Raymarine c70, c120, c80 User Manual

C-Series Display
Reference Manual
Document number: 81221_4 Date: March 2006
E-Series Reference Manual
Trademarks and registered trademarks
AST, Autoadapt, Auto GST, Autoseastate, Autotrim, Bidata, Marine Intelligence, Maxiview, On Board, Raychart, Raynav, Raypilot, Raystar, ST40, ST60, Seaclutter, Smart Route, Tridata and Waypoint Navigation are trademarks of Raymarine Limited.
Navionics is a registered trademark of Navionics Company, Italy.
All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Software in this product is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
Contents of this handbook ©Raymarine UK 2006.
Important information i
Important Information
Intended use
The display units detailed in this handbook may form part of marine navigational radar system or GPS system intended for use on (non-IMO/SOLAS class) leisure vessels or small workboats.
This handbook contains important information on the operation and maintenance of your C-Series Display. To get the best results in operation and performance, please take the time to read this handbook thoroughly.
For full details of installation and system integration, please refer to the C-Series Installation Guide supplied with the display.
Safety notices
WARNING:Navigation Aid
This device is intended to be used as an aid to navigation. Its accuracy can be affected by many factors, including equipment failure or defects, environmental conditions and incorrect handling or use. It is the user’s responsibility to exercise common prudence and navigational judgement. This device should not be relied upon as a substitute for such prudence and judgement.
WARNING:Product installation
This equipment must be installed in accordance with the instructions in the C-Series System Installation Guide. Failure to do so could result in poor product performance, personal injury and/ or damage to the vessel.
WARNING:High voltage
The display unit and scanner unit contain high voltages. Adjustments require specialized service procedures and tools only available to qualified service technicians - there are no user serviceable parts or adjustments. The operator should never remove the display unit cover or attempt to service the equipment.
WARNING:Electromagnetic energy
The radar scanner transmits electromagnetic energy. Ensure that the scanner has been installed according to the recommendations given in the relevant scanner handbook. Avoid looking directly at the antenna.
ii C-Series Display Reference Manual
WARNING:Fishfinder sounder module
Removing the transducer cable from the rear of the fishfinder sounder module whilst it is switched on can cause sparks. Only remove the transducer cable after power has been switched off. Ensure that the sounder module is mounted where it is well ventilated and in an area free from flammable vapors.
CAUTION: Water Ingress To prevent the ingress of water and consequent damage to the display, ensure that the chart card door is firmly closed. This can be confirmed by an audible click.
CAUTION: CompactFlash Cards
Removing the CompactFlash card whilst information is being written to or read from it may cause damage to the card and loss of all data. Use the proper procedure detailed on
Do not save data (waypoints, routes etc.) to a Navionics card as the charts may be overwritten. When archiving use a different CompactFlash card.
DO NOT use a metallic instrument such as a screwdriver or pliers to help you remove a card, as doing this can cause irreparable damage.
page 18
to remove the card.
CAUTION: Global Positioning System Antenna Do not connect or disconnect the GPS antenna from the display unit whilst power is switched on. Doing this may result in irreparable damage.
CAUTION: UV Light To provide protection against the damaging effects of UV light, it is advisable to replace the sun cover provided when the display is not in use.
CAUTION: Cleaning the display Take care when cleaning the display, to avoid damaging it:
(1) Do NOT wipe the display screen with a dry cloth, as this could scratch
(2) Do NOT use acid, ammonia based or abrasive products.
Electronic charts are an aid to navigation designed to facilitate the use of authorized government charts, not to replace them. Only official government charts and notices to mariners contain the current information needed for safe navigation. The Captain is responsible for their prudent use. The C-Series and its charts do not therefore exclude the user from carrying the required official charts and documents.
Raymarine does not warrant that this product is error-free or that it is compatible with products manufactured by any person or entity other than Raymarine.
the screen coating.
This product uses digital chart data, and electronic information from the Global Positioning System (GPS) which may contain errors. Raymarine does not warrant the accuracy of such information and you are advised that errors in such information may cause the product to malfunction. Raymarine is not responsible for damages or injuries caused by your use or inability to use the product, by the interaction of the product with
Important information iii
products manufactured by others, or by errors in chart data or information utilized by the product and supplied by third parties.
About this manual
This manual describes how to operate your C-Series display in conjunction with Navionics cartography. It assumes that all peripheral equipment to be operated with it is compatible and has been correctly installed.
