Release Notes
© September 2007 Quantum Corpor ation. All rights reserved.
Quantum, Scalar, DLT, DLTtape, the Qua ntum logo , a nd the DLTtape log o are al l reg ister ed
trademarks of Quantum Corporat io n. SDLT and Super DLTtape are tr ade m arks of Quantum
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Product: Scalar® DLC 2.7
Operating Systems: Windows 2000 / 2003
Date: September 2007
Page Topic
1 Purpose of This Release
1 New Features and Enhancements
3 Compatibility Matrix
4 Resolved Issues
5 Known Issues
7 Documentation
7 Contacting GCC
Purpose of This Release
The Scalar DLC 2.7 release includes new features and enhancements that extend its capabilities. These
release notes describe these new features and enhancements, as well as currently known issues and
issues that were resolved for this release of the product. These notes also provide drive and auxiliary
firmware compatibility information. Visit
DLC and previous releases.
http://www.quantum.com for additional information about the Scalar
New Features and Enhancements
The Scalar DLC 2.7 new features and enhancements include the following:
• Additional Drive Support
The Scalar DLC now supports IBM LTO-4 FC drives. The LTO-4 drive provides industry standar d
encryption capabilities and incorporates native encryption. LTO-4 increases capacity and
performance levels from the previous LTO-3 generation.
• Tape Alert Support
A drive issues a tape alert whenever there is a proble m in the dri ve that rela tes to a ta pe car tridge.
To determine if the problem belongs to a drive or to a specific tape cartridge, you can use the ta pe
alert report functionality to cross-reference tape alerts for drives and tape cartridge s over a specified
period of time
6-00335-10 Rev A

You can view tape alerts on the Tape Alert tab of your library or you can directly create and view
tape alert reports using the Report function. To access the tape alerts feature, use Configuration
> Logical. In the Report Criteria dialog box, you can choose how you want to sort the report and
how you want to group the report.
You can sort the reports by:
• Drive serial number
• Tape alert
• Count
• Last occurrence
You can group reports by:
• Tape Alert
You can export the report into either a spreadsheet or into a PDF file. For more information, see the
Scalar DLC Reference Guide.
• Cleaning Enhancements
• Drive Cleaning
• When a tape alert is issued that indicates cleaning is necessary, the drive is automatically
• You can manually choose a drive on the Library tab to initiate cleaning.
If Auto Clean is enabled, you can import and export cleaning cartridges. To import cleaning
cartridges, go to Configuration > Physical > Auto Clean Cartridge pane, and then click
Import Clean Cartridges. To remove expired cleaning cartridges, click Export expired
Cleaning Mediums.
To use the auto clean functionality, you must first create a cleaning partition. If you choose to
use the Auto Clean Cartridges feature, you do not need to configure clean pools. To create a
cleaning partition, you can use the Create Clean Partition Wizard.
• Creating Clean Partitions
Cleaning partitions contain only cleaning cartridges designated for auto-cleaning operations.
Assigned cartridges in a cleaning partition are not considered part of the logical library.
You can create cleaning partitions during the init ia l config uration and at a ny time afte r th at, as
long as unassigned slots are available. If no slots are available, you can still create a cleaning
partition using the Create Cleaning Partitions wizard.
The new cleaning enhancements are SCSI-only For more information, see the Scalar DLC
Reference Guide.
2 © September 2007, Scalar DLC Release

• DAS/ACI Firewall Options
The Scalar DLC offers enhanced firewall functionality. You can access the new options using
Configuration > Clients > DAS Clients
• Use FireWall: Select to activate the TCP/IP receiver for the client
If you choose to enable Use FireWall, you also have the following options:
• Accept only FW connection: Select to refuse the RPC connection
• TCP/IP Port: The TCP/IP port address of the library
• ROBAR Coordinate Remapping
Improvements allow ROBAR clients to:
• Address all storage slots in larger libraries
• Remap physical library element addresses to logical element addresses that do not exceed
ROBAR limits
• SYN Attack Detection Settings
If you are running Windows 2003 with SP1 or later, prior to initiating the installation of SDLC 2.7
software, the system automatically performs a check of the Windows registry to determine if the
parameter that handles the firewall protection for SYN attacks is enabled or disabled. To prevent
MS SQL conflicts and abnormal termination of Scala r DLC, it reco mm end e d th at yo u dis ab le th e
SYN attack detection setting.
After choosing Software > Scalar DLC > Install, you are prompted to disable the detection
If you are installing Scalar DLC on a Windows 2000, or a Windows system where the detection
setting is already enabled, the parameter check will silently exit and the Scalar DLC installation will
For more information, see the Scalar DLC Reference Guide.
Compatibility Matrix
The following table provides information about drive and auxiliary firmware compatibility with Scalar DLC
2.7. This information is current as of the publication date of these release notes. For the most current
information, contact the Global Call Center (GCC).
Component Firmware Version
Scalar 10K (both single and dual aisle models) 320A.00004
AMC 4.5.1
SNC 3000 3.42.18
SNC 5100 4.45.22
Drive Types
LTO-2 67U1
© September 2007, Scalar DLC Release 3