Scalar® Intelligent Libraries SCSI Reference Guide, 6-00423-09, Ver. A, March 2010, Made in USA.
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Quantum intelligent libraries support both a Media Changer device (device type 08h) and a Controller device
(device type 0Ch). This approach is used primarily to aid initialization and discovery for the servers in
conjunction with the library’s Logical Library model. In addition, the Controller device model facilitates
continued use of Host Registration Services (HRS) functionality, which uses private (externally
undocumented) commands and vendor unique parameters. In the case of a Scalar i40, Scalar i80, or
Scalar i500 library without Data Appliance (DA) blades, there is no Controller device; the tape drives provide
access to the Media Changer devices.
"DA blade" is a generic term used in this manual to describe a number of
possible types of input/output blades, including FC-FC, FC-SCSI, and possibly,
in future, iSCSI-SAS or other combinations.
This device model approach works by having the Controller (typically at LUN 0) respond to all commands,
and the Logical Libraries (Media Changers) respond to other assigned LUNs (or Targets if on the SCSI
port). This approach allows an Initiator (Host) to issue a Report LUNs command to the Controller to retrieve
a listing of all available logical units on that port. For systems with Fibre Channel (FC) ports, this is an
advantage as there are large number of possible logical units to search. (In the case of a Scalar i40,
Scalar i80, or Scalar i500 without DA blades, this command should be issued to the tape drives.)
For a tape library with DA blades, this model can be extended to report the number of availa ble tape drive s
as well.
For all systems except the Scalar i40, Scalar i80, and Scalar i500 without DA blades, it is possible to define
a Media Changer at LUN 0 and the Controller at a d ifferent LUN. For a Scalar i40, Scalar i80, or Scalar i500
without DA blades, the Media Changer(s) is always found at LUN 1, and the tape dr ive or drives are found
at LUN 0.
Note that the Controller device is not a pure Controller device, in that it does not support all the mandatory
commands defined by SCC, but this is an accepted industry practice estab lished by vendors of bridges and
Additional commands and parameters supported by the Controller LUN (such as Maintenance In) are for
use by Quantum’s Host Registration Service s s of twa re , and ar e no t inclu d ed in this ma n ual .
The following table lists the commands supported by the Controller device.
The following commands do not apply to the Scalar i40 and Sca lar i80 . For the
Scalar i500, these commands apply only when a DA blade is present in the
Table 1Controller Device Supported Commands
The following table lists the parameters supported by the Controller device.
Table 2Controller Device Supported Parameters
CommandPage Code
InquirySupported VPD Pages00h
InquiryUnit Serial Number Page80h
InquiryDevice Identification Pag e83h
Mode Select/SenseDisconnect Reconnect Page02h
Mode Select/SenseFC LU Control Page18h
Mode Select/SenseFC Port Control Page19h
Mode SenseReturn all pages3Fh
2SCSI Command Support
Media Changer Commands and Parameters
The following table lists the commands supported by the Media Changer device.
Table 3Media Changer Supported Commands
For the Scalar i40, Scalar i80, and Scalar i500 without DA blades, this
command is processed by the tape drive on behalf of the media changer.
The Scalar i40 and Scalar i80 media changers do not support this command.
The Scalar i500 media changer does not support this command unless
it contains a Data Appliance (DA) blade.
The Scalar i40, Scalar i80, and Scalar i500 do not support this command.
The following table lists the parameters supported by the Media Changer device. The Media Changer does
not support any diagnostic parameter s.
Table 4Media Changer Device Supported Parameters
CommandPage Code
InquirySupported VPD Pages00h
InquiryUnit Serial Number Page80h
InquiryDevice Identification Page83h
Log SenseSupported Log Pages00h
Log SenseTape Alert Page2Eh
Mode SenseFC LU Control Page
Mode SenseFC Port Control Page
For the Scalar i40, Scalar i80, and Scalar i500 without data appliance (DA) blades, this
page is not supported.
This page is supported only when the Media Changer is available on LUN 0.
4SCSI Command Support
General Command Support Behavior
Multiple Initiator Support
Multiple initiators are not supported on the SCSI interface. Information such as unit attentions and sense
data will be held for only a single initiator. Multiple initiators are supported on the Fibre Channel inte r face.