This manual is intended for users of varying marine abilities, but assumes a general level of knowledge of display use, nautical terminology and practices.
Technical accuracy
To the best of our knowledge, the technical information contained within this handbook, was correct at the time of printing. However, Raymarine cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions it may contain.
In addition, Raymarine’s policy of continuous product improvement may change specifications without notice. As a result Raymarine cannot accept liability for any differences between the product and this handbook.
Raymarine does not support after-sales or technical support for Navionics chart cards. If you wish to file a report of an error or omission on a Navionics chart, please provide the information to the Navionics web site at the link below:
Raymarine does not necessarily support all the features in particular Navionics cartography.
EMC conformance
All Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to the best industry standards for use in the recreational marine environment. Their design and manufacture conforms to the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standards, but correct installation is required to ensure that performance is not compromised.
Multi-media chart cards
To use your C-Series Display as a navigation aid, charts with the appropriate level of detail for the geographic area you wish to navigate are required. The charts are available in electronic format on Navionics Chart cards.
To check the current availability of Navionics® chart card types and the latest feature sets, visit www.navionics.com or www.navionics.it.
To obtain Navionics cards, contact your local dealer or visit the Navionics web site.
iv C-Series Display Reference Manual
Alternatively, anywhere in North America call Navionics toll-free on 1-800-848-5896 Outside of North America, contact your local dealer or Navionics SpA on:
Phone: (+39) 0584 961696 or Fax: (+39) 0584 961309)
When archiving data, Raymarine recommends that you only use SanDisk CF memory cards. Other brands of CF memory card may not work in your C-Series Display.
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
The WEEE Directive requires the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. Whilst the WEEE Directive does not apply to some of Raymarine’s products, we support its requirements as part of our environmental policy and we ask you to be aware of how you should dispose of this product.
The crossed-out wheelie bin symbol found on our products signifies that it should not be disposed of in general waste or landfill.
Please contact your local dealer, national distributor or Raymarine Technical Services for information on product disposal.
Contents v
Chapter 1: Overview ..................................................................................................1
1.1 What will my C-Series integrate with? .................................................................. 1
1.2 What can the C-Series Display do? ........................................................................ 2
1.3 The Simulator ........................................................................................................ 4
Chapter 2: General Operation ..................................................................................5
2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Powering the display ON/OFF ...............................................................................5
2.3 Using the controls .................................................................................................6
The control panel ............................................................................................ 6
Buttons and soft keys ...................................................................................... 7
The cursor ....................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Displaying applications ......................................................................................... 8
2.5 Additional screen information ..............................................................................9
2.6 Initial setup procedures ......................................................................................13
Setting the language, date/time format and units of measurement ..............13
Selecting a page set ......................................................................................14
Selecting an application page ....................................................................... 14
Selecting an application window .................................................................. 15
Adjusting the display lighting ........................................................................ 16
2.7 Using CompactFlash cards .................................................................................. 17
Cautions ........................................................................................................ 17
What are CompactFlash cards used for? .......................................................17
Inserting a card .............................................................................................18
Removing a card ...........................................................................................18
2.8 Managing data ...................................................................................................19
Writing/retrieving data to a CompactFlash card ............................................19
Sending and receiving information using a PC ..............................................22
Password protecting your waypoints ............................................................ 23
2.9 Emergencies and warnings .................................................................................26
Man Overboard (MOB) ................................................................................. 26
Alarms ..........................................................................................................27
vi C-Series Display Reference Manual
Chapter 3: Working with Waypoints .....................................................................29
3.1 What is a waypoint? ........................................................................................... 29
3.2 How are waypoints represented? .......................................................................30
3.3 Placing a waypoint ............................................................................................. 31
3.4 Navigating to a waypoint ................................................................................... 32
Start navigating to a waypoint ...................................................................... 32
Stop navigating to a waypoint ......................................................................33
3.5 Viewing waypoint information ........................................................................... 33
3.6 Editing a waypoint ..............................................................................................34
Changing waypoint details ...........................................................................35
Moving a waypoint ....................................................................................... 35
Erasing a waypoint(s) .................................................................................... 36
Changing the default symbol or group ..........................................................37
3.7 Sorting the waypoint list ..................................................................................... 38
3.8 Organising waypoints into groups ...................................................................... 38
Displaying the waypoint group list ................................................................ 38
Making a new waypoint group .....................................................................39
Moving waypoints between groups ..............................................................39
Renaming an existing group .........................................................................40
Erasing a group ............................................................................................. 41
3.9 Controlling waypoint display .............................................................................. 41
Show/hide waypoint names ..........................................................................41
Showing/hiding waypoint symbols ...............................................................42
