Printronix T5000R User Manual

IPDS™ Emulation for SL5000r/T5000r series Printers Programmer’s Reference Manual
IPDS™ Emulation for SL5000r/T5000r series Printers Programmer’s Reference Manual
Trademark Acknowledgements
Advanced Function Printing is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
AIX, AS400, and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
ANSI is a registered trademark of American National Standards Institute, Inc.
Bar Code Object Content Architecture and BCOCA are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
Intelligent Printer Data Stream and IPDS are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
LinePrinter Plus is a registered trademark of Printronix, Inc.
Printronix is a registered trademark of Printronix, Inc.
PSA is a registered trademark of Printronix, Inc.
Printronix, Inc. makes no representations or warranties of any kind regarding this material, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Printronix, Inc. shall not be held responsible for errors contained herein or any omissions from this material or for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental or consequential, in connection with the furnishing, distribution, performance or use of this material. The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
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All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................. 7
About This Guide ...................................................................................... 7
Sources of Useful IBM Information..................................................... 7
Compatible System Attachments..............................................................8
Defining IPDS ........................................................................................... 8
The Protocol .......................................................................................8
The Printer Environment ....................................................................8
Emulations and Data Streams............................................................ 8
2 Configuring with IPDS Commands ......................... 9
The IPDS Emulation ................................................................................. 9
The Command Sets ........................................................................... 9
The Data Towers.............................................................................. 10
The States ........................................................................................10
Processing a Page ...........................................................................11
The Command Syntax ..................................................................... 12
The Text Commands........................................................................13
Load Equivalence (LE) .............................................................. 13
Write Text (WT) .........................................................................13
Scalable Fonts ................................................................................. 15
XOA – Request Resource List (RRL) Reply .............................. 15
Font Selection ............................................................................15
Images ............................................................................................. 16
The IM Image Command Set ........................................................... 16
Write Image Control (WIC) ........................................................16
Write Image (WI)........................................................................17
Graphics ........................................................................................... 17
The Graphics Command Set............................................................ 18
Write Graphics Control (WGC) .................................................. 18
Write Graphics (WG) ................................................................. 18
Bar Codes ........................................................................................ 18
The Bar Code Command Set...........................................................19
Write Bar Code Control (WBCC) ...............................................19
Write Bar Code (WBC) ..............................................................19
Table of Contents
The Page Segment Command Set .................................................. 20
Begin Page Segment (BPS) ...................................................... 20
Delete Page Segment (DPS)..................................................... 20
Include Page Segment (IPS) ..................................................... 20
The Overlay Command Set.............................................................. 21
Begin Overlay (BO)....................................................................21
Delete Overlay (DO) .................................................................. 21
Include Overlay (IO)................................................................... 21
The Device Control Commands ....................................................... 21
Apply Finishing Operations (AFO) ............................................. 21
Begin Page (BP) ........................................................................ 22
End ............................................................................................22
End Page (EP)........................................................................... 22
Load Copy Control (LCC) .......................................................... 22
Load Font Equivalence (LFE) .................................................... 22
Load Page Descriptor (LPD)...................................................... 22
Load Page Position (LPP) .........................................................22
No Operation (NOP) .................................................................. 23
Sense Type and Model (STM)................................................... 23
Sense Type and Model Acknowledge Reply ............................. 23
Set Home State (SHS)............................................................... 28
Execute Order Anystate (XOA)..................................................28
Execute Order Home State (XOH) ............................................29
XOH Obtain Printer Characteristics ........................................... 29
Exception Processing and IDs ......................................................... 34
A Fonts and Code Pages ......................................... 43
B IPDS Exception Reporting .................................... 47
Command Reject — X'80' ................................................................48
Intervention Required — X'40' ......................................................... 48
Equipment Check — X'10' ............................................................... 49
Data Check — X'08' ......................................................................... 49
Specification Check-Bar Code — X'04' ............................................ 50
Specification Check-Graphics — X'03'............................................. 55
Specification Check-General — X'02' ..............................................61
Conditions Requiring Host Notification — X'01' ............................... 79
Table of Contents
C Contact Information............................................... 81
Printronix Customer Support Center....................................................... 81
Printronix Supplies Department .............................................................. 81
Corporate Offices....................................................................................82
D Glossary ................................................................ 83
Table of Contents

