Pitney Bowes SendPro C series, SendPro C400, SendPro C200, SendPro C300 Operator's Manual

Shipping & Mailing Postage Meters
SendPro® C-Series
Models C200, C300, and C400 
Operator Guide
US English Edition SV63242 Rev H PDF June 2018
©2018 Pitney Bowes Inc.
All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any fashion or stored in a retrieval system of any type or transmitted by any means, electronically or mechanically, without the express written permission of Pitney Bowes.
The use of this information by the recipient or others for purposes other than the training of customers on Pitney Bowes equipment may constitute an infringement of intellectual property rights of Pitney Bowes, and Pitney Bowes assumes no responsibility for any such use of the information.
We have made every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy and usefulness of this manual. However, we cannot assume responsibility for errors or omissions or liability for the misuse or misapplication of our products.
Except as provided in writing, duly signed by an officer of Pitney Bowes, no license either express or implied, under any Pitney Bowes or third party’s patent, copyright or other intellectual property rights is granted by providing this information.
Third party software
Third party software
Third party software may have been incorporated into this product by Pitney Bowes Inc. (“PBI”) under permission from PBI’s licensors. Any special terms and conditions that apply to such software are provided below:
This product contains the following software:
l Okhttp3 which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The license can be
downloaded from: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. The source code for this software is available from http://square.github.io/okhttp/.
l Retrofit which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The license can be
downloaded from: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. The source code for this software is available from https://square.github.io/retrofit/.
l Okio which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The license can be
downloaded from: https://github.com/square/okio/blob/master/LICENSE.txt. The source code for this software is available from https://github.com/square/okio .
l Commons-codec which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The license
can be downloaded from: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. The source code for this software is available from https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons­codec/download_codec.cgi.
l Commons-io which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The license can be
downloaded from: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. The source code for this software is available from https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-io/download_io.cgi.
l Org.greenrobot:eventbus which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The
license can be downloaded from: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. The source code for this software is available from http://greenrobot.org.
l Org.greenrobot:greendao which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The
license can be downloaded from: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. The source code for this software is available from http://greenrobot.org/greendao.
l FasterXml.jackson.core:jackson-core which is licensed under the Apache License, Version
number 2.0. The license can be downloaded from: http://wiki.fasterxml.com/JacksonLicensing. The source code for this software is available from http://wiki.fasterxml.com.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 3
Third party software
l Aws-android-sdk-core which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The
license can be downloaded from: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk­android/blob/master/LICENSE.APACHE.txt. The source code for this software is available from https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-android.
l Aws-android-sdk-iot which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The
license can be downloaded from: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk­android/blob/master/LICENSE.APACHE.txt. The source code for this software is available from https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-android.
l Aws-android-sdk-s3 which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The
license can be downloaded from: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk­android/blob/master/LICENSE.APACHE.txt. The source code for this software is available from https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-android.
l Nv-websocket-client which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The
license can be downloaded from: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. The source code for this software is available from https://github.com/TakahikoKawasaki/nv- websocket­client.
l bumptech.glide which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The license can
be downloaded from: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. The source code for this software is available from https://github.com/bumptech/glide.
l Jakewharton:butterknife which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The