Showing/hiding waypoint groups ................................................................. 42
Chapter 4: Using the Chart ......................................................................................43
4.1 Important ...........................................................................................................43
Safety ............................................................................................................43
Chart functionality ........................................................................................43
Chart cards .................................................................................................... 44
4.2 Uses of the chart application .............................................................................. 44
4.3 Viewing the chart ................................................................................................ 45
4.4 The chart display ................................................................................................. 45
4.5 Where am I on the chart? .................................................................................... 46
4.6 Moving around the chart .................................................................................... 46
4.7 Additional information on the chart ................................................................... 47
Contents vii
Displaying details of objects and features .....................................................48
Finding nearby features and services ............................................................48
Displaying details of tides ............................................................................. 49
Displaying details of currents ........................................................................ 50
Displaying details of port services ................................................................. 50
Displaying details of business services & points of interest ...........................53
Displaying vessel identity (AIS) ..................................................................... 54
4.8 Measuring distances and bearings .....................................................................55
... from your boat ...........................................................................................55
... between two points on your chart ............................................................. 55
4.9 Navigating to a specific point ............................................................................. 56
Go to an existing waypoint ........................................................................... 57
Resetting cross track error (XTE) ................................................................... 57
Arriving at your target waypoint ................................................................... 57
Stop navigating to your target waypoint .......................................................58
Maintaining a view of your navigation ..........................................................58
4.10 Building and following a route ............................................................................ 59
What is a route? ............................................................................................ 59
What can I do with a route? .......................................................................... 59
Building a route ............................................................................................. 60
Following a route ..........................................................................................64
Resetting cross track error (XTE) ................................................................... 66
Viewing details of routes ...............................................................................67
4.11 Editing routes ..................................................................................................... 68
Selecting a route for editing .......................................................................... 68
Editing the selected route .............................................................................69
4.12 Monitoring where you are going ........................................................................ 74
... using chart vectors .................................................................................... 74
... using the Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) ................................................75
4.13 Warnings of potential dangers ............................................................................75
4.14 Using the radar with the chart ............................................................................76
Synchronizing the chart with radar range ..................................................... 76
Viewing MARPA targets on the chart ............................................................76
Distinguishing between fixed and moving objects ........................................77
4.15 Recording where you have been ......................................................................... 78
What is a track? ............................................................................................ 78
How can I use tracks? ....................................................................................79
viii C-Series Display Reference Manual
Creating a track ............................................................................................. 79
Creating a route from a track ........................................................................80
4.16 Editing tracks ...................................................................................................... 81
Selecting a track for editing ........................................................................... 81
Editing the selected track .............................................................................. 82
4.17 Defining how the chart windows are presented ................................................. 83
Working with multiple chart views ................................................................ 83
Setting the orientation of the chart ...............................................................84
Setting the motion mode .............................................................................. 85
4.18 Altering the level of chart detail displayed ..........................................................86
Showing or hiding waypoints/waypoint information ....................................87
Showing or hiding a route or a track ............................................................. 88
Showing or hiding cartographic features ...................................................... 89
4.19 Setting up your chart and its cartography ...........................................................90
Chart Setup ...................................................................................................90
Cartography Setup ........................................................................................ 93
Chapter 5: Using the Fishfinder ..............................................................................95
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................95
5.2 How does the Fishfinder work? ........................................................................... 95
5.3 What can the fishfinder show me? ...................................................................... 96
Interpreting the bottom structure ................................................................. 97
Factors influencing target display .................................................................. 97
Factors impairing a fishfinder picture ............................................................ 98
Seeing a live image .......................................................................................98
5.4 Enhancing what you see ................................................................................... 100
Changing the range .................................................................................... 100
Shifting the image .......................................................................................100
Zooming in on the bottom ...........................................................................101
Simplifying the bottom image .....................................................................103
Isolating bottom fish ...................................................................................104