Unit attentions and sense data will be held for each initiator.
Element Addressing
The element-addressing model follows that of previous Quantum libraries. The starting addresses of the
four element types are:
•0001h: Medium Transport
•0010h: Import/Export
•0100h: Data Transfer
•1000h: Storage
Command Status
Individual command status responses are not documented, as they all follow the same general format as
described here. After processing any command, the library returns status from among the following:
Good - The library returns a Good status (00h) when it is able to process the command without errors.
Busy - The library returns Busy status (08h) when a motion command is still being processed, or the library
is generally not able to process additional commands at that time.
Reservation Conflict - The library returns a Reservation Conflict (18h) whenever an initiator attempts to
access a logical unit that has been reserved by another initiator, except for the following commands:
•MODE SENSE (Only Scalar i40, Scalar i80, and Scalar i500)
•READ ELEMENT STATUS (only when the Current Data [CurData] field is set to 1)
Check Condition - The library returns the Check Condition status (02h) when the following general
situations occur (all generate sense data):
•The library is Not Ready (sense key 02h)
•The library has encountered a Hardware Error (sense key 04h)
•A parameter in the CDB is invalid or there is an invalid field in a parameter list, resulting in an Illegal
Request (sense key 05h)
•A Unit Attention condition is pending (sense key 06h)
For a complete list of all possible sense data and their causes, refer to Request Sense – 03h on page 70.
This status information will not be separated by individual commands.
Status values of Condition Met, Intermediate Condition Met, and Queue Full are not currently used. The
Initiator should issue a Request Sense command to determine the precise cause of the Check Condition
status and clear it.
Response data, however, will be documented as applicable for each command, and included as part of the
command section.
Unit Attentions
Unit Attentions will be queued by the library as necessary to report all events and conditions. They are
presented in the order of their occurre nc e (fir st in, first out). Unit attentions are generated for the following
•A power on or a reset (external or internal) occurred
•A library door closed, or a transition from not ready to ready occurred
•A mailbox closed
•A firmware update completed
•A persistent reservation has been preempted or released, or a registration has been preempted
•Mode parameters have changed
Either a Power On Reset or a SCSI Reset resets the library. When reset, the library does the following:
•Returns to Bus Free
•All non-persistent reservations are cleared
Common CDB Fields
Each Command Descriptor Block contains a Logical Unit Number (LUN) field as well as a Control byte field.
The LUN field is bits 5-7 of byte 1 and is there only for legacy compatibility. Logical Unit selection should be
accomplished via the Identify message.
The Control byte is shown in the following table. It is always the last byte of a CDB, regardless of the size
of the CDB.
Table 5Control Byte
lastVendor SpecificReservedNACAFlagLink
Vendor Specific – This field is used to provide additional data or control for a command. Specific uses (if
any) are described within the applicable commands.
Normal Auto Contingent Allegiance (NACA) – If this field is set to 0, the initiator should issue a REQUEST
SENSE command immediately following receipt of a Check Condition. If this field is set to 1, ACA support
will be provided.
Flag – This field is not supported and must be set to 0.
Link – This field is not supported and must be set to 0.
6SCSI Command Support
Reserved Fields
Reserved fields are not checked, and no error will be sent if they contain non-zero values.
Online/Offline Operation
Each Media Changer device can be placed in eithe r an online or offline mode. The purpose of these mod es
is to configure whether the Media Changer is being controlled by a SCSI initiator or by the operator panel.
When the Media Changer is online, a SCSI initiator is controlling it and all SCSI commands are supported.
When the Media Changer is offline, the operator panel is controlling it, and the only allowed SCSI
commands are INQUIRY, REPORT LUNS, and REQUEST SENSE. All other commands will respond with
a check condition, along with an ASC/ASCQ of 04/8D (unit offline).
The controller device is not affected by the online/offline mode of the Media Changer.
Supported Interfaces
SCSI Parallel and Fibre Channel interface types are supported as described below.
SCSI Parallel Interface Support
The library supports parity checking on the SCSI Parallel interface. It will attempt to retry when parity errors
are detected, but if unsuccessful will attempt to respond with a Check Condition indicating in which phase
the parity error was detected.
