Pro-Team LineVacer, TailVac, ProClean, QuietPro CN HEPA, Super CoachVac Supplementary Manual

Did you know that the EPA estimates that indoor air pollution is one of the top 5 environmental risks to the public and that the air inside a facility may be more than twice as polluted as the outdoor air?
The need for a Green Cleaning program is real and is a challenge facing health care administrators and maintenance professionals across the country. Green Cleaning can be simply defined as cleaning to protect health without harming the environment. You need vacuums that remove contaminants without releasing fine particulates back into the air. At the same time, you need the flexibility to clean around occupants with minimal disruption.
ProTeam’s vacuums are lightweight, powerful, and less disruptive than typical vacuums. They are comfortable to wear, easy to use, and with ProTeam’s exclusive Four Level® Filtration, more effective at picking up and retaining soil and harmful particles. The impact on air quality will be readily apparent.
Your ProTeam distributor has the facts about the impact of cleaning on patient and staff health. They also have the information you need to evaluate a Cleaning For Health® program in your facility.
P.O. Box 7385 Boise, ID 83707, USA
Phone: 800.541.1456 | Fax: 208.377.3014 |
ProTeam, Intercept Micro Filter, Cleaning for Health, Four Level, TailVac, ProClean,
QuietPro, Super CoachVac and LineVacer are trademarks of ProTeam, Inc.
©2005-2008 ProTeam, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ProTeam, Inc. P.O. Box 7385 Boise, Idaho 83707
ProTeam Solutions
Our lightest vacuum, yet it is powerful enough for tough jobs, and perfect for quick cleaning or detail work.
Ideal for: offices, libraries, stairwells and lab areas.
ProClean®/QuietPro® CN HEPA
The low decibel level makes this rugged canister perfect any time of day.
Ideal for: open hallways, waiting rooms, patient rooms and cafeterias.
Super CoachVac
The super large capacity filter makes this vacuum the right choice for maximum efficiency with minimal downtime.
Ideal for: hallways, common areas, stairwells and cafeterias.
LineVacer® HEPA/LineVacer® ULPA
When clean air in a controlled environment is critical, the LineVacer can’t be surpassed.
Ideal for: patient rooms, medical facilities and other critical environments.
Green Advantages
Performance – ProTeam vacuums are exclusively
designed to remove and hold more soil from carpets while containing 99.9% of harmful airborne particulates 1 micron and larger.
Versatility – Whether you are cleaning hard
surfaces, carpets, above ground or on stairs, ProTeam vacuums save time and money. Use one machine with our versatile tool kits to accomplish more in less time, while conserving energy and improving indoor air quality.
Ergonomics – Studies by Ohio State University
and Battelle Memorial Institute determined that backpack vacuum cleaners allow workers to clean more than twice the area in half the time versus traditional vacuums. ProTeam’s lightweight vacuums distribute 90% of the weight on the hips, reducing stress and fatigue.
Improved Air Quality – Using ProTeam products
and training programs gives cleaning profession­als the ability to positively impact the health and safety of all building occupants.
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recycled paper
“We replaced dust mops with ProTeam LineVacer backpack
vacuums in the shipping area of a medical catheter
factory. Air quality conditions improved so much that
the catheter tube rejection rate of 10 percent (from
airborne contamination) was reduced to 4 percent.”
- Jim Harris, Sr. Janitronics, Inc. Albany, NY
ProTeam vacuums qualify for accreditation
under the LEED Green Building Rating System
developed by the US Green Building Council.
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