pt O símbol o do caixote do lixo co m uma cruz sobre posta indic a que o equipamen to eléctric o e
electrónico e baterias não deverão ser eliminados como resíduos municipais indiferenciados mas
sim em sepa rado. Para obte r mais informaçõ es, visite pla ntronics.co m.
ro Simbolu l pubelă dublu bar ată denotă f aptul că echipa mentele elec trice şi elec tronice şi bat eriile
nu trebui e aruncate ca gu noi menajer ne sortat, c i trebuie colec tate separ at. Pentru info rmaţii mai
detaliate, vizitaţi plantronics.com.
ru Значок зачеркнутого мусорного бака указывает на то, что использованное электрическое
и электронное оборудование, а также элементы питания не должны утилизироваться вместе
с неотсортированными бытовыми отходами; утилизация данного вида отходов должна
производиться отдельно от других отходов. Для получения дополнительной информации
посетите веб-сайт plantronics.com.
sk Symbol prečiarknutého odpadového kontajnera na kolieskach označuje, že odpadové elektrické
a elekt ronické zari adenia a batéri e sa nesmú lik vidovať spolu s in ým netriede ným komunálnym
odpadom, ale musia sa zhromažďovať samostatne. Podrobnejšie informácie nájdete na webovej
stránke plantronics.com.
sl Simbol prečrtanega smetnjaka pomeni, da odpadne električne in elektronske opreme ter baterij
ni dovolj eno odlagati kot n erazvršč ene komunalne o dpadke, ampak jih je t reba zbirati l očeno. Za
podrobnejše informacije obiščite spletno stran plantronics.com.
sv Den överkorsade soptunnan innebär att elektriskt och elektroniskt avfall och batterier inte
får kass eras med osor terat hushå llsavfall, ut an ska samlas in s eparat enlig t lokala lagar o ch
förordningar. Mer detaljerad information finns på plantronics.com.
tr Üzerine ç arpı işareti ç izilmiş bir çöp kon teyneri simge si, elektr ikli ve elekt ronik ekipman a tıklarının
ve piller in ev çöpleriyl e birlikte atı lmaması ve ayrı o larak toplan- ması gerekt iğini belirt ir. Daha
ayrıntı lı bilgi için plant ronics.com ad resini ziyare t edin.
Declaration of Conformity
See the s afety guide.
Hong Kong
Mexico Singapore
Complies with
IMDA Standards
Regulatory Compliance Information
Savi 3210/3 220 (system) has a D200 US B-A/D200 USB- C (may be followed by /A or /S ) adapter,
a W8210T/W8220T (may be fo llowed by /A or /S) hea dset
United States
FCC Regulatory Information
This devi ce complies wit h part 15 of the FCC Rul es. Operati on is subject to t he following t wo
(1) This devi ce may not cause h armful inter ference, and
(2) this dev ice must accept a ny interferen ce received, inc luding inter ference that ma y cause
undesired operation.
Change s or modificatio ns not expres sly approved by t he party re sponsible for co mpliance could
void the us er’s author ity to operat e the equipment.
This equip ment complies w ith FCC radiati on exposure lim its set fort h for an uncontro lled
This equip ment has been te sted and found to c omply with the l imits for a Clas s B digital devic e,
pursuan t to Part 15 of the FCC Ru les. These lim its are design ed to provide rea sonable prote ction
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate r adio frequenc y energy and, if n ot installed an d used in accordan ce with the ins tructions ,
may caus e harmful inter ference to rad io communicat ions. However, the re is no guarante e that
interfe rence will not oc cur in a particu lar installat ion. If this equip ment does caus e harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment
off and on, t he user is encour aged to try to c orrect the in terference b y one or more of the fo llowing
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

• Increas e the separat ion betwee n the equipment a nd receiver.
• Connec t the equipment i nto an outlet on a ci rcuit differe nt from that to whi ch the receive r is
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Declaration of Conformity
We Plantro nics, 345 Encin al Street Sant a Cruz, Califor nia, 95060 USA (800) 54 4-4660 dec lare
under our s ole responsib ility that th e products D200 US B-A and D200 USB-C co mply with Par t
15 of the FCC Rule s. Operation i s subject to the f ollowing tw o conditions: (1) t his device may no t
cause ha rmful interf erence, and (2) this d evice must acc ept any interfe rence receive d, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Radiofrequency radiation exposure Information:
This equip ment complies w ith FCC radiati on exposure lim its set fort h for an uncontro lled
environm ent. This equip ment should be ins talled and ope rated with min imum distance of [ 20*] cm
betwe en the radiato r and your body.
This tra nsmitter mus t not be co-loc ated or operat ing in conjunct ion with any oth er antenna or
Radiofrequency radiation exposure Information:
The radia ted output pow er of the device i s far below the FCC r adio frequenc y exposure lim its.
Never theless, th e device shall be us ed in such a manne r that the poten tial for human con tact during
normal operation is minimized.