Changing how the image scrolls ................................................................. 105
Changing how the depth digit is displayed ................................................. 106
5.5 Marking a position ............................................................................................107
5.6 Determining depths and distances of targets ....................................................108
Measuring using VRMs ...............................................................................109
5.7 Fishfinder alarms .............................................................................................. 110
Contents ix
5.8 Setting up your fishfinder ..................................................................................110
Display settings ...........................................................................................111
Transducer Calibration ................................................................................ 112
DSM Setup ..................................................................................................113
5.9 Other settings affecting the fishfinder image ....................................................114
Operating frequency modes ........................................................................114
Gain modes .................................................................................................115
Adjusting the power setting ........................................................................ 117
Chapter 6: Using the Radar ...................................................................................119
6.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................119
6.2 What is radar? ..................................................................................................119
Detecting targets ........................................................................................ 119
Maximum radar range ................................................................................120
Factors impairing a radar picture .................................................................120
6.3 Powering on/off the various scanner operating modes .....................................124
6.4 The radar picture ............................................................................................... 125
6.5 Marking a position on the radar screen ............................................................ 126
6.6 Changing what you see in the radar window ....................................................126
Setting the orientation of the radar .............................................................126
Setting the motion mode ............................................................................ 128
Showing or hiding the range rings .............................................................. 130
Changing the bearing mode for EBLs ..........................................................130
6.7 Getting the best picture ....................................................................................130
Using the GAIN functions ............................................................................ 130
Using the enhance echoes functions ...........................................................132
6.8 Changing the displayed range ..........................................................................135
Radar range and chart scale synchronization ..............................................135
6.9 Measuring distances, ranges and bearings .......................................................136
... Using the range rings ..............................................................................136
... Using the cursor ......................................................................................136
... Using VRMs and EBLs .............................................................................. 137
... Using floating VRMs/EBLs .......................................................................139
6.10 Using radar to avoid a collision ......................................................................... 140
Guard Zones ...............................................................................................140
MARPA .......................................................................................................143
Setting up MARPA ....................................................................................... 146
x C-Series Display Reference Manual
Acquiring a target to track ..........................................................................147
Cancelling targets .......................................................................................147
Displaying vessel identity (AIS) ................................................................... 148
6.11 Setting up your radar ........................................................................................ 148
6.12 Warnings of potential dangers ..........................................................................150
Chapter 7: Using the data application ................................................................151
7.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................151
7.2 Selecting a data application .............................................................................. 151
7.3 Selecting the data for display ............................................................................152
Pre-configured data panels ......................................................................... 152
Customize the panels ..................................................................................153
Chapter 8: Using the Course Deviation Indicator ..............................................157
8.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................157
8.2 The CDI screen .................................................................................................. 157
Steering instructions ................................................................................... 158
8.3 Selecting the CDI application ............................................................................ 158
8.4 Modifying the CDI application .......................................................................... 158
Chapter 9: Using the Engine Monitor ..................................................................159
9.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................159
9.2 Displaying and setting up the engine monitor ..................................................159
9.3 The engine monitor display ...............................................................................161
9.4 Configuring the engine panels. .........................................................................161
9.5 What should I do when an alarm is triggered? ..................................................161
Chapter 10: Navtex ..................................................................................................163
10.1 Overview ..........................................................................................................163
10.2 Setting up Navtex weather ...............................................................................163
10.3 Incoming message alerts ..................................................................................163
10.4 Viewing messages ............................................................................................ 164
Displaying the Navtex Message List ............................................................164
Displaying and scrolling through a message ............................................... 164
10.5 Managing Navtex messages ............................................................................ 164
Selecting message alert categories ............................................................. 164
Sorting the message list ..............................................................................165
Contents xi
Chapter 11: Automatic Identification System (AIS) ............................................167
11.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................167
11.2 What is AIS? .....................................................................................................167
Classes of AIS data ......................................................................................167
11.3 What do I need to run AIS? ...............................................................................169