If permitted by the initiator, the library will also support SCSI disconnect for commands that take a lengthy
time to process, such as MOVE MEDIUM. Disconnect privilege is granted by the initiator via the Identify
Supported Messages
The SCSI message system (Message In/Message Out) allows communication between an initiator and a
target for the purpose of physical path management. The supported messages are shown in the following
table. The direction is relative to the initiator.
Table 6Supported SCSI Messages
COMMAND COMPLETE00hInThis message is sent from the target to an initiator
to indicate that the execution of a command
completed and valid status has been sent to the
EXTENDED MESSAGE01hOutThis message is sent from an initiator to the target
to attempt to negotiate synchronous or wide data
transfers. The library supports both.
SAVE DATA POINTERS02hInThis message is issued before every disconnect
message following a Data In or Data Out phase.
The message is not sent when disconnecting after
a Command Descriptor Block (CDB) that did not
transfer data.
RESTORE POINTERS03hInThis message is sent from the target to direct the
initiator to continue sending data.
DISCONNECT04hInThis message is sent by the target to inform an
initiator that the present data transfer will be
suspended. The target will reselect the initiator at a
later time to continue the current operation.
ABORT06hOutThis message is sent from the initiator to the target
MESSAGE REJECT07hBothThis message is sent from the initiator or target to
NO-OP08hOutThis message is sent from the initiator to inform the
BUS DEVICE RESET0ChOutThis message is sent from an initiator to clear all
05hOutThis message is sent from an initiator to inform the
target that an error occurred. This allows the target
to retry the operation.
to clear the current or pending operation. The
target goes directly to the BUS FREE phase after
successful receipt of this message.
indicate that the last message received was
inappropriate or not implemented.
target that no message is valid in response to the
target request for a message.
09hOutThis message is sent from the initiator to the target
to indicate that one or more bytes in the last
message received contained a parity error.
commands, data, and status at the target. When
the target recognizes this message, it aborts the
command currently being executed and proceeds
to the BUS FREE state.
BothThese messages are sent either by the initiator or
by the target to establish (or re-establish) the
logical connection path (nexus) between an initiator
and target for a particular logical unit.
Fibre Channel Interface Support
The library Fibre Channel ports can be N_Port s for point- to-point topologies or NL_Por ts for arbitrated loop
topologies. Only Class 3 service is supported. Private arbitrated loops are supported if the library is not
attached to a Fibre Channel fabric, and public arbitrated loops are supported if the library is attached to a
Fibre Channel fabric.
8SCSI Command Support
Logical Libraries
The underlying physical library is not expose d e xte rn ally to applications. Rather, logical representations of
Media Changer devices are created, and these are presented instead. Through this method the physical
library can be partitioned and concurrently shared in a heterogeneous environment. Depending on library
model and number of configured drives, 1 to 18 partitions can be created. Storage and Data Transfer
elements cannot be shared across logical libraries; they can only be assigned to one logical library at a time.
The Medium Transport element (the robotic mechanism) is shared acr oss all logical libraries, and as a result
there may be some delays encountered as each logical library waits its turn for this shared resource.
Import/Export elements can also be shared across logical libraries. This is further discussed in Mailbox
Behavior. All other aspects of the logical Media Changer devices are identical to an independent physical
Media Changer.
Mailbox Behavior
The following characteristics affect Import/Export elements:
•The Import/Export elements are contained in removable magazines. When the magazines are
removed, the elements are still counted in the number of Import/Export elements and will have
element descriptors returned for them in re sponse to a READ ELEMENT STATUS command. Their
element status will indicate that they are not accessible, and will also report an exception with an
ASC/ASCQ of 3B/12.
•Some Quantum libraries are configured with multiple physical mailboxes, each contai ning their own
set of magazines. Whenever a mailbox is opened, the status for the elements it contains will
indicate that they are not accessible until the mailbox is closed again.
•The mailbox magazine(s) can be assigned to and shared by different logical libraries. The Import/
Export elements they contain are then used on a “first come, first served” basis. When shared
Import/Export elements are in use by one logical library, element status for those elements will
indicate that they are empty, but not accessible for all other logical libraries that share them. The
presence of media and associated volume tag information will only be available to the logical library
using the elements at that time. When media is removed from the shared elements, they become
available for use by the next logical library requesting them , and their element status indicates that
they are accessible.