1 Introduction

About This Guide

This manual contains the IPDS* configuration menu, lists the command sets and provides error messages.
This manual assumes you are familiar with IPDS and programming in IPDS. This book is not a tutorial, it does not explain how to program nor does it describe which applications support which commands. For detailed information, refer to the list below.

Sources of Useful IBM Information

IBM* Intelligent Printer Data Stream* Reference
IBM System/36 Concepts and Programmer's Guide
IBM System/38 Guide to Program Product Installation and Device Configuration
Forms Design Reference Guide for Printers
IBM 9370 Information System: Customizing the Work Station Subsystem
IBM 9370 Information System: Work Station Subsystem and Reference
IBM AS/400* Programming: Data Management Guide
4234 Printer Models 007, 008, 011, and 012 Product and Programming Description
Guide to Programming for Printing, Version 2
Chapter 1 Compatible System Attachments

Compatible System Attachments

With a twinax interface, you can attach your IPDS-compatible printer to the following systems:
System/36 (SSP 5.1 plus IPDS PRPQ P84094)
System/38 (with Rel. 8 System/38 Control Program Facility)
AS/400 processor
5294/5394/5494 control units
(The coax IPDS emulation is currently not used.)
IPDS characteristics available on each of the above attachments are not completely uniform, but the emulation printers are as fully functional on these attachment as provided by the host vendor.

Defining IPDS

IPDS is both a protocol and a printer mode. The two terms do same thing.
mean the

The Protocol

A protocol is a set of rules governing the exchange of information between the printer and the host computer. The rules are codes that manipulate and print data and allow for machine-to-machine communication. A printer and the host computer must use the same protocol.
IPDS is the protocol for your printer. Refer to your IBM documentation for details about commands, etc.
The printer uses EBCDIC character codes to print text, numbers, and punctuation. Some EBCDIC characters, singly and in groups, are used as control codes. Control codes instruct the printer to perform specific functions.

The Printer Environment

The printer operates under “IPDS” (text and graphics) mode. In the IPDS mode, the data stream has special sequences to denote IPDS commands.

Emulations and Data Streams

Your IPDS printer emulates only IBM 3816 or 4028 and scalable AGFA fonts.
Twinax printers always use IPDS data streams for sending commands. Even a simple job, such as a screen print, is IPDS data in a twinax attachment. Because the printer definition on a twinax host is either set automatically (by auto configuration) or manually, the printer type is already known.
NOTE: Sending a non-IPDS data stream to an IPDS printer and vise versa
will result in a hung spool file or writer.
2 Configuring with IPDS


This chapter summarizes IPDS, lists control codes, and lists error messages. For detailed information, refer to “Sources of Useful IBM Information” on page 7.

The IPDS Emulation

IPDS consists of the following command sets, which are defined in more detail beginning on page 13.

The Command Sets

Text This set contains the commands used to present text
information on a page, on a page segment, or on an overlay.
IM Image The commands for this functional area output raster
image data on a page, a page segment, or on an overlay.
IO Image Not available for impact IPDS printers.
Graphics To present vector graphics on a page, a page segment or
on an overlay, use the commands in this set.
Bar Code This set contains the commands and data controls
needed to produce bar codes.
Page Segment The commands used to store and present page
segments that contain text, graphics, image, and bar code information.
Overlay The commands used to store and present overlays that
contain text, graphics, image, and bar code information.
Device Control This set contains commands that let you set up a page
and manage printer-host communication.
Chapter 2 The IPDS Emulation

