Polaroid SprintScan SS35, SprintScan SS35 ES, SprintScan SS35 PLUS Repair Manual

Repair Manual
Americas Business Center
Technical Services
201 Burlington Road
Bedford MA 01730
TEL: 1.781.386.5309
FAX: 1.781.386.5988
October 1997
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Purpose of Manual .................................................................................................. 7
Manual Organization ............................................................................................... 7
Other Documents Required for Repair .................................................................. 7
Important Safety Instructions................................................................................. 8
1. Scanner Overview .............................................................................................. 9
Description ........................................................................................................... 11
Applications .......................................................................................................... 12
Features............................................................................................................... 1 4
Specifications ....................................................................................................... 19
Operation ............................................................................................................. 22
Setting up the Scanner ...................................................................................... 22
Installing the Software ....................................................................................... 23
Starting the Software......................................................................................... 24
Scanning the Slide/Film Strip ............................................................................. 25
Self-Check Routines............................................................................................. 26
Self-Test (Power-Up) ........................................................................................ 26
Calibration ......................................................................................................... 28
2. Functional Description....................................................................................... 31
Scanner Process Overview .................................................................................. 33
Scanner Transporter ............................................................................................ 34
Scanner Optics..................................................................................................... 37
Scanner Electronics.............................................................................................. 38
Power Supply PC Board.................................................................................... 38
Main Controller PC Board Power Distribution .................................................... 40
AC Inverter PC Board....................................................................................... 41
Image Sensor PC Board ...................................................................................... 42
CCD Image Sensor............................................................................................ 42
Associated Analog Signal Processing Support Circuitry..................................... 4 3
Main Controller PC Board..................................................................................... 4 3
Analog Signal Processing .................................................................................. 45
Digital Signal Processing ................................................................................... 45
Primary Correction ASIC................................................................................. 45
DRAM Controller (Buffer)................................................................................ 46
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Table of Contents
Secondary Color Correction ASIC .................................................................. 47
Color Modes ................................................................................................... 48
Scanner Control................................................................................................. 48
CCD Driver...................................................................................................... 48
Transporter Driver........................................................................................... 48
LED Indicator Driver........................................................................................ 4 8
Filter Wheel Driver .......................................................................................... 49
System Interface.................................................................................................. 49
3. Calibration and Adjustments ............................................................................. 50
Required Tools and Equipment............................................................................. 52
Warnings and Precautions.................................................................................... 53
Voltages ............................................................................................................ 53
Electrostatic Discharge Warning........................................................................ 53
Inspection and Cleaning........................................................................................ 54
Checking Scanner Self-Test (Power Up).............................................................. 56
Adjustments.......................................................................................................... 59
Power Supply .................................................................................................... 59
Focus/Magnification ........................................................................................... 60
Transporter Photo-Sensor Alignment................................................................. 69
Filter Wheel Set Photo-Sensor Tab Alignment ( Only for Slide Scanner
with Filter Wheel)............................................................................................... 70
4. Parts Replacement ............................................................................................. 72
Required Tools and Equipment............................................................................. 74
Electrostatic Discharge Warning .......................................................................... 74
Inspection and Cleaning........................................................................................ 74
Disassembly/Assembly of Electrical and Mechanical/Optical Assemblies............. 75
Top Housing....................................................................................................... 75
Removal.......................................................................................................... 75
Installation....................................................................................................... 77
Main Controller PC Board.................................................................................. 78
Removal.......................................................................................................... 78
Installation....................................................................................................... 79
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Table of Contents
Chassis Assembly ............................................................................................. 80
Removal.......................................................................................................... 80
Installation....................................................................................................... 81
Power Supply PC Board.................................................................................... 82
Removal.......................................................................................................... 82
Installation....................................................................................................... 83
AC Inverter PC Board........................................................................................ 84
Removal.......................................................................................................... 84
Installation....................................................................................................... 85
Replacement of Components ............................................................................... 86
Scanning Lamp .................................................................................................. 86
Scanner Fuses................................................................................................... 86
System (AC Power)........................................................................................ 86
Power Supply PC Board ................................................................................. 87
