Plantronics DA40 USB, DA60, DA55, DA45, DA40 Specifications

Professional audio Processors
Harness the Power of Unified Communications with a DA Series USB Audio Processor.
Cost savings, portability, a range of new providers and call features has made PC
telephony the ideal tool for phone-intensive organizations. Plantronics delivers a
six-model series of USB audio processors to help contact centers and other busi-
nesses derive maximum value from their VoIP investments. Paired with a
Plantronics professional headset, our processors infuse digital-signal clarity into
every VoIP softphone communication. A variety of features and pricing options
ensure the right fit for all professional environments.
• Enhancecustomerinteractions. High-quality audio translates to smoother, more
concise customer communications and improved satisfaction.
• Experiencewidebandaudio. The DA45
adapter offer wideband compatibility for crisp audio sound and lower listener
• Leverageexistinginvestments. Migrating to a VoIP infrastructure? The DA series
of processors are compatible with your current Plantronics headsets.
• Choosefromarangeofsolutions. Entry-level, mid-range and premium solutions
fit into contact centers and enterprises worldwide.
Inline volume/mute
Headset Quick
USB audio processor and DA40™ USB
USB plug and play
DA60™ USB Audio Processor
Professional audio Processors
DA60™ and DA55™ USB Audio Processors
Clearline™ Audio for Superior Voice Communications
Ideal for VoIP-based contact centers and offices using softphones, the DA60 features robust digital technology and PerSono Pro over voice and audio quality. The DA55 audio processor delivers digital audio excel­lence to contact centers, other VoIP-based organizations and to remote employees using softphones.
• Clearline
• Advance d echo can cellati on ensure s clear, natural conver sations.
• Quick Disconnect
PerSo no Pro™ Soft ware ( DA60 only )
• Equalizes he adset set tings for optimal au dio per forman ce.
• Trac ks a ge nt n ois e ex pos ure to ens ure com plian ce w ith wor kplac e
• Secures cus tomer info rmation w hen agents leave the ir workst ation.
• Displays tra nsmit an d receive v olume to ver ify cus tomer experienc e.
Feature: DA60
Optimiz ed for Unifi ed No No Yes No MOC Cer tified Yes Communications
Ideal fo r Contac t Center Contac t Center Unified C ommuni cations Contac t Centers a nd Enterpr ise appli cations Noisy en vironme nts applications applications solutions Enterprise applications and stereo applications
USB II Sta ndard Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
DSP Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Echo Sup pressio n Advanc ed Full Dupl ex Advanc ed Full Dupl ex Echo No Echo Echo Technolog y Echo Can celation Echo Can celation Manage ment Manageme nt M anageme nt
Wideb and No No Yes Yes Yes Yes: H i-Fi Stere o
Value-Ad d Softwa re PerSo no Pro c onta ct ce nter agen t on e push ca ll answer/e nd) o ne pus h call answe r/end) experience. enhances Unified enhances Unified Communications. Communications.
Inline C ontrols : Volume Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Mute Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Call A nswer/E nd No No Yes No Yes Yes
Quick Disconnect
Headset Compatibility H-series H-series H-series1 H-series
audio re duces th e level of lou d noise on i ncoming calls to a com -
fortable level.
losing the call.
safety standar ds.
Audio Yes Yes No No No No
Although the DA40 and DA45 are compatible with all H-series headsets, choose a “Wideband” variant for best performance
Quick Disconne ct version also a vailable (D261N St ereo/DA45 bundle)
(QD ) capability a llows the he adset to deta ch wit hout
Yes: 4-pin Yes: 4-pin Yes: 4-pin Yes: 4-pin No No
2.0 software for unparalleled command
DA55™ DA45™ DA40™ HW251N-USB D261N-USB S tereo
enhances No PerSonoCall® (Enabling No No PerSonoCall® (Enabling
DA45™ USB Audio Processor and DA40™USBAdapter
Wideband Audio
The DA45 aud io processor and DA40 adapter w ork with all Plantronics H-series headsets—including the latest wideband mod els—to deliver outstanding audio quality, reliability and a choice of wearing styles. The DA45 deliv­ers superior sound with one touch controls, while the DA40 is the most economical enterprise-class solution available.
• Wid eban d audi o supp ort p rovid es cl ear, natu ral
speec h and lower l istener f atigue.
• Ech o mana geme nt ens ures n atura l conv ersat ion even
with VoIP la tency. (DA45 on ly)
• Inl ine co ntrol offers volu me, mu te (wi th LED i ndic ator),
and eas y call answer/end features. ( DA45 only)
• Quick Disconnect
to detach w ithout losing the c all.
(QD ) capabi lity all ows the hea dset
SupraPlus® USB andStereoSupraPlus® USB
Unified Communications and Stereo Hi-Fi Multimedia
Featu ring noise and ec ho sup pres sion a nd unrival ed stereo sound, the Su praPlus U SB and Ster eo Supra­Plus USB d eliver superior clarit y to office a nd contac t center conversa tions and hi -fi mult imedia list ening (Ste reo S upraP lus US B only ). Both solu tions enab le softp hone use rs to conduct crisp, natural com munica­tions —even in n oisy VoIP contact cen ters.
• Echo manage ment and no ise-cance ling micro phone
deliver high-performance audio.
• Inl ine co ntrol offers volu me, mu te (wi th LED i ndic ator),
and eas y call answer/end features.
SupraPl us USB Stereo Su praPlus USB
Headse t include d Headse t include d
For more information about DA Series Audio Processors or other Plantronics products, please visit our Web site at
TEL: 800-544-4660 (USA AND CANADA)
831-458-7700 (OUTSIDE USA)
©2008 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Plantronics, the logo design, Clearline, DA60, DA55, DA45, DA40, PerSonoCall, PerSono Pro, Quick Disconnect, Supra­Plus and Sou nd Innovation are trademarks or registered trademarks of Plantronics, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respecti ve owners. Plantronics does not end orse or sponsor any promotional offers made in this advertisem ent. Please con tact the reseller directly with any questions related to promotional offers. Published 07.08