These characteristics require applications to process the complete element status retur ned in the ele men t
descriptors (including accessibility and exception conditions) to achieve optimum usage of the Import/
Export elements. Reliance on only full or empty element status may result in failed operations (e.g., an
Export). This might be due to not locating a usable Import/Export element when several may actually be
available, if the search had only taken into account full status rather than accessibility.
Quantum libraries support a user-configurable option to have the library automatically clean drives when
requested by the drives (refer to the specific Quantum library documentation for details). This process
involves the library loading a special cleaning cartridge into the requesting drive, allowing the drive to
perform the cleaning operation, and then the library unloading the cartridge and returning it to storage.
If this option is enabled and configured, the library maintains a pool of storage slots that contain the cle aning
cartridges. These slots and cartridges are not associated with or counted towards any logical library, and
as such are not reported to any application.
The library typically checks for cleaning requests from drives after unloading data cartridges. If a cleaning
request is found, the library will select a cleaning cartridge from the pool and perform the clean. While the
cleaning operation is in progress, the logical library containing the drive being cleaned will continue to
accept and perform SCSI commands. If a Move Medium command is received with the drive as a
destination, and it is still being cleaned, the command will be queued until the cleaning operation completes.
Cleaning operations vary by drive and conditions, but can take up to a few minutes to complete.
Element status for the Data Transfer element being cleaned will not reflect the presence of the cleaning
cartridge. It will continue to report that it is empty and accessible.
Removed Drives
Depending on how the library is configured, occasionally Data Transfer elements will be reported where no
drive is physically present at the time. This could be due to a drive that has been removed for servic e, or
simply a placeholder for the addition of a future drive. These empty “drive bays” will be counted and reported
via Mode Sense and Read Element Status commands. Status for such elements will indicate that they are
not accessible, and will report an ASC/ASCQ of 83/04. These elements could appear in between Data
Transfer elements that are present, creating “gaps” among the physical drives. This should not be
considered an error.
10SCSI Command Support
SCSI Commands
Initialize Element Status - 07h
What the Library Does With This Command
The library will determine status (full or empty) for all elements, as well as barcode label information (volume
tags) for the media. Barcode labels will be scanned unless otherwise directed (and the library supports a
non-barcode option). The library may not fully execute this command if the Automatic Inventory option is
enabled, and element status is already known.
Results of the status initialization will be buffered by the library for retrieval via the READ ELEMENT
STATUS command. Element status and barcode label information is retained by the library across power
Command Usage
This command can be used to gather status for all the elements, and should be issued whenever the library
indicates that element status may have changed, such as after a power cycle or door opening and closing.
It should then be followed by a READ ELEMENT STATUS command to retrieve the status.
The INITIALIZE ELEMENT STATUS CDB format is shown in the following table.
0Op Code (07h)
1Logical Unit NumberReserved
No Barcode Labels (NBL) – A value of 0 indicates that the specified elements will be checked for all
relevant status, including bar code labels. A value of 1 indicates that elements will be checked for media
presence only (no bar code labels).
12SCSI Commands
Initialize Element Status With Range - E7h
What the Library Does With This Command
The library will examine the range of elements requested and determine their status relative to media
presence (full or empty). Barcode labels will be scanned unless otherwise directed (and the library supports
a non-barcode option). The library will always fully execute this command regardless of the Automatic
Inventory setting.
Results of the status initialization will be buffered by the library for retrieval via the READ ELEMENT
STATUS command. Element status and barcode label information is retained by the library across power
Command Usage
This command can be issued to gather status for some or all of the elements, and can be used in
conjunction with host application error handling if the normal element status maintained by the library
returns an unexpected result. It should then be followed by a READ ELEMENT STATUS command to
retrieve the status.
Initialize Element Status With Range CDB Format
The INITIALIZE ELEMENT STATUS WITH RANGE CDB format is shown in the following table.
Range – A value of 0 indicates that all element addresses will be checked and that the Starting Element
Address and Number of Elements fields will be ignored. A value of 1 indicates that the series of elements
beginning at the specified Starting Element Address for the specified Number of Elements will be checked.
Starting Element Address
Number of Elements
Starting Element Address - The Starting Element Address specifies the beginning address of the range
to check. It must be a valid address for an element that exists within the library; no adjustment will be made
to convert to a next higher valid address. This field is ignored if the Range field is 0.