The Data Towers

Most of the IPDS commands contain data fields. The type of data is categorized into the following data towers:
Text The Presentation Text Object Content Architecture
IM Image The image data enables the printer to print images in a
IO Image This is not supported.
Graphics The Graphic Object Content Architecture (GOCA)
Bar Code The Bar Code Object Content Architecture* (BCOCA*)
(PTOCA) commands are a part of the text data tower. This information is necessary to print text in a page, a page segment, or an overlay.
page, a page segment, or an overlay.
commands are a part of the graphics data tower. This information is necessary to print images in a page, a page segment, or an overlay.
commands are a part of the bar code data tower. This information is necessary to print bar codes in a page, a page segment, or an overlay.
Some of the data towers contain only one level of commands; some contain two.
PTOCA, GOCA, and BCOCA are described in more detail in the IBM documentation.

The States

IPDS-capable printers are known as “state machines.” As the printer recognizes a specific command, it operates in the state identified with that command. Figure 1 shows the transition of the different states.
Home State The initial operating state. The printer returns to this state
after a page, an overlay, or a page segment has been sent.
Block States The printer establishes the processing conditions for a
data block to be accepted. There are three block states: IM image, graphics, and bar code.
Page State While printing a logical page, the printer is in the Page
Overlay State This state permits overlay data blocks to be stored. An
overlay is a block of data that is frequently accessed. It can be a block of text, images, graphics, or bar codes. An overlay can be a predefined page or part of a page and is often used for forms.

Processing a Page

Page Segment
State Page segment data is stored when the printer is in this
state. A page segment is a frequently accessed resource; it can be a block of text, images, graphics, or bar codes. Page segments can be a part of an overlay.
Any state Some commands can be received in any state.
Home State
Begin Page
Begin Page Segment
Begin Overlay
Page State
Page Segment State
Overlay State
Block State
Block State
Block State
Page State
Page Segment State
Overlay State
End Page
Home State
End Page
End Page
Figure 1. State Transition
Processing a Page
Your printer can print page by page or it can behave as a line printer. This section describes how the printer prints page by page. (The explains the two printing methods in more detail.)
Your IPDS-capable printer builds a page by gathering all the page descriptor commands and data blocks that are specified in the data stream.
Page descriptor commands instruct the printer to create and position a logical page, which rests within the perimeter of the physical page.
User's Manual
Chapter 2 The IPDS Emulation
Figure 2. Processing a Page
Blocks contain images, graphics, bar codes, coded fonts, and text. Each block is recognized by specific, functional commands. To print a bar code, for example, Bar Code commands must be in the data stream.
Physical Page (Medium Presentation Space)
Logical Page
Page Segment
As each type of data block is stored in memory, the printer moves from state to state. For example, when the printer is reading the Bar Code commands, it is in the bar code state.
Once all the data has been stored, the page can be closed with an End Page command and the printer, which is now in the Home State, is ready to print the page.

The Command Syntax

The commands on the following pages use this syntax:
Byte D6XX Flag CID Data Count
Byte Count A two-byte field. Specifies the length of the command.
D6XX A two-byte field. “D6” denotes an IPDS command; “XX” is
the hex code for the IPDS command.
Flag A one-byte field containing the IPDS command stream
flags. You can request an Acknowledgement Required response from the printer in this field.
CID Correlation ID. A two-byte field that identifies the
command. If an exception (error) occurs, the printer will respond with a Negative Acknowledge Reply and the CID associated with the command.
Data 0-32760 bytes if CID is present;
0-32762 bytes if CID is not present. This field contains parameters, orders, and data necessary for implementing the command.

The Text Commands

The Text Commands
The following commands are used to present text blocks in a page, a page segment, or an overlay.
Load Equivalence (LE)
Byte D61D Flag CID Data Count
This command allows the printer to use a single suppression ID for more than one suppression pair.
Write Text (WT)
Byte D62D Flag CID Presentation Count Text Object;
Content Architecture control codes and character data
Use this command to send character data and controls to the printer. The data and controls can begin in one Write Text command chain and end in another Write Text command chain.
Controls are listed on the following pages. The first control is preceded by the escape sequence 2B D3. Subsequent controls will follow as long as the preceding code is a chained code.
Chapter 2 The IPDS Emulation
Table 1. Control Codes
Control Sequence
Absolute Move Baseline (AMB) D2 D3
Absolute Move Inline (AMI) C6 C7
Begin Line (BLN) D8 D9
Begin Suppression (BSU) F2 F3
Draw B-Axis Rule (DBR) E6 E7
Draw I-Axis Rule (DIR) E4 E5
End Suppression (ESU) F4 F5
No Operation (NOP) F8 F9
Overstrike (OVS) 72 73
Relative Move Baseline (RMB) D4 D5
Relative Move Inline (RMI) C8 C9
Repeat String (RPS) EE EF
Set Baseline Increment (SBI) D0 D1
Hex Code
Hex Code
Set Coded Font Local (SCFL) F0 F1
Set Inline Margin (SIM) C0 C1
Set Intercharacter Adjustment (SIA) C2 C3
Set Text Color (STC) 74 75
Set Text Orientation (STO) F6 F7
Set Variable Space Character Increment (SVI) C4 C5
Temporary Baseline Move (TBM) 78 79
Transport Data (TRN) DA DB
Underscore (USC) 76 77
Absolute Move Inline (AMI) C6 C7
Begin Line (BLN) D8 D9
Begin Suppression (BSU) F2 F3
Draw B-Axis Rule (DBR) E6 E7
Draw I-Axis Rule (DIR) E4 E5
End Suppression (ESU) F4 F5

Scalable Fonts

Scalable Fonts
In addition to the IBM 4028 and 3816 bitmap fonts, the IPDS functionality also uses Scalable AGFA fonts.
The following table lists available fonts and their mappings from IBM Font Global Identifiers to AGFA numbers.
Table 2. Scalable Fonts
IPDS FGID AGFA # Description Availability
404 93779 Letter Gothic Bold Standard
416 93950 Courier Optional
420 93952 Courier Bold Standard
424 93951 Courier Italic Optional
428 93953 Courier Italic Bold Optional
The fonts listed in Table 2 as standard is available by default in every non­impact build. The optional fonts are available as part of the Printronix Additional Font Diskettes.
NOTE: Download the optional fonts to the printer’s flash memory separately
to make them available for IPDS.
Additional fonts other than the fonts listed in Table 2 may be available in the future.
XOA – Request Resource List (RRL) Reply
All of the IPDS scalable fonts in the printer will be added to the XOA-RRL replies to report their availability to the host PSF. The IPDS scalable fonts will be reported in the RRL Resource Type specify a Font Width (FW) of X’0000’ to indicate that it is a scalable font.
X’07’: Font character sets
, and will
Font Selection
The scalable fonts can be selected from the host similar to the resident bitmap fonts in the Global Resource ID (GRID) portion of the Load Font Equivalence command. The width of the font is specified in 1440ths of an inch in the Font Width bytes of the GRID. A Font Width of X’FFFF’ indicates that the width of the printer default font is used. The scalable fonts can be used within text, graphics, or bar code HRI data.
Chapter 2 The IPDS Emulation


The physical page is the actual medium used, such as a continuous form or an 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheet of paper.
The logical page is mapped onto the physical page; you can set its size and position inside the physical page. The logical page contains the image blocks, text blocks, segment and overlay blocks. A block is an area where the image is mapped to.
The image presentation space contains the image that will be mapped to the block. The image presentation space contains the entire image.
An image block can be the same size, larger or smaller than the image presentation space.
Image Presentation Space
which is mapped into the Image Block
Figure 3. Generating Images
Physical Page
Logical Page

The IM Image Command Set

The following commands are used to present image data (raster format) in a page, a page segment, or an overlay.
Write Image Control (WIC)
Byte D63D Flag CID Data Count
This command defines the following: the image presentation space size and resolution, the image block size, position and orientation on the logical page, and the mapping of the image presentation space into the image block. You can specify that the image presentation space fits into the image block or you can crop a portion of the presentation space and map that to the image block.
Write Image (WI)
This command is used to denote image data to be printed.


Graphics contain line drawings, such as arcs and lines.
The area containing the entire drawing is called the graphics presentation space. Usually, only a part of the drawing will be printed. This part is referred to as the graphics presentation space window.
Graphics Presentation Space
Byte D64D Flag CID Data Count
Graphics Presentation Space Window
To place the graphics presentation space window onto a logical page, it must be mapped to a graphics block on the logical page. This block can be the same size, larger, or smaller than the graphics presentation space.
When you map the window to the graphics block, you have three methods to choose from:
Scale to fit mapping - The window will be the same size as the graphics
which is mapped into the Graphics Block
Figure 4. Generating Graphics
Physical Page
Logical Page
Center and trim mapping - The window is centered inside the graphics
Position and trim mapping - The window's top left corner is mapped to the
graphics block and is affected by the graphics block's offset parameters.
Chapter 2 The IPDS Emulation

The Graphics Command Set

The following commands are used to present graphics in a page, a page segment, or an overlay.
Write Graphics Control (WGC)
Byte D684 Flag CID Graphics Area Count Position;
WGC specifies the graphics block position, size and orientation; it specifies the graphics presentation space window size and location inside the graphics presentation space; and it defines how the window will map into the graphics block.
Write Graphics (WG)
Graphics Output Control; Graphics Data Descriptor
Byte D685 Flag CID Begin Segment Count Introducer and
drawing orders
The WG command follows the Write Graphics Control command and contains information about the graphics presentation space. This data is referred to as drawing orders.

Bar Codes

Bar codes contain information that can be read by optical scanners and are widely used.
A bar code resides in a bar code presentation space, which is mapped to a bar code block that exists on the logical page. This block can be the same size, larger, or smaller than the bar code presentation space.
The entire bar code presentation space must be mapped to the bar code block; you cannot trim and cut any of the bar code presentation space.

The Bar Code Command Set

The Bar Code Command Set
The following commands are used to present bar codes in a page, a page segment, or an overlay.
Write Bar Code Control (WBCC)
Byte D680 Flag CID Bar Code Area Count Position;
Bar Code Output Control; Bar Code Data Descriptor
Use this command to set the bar code block position, size, and orientation; to set the bar code presentation size; the bar code to be used; and to set how the bar code presentation space will map into the bar code block.
Write Bar Code (WBC)
Byte D681 Flag CID Data Count
This command sends Bar Code Object Content Architecture data to the printer and applies to only one bar code symbol. To print another bar code symbol, you must send another WBC command.
The following table displays the code and bar code type.
Code Bar Code Type
X’ 01’ Code 39 (3-of-9 Code), AIM USS-39
X’ 02’ MSI (modified Plessey code)
X’ 03’ UPC/CGPC--Version A
X’ 05’ UPC/CGPC--Version B
X’ 06’ UPC--Two-digit Supplemental (Periodicals)
X’ 07’ UPC--Five-digit Supplemental (Paperbacks)
X’ 08’ EAN-8 (includes JAN-short)
X’ 09’ EAN-13 (includes Jan-standard)
X’ 0A’ Industrial 2-of-5
X’ 0B’ Matrix 2-of-5
X’ 0C’ Interleaved 2-of-5, AIM USS-I 2/5
X’ 0D’ Codabar, 2-of-7, AIM USS-Codabar
X’ 11’ Code 128, AIM USS-128
Chapter 2 The IPDS Emulation
Code Bar Code Type
X’ 16’ EAN Two-digit Supplemental
X’ 17’ EAN Five-digit Supplemental
X’ 1A’ RM4SCC (including KIX variation)
X’ 1B’ Japan Postal Bar Code
X’ 1C’ Data Matrix (2D bar code)
X’ 1D’ MaxiCode (2D bar code)
X’ 1E’ PDF417 (2D bar code)
X’ 1F’ Australia Post Bar Code
X’ 22’ USPS Intelligent Mail Barcode

The Page Segment Command Set

The following commands are used to access printer data by name and merge on the logical page.
Begin Page Segment (BPS)
Byte D65F Flag CID Data Count
This command identifies the data following as data for a page segment.
Delete Page Segment (DPS)
Byte D66F Flag CID Data Count
DPS instructs the printer to delete one or all of the stored page segments.
Include Page Segment (IPS)
Byte D67F Flag CID Data Count
When you issue an IPS command, a stored page segment can be processed as if the printer had just received it.

The Overlay Command Set

The Overlay Command Set
Overlays contain data that is frequently accessed and can be stored by name for future use. You can create an overlay so that it fills the entire page or fills part of a page. The following overlay commands are used to access printer data by name and merge on the logical page.
Begin Overlay (BO)
Byte D6DF Flag CID Data Count
This command tells the printer to store the following parameters (including Logical Page Descriptor, Load Font Equivalence, and Load Equivalence) for an overlay and not to print immediately.
Delete Overlay (DO)
Byte D6EF Flag CID Data Count
The Delete Overlay command instructs the host to delete one or all of the stored overlays. The host can reuse the deleted overlay identification numbers for new overlays.
Include Overlay (IO)
Byte D67D Flag CID Data Count
Issue an Include Overlay command to place an overlay on a logical page.

The Device Control Commands

The following commands are used to set up the page format, to communicate control commands, and to oversee the acknowledge reply.
Apply Finishing Operations (AFO)
Byte D602 Flag CID Data Count
The Apply Finishing Operations (AFO) command is valid only in home state. It directs the printer to apply zero or more finishing operations to the current sheet and each copy of that sheet. The current sheet is the sheet in which the first copy of the next received page is printed. The operations are not applied to sheets after copies of the current sheet.
An AFO command completely replaces any previously sent AFO command for the current sheet.
Specific finishing operations are specified in Finishing Operation (X'85') triplets. If no triplets are specified, this command completely replaces any previously sent AFO command for the current sheet and is then treated as if it were a No Operation (NOP) command; this provides a reset function.
Chapter 2 The IPDS Emulation
Begin Page (BP)
Byte D6AF Flag CID Data Count
This command indicates the beginning of a page and causes the printer to enter the page state.
Byte D65D Flag CID Binary Data Count
This command notes the end of a block containing: an image, graphics, or bar codes.
End Page (EP)
Byte D6BF Flag CID Binary Data Count
This command notes the end of a page, a page segment, or an overlay and returns the printer to the home state.
Load Copy Control (LCC)
Byte D69F Flag CID Data Count
This command is effective only in the home state and controls the number of times you want to print the current logical page.
Load Font Equivalence (LFE)
Byte D63F Flag CID Data Count
This command is used to re-identify local font data IDs to host specified font resource IDs.
Load Page Descriptor (LPD)
Byte D6CF Flag CID Data Count
The LPD command sets the logical page's characteristics, such as the units for positioning text, the margins, and line spacing, etc.
Load Page Position (LPP)
Byte D66D Flag CID Data Count
The LPP command sets the position of the logical page on the physical page, which allows for any required offsetting.
The Device Control Commands
No Operation (NOP)
Byte D603 Flag CID Data Count
This command tells the printer to perform no operation.
Sense Type and Model (STM)
Byte D6E4 Flag CID Count
This command asks the printer to identify its capabilities. The printer responds with one or more Acknowledge Replies, which contain general information and command set vectors that identify supported IPDS function sets and subsets.
Sense Type and Model Acknowledge Reply
The following table shows the STM reply format contained in the special data area of the Acknowledge Reply. Note that differences between 4028 and 3816 emulation are indicated with
Table 3. Sense Type and Model Acknowledge Reply
Offset Value Description
0 X’FF’ System/370 convention
X’4028’ X’3812’
3X01’ Model
4-5 X’0000’ Reserved
Command-set vectors in the following format. Refer to individual command-set vectors in the following table.
6-7 Length Length of the command-set vector,
8-9 Subset ID or
Command-Set ID
10-11 Level or
Subset ID
Product Code 4028 Emulation 3816 Emulation
including this field.
For data command sets, the subset ID of a command set. For other command sets, the command set ID.
For data command sets, the level ID of a data tower. For other command sets, the subset ID of a command set.
12-end Property Pairs Zero or more command-set property ID and
data pairs.
Chapter 2 The IPDS Emulation
Table 4. Command-Set Vectors
Name Value Description
Device-Control Command Set
X’002A’ X’002C’
Vector Length
Command Set ID X’C4C3’ Device control Command-Set ID
Subset ID X’FF10’ DC1 subset ID
LCC Property Pair X’6001’ MULTIPLE COPY and COPY-SUBGROUP support in
Optional Command
Property Pair
X’702E’ ACTIVATE RESOURCE Command support
XOA Property Pairs
The Device Control Commands
Table 4. Command-Set Vectors
Name Value Description
XOH Property Pairs
NOTE: Some IPDS hosts will not send an IPDS XOH-
SMS to a printer that reports as a Continuous Forms printer and supports XOH-SMO. Reporting of XOH-SET MEDIA ORIGIN Support can be disabled through the IPDS XOH-SMO Support menu setting.
Misc. Property
Position check highlighting support in XOA EHC
Presentation Text Command Set
X’000A’ X’000C’
Vector Length
Level ID X’FF20’ PTOCA PT2 data
Property Pairs X’1001’ UNORDERED TEXT
X’50FF’ Multiple TEXT ORIENTATIONS supported
IM Image Command Set
X’000A’ X’000C’
Vector Length
Chapter 2 The IPDS Emulation
Table 4. Command-Set Vectors
Name Value Description
Subset ID X’C9D4’ IM Image Command Set
Level ID X’FF10’ IMDI data
X’A004’ ALL 4 ORIENTATIONS Supported
IO Image Command Set
X’0014’ X’0012’
Vector Length
Subset ID X’C9D6’ IO Image Command Set
Level ID X’FF10’ IOCA FS10 data
Property Pairs X’1001’ Unordered Image Blocks
X’5001’ MMR Compressed algorithm supported
X’5003’ Uncompressed Image supported
RL4 Compressed supported
G3 Facsimile Coding Scheme (CCITT G3MR)
G4 Facsimile Coding Scheme (CCITT G4MMR)
Bit ordering supported
X’A004’ All four orientations supported
Graphics Command Set
Length X’000C’ Vector Length
Subset ID X’E5C7’ GRAPHICS Command Set
Level ID X’FF20’ GOCA DR/2V0 data
X’A004’ All four orientations supported
Bar Code Command Set
Length X’000C’ Vector Length
The Device Control Commands
Table 4. Command-Set Vectors
Name Value Description
Subset ID X’C2C3’ BAR CODE Command Set
Level ID X’FF10’ BCOCA BCD1 data
X’A004’ All four orientations supported
Overlay Command Set
Length X’0008’ Vector Length
Command Set ID X’D6D3’ OVERLAY Command Set
Subset ID X’FF10’ OL1 subset ID
Property Pair X’1505’ OVERLAY NESTING = 5 Levels
Page Segment Command Set
Length X’0006’ Vector Length
Command Set ID X’D7E2’ PAGE SEGMENT Command Set
Subset ID X’FF10’ PS1 subset ID
Loaded Font Command Set
Length X’000C’ Vector Length
Command Set ID X’C3C6’ LOADED FONT Command Set
Subset ID X’FF10’ LF1 subset ID; fully described font plus font index
Property Pairs X’A004’ 4 CHARACTER ROTATIONS (LFI command)
+ 67 hidden pages