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NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook
Operation and

NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook
Chapter 1: Introduction........................................ 3
Chapter 2: Mounting ............................................ 4
Chapter 3: Operation/Wiring................................ 6
3.1 NMEA Output .................................................. 6
3.2 NMEA Input ..................................................... 9
3.3 Main Alarm .................................................... 12
3.4 Connecting to a Personal Computer ................ 14
Chapter 4: Fault Finding .................................... 17

NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook

NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook
Chapter 1: Introduction
SeaTalk is the language used by all Autohelm products to share
information. This is unique to Autohelm. The NMEA Bridge, by
providing conversion between SeaTalk and NMEA 0183 data
format, allows operation with other manufacturer's equipment .
The NMEA Bridge provides:
• Conversion of NMEA 0183 data formats to SeaTalk
• Conversion of SeaTalk to NMEA 0183 format
• Operation of the Autohelm Main Alarm when an alarm
condition exists on the SeaTalk bus
• RS232 terminals to send NMEA data to a personal computer
(echoes NMEA out)

NMEA Bridge Operation and Installation Handbook
Chapter 2: Mounting
Select a suitable location that is:
• away from direct contact with water
• clean and grease-free
• accessible for cabling
• reasonably well protected from physical damage.
1. Once a suitable location has been found, thoroughly clean
the surface with an alcohol based cleaner.
2. Remove the protective backing from the NMEA Bridge and
firmly press onto the mounting surface.