iiSportPilot and SportPilot Plus - Owner’s Handbook
Autohelm, HSB (High Speed Bus), SailPilot, SeaTalk and SportPilot
are registered trademarks of Raymarine Ltd.
Raymarine, AST (Advanced Steering T echnology), AutoAdapt,
AutoLearn, AutoRelease, AutoSeastate, AutoTack, AutoTrim,
FastTrim, GyroPl us, RayGyro, RayPilot and W indTrim are
trademarks of Raymarine Ltd.
5.1 Compass linearization and heading alignment ....................... 52
5.2 Heading alignment without linearizing ..................................54
Index ..................................................................................... 55
Chapter 1: Introduction1
Chapter 1:Introduction
Congratulations on the purchase of your Raymarine Spor tPilot.
The SportPilot fits neatly over the steering column directly behind the
steering wheel. All of the autopilot controls are located on a rotary
switch at the end of a control stalk. These controls consist of:
1 Introduction
•Standby mode (
•five autopilot settings (
LO to HI) to control the amount of rudder
applied when course changes are made
•Navigator (or Track) mode (
NAV) for tracking to waypoints when
the SportPilot is used with a chartplotter or GPS
The SportPilot is very easy to use:
•simply point the boat in the direction you want to go, turn the
rotary control switch to one of the autopilot settings (
LO to HI)
and release the wheel – it r eally is that simple
•if you want to change course under autopilot contr ol, simply turn the boat onto the new heading and once again let go of the wheel –
you don’ t even have to disengage the autopilot
If you have a SeaT alk or NMEA position sensor , navigation to
favorite fishing grounds or wrecks is a breeze. Cross track error
information is constantly fed to the autopilot so that your heading is
continuously updated.
2SportPilot and SportPilot Plus - Owner’s Handbook
The SportPilot can also be operated away from the steering station,
using a hand-held remote control or a Raymarine fixed control unit.
The SportPilot is designed to be owner installed, and most of the
necessary tools are supplied.
SportPilot and SportPilot Plus specifications
1 Introduction
There are two versions of the SportPilot: the SportPilot and t he
SportPilot Plus. It is vital to use the appropriate pilot for your boat.
The SportPilot will not perform effectively if you exceed the
following boat compatibility specifications.
General specifications
Nominal supply voltage:12 V DC
Dimensions:Height: 220 mm (8.7 in)
Heading reference:Raymarine fluxgate compass
Operating modes:• Standby (autopilot not active)
Inputs/Outputs:Compass, Rudder Position Sensor,
Steering shaft size:19 mm (
SportPilot – boat compatibility
Maximum displacement:2000 kg (4400 lbs) manual cable steering
Maximum wheel diameter:
(depending on weight)
Width: 238.5 mm (9.4 in) including stalk
137.5 mm (5.4 in) excluding stalk
Depth: 100.5 mm (4.0 in)
• Auto (autopilot operating): with five settings to
control autopilot rudder gain.
• Navigation (Track) mode: autopilot following
waypoints received from navigator.
Power/NMEA 0183, SeaTalk
/4 in) and 25 mm (1in) tapered
3500 kg (7700 lbs) manual hydraulic steering
3500 kg (7700 lbs) servo hydraulic steering
54 cm (21 in) wooden
46 cm (18 in) metal
SportPilot Plus – boat compatibility
The SportPilot Plus has a more powerful motor designed specifically for boats
where the autopilot is used for hours at a time on a daily basis.
Chapter 1: Introduction3
About this handbook
This handbook contains two main parts :
Part 1: Using the SportPilot
This part of the handbook explains how to use yo ur SportPilot:
Chapter 2: Operating the SportPilot
Explains how to use the SportPilot.
Chapter 3: Maintenance & Fault Finding
Provides maintenance and fault finding information.
page 9
page 15
Part 2: Installing the SportPilot
This part of the handbook explains how to inst all your SportPilot:
Chapter 4: Installing the SportPilot
Explains how to install your SportPilot and its components.
Chapter 5: Compass Calibration
Explains how to linearize the SportPilot compass and align
its heading.
Note: T his handbook contains important information about
installing, using and maintainin g your new Raymarine product. To
get the best from the product, please read this h andbook thoroughly.
page 19
page 51
1 Introduction
Important Information
T o register your new Raymarine product, please take a few min utes to
fill out the warranty card. It is important that you complete the owner
information and return the card to us to receive full warranty benefits.
Handbook information
T o the best of our knowledge, the information in this handbook was
correct when it went to press. However, Raymarine cannot accept
liability for any inaccuracies or omissions it may contain. In addition,
our policy of continuous product improv ement may change
specifications without notice. As a result, Raymarine cannot accept
liability for any differences between the product and th e handbook.
4SportPilot and SportPilot Plus - Owner’s Handbook
Safety notices
WARNING:Product installation
This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance
with the instructions contained in this handbook. Failure to do so
could result in poor pr oduct performance, personal injury
1 Introduction
and/or damage to your boat.
WARNING:Electrical safety
Make sure the power supply is switched off befor e you make any
electrical connections.
WARNING:Navigation aid
Although we have designed this pr oduct to be accurate and
reliable, many factors can affect its performance. As a result, it
should only be used as an aid to n avigation and should never
replace common s ense and navigational judgement. A lways
maintain a permanent watch so you can respond t o situations as
they develop.
Y our Raymarine autopilot will add a new dim ension to your boating
enjoyment. However, it is the skipper’s responsibility to ensure the
safety of the boat at all times by following these basic rules:
•Ensure that someone is present at the helm A T ALL TIMES, to
take manual control in an emergency .
•Make sure that all crew members know how to disengage the
•Regularly check for other boats and any obstacles to navigation –
no matter how clear the sea may appear, a dangerous situation can
develop rapidly .
•Maintain an accurate record of the boat’s po sition by using either
a navigation aid or visual bearings.
•Maintain a continuous plot of your boat’s position on a current
chart. Ensure that the locked autopilot heading will steer the boat
clear of all obstacles. Make proper allowance for tidal set – the
autopilot cannot.
•Even when your autopilot is locked onto the desired track using a
navigation aid, always maintain a log and make regular positional
plots. Navigation signals can produce significant errors under
some circumstances and the autopilot will not be able to detect
these errors.
Chapter 1: Introduction5
EMC conformance
All Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to the best
industry standards for use in the recreational marine environment.
The design and manufacture of Raymarine equipment and
accessories conform to the appropriate Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) standards, but correct installation is required to
ensure that performance is not compromised.
1 Introduction
6SportPilot and SportPilot Plus - Owner’s Handbook
1 Introduction
Part 1:
Using the
Part 1: Using the SportPilot
Part 1: Using the SportPilot
Chapter 2: Operating the SportPilot9
Chapter 2:Operating the SportPilot
2.1Switching on and off
Switching on
The SportPilot enters Standby mo de when the power supply is
switched on. This mode is identified by the flashing red
As soon as the pilot is engaged (see below), the red LED glows
permanently to confirm this selection.
Switching off
Switching off your boat’s power supply will switch off the SportPilot.
T o prevent the SportPilot draining the battery , always switch off
the power supply when leaving the boat for long periods.
2.2Basic operation
Engaging and disengaging the pilot
Engaging the pilot
1. Steer the boat onto the required heading.
2. Tu rn the ro tary contr ol switch clockwise from
of the five autopilot gain settings (
Note: It is important to select the correct gain setting for your
boat’s speed. See page 11 for details.
3. Release the wheel – there will be a short delay before the pilot
takes control.
2 Operating the SportPilot
STANDBY to one
LO to HI).
10SportPilot and SportPilot Plus - Owner’s Handbook
Disengaging the pilot
Y ou can disengage the Spo rtPilot at any time by turning the rotary
control switch to
Making course changes
Large course changes
When your boat is under autopilot control, you can override t he pilot
at any time by steering the wheel in the normal way.
As soon as you release the wheel, the SportPilot automatically
regains control to maintain the boat’s current heading.
Y ou MUST center the helm after making large course changes. If
you do not center the helm, the autopilot could become unstable
or take a long time to settle onto the requir ed heading.
Minor course changes
2 Operating the SportPilot
When your boat is under autopilot control, you can make minor
course adjustments i n 1° increments by pressing the:
•-1° (Port) or
•+1° (Starboard) switches on top of the con trol stalk
Note: You can also make course changes using an optional handheld
remote control or repeater autopilot control unit (if fitted).