11.4 Selecting the AIS function ................................................................................. 169
AIS status ....................................................................................................169
11.5 How is AIS data displayed? ...............................................................................170
AIS Target symbols ......................................................................................170
Viewing target information .........................................................................171
11.6 Using AIS for collision avoidance ......................................................................173
Safe zones ...................................................................................................173
MARPA and AIS options .............................................................................. 174
Safety messages ......................................................................................... 174
11.7 AIS Alarms ........................................................................................................174
Local AIS alarms ..........................................................................................175
Active alarm list ..........................................................................................175
11.8 Simulator ..........................................................................................................176
11.9 AIS Layer Setup Menu ....................................................................................... 176
Chapter 12: System setup and customizing .........................................................177
12.1 Customizing the page sets ................................................................................ 177
Reconfiguring the application and page layout ...........................................177
Rename a page set ...................................................................................... 178
Return to default setting ............................................................................. 178
12.2 Changing the databar .......................................................................................179
Databar position .........................................................................................179
Data bar size ............................................................................................... 179
Customizing the contents of the data bar ................................................... 180
12.3 Changing the set up menu options ................................................................... 183
Application specific ..................................................................................... 183
External equipment menus ......................................................................... 183
System-wide menus ....................................................................................183
Chapter 13: Maintenance & Troubleshooting ......................................................193
13.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................193
13.2 Maintenance procedures ..................................................................................193
xii C-Series Display Reference Manual
Servicing and Safety ....................................................................................193
Routine checks ............................................................................................193
Cleaning the display .................................................................................... 194
13.3 Resetting the Display ........................................................................................ 194
Settings reset .............................................................................................. 194
Settings and data reset ............................................................................... 195
13.4 Troubleshooting your Display ........................................................................... 195
Common problems and how to solve them .................................................195
13.5 Getting Technical Support .................................................................................198
World wide web ..........................................................................................199
Contacting Raymarine in the US ..................................................................199
Contacting Raymarine in Europe .................................................................200
For Navionics cartography ..........................................................................201
AppendixA: Specification ..................................................................................... 203
AppendixB: List of Abbreviations ....................................................................... 209
AppendixC: List of cursor labels .......................................................................... 211
Chapter 1: Overview 1
Chapter 1: Overview
This chapter gives an overview of the C-Series display system and its features.
1.1 What will my C-Series integrate with?
AIS receiver
Remote keyboard
Fishfinder DSM 250
C-Series display
Navtex receiver
Radar scanner
When used as part of a SeaTalk system it will display information from other SeaTalk and NMEA instruments. Information from the C-Series display can be transferred between applications and to other SeaTalk instruments within the system. For more detail on system integration, please refer to the Installation Guide.
2 C-Series Display Reference Manual
1.2 What can the C-Series Display do?
With the appropriate equipment connected to your system and the necessary data available, your C-Series display combines the following applications which are used to:
Chart (Chapter 4)
0.5nm North-Up (Relative Motion) Local
You will need a chart card, and position/heading data, for the chart application to be fully functional.
Locate where you are. Interpret your surroundings. Monitor where you are going. Record where you have been. Navigate to a specified position (waypoint). Build and navigate routes. View details of nearby features & services. View details of boats equipped with AIS. Distinguish between fixed and moving objects. Measure distances and bearings.
Fishfinder (Chapter 5)
200kHz: Auto Range: Auto
Build a picture of what is below your vessel.
Locate & distinguish underwater objects & targets.
Distinguish the seabed and its texture.
Obtain information about water depth, temperature.
Mark a point of interest, fishing spot etc.
Determine depths and distances of targets.
You will need position data, in addition to a DSM250, for your fishfinder to be fully functional.
Radar (Chapter 6)
6nm North-Up (Relative Motion) Rings 1nm
Detect landmasses & navigation markers.
Detect and measure the range and distance of other vessels.
Acquire targets and track them for collision avoidance.
Navigate to a specified position (waypoint).
View details of boats equipped with AIS.
You will need position and heading data, in addition to a compatible scanner, for your radar application to be fully functional.
Chapter 1: Overview 3
Data (Chapter 7)
View data generated by the system or by instruments available on NMEA 0183, NMEA 2000 and SeaTalk or
Course Deviation Indicator (Chapter 8)
3nm North-Up Relative Motion Local
View real-time display of your vessel on a 'rolling road' in 3D perspective.
Give details of any correction required to steer your vessel along a given course.
View data about the distance and time to go until you reach a specified point.
You will need accurate heading and position data for your CDI application to be fully functional.
Engine Monitor (Chapter 9)
View engine data e.g. engine temperature, oil pressure, fuel level etc from up to three engines on a compatible engine system.
Navtex (Chapter 10)
Major areas of NAVTEX coverage include the Mediterranean Sea, the North Sea, coastal areas around Japan and areas around the North American continent.
Automatic broadcast of localised Maritime Safety Information (MSI)
Receive navigational and meteorological warnings, and search and rescue information.
You will need a Navtex receiver connected to your system via NMEA, in order to receive this data.
4 C-Series Display Reference Manual
Waypoints (Chapter 3) & AIS (Chapter 11)
Whilst not applications in their own right, waypoints and AIS are handled at system level and are covered in separate chapters.