AC Inverter PC Board ..................................................................................... 88
SCSI Interface (Terminator Power) ................................................................ 89
Filter Wheel Stepper Motor (Only for Slide Scanner with Stepper Motor) ......... 90
Transporter Stepper Motor................................................................................ 91
CCD Board ........................................................................................................ 93
5. Diagnostics and Troubleshooting..................................................................... 96
Error Messages ................................................................................................... 99
Diagnostic (Digital Hardware) ............................................................................ 100
Operational........................................................................................................ 101
Calibration ......................................................................................................... 106
LabView Image Performance Test (IPT) Version 1.02-Mac................................. 113
Scanner Tester (w) Front Panel......................................................................... 113
Image Quality Test Outline ................................................................................ 118
Geometric Type Test Using GMT Target ....................................................... 118
Color Type Test Using CT Target................................................................... 118
Changing Type of Scanner Under Test ........................................................... 118
Changes to IPT Test Since LabView Version 3.1 (Summary) .............................. 119
Using Scanner Tester (W).................................................................................... 120
Required Tools and Equipment.......................................................................... 120
Initial Setup - Complete Image Performance for LabView Version 4 ................. 121
Entering Test Parameters.................................................................................. 123
Entering Optional Test Parameters.................................................................... 124
Starting Test...................................................................................................... 124
Auto Reference Finding Origin for GMT and CT Targets................................... 125
Error Reporting.................................................................................................. 126
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Table of Contents
Test Results ...................................................................................................... 126
Stored Test Results........................................................................................... 127
Pausing or Stopping Scanner Test..................................................................... 128
Pausing a Test in Progress............................................................................. 128
Stopping a Test in Progress ........................................................................... 128
IPT Scanner Tests - Understanding Test Results............................................... 129
Initialization Test ................................................................................................ 129
Distortion & Mag Test........................................................................................ 129
Left, Center, Right Resolution Test.................................................................... 130
Motion and Color Registration Test ................................................................... 131
Color Registration Test................................................................................... 131
Motion Test .................................................................................................... 132
Interpreting Measurements of the Color Registration & Motion Tests................ 133
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 133
Stand Alone Motion and Resolution Test Panel - Details ................................ 133
Test Panel Controls...................................................................................... 133
Test Report.................................................................................................. 134
Test Constraints ............................................................................................. 134
Analysis .......................................................................................................... 134
Left and Right Misalignment Windows ............................................................ 137
Mag and Tilt Adjustment Effects..................................................................... 137
Motion Problem Examples ................................................................................. 138
Uniformity II Test ............................................................................................... 140
Part 1 ............................................................................................................. 140
Part 2 ............................................................................................................. 140
Part 3 ............................................................................................................. 142
Part 4 ............................................................................................................. 142
Dark Noise II Test ............................................................................................. 144
Negative Calibration........................................................................................... 145
Error Reporting.................................................................................................. 145
Test Result Folder/Directory.............................................................................. 145
CCD Configuration............................................................................................. 146
Determining CCD Configuration Using Scanner Tester ................................... 146
IPT Scanner Test Descriptions............................................................................. 147
Motion and Color Registration Test ................................................................... 147
Static (Color Registration) ................................................................................. 147
Mean Vertical ................................................................................................. 147
Mean Horizontal.............................................................................................. 147
Dynamic (Motion Effects) .................................................................................. 148
Dark Noise II Test ............................................................................................. 149
Dark Uniformity Response (Streaks) .............................................................. 149
Dark Uniformity Response (Noise).................................................................. 150
Dark Uniformity Response (Fourier) ............................................................... 151
Control Panel.................................................................................................. 152
Uniformity II Test ............................................................................................... 152
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Table of Contents
Uncorrected Light Uniformity Test...................................................................... 153
Illumination ......................................................................................................... 155
Uncorrected Dark Uniformity Test...................................................................... 155
Bad Pixel Flag................................................................................................. 155
Uniformity II Stand - Alone Test Control Panel................................................... 156
6. System Diagrams ............................................................................................... 157
Power Supply Specification (Sheets 1 - 4) ........................................................... 159
AC Inverter PC Board .......................................................................................... 163
Image Sensor (CCD) PC Board Schematics (Sheets 1 - 3) ................................. 164
SS35/SS35 ES Main Controller PC Board Schematics (Sheets 1 - 8) ................. 167
SS35 PLUS Main Controller PC Board Schematics (Sheets 1 - 9)....................... 175
Appendix .................................................................................................................. 184
SS35 & 35 ES Firmware/Hardware Update History ............................................. 186
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Table of Contents
Purpose of this Manual
This Repair Manual is intended as a training and reference guide for the Polaroid and Polaroid-authorized technical personnel servicing the SS35/SS35 ES/SS35 PLUS slide scanner's.
