Quantum STORAGECARE SAGE User Manual

StorageCare Sage
StorageCare Sage
Dashboard and
StorageCare Sage Tape


StorageCare Sage™ Dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of your tape drive and media health, status, and security settings. A significant feature of the StorageCare Sage Dashboard is StorageCare Sage Tape Security, which allows you to protect data on tape cartridges from unauthorized access. StorageCare Sage Tape Security works with your current backup software because it is managed entirely by StorageCare Sage Dashboard. You can view StorageCare Sage Dashboard using the Windows on your PC. Windows users can also view StorageCare Sage Dashboard via the Device Manager.
StorageCare Sage Tape Security works with the following minimum firmware and driver requirements:
Start button
Contents 0
Introduction................................................ 1
Installing StorageCare Sage Dashboard ... 1
Using StorageCare Sage Dashboard ......... 2
Opening the Application......................... 2
Refreshing the View ................................ 3
Getting Help............................................. 3
Using the Status Tab ..................................3
Viewing Health Status............................. 4
Viewing Cartridge Wear..........................4
Viewing Write Protection and Tape
Security Status.........................................4
Improving Backup Performance ............. 5
Using StorageCare Sage Tape Security .....5
Using Secure Keys.......................................6
Entering the Wrong Secure Key.................7
Using Automated Settings......................... 8
Clearing All Settings................................. 8
Using Auto Unlock .................................... 8
Using Auto Add Key..................................9
Avoiding Problems With Automated
Settings..................................................... 10
Scenario #1: Different Secure Keys .......10
Scenario #2: Drive Loses Power ............11
Tape Drive Minimum Firmware Version
DLT-S4 Any 4.0.36
DLT-V4 8.0 4.1.2
Minimum Device Driver
Version Needed

Installing StorageCare Sage Dashboard 0

Follow these instructions to install StorageCare Sage Dashboard:
1 Hook up your tape drive to your PC (see your drive's Product Manual
for instructions).
StorageCare Sage Dashboard and StorageCare
2 Download StorageCare Sage Dashboard for your system as follows:
Windows Users: Install the latest device drivers for your product as follows: Go to
product, then download the latest device drivers. StorageCare Sage Dashboard is bundled with the latest drivers and will install at the same time. Follow the instructions in the Read Me file for specific installation instructions.
Symantec Backup Exec and NetBackup Users: Go to www.quantum.com and select Service and Support > Downloads, then select your product, then download StorageCare Sage Dashboard for Symantec Backup Exec and NetBackup.
3 Make sure your drive firmware is at least the minimum version required. If it is not,
then download the firmware to your PC from the Downloads page on
Note: To upgrade tape drive firmware, you must either create and
use a firmware update tape, or use xTalk Management Console to write the firmware image to the tape drive. Download xTalk Management Console from the Downloads page on www.quantum.com
and select Service and Support > Downloads, then select your
, then upgrade the firmware on the tape drive.

Using StorageCare Sage Dashboard

StorageCare Sage Dashboard is easy to understand and use. If you need more

Opening the Application 0

information, the Getting Help
Once you have downloaded StorageCare Sage Dashboard, open the application either via the Windows
Via the Start Button
1 Click your PC’s Windows Start menu button.
2 Select
3 Click either the
Via Device Manager (Windows Users Only)
1 Right-click My Computer.
2 Select Manage from the menu.
3 Select
Start button or the Device Manager as follows:
Programs > Quantum > Dashboard.
Status tab or the Tape Security tab depending on what you want to do.
System Tools > Device Manager > Tape Drives.
feature provides a detailed explanation.
4 Double-click the tape drive you want to view.
The Device Manager opens, displaying Device Manager tabs along with StorageCare Sage Dashboard tabs.
2 Using StorageCare Sage Dashboard
StorageCare Sage
Right-click an item:
Click What’s This:

Refreshing the View 0

Getting Help 0

Figure 1 Getting Help
You must click the Refresh button after each load or unload of a cartridge in order to see the new status and settings.
The embedded Help feature explains each screen item for you if needed. Simply right-click any item and click
What’s This? to view a description of the item (see figure 1).

Using the Status Tab

The Status tab displays a snapshot of your drive and media’s current health, lifetime usage, capacity, and security status. You can see at a glance when your tape drive or cartridge needs repair or cleaning, and get information about what to do if there is a problem (see figure 2
Using the Status Tab 3
StorageCare Sage Dashboard and StorageCare
Figure 2 Status Tab

Viewing Health Status 0

Viewing Cartridge Wear 0

Viewing Write Protection and Tape Security Status 0

Drive and media health is shown via the Health icons. If the drive or media is not healthy, a short description of the problem is displayed, along with a
More button. Click the More
button to find what actions you can take to address the issue.
Cartridge wear is based on number of load/unload cycles, number of times the tape heads have passed over the same surface on the media, and number of hours the cartridge has spent being read from or written to. The percentage of wear is shown in the Cartridge Wear progress bar. The progress bar turns yellow at 75% and red at 90%. When cartridge wear reaches 100%, the cartridge needs to be replaced.
The Write Protection status tells you if the media is write-protected with the manually adjustable write-protect tab on the cartridge. If the write-protect tab is in the write-protect position, the status shows ON. (See the tape drive product manual for instructions on setting the write-protect tab.)
The Tape Security status tells you if the media is protected with a Secure Key and what the security status is (status shows NONE, LOCKED, or UNLOCKED).
Note: Some backup systems cannot identify Secure Keys. They will indicate that a
cartridge is “write protected” if it has a Secure Key, even if the write-protect tab is not set. If you get the “write protected” message, ensure the write­protect tab is disabled; then, if that does not correct the error, check the StorageCare Sage Dashboard Tape Security status.
4 Using the Status Tab
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