1.3 The Simulator
The C-Series Display includes a simulator mode, which allows you to practice operating your display without data from a GPS antenna, radar scanner, fishfinder or AIS receiver. The simulator mode is switched on/off in the System Setup Menu (see
page 183
Before installation - Simply connect the display to a 12V DC power supply,
After installation - Whilst in a marina or at anchor.
Please note that system settings made whilst in simulator mode, are not transmitted via SeaTalk to other equipment.
). Once enabled, you can use the simulator:
fused at 1 amp by attaching the red core from the power lead to positive (+) and the black core to negative (-).
Important: Incoming AIS safety messages cannot be displayed while the simulator is switched on.
Chapter 2: General Operation 5
Chapter 2: General Operation
2.1 Introduction
This chapter gives details of the general operation of the C-Series display, and covers the following subjects:
Powering the display on/off.
Using the controls.
Application display.
Displaying and editing additional information.
Adjusting the display lighting.
Initial setup procedures.
Using CompactFlash cards.
Managing data.
Emergencies and warnings.
2.2 Powering the display ON/OFF
Power ON
At this time the radar scanner (if fitted and powered) is checked for compatibility with the display. An error message is displayed if the scanner is incompatible.
Power OFF
Remember to replace the suncover to protect the display.
Press the POWER button until the introductory logo is displayed. The keys light up and after a few seconds an application page and a navigation warning is displayed. Read this information and then press OK to remove it.
Press and hold the POWER button until the power down count reaches zero. If the POWER button is released within the countdown period, power off is cancelled.
6 C-Series Display Reference Manual
2.3 Using the controls
The control panel
Press to access ruler, chart vectors, archive & transfer and data bar on/off functions.
Press to select the corres­ponding function identified by the on-screen label
Press once to turn ON. Press again to access backlight functions and scanner controls. Press and hold to turn the display OFF.
Press to change the display scale so that a smaller or larger area can be seen on the screen.
Chart Card slot Open the cover to install CompactFlash cards.
When multiple windows are open:
- Press to select required window.
- Press and hold to maximise current window.
- Press again to return to multiple windows.
Press to scroll through available pages. Press and hold to select different page set or customise your own layout.
Press to display the waypoint soft keys. Press again to place waypoint at
your boat's position. Press and hold to place a Man Overboard (MOB) marker at your current position. Press and hold again to exit
Press to access the set up menus.
Press and hold to access help information.
Rotary control
Use to edit alpha-numeric
values, and scroll through lists. Turn clockwise to increase value and counter-clockwise to decrease value. Press to move the cursor to the next character when editing text. Use to edit symbology (VRM/ EBL etc).
Used to control the on-screen cursor and to scroll through menu items. Press the corresponding edge of the trackpad to move the cursor horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Press and hold to move rapidly over larger distances.
Press to cancel the selected on-screen option when editing data; also used to return to the previous soft key set or menu.
Press to select an on-screen option, or return to the previous soft key set or menu.
Chapter 2: General Operation 7
Buttons and soft keys
To navigate to the required function you will need to press a series of buttons and/or soft keys:
Access system functions or change what you see on-screen. Within the text of this document they are written in bold capitals e.g. WPTS/MOB. Press and hold to access short cuts.
Soft keys
They change depending on application or function
being performed. Press the corresponding key (below the screen) to select. Further soft keys may be displayed. If a key has several options, each press will highlight the
next option. If a key displays a single value or a slider above, use the rotary control to adjust. Within the text of this document they are written in capitals e.g. SORT LIST.
& GROUP...
The example above shows the series of button and soft key presses required to change the waypoint default symbol or group.
This process of pressing buttons and soft keys to navigate to the required function is simplified in this manual and represented by a strip e.g.
& GROUP...
Note: The key beep that you hear whenever a button or soft key is pressed, can be switched off and the soft keys automatically hidden if required. For more details, please refer to the Display Setup Menu on page 191.
8 C-Series Display Reference Manual
The cursor
When you are using the chart and radar applications, the cursor is used to move around the screen:
The cursor appears on the screen as a white cross.
If the cursor has not been moved for a short period of time, it changes to a circle with a cross in it, to make it easier to locate on the screen.