Number of Elements - This field specifies the number of elements to check. Gaps in element types and
addresses are automatically handled until a quantity of physical elements equal to this number has been
checked. If this field is 0, the range checked will start with the Starting Element Address and continue
through all remaining elements. This field is ignored if the Range field is 0.
No Barcode Labels (NBL) – A value of 0 indicates that the specified elements will be checked for all
relevant status, including bar code labels. A value of 1 indicates that elements will be checked for media
presence only (no bar code labels).
14SCSI Commands
Inquiry - 12h
What the Library Does With This Command
In response to this command the library returns static data that describes various subsystem parameters.
Each Controller and Media Changer logical unit will return its own Inquiry data. If an INQUIRY command is
received from an initiator with a pending unit attention condition, the library will perform the INQUIRY
command and will not clear the unit attention condition. An INQUIRY command will respond with a Check
Condition status only when it cannot return the requested Inquiry data.
Command Usage
This command would normally only be issued once for each logical unit as desired by the initiator to facilitate
the initialization process.
Inquiry CDB Format
The INQUIRY CDB format is shown in the following table.
Command Support Data (CMDDT) – This field is not supported and must be set to 0.
Enable Vital Product Data (EVPD) – An EVPD value of 1 indicates that the vital product data specified by
the Page Code should be returned. A value of 0 indicates that standard inquiry data should be returned.
Page Code - This field specifies which vital product data page to return if the EVPD bit is set to 1. If the
EVPD bit is set to 0, the Page Code must be 00h. The library supports the following page codes:
•00h - Supported Vital Product Data pages (this list)
•80h - Unit Serial Number page
•83h – Device Identification page
Allocation Length - The Allocation Length field specifies the maximum number of bytes that the initiator
allocated for returned inquiry data. An Allocation Length of 0 indicates that no inquiry data is to be
transferred (this condition is not considered an error).
The library terminates the data transfer when it has transferred the lesser of either the number of bytes
specified by the Allocation Length field or all of the available inquiry data.
Peripheral Qualifier – A return value of 000b indicates that the library supports the peripheral device type
at the specified LUN. A return value of 001b indicates that the library is capable of supporting th e peripheral
device type at the specified LUN, however the device is not cur rently connected to it. A return value of 011b
indicates no peripheral device types are supported at that LUN.
Peripheral Device Type – For Media Changer logical units, this field returns 01000b (08h) to indicate it is
a Media Changer device. For the Controller logic al un it, this field returns 01100b (0Ch) to indicate it is a
Controller device. If an unsupported LUN was specified, this field retu rns 11111b (1Fh), which indicates that
the device type is unknown.
Removable Medium Bit (RMB) – For Media Changer logical units, this field re tu rns 1 , indicating med ia is
removable. For the Controller logical unit it returns 0.
Version – This field returns 03h, indicating compliance with the SCSI-3 standard.
Asynchronous Event Reporting Capability (AERC) – Returned as 0, indicating AERC is not supported.
Normal ACA Supported (NormACA) – This field returns a 1, indicating the NACA bit in the Control byte
of a CDB is supported. The Scalar i40, Scalar i80, and Scalar i500 without Data Appliance blades does not
support the NACA bit and therefore returns 0 for this field.
Hierarchical Support (HiSup) – This field returns a 1, in dicating that the hierarchical addressing model is
used to assign LUNs, and that the REPORT LUNs command is supported.
Full Firmware Revision Level
Response Data Format – Returned as 0010b, indicating response data is in standard SCSI format.
16SCSI Commands
Additional Length – For the Media Changer logical units, this field returns 33h, indicating 51 additional
bytes of data are available. For the Controller logical unit, this field returns 1Fh, indicating 31 additional
bytes of data (following this field) are available to the initiator.
SCC Supported (SCCS) – For the Media Changer logical units, this field returns a 0. For the Controller
logical unit, this field returns a 1.
Basic Queuing (BQue) – Returned as 0, indicating basic queuing is not supported.
Enclosure Services (EncServ) – Returned as 0, indicating an enclosure services component is not
Bar Code (BarC) – For Media Changer logical units, this field returns a 1, indicating a bar code scanner or
imaging device is installed (also returned in byte 55 below). For the Controller logical unit, this field returns
a 0.