Australia/New Zealand
NZ Telepermit forthcoming
CAN ICES-3 (B)/NM B-3(B)
Industry Canada Regulatory Information
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject
to the foll owing two con ditions: (1) this d evice may not cau se interfere nce, and (2) this dev ice
must acce pt any interfer ence, including i nterferenc e that may cause u ndesired oper ation of the
device. Le p résent appar eil est conform e aux CNR d’Indust rie Canada app licables aux a ppareils
radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil
ne doit pa s produire de brou illage, et (2) l’utilis ateur de l’appare il doit accepter t out brouillage
radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
This equip ment complies w ith IC radiati on exposure lim its set fort h for an uncontro lled
environment. Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d’exposition de radiation IC énoncés pour
un environnement non contrôlé.
en A crossed -out wheeli e bin symbol den otes that wast e electric al and electro nic equipment an d
batter ies must not be d isposed of as uns orted munic ipal waste, but co llected sep arately. For more
detailed information, please go to plantronics.com.
bg Задрасканият контейнер на колела означава, че непотребното електрическо и
електронно оборудване и батерии не трябва да се изхвърля с останалата част от
неразделените битови отпадъци, а трябва да се събира отделно. За повече информация
посетете plantronics.com.
cs Symbol přeš krtnutéh o kontejneru na o dpadky přip omíná, že odpad z ele ktrick ých a
elekt ronických z ařízení a bater ie se nesmí vy hazovat spolu s n etříděným od padem z domácn osti,
ale je nutn é je likvidov at samostat ně. Podrobnějš í informace získ áte na našich we bových str ánkách
de Das durchgestrichene Mülltonnen-Symbol bedeutet, dass elektrische und elektronische Geräte
sowie Batterien nicht im Hausmüll entsorgt werden dürfen. Sie müssen speziellen Sammelstellen
zugeführt werden. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auf plantronics.com.
el Το σύμβολο του τροχήλατου κάδου απορριμμάτων με ένα μεγάλο Χ μπροστά υποδηλώνει ότι
ο χρησιμοποιημένος ηλεκ-τρικός και ηλεκτρονικός εξοπλισμός και οι μπαταρίες δεν πρέπει να
απορρίπτονται ως μικτά δημοτικά απόβλητα, αλλά αντίθετα θα πρέπει να συλλέγονται χωριστά. Για
περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες, επισκεφθείτε τη διεύθυνση plantronics.com.
es El contened or de basura ta chado indica qu e los residuos d e aparatos elé ctricos y ele ctrónicos
no se debe n desechar con l os desecho s municipales s in clasificar, sino qu e deben recoge rse por
separado. Para obtener más información, visite plantronics.com.
fi Roska-a stian päällä ol eva rasti ta rkoittaa, et tä sähkö- ja e lektronii kkaromua tai a kkuja ei saa
hävittää kotitalousjätteen mukana, vaan ne on toimitettava erilliseen keräyspisteeseen. Lisätietoja
on osoitteessa plantronics.com.
fr Le symbol e représent ant une poubelle à r oulettes ba rrée signifie qu e les déchet s d’équipements
élect riques et élec troniques et l es batteri es ne peuvent pa s être mis au rebut a vec le reste de s
déchets ménagers, mais doivent être collectés séparément. Pour de plus amples informations,
consulte z notre site Web à l’adr esse : plantr onics.com.
hu Az áthú zott szemete s jelzi, hogy az el ektromos é s elektron ikus berende zések és az
akkumulátorok nem kezelhetők válogatás nélküli, normál lakossági hulladékként, hanem külön
gyűjtendők. További információkért keresse fel weboldalunkat: plantronics.com.
hr Prekrižena kanta za smeće znači da se otpadna električna i elektronička oprema i baterije
ne smiju odl agati kao komun alni otpad, neg o se trebaju odl ožiti zasebn o. Detaljnije inf ormacije
potražite na stranici plantronics.com.
it L’etichetta c on il simbolo di div ieto su un bidone d ell’immondizia , indica che le app arecchiatur e
elettriche ed elettroniche e le batterie non devono essere smaltite con i normali rifiuti, ma raccolti
separatamente. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito all’indirizzo plantronics.com.
lt Perbraukto atliekų konteinerio su ratukais simbolis reiškia, kad elektros ar elektroninės įrangos
bei maitinimo elementų negalima išmesti su nerūšiuotomis buitinėmis atliekomis, jas reikia surinkti
atskirai. Išsamesnės informacijos ieškokite interneto svetainėje plantronics.com.
lv Pārsvītrotas atkritumu tvertnes simbols nozīmē, ka lietotas elektriskās un elektroniskās iekārtas,
kā arī to ak umulatorus ne drīkst ut ilizēt kopā ar nešķ irotiem sadz īves atkrit umiem; iekār tas un
akumula tori ir jāsavāc a tsevišķi. P apildinformāc iju skatiet tīm ekļa vietnē: p lantronics.c om.
pl Przekreślony pojemnik na odpady oznacza, że zużytego sprzętu elektrycznego i elektronicznego
oraz bat erii nie należ y wyrzuc ać wraz z normal nymi, niepose gregowanym i odpadami gosp odarstwa
domowego, ale oddzielnie. Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie internetowej plantronics.
© 2017 Plantro nics, Inc. Plan tronics is a tr ademark of Plan tronics, Inc . registered in t he US and
other countries.
Plantro nics B.V., Scorpius 171, 2132 LR Ho ofddorp, Nethe rlands