Organization of this Repair Manual
Scanner Overview. General information about scanner capabilities and applications. Functional Description. Detailed explanations of various slide scanner components and
systems for help in diagnosing problems and performing other service. Calibration and Adjustments. Procedures for checking slide scanner self-test (calibration)
or for solving problems detected by the LabView Tester or setup after component replacement.
Parts Replacement. Step-by-step procedures for assembly and component level replacement.
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting. Internal diagnostic software for help in diagnosing scanner malfunctions. It also gives a detailed explanation of the provided LabView Tester for help in diagnosing poor image quality.
Schematic Diagrams. Electronic schematics for use as troubleshooting and reassembly aids.
Other Documents Required for Repair
Effective repair for the slide scanner's also requires familiarity with the following documents in addition to this Repair Manual:
SS35/SS35 ES/SS35 PLUS User Guides
SS35/SS35 ES/SS35 PLUS Slide Scanner Repair Manual
SS35/SS35 ES/SS35 PLUS Slide Scanner Parts Catalog
EZ - SCSI Lite Software Manual (IBM and Mac versions)
SS35/SS35 ES/SS35 PLUS Software Manual (IBM and Mac versions)
LabView User's Guide
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Table of Contents
When using the Slide Scanner, basic safety precautions should always be followed including the following:
Read and understand all instructions before using.
Position the cord so that it will not be tripped over, pulled, or contact hot or sharp surfaces.
If an extension cord is necessary, a UL recognized grounded cord with a rating at least
equal to that of the slide scanner should be used. Extension cords rated for less amperage may overheat. Connect the slide scanner to a grounded outlet.
Always turn the host computer OFF and then the slide scanner OFF before unplugging.
Always unplug the slide scanner from the electrical outlet before cleaning and servicing and
when not in use. Never pull the cord from the outlet. Grasp and pull the plug from the outlet to disconnect.
Do not disassemble the slide scanner, but take it to a qualified service person when service or repair work is required. Incorrect assembly can cause electrical shock when the slide scanner is used subsequently.
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
1. Scanner Overview
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
1. Scanner Overview
Description ......................................................................................................... 11
Applications ........................................................................................................ 12
Features .............................................................................................................. 14
Specifications ..................................................................................................... 19
Operation ............................................................................................................ 22
Setting up the Slide Scanner.............................................................................. 22
Installing the Software ....................................................................................... 23
Starting the Software......................................................................................... 24
Scanning the Slide/Film Strip ............................................................................. 25
Self-Check Routines .......................................................................................... 26
Self-Test (Power-Up) ........................................................................................ 26
Calibration ......................................................................................................... 28
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
This section of the Repair Manual gives an overview of the SprintScan 35, the SprintScan 35 ES, and the SprintScan 35 PLUS slide scanner. It only provides the necessary information pertaining to features and specifications for each slide scanner.
For detailed information pertaining to setting up the slide scanner, installing and starting their software, assigning SCSI ID's and checking SCSI connections, scanning transparencies, and using application software, refer to the applicable slide scanner User Guide.
The slide scanners are desktop, fixed-format, high-speed 35 mm transparency film scanners, capable of scanning positive and negative media, mounted and unmounted transparencies and unmounted transparency filmstrips.
Each system (Figure 1-1) consists of a:
Slide Scanner
Power Cord
SCSI cable with 25-pin and 50-pin connector ends
SCSI terminator (Supplied only with SprintScan 35 ES)
SprintScan software diskette
Adaptec AT-to-SCSI Host Adapter with EZ-SCSI Lite application diskette and documentation (Windows version only)
Adobe PhotoDeluxe CD (Mac/Windows)
Filmstrip carrier for negative strip or unmounted slide film
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
Table 1-1 indicates a partial list of applications for each slide scanner. For a more detailed list of applications for each slide scanner, refer to the applicable slide scanner User Guide.
Table 1-1. Slide Scanner Applications
Applications\User Groups SS 35/SS 35 ES SS 35 PLUS
Digital Design:
Graphic Designs •• Corporate Design Departments •• Advertising Agencies •• Web-Page Design •• Multimedia Design ••
Catalog Publishers •• Magazine Publishers •• Newspapers ••
Prepress Houses Printers
Photo Retouching:
Studio Photography •• ProPhoto Labs ••
• • - Ideally suited.
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
SprintScan 35/35ES
Polaroid SprintScan 35
SprintScan 35 PLUS
Polaroid SprintScan 35 PLUS
Figure 1-1. Slide scanners
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
Table 1-2 list and describes the features of the slide scanners (Figure 1-2).
Table 1-2. Slide Scanner Features
Feature Description
Power LED Indicator This green LED indicator lights to indicate when the
slide scanner power is turned on. Note: During power-up the slide scanner initiates its
self-test mode.
Ready LED Indicator This yellow LED indicator lights to indicate when the
slide scanner is ready to operate (passed power up self-test).
Notes: This indicator continually blinks while the
slide scanner cycles through its self-test.
Upon completion, this indicator lights steady to indicate that the slide scanner is ready to operate.
Top Access Slot The top access slot is used when scanning 35 mm slide
Side Access Slot The side access slot is used when scanning unmounted
slides and 35 mm filmstrips using the filmstrip carrier included in the accessory kit.
Filmstrip Carrier Included with the accessory kit.
Used to scan a 35 mm negative strip or an unmounted slide. Supports 35 mm filmstrips from 1 - 6 frames.
Release Button This button is used to release the front cover when
replacing the lamp. (Spare lamp located inside front cover.)
Power On/Off (1/0) Switch This switch turns the slide scanner power on or off. The
green Power LED lights to indicate that the slide scanner is turned on.
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
Table 1-2. Slide Scanner Features (Cont'd)
Feature Description
Power Receptacle Standard receptacle with ground. Power Cord Standard cord with ground. Power Fuse Receptacle The fuse receptacle contains two fuses: active and
(SS35 Only) spare.
The active fuse protects the slide scanner's electronics from any sudden surges or overloads.
Note: If the active fuse fails (blows), always attempt to
find out the cause of the malfunction before replacing the blown fuse with the provided spare.
Replace the spare fuse with a new one as soon as possible.
Power Fuse Not user accessible. Located on power supply PC
(SS35 PLUS) board.
SCSI ID Selector/Indicator The slide scanner's SCSI ID is preset at the factory
to 6.
SCSI ID position 7 is reserved for the SCSI adapter to which the SCSI device(s) are connected.
Note: DO NOT change this value unless other SCSI
devices are attached to the slide scanner and one of them is assigned to SCSI value 6.
If the preset SCSI value must be changed, refer to the applicable slide scanner User's Guide for detailed instructions on how to change the slide scanner's SCSI value.
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
Table 1-2. Slide Scanner Features (Cont'd)
Feature Description
SCSI Receptacles SS35/SS35 ES: (Top and Bottom)
Two (2) 50-pin standard SCSI receptacles.
One (1) 50-pin standard SCSI receptacle. One (1) 25-pin standard SCSI receptacle.
SCSI Cable This cable (25-pin and 50-pin connector ends) connects
th eslide scanner to the host computer. Note: The 50-pin end of the SCSI cable connects to the
top SCSI receptacle. The 25-pin end of the SCSI cable connects to the 25-pin SCSI port at the rear of the host computer (Adaptec AT-to-SCSI Host Adapter port for Windows version).
SCSI Terminator SS35/SS35 ES:
SCSI terminator connects to the bottom receptacle.
SCSI terminator built in. To activate SCSI terminator, set SCSI terminator switch to its ON position.
Notes: • To function properly, a SCSI chain must be
terminated at each end.
The Adaptec AT-to-SCSI Host Adapter for Windows version is internally terminated, which means that it is the first one of the required terminators.