Multi Port (MultiP) – Returned as 0, indicating that this is not a multi-port device.
Media Changer (MChngr) – This field returns a 0, indicating it is not an attached Media Changer device.
Wide SCSI Address 16 (Addr16) – Returned as 1, indicating 16-bit wide SCSI addresses are supported
(applies to parallel SCSI only).
Relative Address (RelAdr) – Returned as 0, indicating relative addressing is not supported.
Wide Bus 16 (Wbus16) – Returned as 1, indicating 1 6 bit transfers are supp orted (applies to parallel SCSI
Synchronous Transfer (Sync) – Returned as 1, indicating synchronous transfers are supported (applies
to parallel SCSI only).
Linked Commands (Linked) – Returned as 0, indicating linked commands are not supported.
Command Queuing (CmdQue) – For Fibre Channel, this is returned as 1, indicating command queuin g is
supported. For SCSI and SAS, this is returned as 0, indicating no command queuing is supported.
Soft Reset (SftRe) – Returned as 0, indicating a soft reset is not supported.
Vendor Identification – Returned as one of the following (space filled to 8 bytes):
•"ADIC "
Product Identification – Depending upon the library type, returned as one of the following (space filled to
16 bytes):
•"Scalar 24 "
•"Scalar 100 "
•"Scalar 1000 "
•"Scalar i2000 "
•"Scalar 10K "
•"Pathlight VX "
•"Scalar i500 "
•"Scalar i40-i80 "
Firmware Revision Level – Returned as the ASCII representation of the revision level, such as “100A” or
The remaining fields are only returned for Media Changer logical units.
Full Firmware Revision Level – Same as the firmware revision level, but extended to include the build
Bar Code (BarC) – Returned as 1, indicating a bar code scanner or imagin g de vic e is insta lled . Also
returned in byte 6 above.
Clocking (not shown in Table 10
Ultrium devices having parallel SCSI interfaces. In this case, the Additional Length field returns 35h,
indicating 53 bytes of additional data are retur ned. The Clocking field occupies bits 2 and 3 of the additional
byte 56 that is returned, and byte 57 is zero.
on page 16) – This field is only returne d for Scalar i500 libraries with IBM
Vital Product Data Pages
The collection of Vital Product Data pages is as follows:
Peripheral Qualifier - The return value 000b indicates that the library supports the peripheral device type
at the specified LUN. This field returns 011b if no peripheral device types are supported at that LUN.
Peripheral Device Type – For Media Changer logical units, this field returns 01000b (08h) to indicate it is
a Media Changer device. For the Controller logic al un it, this field returns 01100b (0Ch) to indicate it is a
Controller device. If an unsupported LUN was specified, this field retu rns 11111b (1Fh), which indicates that
the device type is unknown.
Page Code - Returned as 00h, indicating this page.
Page Length - Returned as 03h, indicating the remaining number of bytes in this page following this field.
First Page Code Supported - Returned as 00h, indicating support for the Supported Vital Product Data
Second Page Code Supported - Returned as 80h, indicating support for the Unit Serial Number Page.
Third Page Code Supported - Returned as 83h, indicating suppor t for the Device Identification Page.
Peripheral Qualifier – The return value 000b indicates that the library supports the peripheral device type
at the specified LUN. This field returns 011b if no peripheral device types are supported at that LUN.
Peripheral Device Type – For Media Changer logical units, this field returns 01000b (08h) to indicate it is
a Media Changer device. For the Controller logic al un it, this field returns 01100b (0Ch) to indicate it is a
Controller device. If an unsupported LUN was specified, this field retu rns 11111b (1Fh), which indicates that
the device type is unknown.
Page Code – Returned as 80h, indicating this page.
Page Length – Returned as 18h, indicating the remaining number of bytes following this field.
Serial Number – The value returned for this field is the serial number for the system, prefixed with the
vendor identification. The serial number is padded with trailing spaces as needed to complete the 24 bytes.
Serial Number
For example:
QUANTUM123456789 or QUANTUM123456789_LL1
If the serial number cannot be obtained, the serial number portion is replaced with zeros followed by trailing
spaces. For example: