Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide, 6-66879-15 Rev B, December 2017, Product of USA.
Quantum Corporation provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or
implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
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Your right to copy this manual is limited by copyright law. Making copies or adaptations without prior
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Quantum, the Quantum logo, DLT, DLTtape, the DLTtape logo, SuperLoader, Scalar, StorNext, and DXi are
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LTO and Ultrium are trademarks of HP, IBM, and Quantum in the U.S. and other countries. All other
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Specifications are subject to change without notice.
This guide contains information and instructions necessary for the
normal operation and management of the Scalar i6000 library. This
guide is intended for system administrators, operators, or anyone
interested in learning about or using the Scalar i6000 library after its
initial installation and configuration. Be aware that you must have
administrator privileges to use many of the features that this guide
Caution: Be sure to read all operating instructions in this manual
and in the
System, Safety, and Regulatory Information
before operating this product.
Product Safety Statements
This product is designed for data storage and retrieval using magnetic
tape. Any other application is not considered the intended use.
Quantum will not be held liable for damage arising from unauthorized
use of the product. The user assumes all risk in this aspect.
This unit is engineered and manufactured to meet all safety and
regulatory requirements. Be aware that improper use may result in
Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guidexiii
bodily injury, damage to the equipment, or interference with other
Caution: Be sure to read all operating instructions in this manual
and in the
WARNING: Before powering on or using this equipment, read THE
System, Safety, and Regulatory Information Guide
the Guide for future reference.
Note: When drive sled positions are empty, drive cover plates must be
installed and in place at all times to prevent access into the
empty drive sled Positions.
System, Safety, and Regulatory Information
before operating this product.
. Keep
Mechanical LocksThe access and service doors can only be opened with a key. The key
should be kept by an authorized person at your company. Access to the
interior of the library is both a data-integrity and safety issue.
Power Button on the
Library’s Indicator Panel
Switching off the Power button on the indicator panel, located on the
front of the library, removes power from the electronics, which causes
the picker to stop immediately. This button also removes power from
the drives.
WARNING: This power button functions as a power interrupt only. To
completely remove all power before servicing or in an
emergency, turn off the circuit breaker on the power
distribution unit, and then disconnect the power cord
from the electrical source.
Mercury StatementProjectors, LCD displays, and some multifunction printers may
use lamp(s) that contain a small amount of mercury for
energy-efficient lighting purposes. Mercury lamps in these
products are labeled accordingly. Please manage the lamp
xivQuantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide
according to local, state, or federal laws. For more information, contact
the Electronic Industries Alliance at
disposal information checkwww.lamprecycle.org.
www.eiae.org. For lamp-specific
Disposal of Electrical
and Electronic
the environment. For more information about where you can drop off
your waste equipment for recycling, please visit our Web site at: http://
qcare.quantum.com or contact your local government authority, your
household waste disposal service or the business from which you
purchased the product.
Product Model Number
The Scalar i6000 Regulatory Model Number is as follows:
This symbol on the product or on its packaging
indicates that this product should not be disposed of
with your other waste. Instead, it should be handed
over to a designated collection point for the
recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. The
separate collection and recycling of your waste
equipment at the time of disposal will help to
conserve natural resources and ensure that it is
recycled in a manner that protects human health and
Explanation of Symbols and Notes
The following symbols appear throughout this document to highlight
important information.
Note: Indicates important information that helps you make better
use of your system.
Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guidexv
Caution: Indicates a situation that may cause possible damage to
equipment, loss of data, or interference with other
WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or bodily injury.
Other Documents you Might Need
The following documents are also available for this product. These
documents can be found at www.quantum.com/support.
