Heart Rate -Based Training
Your heart r ate is a conve ni ent, re li able, a nd p ersonal i ndicator of the intensity of your training. Kno wi ng
your heart rate helps you decide whether to increase or decrease the intensity of your training, based on
your goals and fitness level. Although there are many subjective clues indicating how your body is reacting
to exercise (perceived exertion, breathing rate, physical sensations), none is as reliable as measuring heart
rate. It is objective and affected by both internal and external factors, and is therefore a dependable
measure of physical condition.
Using your FT1/FT2 training computer during training:
• Teaches you about your body's reaction to training
• Keeps you from starting out too hard (as beginners are often tempted to do)
• Helps you control the intensity of your training routine
• Provides feedback on how you are improving
Tra i nin g inten sit y
Maximum heart rate (HR
number of heartbeats per minute (bpm) during maximum physical exertion. HR
(estimated) based on your age: 220 - age = HR
Train i n g in t e n s i ties c a n be exp r e s s ed a s perc e n t a g es o f HR
There are three different training intensities: Light, Moderate and Hard.
IntensityIntensity % of HR
Tra i nin g benef it
• Benefits: Increases maximum performance capacity
• Feels like: Tiredness in muscles and heavy breathing
• Recommended for: Fit users for short training sessions
Benefits of Your Polar FT1/ Polar FT2 Training Computer3
Tab l e 1 . Tr a ini ng i nte n sit ies and be nefi ts
Tab l e 2 . Tr a ini ng i nte n sit ies wit h age-b ase d heart rate lim i ts
4Benefits of Your Polar FT1/ Polar FT2 Training Computer
Get to Know Your FT1/FT2 Training Computer
Tra i nin g compu ter displays the time, heart rate and other
data during training. You can also wear it as a watch.
Tra n smi tter sends the ECG accurate heart rate signal to
the training computer.
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Menu Structure
The training computer functions with one button. Press the button in the Ti me disp lay (showing the time
of day, date and weekday) to enter different modes:
x1EXE (exercise) to measure your heart rate
x2FILE to view your training information
x3ZONE to set your target heart rate limits manually
x4TIME to set the time
x5DATE to set the date
x6USER to set your age*
ModeMenu structure
Display Symbols
The battery of the training computer is low.
The target heart rate zone alarm is active.
Clock symbol indicates the time of day on Exercise and Time Setting mode.
Your heart r ate is being m ea sured a nd heart ra te is inside the t ar get hea rt rate zon e.
Your heart r ate is below y ou r targe t heart rat e zone.
Your heart r ate is above y ou r targe t heart rat e zone.
Weekday indicator indicates the weekday in the Time display. Weekdays are printed on
the display frame.
The menu level indicator shows you the number of menu items. When browsing the
menu, the symbol indicates where you are in the current menu level.
Train i n g ti m e ind i c a t or r e p r e s ents 1 0 mi n u t e s of co n t i n uous t r a i ning.
When displayed, you can increase the value by one by pressing the button once.
When displayed, you can decrease the value by one by pressing the button once.
Get Started5
Easy One Button Logic
The button of the training computer has different functionalities depending on the situation of use.
Press the button to
• Select the mode (EXE, FILE, ZONE, TIME, DATE, USER*).
• Move to the next display in FILE.
• Increase a value whensymbol is displayed. Pressing the button increases the value by one.
• Decrease a value whensymbol is displayed. Pressing the button decreases the value by one. The minus
symbol is displayed two seconds after you have increased a value.
• Confirm your selection/desired value when OK? is displayed.
Press and hold the button to
• Return to the Time display from any mode except Exercise mode. Press and hold the button until EXIT
is displayed.
• Activate/deactivate the target heart rate zone alarm in the Exercise mode. Press and hold the button
untilsymbol appears/disappears.
• Activate the backlight in the Time display. After activating, a button press turns the backlight on in
any mode. Backlight is deactivated automatically after five minutes if you do not press the button. If
you start training when the backlight is activated, it stays activated until the end of the training
session. During training you can turn the backlight on with HeartTouch.
Set the Time
1. In the Time display, press the button four times. TIME is displayed.
2. Wait until 12h or 24h is displayed and starts flashing.
Press the button to select the time format.
3. Wait until OK? appears and press the button to confirm your selection.
If you selected 12h time format, select AM or PM.WaituntilOK? appears and press
the button to confirm your selection.
6Get Started
4. Wait until hours start flashing on the display.
Adjust the value with the button when the minus or plus symbol is
displayed. The minus symbol is displayed two seconds after you have
increased a value.
5. Wait until minutes start flashing on the display.
Adjust the value with the button when the minus or plus symbol is
displayed. The minus symbol is displayed two seconds after you have
increased a value.
6. When you have adjusted the values, wait until OK? appears, and press
the button to confirm your selection.
When you have set the time, the training computer returns to the Time display.
Set the Date
1. In the Time display, press the button five times. DATE is displayed.
2. Wait until the value for the day (in 24h format) or month (in 12h
format) is displayed and starts flashing.
Adjust the value with the button when the minus or plus symbol is
displayed. The minus symbol is displayed two seconds after you have
increased a value.