• If the slide scanner is the only SCSI device to be connected to the host computer, connect the SCSI terminator to the bottom SCSI receptacle. For SS35 PLUS turn on the terminator switch.
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
Table 1-1. Scanner Features (Cont'd)
Feature Description
SCSI Terminator
(Cont'd) Warning: If the slide scanner is being added to an
existing SCSI device chain, make sure that only two SCSI terminators (internal or external) exist in the SCSI device chain.
More than two SCSI terminators in the SCSI device chain can damage the host computer or the devices.
Adaptec AT-to-SCSI This adapter provides the interface through which the Host Adapter slide scanner and host computer communicate.
(Windows Version ONLY)
Notes: • The adapter is preset at the factory for default
interrupts and port address values.
Host adapter not included with all models
EZ-SCSI Lite Software Included with the Adaptec AT-to-SCSI Host Adapter.
(Windows Version ONLY)
This software application is used to configure the host computer for the SCSI adapter. It also provides additional driver files for the SCSI interface.
Notes: • The host computer must always be restarted
after the EZ-SCSI Lite software is installed.
• If necessary, contact Adaptec for latest version drivers. Drivers can be downloaded from Adaptec's website at:
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
Table 1-1. Scanner Features (Cont'd)
Feature Description
SprintScan 35 Software Included with the slide scanner.
This software includes the SprintScan application and the Scanner Control Panel which is a TWAIN source driver.
Note: TWAIN is a software protocol that allows
applications to use image-acquisition devices, such as the SprintScan 35 Slide Scanner and other image digitizers.
The software allows the scanned image to be manipulated. Manipulation includes rotating, cropping, zooming, re-sizing, and changing the output image. For more detailed information pertaining to image manipulation refer to the applicable slide scanner User's Guide.
Adobe PhotoDeluxe This software application allows the scanned image to
be manipulated. Manipulation includes rotating, cropping, zooming, re-sizing, and changing the output image. For more detailed information pertaining to image manipulation refer to the applicable slide scanner User's Guide.
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
LED Indicator
LED Indicator
Polaroid SprintScan 35
Access Slot
ID Selector
Access Slot
SCSI Receptacles
SS35/SS35 ES
(Top and Bottom)
Terminator Switch
Power On/Off
(1/0) Switch
Power On/Off
(1/0) Switch
SCSI Receptacles
(Top and Bottom)
ID Selector
Figure 1-2. Slide scanner features
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
Dimensions - 5 x 7 x 10 inches (13 x 18 x 26 cm) Weight - approximately 5.5 pounds (2.5Kg)
Operating Voltage - 105 - 130 VAC @ 48 - 62 Hz (USA)
- 90 - 110 VAC @ 48 - 62 Hz (Japan)
- 190 - 210 VAC @ 48 - 62 Hz
- 210 - 260 VAC @ 48 - 62 Hz (Europe)
Idle Power - 30 Watts @ 115 VAC, 60 Hz (lamp off) Operating Power - 35 Watts @ 115 VAC, 60 Hz (lamp on)
Light Source:
Lamp - Phillips Coolwhite (US - Type TL4W/33)
(European Equivalent - Type F4T5)
Environmental Conditions:
Operating Temperature - 50°F (10°C) to 104°F (40°C)
Optimum @ 60°F (16°C) to 80°F (27°C) Storage Temperature - 20°F (-30°C) to 160°F (70°C) Operating Relative Humidity - 20% to 80%
Optimum @ 30% to 60%
Media Type/Orientation
35 mm Slide Size - 1.4" x 1.4" (36 mm x 36 mm) mounted, including
ANSI-standard plastic mounts 35mm Slides, Mounted - Landscape/portrait orientation, superslide (36mm x 36mm)
35mm Slides, Unmounted - Landscape orientation only (Used with filmstrip carrier) Filmstrips - 35 mm filmstrips, unmounted, in lengths of
Time - Under 30 seconds Resolution - 127 dpi - 2700 dpi Maximum Scan Area - 36 mm x 24 mm or 24 mm x 36 mm
1- to - 6 frames (Used with filmstrip carrier)
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
Host Computer Platforms: Macintosh IBM PC or Equivalent
Operating Systems
Hardware Requirements
RAM Monitor
Digitized Image Formats
- System 7.1 or higher MS Windows 3.1 or higher, Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0
- Power PC Mac, Mac II, Minimum 386SX @16Mhz
Quadra or Centris with Recommended 486 @ 33Mhz floating point with floating point co-processor co-processor
- Recommended: 24 MB Recommended: 24 MB
- VGA Color Monitor and VGA Color Monitor and
Video Card Video Card Recommended: True Color Recommended: True Color
Video Card (24-bit color) Video Card (24-bit color) with at least 800 x 600 with at least 800 x 600 resolution resolution
Software: (Included with Slide Scanner)
Diskettes/CD - Adobe PhotoDeluxe SprintScan 35 for Windows 3..x
Version 2.5.1 or Later SprintScan 35 for windows 95
- SprintScan 35 ES/PLUS Adaptec AT-to-SCSI Host Adapter with EZ-SCSI Lite
- Apple Shared Library (Not included with all Models.)
(Required for Non-Power PC's.)
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
The following operational flow diagrams (Figures 1-3 through 1-6) briefly describe how to setup the slide scanners, install and start their software, assign their SCSI ID value, and scan a mounted or unmounted 35 mm transparency using the SprintScan 35 application software.
Each operational flow diagram is intended to be used only as a Quick reference for the repair person. For detailed information pertaining to the information in each operational flow diagram (setting up the slide scanner, installing and starting its software, assigning its SCSI ID and checking the SCSI connection, and scanning a 35 mm transparency using SprintScan, refer to the applicable slide scanner User's Guide.
Setting Up the Slide Scanner
Windows Version
SS35/SS35 ES
SCSI Terminator
to Scanner
Adaptec SCSI
Adapter to Host
Assign /Select
Scanner to Host
Turn On
SCSI Terminator
Mac Version
Set to 6
Notes: 1 - If host already has a SCSI adapter, add slide scanner to SCSI chain.
2 - If slide scanner is only, or last device, in SCSI chain.
DO NOT CONNECT SS35 ES SLIDE SCANNER TO SCSI CHAINS WITH HARD DRIVES (Applies to PC, only and slide scanners with firmware version 1.02 or lower).
Figure 1-3. Setting up slide scanner
Turn On Scanner,
then Host
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
Installing the Software
Windows Version
Install Adaptec
• Configures host computer for SCSI adapter
• Provides additional driver files for SCSI interface
• Provides Scanner Control Panel
• Provides additional driver files for SCSI interface
SprintScan 35
Mac Version
Adobe PhotoShop
Adobe Photoshop:
• Automatically transfers final scans into Adobe PhotoShop
• Provides digitized image manipulation
Figure 1-4. Installing sprintscan 35 software
Turn Off Host, then Scanner
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
Starting the Software
Windows Version
Click on
Adobe PhotoShop
Click on
File Menu
Click on
Twain_32 Source,
then SprintScan 32-Bit
Turn On Scanner,
then Host
Mac Version
Click on
Adobe PhotoShop
Click on
File Menu
Click on
SprintScan 35...
Click on File Menu
Note: 1 - Required for first scan only.
Figure 1-5. Starting sprintscan 35 software
Scanner Control Panel
Slide/Film Strip
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
Scanning the Slide/Film Strip
Mounted Slide
Mounted Slide
into Scanner
Top Slot
Film Strip
Open Carrier
Slide/Film Strip
Unmounted Slide
Film Strip
into Carrier
Carrier into
Right-Side Slot
Note: Refer to the applicable slide scanner User's Guide for information pertaining to
scanning a mounted slide, unmounted slide or film strip.
Figure 1-6. Scanning a slide/film strip
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
Self-Check Routines
The slide scanner provides two internal self-check software routines that are used to automatically check (verify) its operation. The two internal self-check software routines are:
Self-Test (Power-Up)
Self-Test (Power-Up) Routine
When the slide scanner is turned on, the self-test (power-up) routine is automatically invoked. This routine checks and verifies the following operations:
Initializes all system electronics (image sensor and main controller PC boards).