Scalar i6000 Planning Guide
Scalar i6000 Release Notes
Scalar i2000/i6000 Maintenance Guide
Scalar i6000 Installation Guide
Scalar i6000 Unpacking Instructions
67467-01-xx [Gen 2])
System, Safety, and Regulatory Information Guide (
Note: Release Notes are also available for this product. The Release
Notes describe changes to your system or firmware since the
last release, provide compatibility information, and discuss any
known issues and workarounds. The Release Notes can be
found at www.quantum.com/support.
xviQuantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide
(6-00771-xx [Gen 1] or 6-
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Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guidexvii
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• eSupport - Submit online service requests, update contact
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• StorageCare Guardian - Securely links Quantum hardware and the
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diagnosis. StorageCare Guardian is simple to set up through the
internet and provides secure, two-way communications with
Quantum’s Secure Service Center. More StorageCare Guardian
information can be found at:
The Scalar i6000 library automates the retrieval, storage, and control of
tape cartridges. Application software on the host can use the library’s
robotics to mount cartridges into tape drives and retrieve them without
operator intervention.
The library can be installed on a solid or raised floor. It has a standard
19-inch rack footprint and can be placed in a standard server rack space.
Because the library provides access by way of the access and service
doors, the library can be placed with either side against a wall or
between racks.
In December, 2011, the library robotics were redesigned. The redesign
accommodates either a single robot or dual robotics. The original robot
hardware is referred to as Gen 1; the new robot hardware is referred to
as Gen 2.
With firmware version i11, robots in a dual-robot system work in an
active/active manner, where both robots perform move commands and
other library operations.
In March 2013, the library electronics were redesigned, including a new
second generation Management Control Blade (MCB 2). The electronics
redesign is referred to as Gen2 Electronics and is required for to support
new features, such as Active/Active operation for Dual Robots and the
High-Density Expansion Module (HDEM).
In June 2015 new Series 3 modules were released for the Control
Module (CM3), Drive Ready Expansion Module (DREM3) and Storage
Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide1
Chapter 1: Description
Figure 1 Robot Tab
Expansion Module (SEM3). These new modules are capable of a higher
number of drive support than the previous modules.
Dual robotics libraries require special modules on either end called
parking modules, which house the robots when not in use. See
Robotics Configurations and Parking Modules on page 7 for more
You can tell which generation robot you have via the library user
interface. The library displays which generation of robot hardware is
installed. Select Monitor > System from the menu, click the Robot tab,
and look in the Generation column (see
Figure 1).
To determine what generation electronics your library is running, select
Monitor > System from the menu, click the Components tab and look in
the Name column. If you have MCB2 and RCU2, you have gen2
electronics. Any other MCB or RCU level means gen1 electronics.
2Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide
Figure 2 Components Tab
Chapter 1: Description
For Gen 1 systems, the maximum library can be configured to
accommodate from 100 LTO cartridges to 5,322 LTO cartridges (for a
single-robot library) or 5,376 LTO cartridges (for a dual-robot library).
For Gen 2 systems, the maximum library can be configured to
accommodate from 100 LTO cartridges to 7,146 LTO cartridges (for a
single-robot library) or 7,224 LTO cartridges (for a dual-robot library).
In March of 2013, a High Density Expansion Module (HDEM) was made
available to provide increased storage capabilities. A single HDEM can
hold up to 720 total slots; 540 on two independent carousels and 240
on the front door.
This chapter provides a description of the following features and
Note: The library software features described in this guide apply to
both the Scalar i2000 and the Scalar i6000. However, certain
features are available on Scalar i6000 only.
This chapter includes the following sections:
• Front View on page 5
• Hardware Configuration Options on page 6
• Dual Robotics Configurations and Parking Modules on page 7
• Control Module on page 10
Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide3
Chapter 1: Description
• Expansion Modules on page 13
• Library Management Module on page 18
• I/O Management Unit on page 21
• Robot on page 25
• Import/Export Stations on page 25
• Cartridges on page 28
• Cartridge Magazines on page 29
• Tape Drives and Media on page 33
• Mixed Media Support and Rules on page 35
• Support for WORM on page 36
• Operator Panel on page 37
• Power System on page 38
• Library Features on page 39
4Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide
Front View
control module
expansion module
touch screen
I/E station
access doors
operator panel
Figure 3 Front View of a
Control Module and Expansion
Chapter 1: Description
Front View
Figure 3 shows a front view of the library, consisting of a control
The library is designed for ease of installation, configuration, and field
upgrades. The minimum library configuration consists of one control
module. You can add up to 15 expansion modules as storage and tape
drive requirements change.
