................ 33
Timer alarm buzzer ...............................................................33
Leaving Usercalibration ............................................................. 33
4.3 Intermediate calibration ..............................................................34
Speed calibration ........................................................................35
Leaving Intermediatecalibration ................................................39
4.4 Dealer calibration ....................................................................... 39
User calibrationon/off ................................................................39
Response settings ........................................................................ 39
Boat showmode ..........................................................................41
Factory defaults ..........................................................................41
Leaving Dealercalibration ......................................................... 41
vi ST60 Tridata Instrument Owner’s Manual
Thank youfor purchasing a Raymarine product.We are sure yourST60 instrument will giveyou many years oftrouble-free operation.
This handbook describeshow to install anduse the Raymarine ST60 Tridata instrument. Thisinstrument provides accuratedepth, speed, trip and timer information, on ahigh quality Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). The instrument is constructed in arugged weather-proofedcase to pro­vide reliable performance,even under the most demanding conditions.
Data inputs
The ST60Tridata instrument can fulfil master and/orrepeater roles by receiving data either from the appropriate transducers and/or from a SeaTalk instrumentation system.
SeaTalk enables a number of compatible instruments to operate asa single, integrated navigationalsystem. Instrumentsin a SeaTalk system are linkedby means ofa single cable, which feeds both power and data. Instruments can thereforebe added to thesystem by plugging them into the network.SeaTalk isflexible enough to adaptto any numberof compatible instrumentswithout requiring acentral processor. SeaTalk can alsocommunicate viaan interface, withnon-SeaTalk equipment using theinternationally-accepted NationalMarine Electronics Association (NMEA) protocol.
viii ST60 Tridata Instrument Owner’s Manual
In a SeaTalk system,each instrument can be either a master ordedicated repeater unit.A master instrumentis directly connectedto a transducer (the device thatprovides the raw data),and provides data andcontrol for the service itis providing,to allother equipment on the SeaTalk network. A slave instrument is not directly connected to atransducer but repeats information provided byother equipment in the SeaTalk network.
Stand alone operation
In Stand alone operation,the ST60 Tridatainstrument is connected only to the relevant transducer and doesnot display information from, or provide information to, anyother instruments.
Remote control
When connectedto SeaTalk,the ST60 Tridata instrument canbe controlled remotelyby a SeaTalkRemote Keypad Unit,to provide instant remoteaccess to the variousdisplay readouts.
Mounting options
If you donot want to surface mount your ST60 instrument, optionsare available for:
Flushmounting. If you have orderedthe flushmounting option alow­profile bezel and four fixing screwsare also provided.
Bracket mounting.
Parts supplied
Unpack your ST60instrument and check thatthe following items are present:
Item 1, ST60 Tridata instrument fitted with standard bezel for surface mounting.
Item2, Fixingstuds (2).
Item 3, Thumb nuts(2).
Item 5, Depth transducer.
Item 6, Speed transducer,plus bung (not illustrated).
Item 7, SeaTalk interconnectioncable.
Item 8, Power cable.
Item 9, Instrument Cover.
Item 10, Owner’sHandbook. A Warranty documentand fitting templates are includedin this Handbook.
Spare spadeterminals are alsoprovided, to re-terminate thetransducer cable ifit hasto be cut to facilitate installation.
Note:The above packing list is for an ST60 Tridata system. Where an instrument is purchased separately, Speed and D epth transducers are not included.
x ST60 Tridata Instrument Owner’s Manual
ST60 Tridata Instrument
Owner's Handbook
Boat speed
Maximum speed
Average speed
VMG to windward
to Reset
Water temperature
to Reset
Count-up timer
to Reset
to Reset
10 minute race start time
reset reset
to Reset
5 minute race start timer
reset reset
to Reset
Shallow Alarm Threshold
Deep alarm threshold
Anchor shallow alarm threshold
Anchor deep alarm threshold
Chapter 1: Operation 1
Chapter 1: Operation
1.1 Getting started
This handbook describeshow to operate, maintainand install the Raymarine ST60 Tridata instrument.
CAUTION:Calibration requirement
The ST60Tridata instrument is calibrated to factory (default) settings when firstinstalled and must therefore be calibrated before use, inaccordance withthe procedures inChapter 4,Calibration,to ensure optimum performance on your vessel.
Do NOT use theinstrument until the calibrationprocedures have been satisfactorily completed.
Displayed information
The ST60Tridata instrumentscreen is divided into three separate areas, each of which displaysa separate type ofinformation,as shownin the following illustration.
Speed Trip, log, water
temperature & timer
Screen layout
1.2 Normal operation
Use theflow charts in this Chapterto operate your ST60 Tridata instrument. Flow chartsare provided for:
•Usingthe Onmaster instruments,this alsogives accessto depthalarm threshold information, and allowsyou to set the alarmthresholds.
•Usingthe speed andVelocityMade Good (VMG) to windward.
depth key. This gives accessto current depth information.
speed key. This givesaccess to maximumspeed, average
2 ST60 Tridata Instrument Owner’s Manual
•Usingthetrip keyto gain accessto log, trip, water temperature and timer information.
All keypresses are momentary unlessotherwise stated.