The cursor is context-sensitive - when it is placed over an object e.g. a waypoint or chart feature, it changes color and a label or information
Notes: (1) For a full list of cursor labels and their meanings, please see
associated with the object is displayed. When you place the cursor over
certain items, the soft keys change to enable you to access related operations.
page 211
(2) For details of how to temporarily hide the cursor, please see
page 191.
2.4 Displaying applications
The various applications that make up your C-Series system are displayed in a series of screens known as
page sets
choose from. Each page set contains 5
Page set
combined in various formats. Each window can display an application e.g.
(consists of 1, 2, 3 or 4 windows)
. There are 4 pre-configured and one empty page set to
. These pages are made up of 1, 2, 3 or 4
If necessary, you can change the combination and layout of these page sets to meet your particular needs (see
page 177
Note: For details of how to select page sets, pages and windows, please refer to page 14.
Chapter 2: General Operation 9
2.5 Additional screen information
Information is displayed on the screen using a variety of methods:
Status bar
Status bar
Gives information specific to
Gives information specific to
each application.
each application.
Cannot be edited or moved.
Cannot be edited or moved.
Head-Up Relative Motion Rings ½nm
Head-Up Relative Motion Rings ½nm
Data bar
Data bar
Gives information associated with
Gives information associated with
your boat or the environment.
your boat or the environment.
Customisable content*
Customisable content*
Vertical or horizontal format*
Vertical or horizontal format*
Display or hide*.
Display or hide*.
Normal or large size*.
Normal or large size*.
Status bar
Gives information specific to each application.
Target lost (on screen)
Target lost (on screen)
Cannot be edited or moved.
Status icons
Status icons
Confirm status of DSM,
Confirm status of DSM,
GPS and scanner.
GPS, AIS and scanner.
Data base lists
Data base lists
Contain information you have
Contain information you
added to the display's memory
have added to the display's
e.g. waypoints.
memory e.g. waypoints.
Highlight an entry using
Highlight an entry with
trackpad or rotary control to
trackpad or rotary control to
display related information.
display related information.
Editable using soft keys.
Editable using soft keys.
* For details of how to adjust and edit the data bar, please see
Pop-up messages
Pop-up messages
Alert you to a situation e.g.
Alert you to a situation e.g.
alarm, function not available.
alarm, function not available.
Not editable.
Not editable.
May require a response e.g.
May require a response e.g.
silence alarms.
silence alarms.
Dialog boxes
Dialog boxes
Enable data to be edited or
Enable data to be edited or
entered into a store/list e.g.
entered into a store/list
editing a waypoint.
e.g. editing a waypoint.
Menus (see next page)
Menus (see next page)
Used to configure system to
Used to configure system
your particular needs.
to your particular needs.
page 180
Note: To change the size of the text on screen, please see page 191.
10 C-Series Display Reference Manual
Menus enable you to configure your system to your particular needs.
For details of application menus, please refer to the appropriate chapter. For all other settings, please refer to
To access a menu:
Whenever the MENU button is pressed, the Setup menu is displayed containing a list of all the menus available for the active application together with system wide menus e.g.
Menus for the active application
External equipment/ instruments
System-wide menus
Radar Setup ...
GPS Status... Compass Setup... AIS Layer Status...
System Setup... Alarm Setup... Display Setup... Databar Set... Select Page Setup... System Diagnostics... Remove CF Card
Chapter 12:System setup and customizing
1. Select the appropriate menu and setting:
Chart Setup...
artography Setup..
GPS Status... Compass Setup...
1. Highlight item, using:
Trackpad (up/down) or
Rotary control
2. Select item, using:
Trackpad (right)
2. To change the setting:
Cartography Setup Menu
Chart Display Detailed Chart Grid On Chart Text On Chart Boundary ON
pot Soundings O
Contour 66 Depth Contour ALL Nav. Marks ON
Highlight or change value to new setting, using:
Trackpad (up/down) or Rotary control
Cartography Setup Menu
Chart Display Detailed Chart Grid On Chart Text On Chart Boundaries ON Spot Soundings ON
1. Highlight item, using:
Trackpad (up/down) or
Rotary control
2. Select item, using:
Trackpad (right)
7ft 10ft 16f 20ft 33ft 66ft
Chapter 2: General Operation 11
Editing the dialog box information
Dialog boxes enable data to be edited or entered into a list e.g. Edit Waypoint screen.
To edit/enter data into a dialog box:
1. Select the field for editing:
My Waypoints
Highlight field to be edited e.g. waypoint name
2. Edit/enter data and save:
My Waypoints
To change character or selection, use:
To move to next character for editing, use:
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 if necessary.
