Autohelm, HSB, Raymarine, RayTech, Sail Pilot, SeaTalk and Sportpilot are registered trademarks of Raymari ne Limited. Apelco is
a registered trademark of Raymarine Holdings Limited (Registered in all major marketing ter ritories).
AST, Autoadapt, Auto GST, Autoseastate, Autotrim , Bi data, Marine Intelligence, Maxiview, On Board, Rayc hart, Raynav, Raypilot,
Raystar, ST40, ST60, Seacl utter, Smart Route, Tri data and Waypoint Navigation are trademarks of Raymarine Limited.
All other product names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks (if applicable) of their respective companies.
2. Onboa r d w a rr an t y .... .......... ......... ... ......... ... .......... .. ...... 31
3.Obtaining warranty service ........................................... 32
4. Warra nt y limitatio n s ............... ... .......... .. .......... .. .......... . 33
ii Raymarine AIS250 Receiver - Users Guide
Chapter 1: Important information 3
Chapter1: Important information
1.1 Introduction
This guide contains an explanation of how to install, commission, maintain and use your Raymarine AIS250 Receiver.
Intended use
This product is an Automatic Identification System (AIS)
receiver. The intended application is as one component of a
navigation system for recreational and commercial vessels not
covered by IMO/SOLAS ca rr iage requirements.
This product has been designed to be compatible with Raymarine C and E-Series products and other systems that support
All information presented by the Raymarine AIS receiver is advisory only. You acknowledge the risk of incomplete and
erroneous information and assume complete responsibility and
risks associated with this device, and accordingly release
Raymarine, Weatherdock and Dommel from any and all claims
arising from the use of this service.
4 Raymarine Automatic Identification System Receiver
To register your new Raymarine product, please take a few
minutes to fill out the warranty card. It is important that you
complete the owner information and return the card to us to
receive ful l warranty benef its. Your product can be registered via
our website at although this does not val i
date your warranty. What it does do, is enable you to stay
informed of any updates to your current Raymarine products
along wi th any other Raym arine VIP features. You w ill still be
required to fill out the warranty card and return it to us for full
warranty benefits.
EMC conformance
All Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to best
industry standards for use in the recreational marine environ
ment. The design and manufacture of Raymarine equipment
and accessories conforms to the appropriate Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) standards, but correct installation is
required to ensure that performance is not compromised. For full
details and guidelines refer to
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equip-ment Directive
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Directive requires the recycling of waste electrical and
electronic equipment. Whilst the WEEE Directive does
not apply to some of Raymarine’s products, we support
its policy and ask you to be aware of how to dispose of
this product.
The crossed out wheelie bin symbol, illustrated above, and
found on our products signifies that this product should not be
disposed of in general waste or landfill.
Please contact your local dealer, national distributor or Raymarine Technical Services for informa ti on on product disposal.
Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances
This product uses components that comply with the
requirements of the Restriction of the use of certain
Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive 2002/95/
Handbook information
To the best of our knowledge, the information contained in this
handbook was correct as it went to press. Raymarine cannot
accept any liability for any inaccuracies or omissions it may
In addition, our policy of continuous product improvement may
change specifications without notice. As a result, Raymarine
cannot accept lia bility for a ny differe nces betwee n the product
and this handbook.
Chapter 1: Important information 5
What isAIS?
AIS permits the non-verbal exchange of navigation information
between vessels and shore-side vessel traffic centers. AIS uses
digital radio signals to broadcast information about the vessel to
other ships and shore based stations via dedicated VHF
frequencies in the maritime band.
AIS will not replace radar because it is unable to detect landmasses and navigational beacons, but it can be used as a
significant enhancement to currently available technology.
Classes ofAIS
Your AIS250 is a receive-only unit that will receive messages
from vessels carrying Class A or Class B transceivers.
Class A
A Class A transceiver transmits and receives AIS signals. It is
currently compulsory on all commercial vessels that exceed 300
tons that also travel internationally
Information transmitted
The following information can be transmitted by a Class A AIS
•Static d a ta
This include s information such as Shi p’s name, type , MM SI
number, call sign, IMO number, length and beam and GPS
antenna location.
•Voyage related data
This includes inf ormation such as draft, cargo, destination,
ET A and other relevant infor mation.
•Dynamic data
This includes information such as time (UTC) , ship’s position, COG, SOG, heading, rate of turn and navigational st atus.
•Dynamic reports
These are ship’ s speed and status.