Note: Expansion modules in positions nine through sixteen are no
longer storage-only modules and can contain I/E stations or
For LTO, the maximum library configuration can accommodate
•1 control module
• 0 to 15 expansion modules
• Gen 1 systems: 100 to 5322 cartridges (single robotics)
• Gen 2 systems: 100 to 7146 cartridges (single robotics), or 100 to
7224 (dual robotics). For libraries containing high-density expansion
modules, the maximum capacities are 12,006 LTO cartridges (for a
single-robot library) or 11,760 LTO cartridges (for dual-robot
• 1 to 192 tape drives.
An LTO library I/E Station configuration can accommodate:
• 1 to 8 24-slot Import/Export (I/E) stations in the control module and
first 7 expansion modules.
• 1 24-slot I/E in the control module and up to 7 72-slot I/E stations
and first 7 expansion modules.
6Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide
Chapter 1: Description
Dual Robotics Configurations and Parking Modules
Dual Robotics Configurations and Parking Modules
A dual robotics library requires Gen 2 robotics hardware. A dual robotics
library requires, at a minimum, a control module, a left parking module,
and a right parking module. See
The left and right parking modules have the same size and appearance
as expansion modules, but they function differently. Each parking
module contains a “parking space” in which the respective left or right
robot resides when not in use. The “parking space” occupies four
magazine columns which cannot be used for storage.
The left parking module is located to the left of the control module in
position zero. It is referred to in the user interface as “module 0.” The
left parking module does not contain tape drives, I/E stations, or power
supplies. The control module supplies its power. If you are upgrading to
dual robotics, you will receive a left parking module to add onto your
existing system. This increases your system size, so you must take this
into account when planning for an upgrade.
Figure 4.
The right parking module is the right-most module in the system. As of
firmware version i11, a right parking module can contain drives in any
position in the library and up to one 24-slot I/E station. Right parking
modules may not contain 72-slot I/E stations.
Note: High-density expansion modules (HDEM) cannot be used as
right parking modules.
If you are upgrading a single-robotics library to a dual-robotics library,
the existing right-most expansion module can, in most cases, be
converted into a right parking module. However, if the existing rightmost expansion module contains a 72-slot I/E station, you may need
another module to be added to the right of your system which will
become the right parking module. If space considerations prohibit the
addition of another module, then the right-most module will be
swapped with another module in the library that does not contain a
72-slot I/E station.
Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide7
Chapter 1: Description
(Position 1)
Left parking space
(left-most two columns)
(Position 2)
Right parking
(Position 3)
Right parking space
(right-most two columns)
Left parking
(Position 0)
Dual Robotics Configurations and Parking Modules
Figure 4 Dual Robotics Library
Side panels, doors, and door posts have been removed for clarity.
8Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide
Figure 5 Left Parking Module
Rack 1 (rear wall)
Rack 2 (door)
= Columns
for storage
= Calibration
Slot Configuration (Dual
Robotics Only)
Chapter 1: Description
Dual Robotics Configurations and Parking Modules
Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide9
Chapter 1: Description
Rack 1 (rear wall)
Rack 2 (door)
= columns
for storage
Optional drive
= Calibration
Control Module
Figure 6 Right Parking Module
Slot Configuration (Dual
Robotics Only)
Control Module
All libraries contain a control module. A single-frame library consists of a
control module only. The control module manages library operations via
the library management module and includes an operator panel touch
screen for local operator use. For more information, see:
• Library Management Module on page 18
• Support for WORM on page 36
10Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide
Figure 7 Front and Back View
front viewback view
of the Control Module
Chapter 1: Description
Control Module
The control module also contains all of the other components common
to expansion modules, including:
• Import/Export Stations on page 25
• Tape Drives and Media on page 33
• Cartridges on page 28
• Cartridge Magazines on page 29
• Power System on page 38
The control module always occupies module position 1 in the library. (In
dual-robotics configurations, the left parking module is in position 0.)
Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide11
Chapter 1: Description
front view
rear view
I/E station
Control Module
Figure 8 Front and Back View
of a Series 3 Control Module
12Quantum Scalar i6000 User’s Guide
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