Use thedepth key to selectthe required information, asshown in the Using the depth key illustration. The depth measurement units are either feet ormetres, as selected during user calibration (see Chapter 4, Calibration).
Current depth
Shallow alarm threshold
Deep alarm threshold
Using the depth key
Current depth display
The current depth screen shows thetitle DEPTH, the selected depthunits and the depthmeasurement. It also showsa depth trend indicator, which is either an up arrowto show seabed rising or a down arrowto show seabedfalling.
To enable/disable any alarm
for 2 seconds
To enter and exit alarm adjust mode
In adjust mode, use
to decrease or
(toggle action)
and together
to increase
Anchor deep alarm threshold
Anchor shallow alarm threshold
Chapter 1: Operation 3
If forany reason depth information is lost, the DEPTH title will flash once per secondand the displayed depth valuewill be the lastgood reading.
Depth alarm threshold displays
The alarmthreshold displays areavailable if the instrument is operating as a master.Each displayis identifiedby thepresence ofan alarmsymbol ( )and eitheran uparrow for ashallow alarm or a down arrow for a deep alarm. The shallow anddeep anchoralarms areidentified by means of an additional anchor icon.
You canenable and disableindividual alarmthresholds by pressing the
reset key for 2 seconds, whilethe relevant alarm threshold is displayed.
Each alarmthreshold is displayedfor a nominal 7seconds, and ifno action is taken during that time, the display will timeout to the current depth display.
Adjusting alarm thresholds
Toadjust the alarm threshold levels, press the simultaneously to enteradjust mode, then use either the decrease) orthe have setthe requiredvalue,pressthe alarm settingand exit theadjust mode.
reset key (to increase) the threshold value. When you
tripand reset keysagain, to savethe
trip andreset keys
trip key (to
Note:Adjustment of the shallow alarm threshold can be disabled duri ng calibration. When adjustment is di sabled, you cannot enter adjust mode.
Use the speed keyto select the requiredinformation, as shown in the Using the speed key illustration. The speed measurement units areeither knots (KTS), milesper hour (MPH) orkilometres per hour (KMH),as selected during usercalibration (see Chapter 4, Calibration).
The maximumspeed, average speed andVMG to windward are each displayed for anominal 7 seconds, and if no action istaken during that time, the display will timeout tothe Boat speed display.
Boat speed
Shows thecurrent speed and selected speed units.
4 ST60 Tridata Instrument Owner’s Manual
Boat speed
Maximum speed
Using the speed key
Average speed
VMG to windward
Maximum speed
The screen shows the maximumspeed attained sincethe lastreset. The maximum speed value is resetautomatically at power-up. If the
instrument is operating as a master, the maximum speed canalso bereset manually by pressing the
reset key for 2 seconds.
Average speed
The screen shows the averagespeed since the last reset. The averagespeed value is resetautomatically at power-up. If the
instrument isoperating as a master, the average speedcan also bereset manually by pressing the
reset key for 2 seconds.
Velocity made good (to windward)
Velocity made good (VMG) information isavailable if your instrument is partof aSeaTalksystemto whicha SeaTalk-compatiblewind instrument is alsoconnected.
Chapter 1: Operation 5
The trip key gives accessto log, trip,water temperature andtimer displays, as shown inthe Using the trip key illustration.
Water temperature
Count-up timer
Race start timer 1
To enter/leave
adjust mode, press
Using the trip key
to start timer, or for lap time (when running)
To set a different race start timer value, press
to decrease the value
either momentarily
or for 1 s to reset timer to start value.
to increase the value
To enter/leave
adjust mode, press
Race start
timer 2
The Log screen shows the total distance covered by the vessel since the instrument was fitted.
6 ST60 Tridata Instrument Owner’s Manual
Trip screen
The tripscreen shows the distancecovered sincethe trip valuewas last reset.
The trip value is reset automatically at power-up, and if theinstrument is operating as a master, the tripvalue canalso be reset manually by pressing the
reset key for 3seconds.
Water temperature
The watertemperature is shownin either degreesCelsius (°C)or Fahrenheit (°F), asset during calibration (see Chapter 4, Calibration).
The count-up timer and tothe two race-start timer times areeither in seconds (S) or minutes (M), depending on thecounter values.
Refer tothe Using the trip keyflow diagram to display the required timer. Once you havedone this, press the reset key to start thetimer running. When atimer is running,the delimiter (i.e.‘.’or ‘:’) flashes.For lap timing, press the reset key. To stop andreset a timerto the startvalue, hold down the reset key for 1 second.
Once a timer is running, you can leave the timer pageand selectany other display. Thecounter will continue torun in the background.
Race-start timers
You canset each race-start timerto any whole-minutevalue from 1 to 15 minutes.
Note: Whe n the instrument is first instal led, the race-st art timers are s et to 4 and 5 minutes respectively.
To set a race-starttimer:
1. Use thetrip keyas shown inthe Using trip key flow diagramto select the requiredrace-start timer.
2. Simultaneouslypress the trip andreset keys to enter the race-start timeradjust mode.
3. Use either the tripor reset key to set the required value.
4. Simultaneouslypress the trip andreset keys to save the value and leave the race-start timer adjust mode.
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