Chapter 2: Operating the SportPilot11
Adjusting autopilot gain
The autopilot gain setting determines the amount of rudder the pi lot
applies during course change. Autopilot gain is relative to the speed
of your boat.There are five available gain settings on the SportPilot:
LO: lowest gain setting
•three mid-range positions
HI: highest gain setting
LO gain
Mid-range gain
HI gain
Setting the gain for your boat
It is vital that the autopilot gain con trol is set correctly – an
incorrect setting will lead to poor steering performance and can
produce violent course changes at h igh speed.
The ideal gain setting for one boat may not be ideal for another , so
finding the correct setting for your boat will be down to
experimentation and experience. The following
details a re genera l guidelin es only .
HI gains
Generally , low boat speeds require a medium to HI setting to provide
better course keeping.
This setti ng is not rec ommended for high speeds as it may cause
some instability and, ther efore, could be danger ous.
HI and LO setting
2 Operating the SportPilot
LO gains
Most high speed boats will require a medium to LO setting. This
provides the greatest stability.
12SportPilot and SportPilot Plus - Owner’s Handbook
Automatic gain correction
Autopilot gain is automatically adjusted if the SportPilot is
connected to either a:
•SeaT alk instrument transmitting boat speed through t he water or
boat speed over the ground, or
•NMEA instrument transmitting NMEA 0183 boat speed thr ough
the water or boat speed over the ground
Initially set the control stalk to the gain position most suited to your
boat. The SportPilot will then automatically adjust the gain (up or
down) from this setting as your boat speed changes.
Note: The Spor tPilot must receive boat speed information via
SeaTalk or NMEA to automatically adjust t he gain.
2.3Using Navigator (Track) mode
The SportPilot can automatically steer to a waypoint using
information from any SeaT alk navigator or NMEA 0183 compat ible
2 Operating the SportPilot
GPS. Alternatively , the SportPilot can follow a route defined on a
SeaT alk N avcenter or GPS.
Entering Navigator (Track) mode
T o enter Navigator mode so you follow a route of waypoints :
1. Create or select a route of waypoints on the navigator .
2. Engage the pilot and steer your boat onto the first wa ypoint
bearing (within 0.3 nm of track).
3. Press in the end of the control stalk to enter Navigator (Track)
mode. The yellow
NAV light glows to confirm this selection.
Chapter 2: Operating the SportPilot13
Exiting Navigator (Track) mode
T o exit Navigator (Track) mode and return to Stand by mode, turn the
end of the control stick back to
go out and the red
AUTO light will flash.
STANDBY. The yellow NAV light will
Turning to next waypoint
In Navigator (Track) mode, the SportPilot automatically determines
the direction to the target waypoint:
•if a turn to port is required, the SportPilot emits 2 short beeps
•if a starboard turn is needed, the SportPilot emits 1 short beep
T o accept the turn, press in the end of the control stalk (
Before you accept a turn to port or starboard, AL W AYS make
sure that it is safe to do so.
Arriving at a waypoint
When you arrive at a target waypoint, the SportPilot requ ests
permission to advance to the next waypoint:
•two short beeps for a port turn
•one short beep for a starboard turn
2 Operating the SportPilot
Make sure that it is safe to make the turn, then press
to the next waypoint.
NAV to advance
14SportPilot and SportPilot Plus - Owner’s Handbook
Safety points
The SportPilot can only follow a user defined route if the navigation
equipment transmits all of the following information:
•bearing to waypoint (BTW)
•cross track error (XTE)
•waypoint number
If cross track error (XTE) is the only available information, the
SportPilot will advance to the next waypoint without requesting
permission. In this case, you should always manually steer the boat to
within 15° of the new bearing to waypoint before you press
Audible alarms in Navigator mode
The SportPilot emits the following audible warning alarms in
Navigator (Track) mode:
Audible alarmReason
2 short beepsTurn to port required
2 Operating the SportPilot
1 short beepTurn to starboard required
2 short and 1 long beepOff course
Continuous short beepsTrack problem (large XTE, no data or data er ror)
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