ProSoft Technology 5201-104S-103M User Manual

Web Server
September 28, 2005
Reference Manual
Please Read This Notice
The use and configuration of this software requires a reasonable working knowledge of the involved protocols and the application in which they are to be used. For this reason, it is important that those responsible for implementation satisfy themselves that the combination will meet the needs of the application without exposing personnel or equipment to unsafe or inappropriate working conditions.
This manual is provided to assist the user. Every attempt has been made to assure that the information provided is accurate and a true reflection of the product's functionality. In order to assure a complete understanding of the operation of the product, the user should read all applicable ProSoft documentation on the operation of the module and protocol driver.
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Web Server Reference Manual September 28, 2005
Contents Web Server
PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE...........................................................................................................2
Your Feedback Please ..................................................................................................................2
1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................5
2 FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................................7
2.1 Ethernet Port Specifications ........................................................................................7
3 ETHERNET PORT CONFIGURATION: WATTCP.CFG.............................................................9
3.1 Overview and Purpose of wattcp.cfg file ....................................................................9
3.2 Default wattcp.cfg File ..................................................................................................9
3.3 Editing the CFG file.....................................................................................................10
3.3.1 Comment Records and Editing Hints...........................................................................10
3.4 Section Descriptions...................................................................................................10
3.5 Downloading wattcp.cfg file to the ProLinx Unit......................................................10
3.5.1 Hardware Setup to Download......................................................................................11
4 CFG FILE: [E-MAIL] SECTION ................................................................................................13
4.1 Creating Custom E-Mail Reports ...............................................................................14
4.2 Example E-mail Report File........................................................................................14
5 WEB PAGE CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................................17
5.1 HTML Document Structure.........................................................................................17
5.2 The Home Page............................................................................................................18
5.3 Adding Hyperlinks to Pages.......................................................................................19
5.4 Adding Images to Pages.............................................................................................19
5.5 Using Frames and Tables to Lay Out Pages ............................................................20
5.6 Adding Forms to Pages..............................................................................................21
5.7 Data Display.................................................................................................................25
5.7.1 <--MOD_NAME --> ......................................................................................................25
5.7.2 <--MYIP --> ..................................................................................................................25
5.7.3 <--DATE 0 --> ..............................................................................................................25
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Web Server Contents
5.7.4 <--DATE 1 --> .............................................................................................................. 25
5.7.5 <--TIME --> .................................................................................................................. 26
5.7.6 <--DATA start,count,cols,fmt -->.................................................................................. 26
5.7.7 <--BTEXT start,on_text,off_text --> ............................................................................. 27
5.7.8 <--BIMAGE start,on_file,off_file,alignment --> ............................................................ 27
5.8 Automatically Refreshing a Page.............................................................................. 27
5.9 File_1.htm .................................................................................................................... 28
5.10 File_2.htm .................................................................................................................... 28
5.11 Index.htm..................................................................................................................... 28
5.12 File Naming Conventions........................................................................................... 29
5.13 Further Reading .......................................................................................................... 30
6 FTP SERVER............................................................................................................................ 31
6.1 Logging into the ProLinx unit.................................................................................... 32
7 ETHERNET LED INDICATORS ...............................................................................................33
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Introduction Web Server
1 Introduction
This document contains a description of the facilities offered on the Web Server available on all network-enabled ProLinx Communication Gateways, Inc. modules. The server provides remote interfacing of the module with any Web browser to user constructed HTML pages that are present on the module. The steps in implementing this feature are as follows:
1 Set up the network parameters in the module's WATTCP.CFG file found in
the root directory.
2 Design your Web-page stack on paper and determine the database elements
required on each page.
3 Build a set of Web pages to interface with the virtual database of the module. 4 Test the Web pages built to be certain all links and image files are present. 5 Download all files required to the C:\ (root) directory on the module. You may
need to remove the existing set of files before downloading the new file set.
6 If the application program on the unit is not running, restart the module by
pressing the Reset Pushbutton.
7 Open the Web browser on your computer and connect to the home page of
the module. You can name the home page anything you want, but most home pages are named INDEX.HTM. If you only supply the IP address as the URL in your browser, the module will default to the INDEX.HTM page. Therefore, it is recommended that the home page be named INDEX.HTM.
8 Test out your Web pages to be certain all links and image files are present. 9 Check all data entry fields on forms in the Web pages to be certain the data is
posted to the virtual database of the module.
If you do not have any familiarity with HTML, there are many good books and software packages that can aid in your development. You should be able to start with the Web pages provided by ProLinx Communication Gateways, Inc. and customize them for your application. The best method is to start with simple pages and advance to more complex pages after you understand the HTML language.
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Web Server Introduction
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Functional Specifications Web Server