license can be downloaded from: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. The source code for this software is available from https://github.com/JakeWharton/butterknife.
l Caverock:androidsvg which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The
license can be downloaded from: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. The source code for this software is available from https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.caverock/androidsvg/1.2.1.
l Glassfish:javax.annotation which is dual licensed under the CDDL, Version 1.0, and the GNU
General Public License, Version 2, June 1991, with the Classpath Exception. The licenses can be downloaded from: https://javaee.github.io/glassfish/LICENSE. The source code for this software is available from https://javaee.github.io/glassfish.
l CalligraphyXamarin which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The license
can be downloaded from: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. The source code for this software is available from https://github.com/mikescandy/Calligraphy- xamarin.
l Newtonsoft JSON.NET which is licensed under the MIT License. The license can be downloaded
from: https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json. The source code for this software is available from https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 4
Third party software
l MaterialChips which is licensed under the Apache License, Version number 2.0. The license can
be downloaded from: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. The source code for this software is available from https://github.com/DoodleScheduling/android-material-chips.
l Android Open Source Project (“AOSP”), which is licensed under the Apache License, Version
number 2.0. The license can be downloaded from: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-
2.0.html. AOSP also contains the Linux kernel which is licensed under GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991 (“GPL”). The license can be downloaded from: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Copyright © 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation. For up to three years from PBI’s distribution of this product,you may obtain a complete machine­readable copy of the source code for the Linux kernel under the terms of the GPL, without charge except for the cost of the media, shipping, and handling, upon written request to PBI. Such requests should be sent by e-mail to iptl@pb.com.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 5
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Table of Contents
Editing the Trackable Label sender address 41
Creating an international trackable label 42
1 - Safety
Important safety and compliance information for your meter 12
2 - Getting Started Home Screen
Home screen overview 18
Do I use Trackable Labels or Envelope Printing? 20
Use SendPro online for these tasks 21
Creating or disabling the security pin 22
Managing your Pitney Bowes USPS Postage Funds 24
Using the Trackable Labels address book 25
Using cost accounts for Trackable Labels 26
Viewing the Trackable Label history 27
Tracking a shipment 28
Adjusting your display 29
Installing a scale 30
Adjusting time zone and location code 31
Signing in and out of Trackable Labels 32
Setting up a proxy server 33
Printing a USPS return trackable label 43
Printing a USPS scan form 44
Reprinting a USPS, UPS or FedEx trackable label 45
Canceling a UPS or FedEx trackable label 46
Getting a USPS refund for a trackable label 47
4 - Managing trackable labels
Changing the default refill amounts for Trackable Labels 50
Turning on address autofill 51
Searching addresses in the Trackable Label address book 52
Adding new addresses to Trackable Label address book 53
Deleting addresses from the Trackable Label address book 54
Editing addresses in the Trackable Label address book 55
Managing your Trackable Label cost accounts 56
Turning Trackable Label cost accounts on 57
Adding a single Trackable Label cost account 58
Modifying a Trackable Label cost account 59
Refilling Trackable Label postage 60
3 - Using Trackable Labels
Comparing carrier rates 36
Creating a trackable label 37
Creating a new trackable label sender address 39
Creating a new trackable label sender address 40
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 7
Setting up your FedEx account 61
Setting up your UPS account 62
Setting up default printing options 63
Managing email notifications 64
Setting the default address for USPS return labels 65
Determining how you spend your postage 66
5 - Using Envelope Printing
The Envelope Printing screen overview 68
Checking your available Envelope Printing postage 69
Refilling postage for your Envelope Printing balance 70
Using accounts for Envelope Printing 71
Sending a First-Class Mail® envelope 72
Sending Certified Mail 73
Printing a future date 74
Omitting the date from Envelope Printing 75
Printing additional postage 76
Re-dating your mail 77
Previewing or changing postage classes or adding special services 78
Entering weight manually for Envelope Printing79
Using the weighing platform for Envelope Printing 80
Sealing the envelope only - (bypass all printing)81
Zeroing the scale 82
Adding insurance to your mail in Envelope Printing 83
Tracking your mail using ERR in Envelope Printing 84
Getting a USPS refund for damaged or incorrectly printed mail in Envelope Printing 85
Adding a graphic to your envelope in Envelope Printing 86
Printing only the date and time in Envelope Printing 89
6 - Managing envelope printing
Changing the default refill amounts in Envelope Printing 92
Uploading Envelope Printing transactions 93
Clearing or resetting the number of mailpieces you've sent in Envelope Printing 95
Performing USPS postal inspections for Envelope Printing 96
Performing postal rate updates or software updates for Envelope Printing 97
Viewing the Envelope Printing postage refill history 100
Setting the Envelope Printing low funds warning 101
Setting up a mailer ID 102
Updating the zip code 103
Managing accounts for Envelope Printing 104
Multi-level Envelope Printing accounts 105
Turning Envelope Printing account passwords on and off 107
Creating an Envelope Printing account 108
Editing an Envelope Printing account 110
Deleting an Envelope Printing account 111
Setting the Envelope Printing account report period 112
Setting the Envelope Printing account report preferences 113
Printing Envelope Printing funds report 114
Printing a graphic on your envelope with no postage 87
Adding an inscription to your envelope in Envelope Printing 88
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 8
7 - View Print Reports
Printing a receipt when refilling postage for Envelope Printing 116
Viewing the total Envelope Printing postage spent 117
Viewing the Envelope Printing postage refill history 118
Printing a report for the number of mailpieces sent in Envelope Printing 119
Printing Envelope Printing funds report 120
Running Envelope Printing account reports 121
Parts of the machine 147
Connections on the back of the machine 148
Setting up a wired network (LAN) connection 149
Setting up a WiFi (wireless) network connection 150
Specifications 151
Setting the Envelope Printing account report period 122
Setting the Envelope Printing account report preferences 123
Viewing the Trackable Label history 124
8 - Mail Machine Maintenance
Printing a test pattern 126
Cleaning the print nozzle 127
Changing the ink cartridge 128
Replacing the printhead 129
Cleaning the moistener brush and wick assembly 133
Filling the moistener tank 136
Avoiding envelope sealing issues 137
Moving your SendPro C-Series meter 138
11 - Technical Support
Contacting Pitney Bowes 154
12 - Errors
"CSD Senior Device has stopped" message 156
"Shared Services has stopped working" message 157
Flashing power light 158
"Oops! Something went wrong" message in Trackable Labels Address Book 159
Error: Print services has stopped 160
Error: US Mailing has stopped 161
Error 1814, 1815 or 1825 162
Error 0802 163
"Clear Paper Jam" message 169
"Not Ready to Print" message 170
"Transaction log upload required" or
9 - Supplies
Supplies, ink cartridges, and options 140
"Transaction Upload Due" messages 172
Error: No PSD on the SendPro C200, C300 and C400 173
Resolve error message "General Authorization Failure" 174
10 - Machine Information
USPS requirements 144
Sections of the meter impression 145
Postal Security Device 146
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 9
13 - Troubleshooting
Poor print quality or not printing 177
Wireless connection issues on the SendPro C200, C300 and C400 179
Importing Addresses - SendPro online, SendPro C200, C300, C400 214
Wired network connection issues on the SendPro C200, C300 and C400 181
Sealing issues 184
All classes missing 186
Postage Balance showing "reading" on the Envelope Printing screen 187
Cannot refill Envelope Printing during initial installation 188
The screen is on but the power light is off 189
Scale weight changes to one ounce after removing mailpiece 190
Solid red light on the 1E35 label printer 191
Stuck on Pitney Bowes blue loading screen when going to envelope printing 193
Cartridge does not move on boot up 194
Power light flashes red and blue 195
Power light is blue instead of white 196
Power light turns on and off before the machine boots 197
Exporting Addresses - SendPro online, SendPro C200, C300, C400 217
Importing Cost Accounts - SendPro online, SendPro C200, C300, C400 218
Exporting Cost Accounts - SendPro online, SendPro C200, C300, C400 219
Exporting a History Report - SendPro online, SendPro C200, C300, C400 220
Setting up and Managing a UPS Account ­SendPro online, SendPro C200, C300, C400 221
Setting up and Managing a FedEx Account ­SendPro online, SendPro C200, C300, C400 224
Managing Users - SendPro online, SendPro C200, C300, C400 227
Inviting Users - SendPro online, SendPro C200, C300, C400 229
Creating an international trackable label 231
Printing a USPS scan form 232
Opening Manage Accounts in Envelope Printing displays a white screen 198
Unable to print Trackable Labels 199
1E35 label printer feeds incorrect label size when printing a trackable label 201
Screen is blank or black 203
Mail not weighing correctly or not at all 204
Low battery icon appearing on the display 206
Date printed on mail is wrong 207
Meter making a continuous bell or chiming sound 208
PB Commerce cloud error 209
Label not printing and printer green light is flashing 211
A - Browser operations
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 10