3. Wait until the month (in 24h format) or day (in 12h format) is
Adjust the value with the button when the minus or plus symbol is
displayed. The minus symbol is displayed two seconds after you have
increased a value.
4. When you have adjusted the values, wait until OK? appears, and press
the button to confirm your selection.
5. DAY is displayed and the weekday indicator flashes at the top of the
6. The weekdays are on the display frame, as follows:
= Friday, SAT = Saturday, SUN = Sunday
When the plus symbol is displayed, press the button to select the
7. Once you have selected the weekday, wait until OK? appears, and
press the button to confirm your selection.
Get Started7
When you have set the date, the training computer returns to the Time display.
Set Your Age*
1. In the Time display, press the button six times. USER is displayed.
2. Wait until AGE is displayed.
3. Digits for years start flashing. Adjust the value with the button.
4. When you have adjusted the value, wait until OK? is displayed, and
press the button to confirm your selection.
ZONE SET is displayed. Your age-based heart rate limits have been set.
The upper limit is 85% and the lower limit is 65 % of your maximum
heart rate. If you want to change the limits according to the training
intensities described in section Training intensity, see Set Your Target
Heart Rate Limits and Alarm.
When you have selected your age, the training computer returns to the Time display.
Set Your Target Heart Rate Limits and Alarm
To m a k e su r e th a t yo u are train i n g at the r i ght i n t e nsity l e v el, s e t yo u r ta r g e t he a r t ra t e li m i t s an d al a r m
before a training session. The alarm sounds when you are out of your target heart rate zone. For more
information on heart rate limits and training intensities, see Benefits of Your Polar FT1/ Polar FT2
Train i n g Co m p u t e r (p a ge 3).
The target heart rate zone alarm indicates when you are out of your target heart rate zone.
1. In the Time display, press the button three times. ZONE is displayed.
2. Soon BEEP appears and ON or OFF starts flashing. Press the button to
select ON (activate the alarm), or OFF (deactivate it).
3. When you have selected the desired option, wait until OK? is
displayed, and press the button to confirm your choice.
8Get Started
Your FT2 tra ining com puter a ut omatically calcula te s your age-based hea rt rate lim its once you h av e
entered your age in the user settings. However, in this display, you can adjust the limits manually. For FT1
training computer, the limits have to be adjusted manually.
(To skip this, press and hold the button until EXIT is displayed.)
4. HIGH is displayed. Wait until digits for the upper heart rate limit start
Adjust the value. Increase the value when the plus symbol is
displayed. Decrease the value when the minus symbol is displayed.
The minus symbol is displayed two seconds after you have increased a
The upper heart rate limit cannot be lower than the lower heart rate
5. When you have adjusted the value, wait until OK? appears, and press
the button to confirm your selection.
6. LOW is displayed. Wait until digits for the lower heart rate limit start
flashing. Adjust the value.
7. When you have adjusted the value, wait until OK? is displayed, and
press the button to confirm your selection.
When you have completed the target heart rate settings, the training computer returns to the Time display.
Get Started9
Wear the Transmitter
1. Fasten one end of the transmitter to the elastic strap.
2. Adjust the transmitter’s strap length to fit snugly and
comfortably. Secure the strap around your chest, just
below the chest muscles, and fasten the strap to the
3. Lift the transmitter off your chest and moisten the
two grooved electrode areas on the back. Check that
the wet electrode areas are firmly against your skin,
and that the text on the transmitter is in an upright
position and in the centre of your chest.
For more information on how to maintain your
transmitter see Caring for Your Training Computer
(page 13)
Start Training
Before you start training, wear the transmitter and the training computer. There should be no other
training computers within a one-meter/three-feet radius from you to avoid interference.
1. Start recording your training session by pressing the
button once.
EXE (Exercise) is displayed.
2. The stopwatch starts running in a few seconds. The
outline of the heart symbol flashes until your heart rate is
detected (this should not take more than 15 seconds).
3. Your heart rate is displayed. A flashing heart symbol
indicates an ongoing heart rate measurement. The
symbol flashes at the pace of your heart.
Switch the target heart rate zone alarm ON or OFF in Exercise mode by pressing and holding the button. The alarm
sounds if you are not inside your target heart rate zone.
During Training
Change the display information (Heart rate / Duration / Time) during
the training session by bringing the training computer close to the
transmitter's Polar logo. Keep the training computer close to the
transmitter until you hear a beep and the desired information is
1. Heart Rate
Your heart rate in beats per minute.
Symbol 1 = your heart rate is inside your target heart
rate zone.
Symbol 2 = your heart rate is below your target heart
rate zone.
Symbol 3 = your heart rate is above your target heart
rate zone.
2. Training Session Duration is displayed in minutes and
seconds, or in hours and minutes when the session has
lasted more than an hour.
Each Training Time Indicator represents ten minutes
of continuous training. After one hour of continuous
training (or six indicators), the counter restarts. Use
the indicators to mark time goals for your session.
3. Time
Time of day is displayed.
Stop Training
To stop trainin g rec ording, pr ess t he bu tton. STOP is displayed
and the training computer returns to the Time display.
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