These are alarms and safe ty messages.
You should remember that not all vessels will transmit all of the
Class B - (Recreational vesselsnot covered by
suitable ClassA)
Class B transceiver’s are suitable to vessels under 65 feet in
length and is not compulsory.
You should NOT assume that any class of AIS receiver is
displaying all/any smaller vessels within your range.
Note: All me ssag es co ntai n the Sh ips i ndivi du al MMS I number for
unique reference identification purposes along with the
data in the following table.
lowing table is necessarily transmitt ed by every vessel.
Not all the inf ormation in the f ol-
6 Raymarine Automatic Identification System Receiver
Data details
Static Data
Ship's name
Call sign
IMO number
Length and beam
GPS Antenna loctation
Voyage Related Data
Cargo information
Other relevant information
Dynamic Data
Ship's position
Gyro heading
Rate of turn
Navigational status
Dynamic Reports
Ship's speed
Ship's status
Class A
Class B
Static and dynamic information
Defined transmit rates for Class A vessels shown below are
provided for reference purposes only. The frequency of
messages received (us ing the AIS25 0 receive- only uni t) will vary
due to a number of factors including but not limited to such
factors as anten na height, gain and signal int erference.
• Static information is either broadcast every 6 minutes, when
data has been amended, or upon request.
• Dynamic information is broadcast depending on speed and
course alteration based on the following tables
Ships Dynamic Condit ions
At anchor or moored3 Minutes
0-14 knots10 Seconds
0-14 knots and changing course3 1/3 Seconds
14-23 knots6 Seconds
14-23 knots and changing course2 seconds
Ship faster than 23 knots2 Seconds
Ship faster than 23 knots and
changing course
Normal reporting
2 Seconds
Chapter 1: Important information 7
Platforms condition
Class B Shipborne mobile equipment
Nominal reporting
3 Minutes
not moving faster than 2 knots
Class B Shipborne mobile equipment
30 Seconds
moving 2-14 knots
Class B Shipborne mobile equipment
15 Seconds
moving 14-23 knots
Class B Shipborne mobile equipment
5 Seconds
moving faster th an 23 knots
Search and Rescue aircraft (airborne
10 Seconds
mobile equipment)
Aids to Navigation 3 Minutes
AIS base station10 Seconds
Source of info rmation for above tab les 1-1, 1-2: (ITU recommendations technical document: ITU-R M.1371- 1)
8 Raymarine Automatic Identification System Receiver
Chapter 2: Installation 9
Chapter 2: Installation
2.1 EMC installationguidelines
Raymarine equipment and accessories are designed to the best
industry standards for use in the recreational marine
Their design and manufacture conforms to the appropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) regulations, but correct
installation is required to ensure that performance is not
The guidelines given here describe the conditions for optimum
EMC performance, but it is recognized that it may not be
possible to meet all of these conditions in all situations. To
ensure the best possible conditions for EMC performance within
the constraints imposed by any location, always ensure the
maximum separation possible bet ween different items of elec
trical equipment.
For optimum EMC performance, it is recommended that wherever possible:
•Raymarine equipment and the cables connected to it are:
• At least 3 ft. (1 m) from any equipment transmitting or
cables carrying r adi o signal s e.g. VHF radio s, cables and
antennas. In the case of SSB radios, the distance shoul d
be increased to 7 ft. (2 m).
•More than 7 ft. (2 m) from the path of a radar beam . A
radar beam can normally be assumed to spread 20
degrees above and below the radiating element.
•The product is supplied by a separate battery f rom that used
to start the engine. Power supply voltages below the
minimum specified for a product, and starter motor transients, can cause the product to reset. This will not damage
the product, but may caus e the loss of some in formation and
may change the operating mode.
•Raymarine specified cables are used. Cutting and rejoining
these cables can compromise EMC performance and must
be avoided unless doi ng so is detailed in the installation
Suppression Ferrites
If a supplied cable is fitted with a suppression ferrite, the ferrite
must not be removed, unless it is necessary to facilitate installa
tion. Any ferrite thus removed must be replaced in the original
position immedi ately after instal lat ion is complete.
If additional suppression ferrites are required, use only ferrites
supplied by Raymarine.
Connections toOther Equipment
If Raymarine equipment is to be connected to other equipment
using a cable not supp lied by Raymarine, a Raymari ne suppres
sion ferrite MUST always be attached to the cable near the
Raymarine unit.