1 - Safety

In this section
Important safety and compliance information for your meter 12

Important safety and compliance information for your meter

SendPro C200, C300 and C400 (Model 2H00)
Power requirements: 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 1.0A
Operating Temperature: 55°F (13°C) to 95°F (35°C)
Sound Level: Less than or equal to dBA re 20 micro Pascal in accordance with ISO 7779, ISO 3744, or ISO 3741.
Lithium ion batteries
This product contain a lithium ion battery. The battery must be recycled or disposed of properly. If you are leasing this product, you must return it to Pitney Bowes. Alternatively, contact your local waste disposal or recycle facility for instructions on how to dispose of it properly.
Agency compliance information
Agency Compliance Information can be found in the product’s user guide. The user guide is available for download at: http://www.pitneybowes.com/us/support.
Important safety notes
Follow the normal safety precautions for all office equipment.
l Please read all instructions before you attempt to operate the system. Save these instructions for
future use.
l Use only Pitney Bowes-approved supplies, in particular aerosol dusters. Improper storage and
use of aerosol dusters or flammable aerosol dusters can cause an explosive-like condition that could result in personal injury and/or property damage. Never use aerosol dusters labeled flammable and always read instructions and safety precautions on the duster label.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 12
l Use the power cord supplied with the machine and plug it into a properly grounded wall outlet
that's located near the machine and easily accessible. Failure to properly ground the machine can result in severe personal injury and/or fire.
l The power cord wall plug is the primary means of disconnecting the machine from the AC supply.
The unit is on whenever it is plugged into a live receptacle, even though the operator display may be blank.
l Place the mailing machine base close to an easily accessible wall outlet. DO NOT use a wall outlet
controlled by a wall switch or one that is shared with other equipment.
l Do not use an adapter plug on the line cord or wall outlet.
l Do not remove the ground pin from the line cord.
l Make sure the area in front of the wall outlet into which the machine is plugged is free from
l DO NOT route the power cord over sharp edges or trap it between pieces of furniture. Make sure
there is no strain on the power cord.
l To reduce the risk of fire or electrical shock, DO NOT attempt to remove covers or disassemble the
control panel or its base. The cabinet encloses hazardous parts. If you should drop or otherwise damage the unit, call Pitney Bowes.
l Use only Pitney Bowes approved ink, tape strips, and cleaners. To obtain Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDS) for OSHA requirements, please go to www.pb.com/msds. When prompted, enter the product name, manufacturer, the Pitney Bowes MSDS Number, or reorder number of the item you are interested in.
l Keep fingers, long hair, jewelry and loose clothing away from moving parts at all times.
l Avoid touching moving parts or materials while the machine is in use. Before clearing a stall (jam),
be sure ma- chine mechanisms come to a complete stop.
l To prevent overheating, do not cover the vent openings.
l When removing stalled material, avoid using too much force to protect against minor personal
injury and damage to the equipment.
l Use the equipment only for its intended purpose.
l Always follow the specific occupational safety and health standards prescribed for your workplace.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 13
Warning! Caution:
In case of an ink spill, leaking ink or excessive ink accumulation, immediately disconnect the power cord from the wall plug and contact Pitney Bowes. Go to our website at (copy the URL and paste it into a browser):
Warning! Caution:
Moving mechanism can result in personal injury. Keep hands, long hair, ties, jewelry and loose clothing away from moving parts.
Radio frequency transmitter compliance information
United States
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
l Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
l Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
l Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
l Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Only cables provided with this equipment may be used to ensure compliance with the limits.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 14
Changes or modifications to this equipment not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment contains an FCC approved radio frequency transmitter. An FCC ID number can be found on the equipment label. This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
This equipment contains an Industry Canada approved radio frequency transmitter. An IC certification number can be found on the equipment label. The separation distance between the user of this equipment and the transmitting device must be greater than 20cm to ensure compliance with radio frequency exposure requirements. This transmitting device complies with Industry Canada license­exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
This equipment contains a radio frequency transmitter that has been certified for construction design based on regulations in Radio Law Article 38, Section 24 and the technical specifications in Certification Ordinance Article 2, Section 1, No. 19, 19-3, and 19-3-2. The certification mark and number is shown on the equipment’s label.
This equipment contains a radio frequency transmitter that has been certified for construction design based on the General Telecommunications Law and the Radio Law Resolution 242 – General Regulations on the Certification and Approval of Telecommunication Products. The ANATEL certification mark is shown on the equipment’s label.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 15
Note for California customers only
Batteries in this product contain perchlorate material. California requires perchlorate-containing products to be accompanied by the following notice: Perchlorate Material - special handling may apply. See: http://www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/perchlorate/
Please refer to the warranty information if problems occur. Failed units will be returned to the Pitney Bowes U.S. Service Center. For reference purposes, the Pitney Bowes U.S. Service Center contact address is: Pitney Bowes Inc., 3001 Summer Street, Stamford, CT, 06926.
For more information, visit our website at:
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 16