2 Functional Specifications
In This Chapter
¾ Ethernet Port Specifications..................................................... 7

2.1 Ethernet Port Specifications

Physical Connection
Web Server
Web pages HTML file max size: 8 MB
Data Insertion Tags
POST Functionality
Type Specifications
E-Mail Client
General Module sends user defined e-mail reports to specified e-mail server.
Standard 10Base-T connector. Uses standard cable to connect to hub, or crossover cable to connect directly to PC
The module contains a web server capable of delivering factory supplied web pages and customer created web pages.
Remote control of module's database through Web pages
Support of Password security for data altering operations (POST command)
Use standard web editing tools to create the web pages
Supports database access from bit level to float data types
Insert dynamic data from internal database registers
Special tags have been added to web server to support insertion of register values from internal database into web pages. These include:
Module Name
Module IP Address
Data(w/ 'C' language formatting options)
Binary Triggered Text Message
Binary Triggered Images
Special names have been defined in the unit to permit database alteration using Web pages and the FORM command.
E-mails are triggered based on user configured register/value combinations
E-mail reports can be embedded with date/time and data values from internal database
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Web Server Functional Specifications
Physical Connection FTP Server
General Transfer/view HTML files
Transfer/view e-mail files
Supports one (1) client connection
FTP initiated Warmboot of module
FTP initiated Coldboot of module
Supported FTP Functionality
HTML File Transfer
Directory Operations
File Viewing
File Removal
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Ethernet Port Configuration: wattcp.cfg Web Server

3 Ethernet Port Configuration: wattcp.cfg
In This Chapter
¾ Overview and Purpose of wattcp.cfg file .................................. 9
¾ Default wattcp.cfg File.............................................................. 9
¾ Editing the CFG file ................................................................ 10
¾ Section Descriptions .............................................................. 10
¾ Downloading wattcp.cfg file to the ProLinx Unit ..................... 10
This section of the documentation describes the configuration data required by the communication module for a TCP/IP network connection. It is important that the module be configured accurately for reliable and correct operation.
3.1 Overview and Purpose of wattcp.cfg file
All configuration information for the module's Ethernet port is stored in a text file
with the name wattcp.cfg. The file contains the configuration for the IP address,
as well any network specific gateways, etc. configuration that must be known by the TCP/IP driver.
A working example wattcp.cfg file is shipped with the module and should be used as a starting point for configuration. Use any text editor you are familiar with to edit the data in the file. When you have completed editing the file, download it to the module using the FTP capability of the module (See FTP Section of this manual for reference purposes).
3.2 Default wattcp.cfg File
# ProLinx Communication Gateways, Inc. # Default private class 3 address my_ip= # Default class 3 network mask netmask=
# The gateway I wish to use gateway=,,
Warning: If the field of my_ip does not exist, or if the wattcp.cfg file is
corrupted or does not exist, the module will not function.
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Web Server Ethernet Port Configuration: wattcp.cfg

3.3 Editing the CFG file

You can use any text editor, such as "Notepad" to edit the wattcp.cfg file. The simplest method for getting started is to download the default file from the web or from the module itself. Once on the PC, open the file in the text editor and alter as required for your network and application.
3.3.1 Comment Records and Editing Hints
Any record that begins with the '#' or a ';' character is considered to be a
comment record. These records can be placed anywhere in the file. These lines are ignored in the file and can be used to provide documentation within the configuration file. Liberal use of comments within the file can ease the use and interpretation of the data in the file.
3.4 Section Descriptions
Section Heading
my_ip= This is the IP addresses assigned to the unit.
netmask= This is the network mask to be used for your particular network.
This is the IP address of the gateway for your network. If you do not supply this, the default is used. So for example if using an IP address of your gateway statement would default to:
gateway=default gateway, default network, default mask
Note: The subnet must be specified for class B subnets
3.5 Downloading wattcp.cfg file to the ProLinx Unit
After editing the configuration file, save it to the disk on the local PC, and then execute the instructions in the following discussion to download the file to the ProLinx unit.
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Ethernet Port Configuration: wattcp.cfg Web Server

3.5.1 Hardware Setup to Download

Refer to the following illustration to connect your PC to the ProLinx module using standard Ethernet cables through an Ethernet hub. This configuration will allow you to transfer configuration files between the module and your PC.
Default IP =
Default IP =
Connect to 18-36 VDC
Connect to 18-36 VDC Power supply
Power supply
PC running
PC running FTP Client
FTP Client Software such
Software such As WS_FTP.
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