Notes: (1) Character text can be entered in upper or lower case. (although the
system is not case sensitive e.g. WAYPOINT 1, Waypoint 1are con­sidered to be the same name).
(2) If you need to use special or accented characters (e.g.
~ ` ´), the
Extended Character Set should be switched to ON in the System Setup Menu (see page 183).
12 C-Series Display Reference Manual
Status icons
The status icons on the data bar confirm whether the appropriate connections to your C-Series system have been made:
Status icon Description
The boat and fish icon indicates the current status of your fishfinder:
Icon animated - connection to a DSM has been successful. Icon static - the DSM is connected but not transmitting.
(animated icon)
(static icon)
(static icon)
Icon greyed-out - no DSM is connected.
The satellite icon indicates the current status of your GPS:
FIX - your unit is successfully connected to a GPS receiver. NO FIX - your unit has been unable to connect to a suitable GPS receiver.
The scanner icon indicates the current status of your radar scanner:
Icon rotates - the scanner is transmitting (TRANSMIT/TX mode). Icon static - the scanner is powered on but is not currently transmitting
(STANDBY mode). Icon greyed out - this indicates that the scanner is currently powered off (OFF mode). Icon rotates and is then static - a power save mode in which the scanner powers on/off intermittently (TIMED TRANSMIT mode).
The AIS icon indicates the current status of the AIS function:
AIS unit not available i.e. not connected or off.
AIS unit is switched on and operating.
AIS unit on with active alarms.
AIS unit switched on and operating but dangerous and lost alarm dis-
Note: These icons will also appear when you are in simulator mode.
Chapter 2: General Operation 13
2.6 Initial setup procedures
When you first use your C-Series Display after it has been commissioned (see Installation Guide), we recommend that you carry out the following:
Set the language, the date and time format and preferred units of measurement.
Select a page set.
Select an application page/window.
Adjust the display lighting.
Note: For full details of all setup and customizing options, please refer to Chapter 12:System setup and customizing.
Setting the language, date/time format and units of mea­surement
To adjust the language, date/time format and units of measurement to your preferred settings:
1. Select the setting:
System Setup... Alarm Setup...
Highlight System Setup
Enter System Setup
System Setup Menu
Position Made Lat/Lon...
Date/Time Setup... Units Setup...
System Integration Setup... Waypoint Password Setup...
Highlight required setting
Enter setting
2. Adjust the setting:
Date/Time Setup Menu
ate Format mm Time Format 12hr Local Time Offset UTC
Change value as required
3. Repeat this process until you have changed all of these settings.
Note: For full details of all System Setup options, please refer to Chapter 12:System set­up and customizing. For application specific set up options, please refer to the appro­priate chapter.
14 C-Series Display Reference Manual
Selecting a page set
Your Display has four pre-configured page sets and one empty set for you to choose from.
Press &
Highlight appropriate pre-configured page set
Note: Alternatively, you can access the Select Page Set screen via MENU.
If none of the pre-configured page sets meet your particular requirements and/or you intend to use the engine monitor application, refer to the Setup and Customizing chapter for details of how to customize both the layout and the application appearing in each window.
Selecting an application page
Once you have selected the appropriate page set (see previous section), choose the application page that you wish to use:
Press until required
page displayed
Press soft key of
required page
Chapter 2: General Operation 15
Selecting an application window
When the selected page has more than one window, the window that is currently active will be bordered in red e.g.
Active window highlighted
Soft keys associated with active window
Changing the active window
To change the active highlight to other windows on the page and display the associated soft keys:
Active window
Press to move active window
Active window
Multiple to single window
To make the active window full-screen when multiple windows are being displayed:
Press and
Multiple windows Single window
Single to multiple windows
To return to multiple windows:
Multiple windowsSingle window
16 C-Series Display Reference Manual
Adjusting the display lighting
The display has two distinct color palettes, for day and night operation. You can also manually adjust the backlight level.
Note: The display lighting is a local setting and will therefore only affect the individual display on which you are working.
Day/night operation
To select the day/night mode of operation:
Toggle as required
The display saves the current palette when the unit is powered off. If the palette was set to NIGHT when it was last used, and you then power on in bright sunlight, it may be difficult to see the screen. Reset the palette to DAY to return to normal daytime lighting.
Backlight level
To adjust the backlight level when in day or night operation mode:
Backlight Level
Change the level as required
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