Finds calibration window (Transporter moves shutter to its calibration window
position and stops.) Note: If the calibration window position can not be found, the transporter moves
to its top position and then returns the shutter to what it thinks is the correct position.
Refer to the simplified flow diagram shown in Figure 1-7 for the necessary steps to self-test the slide scanner during power-up.
Upon completion (passed self-test), the transporter returns to its home position and the Ready LED lights steady to indicate that the slide scanner is ready to operate.
Notes: If the yellow Ready LED continually blinks, the slide scanner failed its self-test.
Run the LabVIEW IPT test to determine why the slide scanner failed its self-test . (Refer to the applicable LabVIEW test in Section 5 of this Repair Manual for detailed instructions on how to run the LabVIEW test procedure.)
If the yellow Ready LED does not light after the self-test is performed, turn off the slide scanner (power-down), wait approximately 10 seconds and then power-up again.
Causes of self-test (power-up) failure are usually due to a defective EEPROM, incorrect EEPROM data, the inability to find the calibration window, or a blown SCSI terminator fuse. Refer to Section 5 in this Repair Manual for self-test errors.
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
Initializes (Resets)
Transporter SCSI
Ready LED
Continually Blinks
Run LabVIEW Test
(See Section 5 for Details)
Seeks Calibration
Ready LED
Lights Steady
* For SS35 PLUS, self-test of these components only occurs after the host software downloads (initializes) programmable code.
** Filter Wheel used only on early SprintScan Models.
Figure 1-7. Self-Test simplified flow diagram
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
For SS35/SS35 ES slide scanners, the first calibration is performed at the first requested scan. It is also performed when the slide scanner detects a specified amount of drift in the lamp or front end during subsequent scans. The SS35 PLUS performs a full calibration before each
Refer to Figure 1-8 for a simplified flow diagram of the SS35/SS35 ES slide scanner calibration routine and to Figure 1-9 for a simplified flow diagram of the SS35 PLUS slide scanner calibration routine.
Upon completion (passed calibration), the Ready LED indicator lights steady to indicate that the slide scanner is ready to operate.
Note: The Ready LED indicator continually blinks while the slide scanner cycles through its
The following types of adjustments occur during the first calibration:
Base line integration time to ensure a minimum signal and mitigation of saturation
Analog gain and offset for base line neutral settings
Digital uniformity offset calibration
Digital uniformity gain calibration
Bad pixel identification
Subsequent scans may require additional analog gain and offset and/or integration time adjustments to accommodate white points requested by the host or film tables, as a function of the specific calibration algorithms.
A drift check is also performed with each scan to verify the stability of the front end. Each calibration that requires a significant change in the front end settings necessitates a recalculation of the digital uniformity offset correction during the actual scan.
Causes of calibration failure are usually due to a defective lamp, obstructions in the optical path, a defective sensor (CCD) PC board, a defective main controller PC board, a defective filter, or a misaligned filter wheel (Original SS35 only).
Refer to Section 5 in this Repair Manual for a detailed list and definition of all calibration type errors.
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
SS35/SS35 ES
Calibration Routine
First Scan
Check and adjust, if necessary:
• Base line integration time to ensure a minimum signal and mitigation of saturation
• Analog gain and offset for base line neutral settings
• Digital uniformity offset calibration
• Digital uniformity gain calibration
Subsequent Scans
Drift in Lamp
Front End Fail
• Bad pixel identification
• Drift test
Ready LED
Continually Blinks
No Scan
Run LabVIEW Test
(See Section 5 for Details)
Ready LED
Lights Steady
Figure 1-8. Calibration simplified flow diagram
Slide Scanner Repair Manual Scanner Overview
SS35 PLUS Calibration
Start Scan
Check and adjust, if necessary:
• Base line integration time to ensure a minimum signal and mitigation of saturation
• Analog gain and offset for base line neutral settings
• Digital uniformity offset calibration
• Digital uniformity gain calibration
• Bad pixel identification
• Drift test (lamp/front end)
Ready LED
Continually Blinks
No Scan
Run LabVIEW Test
(See Section 5 for Details)
Calibration Completed
Ready LED
Lights Steady
Figure 1-9. Calibration simplified flow diagram
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