2 - Getting Started Home Screen

In this section
Home screen overview 18 Do I use Trackable Labels or Envelope Printing? 20 Use SendPro online for these tasks 21 Creating or disabling the security pin 22 Managing your Pitney Bowes USPS Postage Funds 24 Using the Trackable Labels address book 25 Using cost accounts for Trackable Labels 26 Viewing the Trackable Label history 27 Tracking a shipment 28 Adjusting your display 29 Installing a scale 30 Adjusting time zone and location code 31 Signing in and out of Trackable Labels 32 Setting up a proxy server 33
Getting Started Home Screen

Home screen overview

The Home screen on the SendPro® C-Series machine provides the starting point for creating either a trackable shipping label or printing postage on an envelope. The application drawer at the bottom of the screen provides access to information about trackable labels you have already sent (History), trackable label addresses (Address Book) and accounts you are using to track your postage spending (Cost Accounts). To view the information tap on the appropriate icon.
To view all of the options in the application drawer, tap the double-headed arrow on the right side of the application drawer. Other options include the ability to track a shipment (Tracking), visit the USPS postal website, and order supplies.
Start creating a shipping label by tapping Trackable Labels. Print postage by tapping Envelope Printing.
The global toolbar located at the top of the Home screen appears at the top of every screen within the Trackable Labels and Envelope Printing applications.
This toolbar allows you to view and change settings and defaults values for your machine and the Trackable Labels and Envelope Printing applications.
Profile - View your profile (name and email for Trackable Label account), log out, or lock your
SendPro C-Series device.
Settings - View or change your machine and application settings. For your machine, this includes adjusting the screen brightness, setting sound notification levels, and viewing wireless or Ethernet connection information. For the Envelope Printing this includes setting up automatic postage refills, external scales and barcode scanners and performing maintenance on the mail postage printer. For the Trackable Labels this includes managing your carrier accounts and setting up your shipping label printer default values.
Network - View the current network type (wireless or Ethernet) and status and strength (for wireless connection). Allows you to turn wireless connection on or off. The icon here represents a wireless connection.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 18
Getting Started Home Screen
Support - Get information on how to perform tasks using Trackable Labels and Envelope Printing. Search online content or watch a video.
Applications - Quickly switch to any installed application without having to navigate to the Home
screen and go through the icons in the application drawer.
Home - Return to the Home screen from anywhere in Trackable Labels or Envelope Printing.
Back - Return to the previous screen.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 19
Getting Started Home Screen

Do I use Trackable Labels or Envelope Printing?

With SendPro® C-Series you can create either a trackable shipping label or print postage on an envelope. For a shipping label, tap Trackable Labels on the Home screen. For postage, tap Envelope Printing on the Home screen.
Why use Trackable Labels?
l You are sending large envelopes or packages.
l USPS tracking barcode requirements - if you are using any Priority Mail Services, any Priority Mail
Express Services, or any Parcel Select Services the USPS requires that a USPS tracking barcode and number appear on those packages or envelopes. Refer to the USPS site for more information.
l You can tailor your sending options by choosing USPS, UPS, or FedEx carrier. You can review
the costs, services, and delivery times of all three carriers and select the ideal way to send each package.
l Maximize savings through the USPS by having access to the commercial based rates and
discounts for sending letters and packages, including Priority Mail. This will save you 3 cents per letter and about one dollar per package.
l Take advantage of Pitney Bowes partnership with UPS. You are eligible for UPS office shipping
discounts including 18% savings on UPS next day air and 9% off of UPS Ground Commercial and Residential.
When to use Envelope Printing?
l If you are using pre-printed envelopes or postcards.
l If you only need the postage amount (indicia) on the envelope or label (you don't need tracking
information on the envelope).
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 20
Getting Started Home Screen

Use SendPro online for these tasks

The following tasks must be performed using SendPro® online instead of your SendPro® C-Series machine. In your web browser, go to https://login.pitneybowes.com/sendpro and sign in with your SendPro® C-Series user ID and password.
Importing multiple Trackable Label addresses - SendPro online, SendPro® C-Series
Exporting Trackable Label addresses - SendPro online, SendPro® C-Series
Importing Cost Accounts - SendPro online, SendPro® C-Series
Exporting Cost Accounts - SendPro online, SendPro® C-Series
Exporting Trackable Label history - SendPro online, SendPro® C-Series
Setting up and managing a UPS account - SendPro online, SendPro® C-Series
Setting up and managing a FedEx account - SendPro online, SendPro® C-Series
Managing Users - SendPro online, SendPro® C-Series (requires a multi-user subscription)
Inviting Users - SendPro online, SendPro® C-Series (requires a multi-user subscription)
Printing international labels (this can be done on your SendPro® C-Series device if you have an 8 1/2 x
11" 1E50 laser printer connected to it)
Printing a USPS scan form
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 21
Getting Started Home Screen

Creating or disabling the security pin

Note: If you assigned a security pin when you installed your SendPro® C-Series meter, you will be prompted to enter it when you power it up or after it has entered the sleep mode.
To create a security pin:
1. Tap the Settings (gear) icon in the global toolbar.
2. Tap the Security PIN option in the Devise & Network section of the screen.
3. Tap the Create PIN button.
4. Enter a 4-digit numeric PIN using the keyboard on the display.
5. You will be prompted to verify the PIN by entering it again.
To change or disable the security PIN:
1. Tap the Settings (gear) icon in the global toolbar.
2. Tap the Security PIN option in the Devise & Network section of the screen.
3. Tap Change PIN or Turn OFF Security PIN, whichever is appropriate.
4. You will be prompted to enter the current security PIN for either option.
To manually lock your SendPro® C-Seriesmeter:
1. Tap the user profile icon (as shown below) in the top right corner of the global toolbar.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 22
Getting Started Home Screen
2. Tap Lock this Device. Note: the Devise is Locked screen displays. The screen saver will display shortly after this screen.
If you forget your Security PIN, tap on the Forgot PIN? link and you will provided a number to call for a new PIN.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 23
Getting Started Home Screen

Managing your Pitney Bowes USPS Postage Funds

You fund the postage used for Envelope Printing using your Postage by Phone account. You fund postage for Trackable Labels using your preferred payment method. This can be from your Purchase Power account or using a credit card (Discover, Visa, Master Card, American Express).
The Envelope Printing and Trackable Labels funds are managed in two separate accounts on the SendPro C-Series.
For Envelope Printing, the postage is downloaded and stored in the postage meter on your SendPro C­Series device. To check the current funds or add funds to your Envelope Printing account, refer to
Refilling Envelope Printing postage.
For Trackable Labels, the postage is stored online in your Pitney Bowes Account. To check the current funds or add funds to Trackable Labels, refer to Refilling Trackable Label postage.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 24
Getting Started Home Screen

Using the Trackable Labels address book

The SendPro® C-Series one address book verifies addresses for all carriers thereby ensuring accurate deliveries for all of your carriers.
You can view all of the trackable label addresses in your address book by tapping the Address Book icon in the application drawer at the bottom of the Home screen.
To add, edit or delete addresses within the book, refer to:
l Adding new addresses to Trackable Label address book
l Editing addresses in the Trackable Label address book
l Deleting addresses from the Trackable Label address book
You use the address book within the Trackable Labels application to change the sender's address and to add a recipient's address when creating a trackable label. Refer to Creating a trackable label.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 25
Getting Started Home Screen

Using cost accounts for Trackable Labels

You can use cost accounts to keep track of how you are spending postage on trackable labels. You do this by assigning an account category to each trackable label you create. You can also assign a cost account to each postage refill you perform.
You assign a cost account to a label within the Trackable Labels application while creating a trackable label.
To view all of your cost accounts, tap the Cost Accounts icon in the application drawer at the bottom of the Home screen. The Cost Accounts screen also allows you to add new accounts or edit existing ones
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 26
Getting Started Home Screen

Viewing the Trackable Label history

You can view all of the trackable labels you've created on your SendPro® C-Series machine using the History screen.
To open the History screen, tap the History icon in the application drawer on the Home screen.
The History screen provides a line-item summary of your past trackable labels, with the Date, Recipient, Carrier, Tracking Number (USPS), Status, and Label Amount.
By default, the labels are listed by date, with the most recent at the top. To sort by something other than date, tap one of the other column headings.
To view the details of a specific trackable label shipment, tap on the shipment. The details screen shows the sender and recipient address, the cost account, purchase date and the package type. You can also use this screen to reprint the label, request a refund (USPS), void the label (UPS and FedEx), or create a return label (USPS).
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 27
Getting Started Home Screen

Tracking a shipment

You can locate the tracking number for a trackable label by opening the History screen. Refer to Viewing
the trackable label history for details. You can then use that tracking number to locate the shipment.
1. To track a shipment, tap the Universal Tracking icon in the application drawer at the bottom of the Home screen.
2. Enter the carrier's tracking number in the field provided.
3. Tap Track. The package status is displayed at the top of the screen.
To see what's coming in your mail before it arrives and preview exterior images of your letter-sized mail, consider using USPS Informed Delivery.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 28
Getting Started Home Screen

Adjusting your display

To control the brightness on your display:
1. Tap the Settings (gear) icon in the global toolbar.
2. Tap the Display Brightness option in the Devise & Network section of the screen.
3. Move the slider to adjust the brightness to your desired setting.
4. To exit the Settings screen, tap the Back button or Home icon at the top of the screen.
Pitney Bowes Operator Guide June 2018 29
Getting Started Home Screen

Installing a scale

If you did not install a scale when you installed your SendPro® C-Series meter you can do it at any time later.
To access step-by-step installation instructions for compatible scales:
1. Tap the Settings (gear) icon in the global toolbar.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the Setting screen and tap Scale Installation Instructions under Advanced Options section.
3. To view all of the available scales, swipe to the left on the screen.
4. Tap on the appropriate scale to select it, then tap Continue.
5. Follow the step-by-step instructions displayed on the screen. To advance from one step to the next, swipe the screen to the left.
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