Pioneer’s S-52W subwoofer is an ideal addition to your speaker setup for enjoying agile and realistic low
frequencies. Featuring large 20 cm woofer, built-in Class D amplifier, and Pioneer’s Phase Control technology, the
S-52W is designed to reproduce the low frequency sound with precise timing and volume. The faithful delivery of
clear and solid low frequencies enhances the overall sound, letting you experience the world of movie or music in
full ambience, just as intended by the creator.
Large 20 cm High Line arity Cone Woofe r Uni t Delivers Cl ear
Bass-Reflex Floor Type ›
Maximum Effective Output Power (IEC): 150 W ›
Original Power Supply Unit with Low Noise and High Power ›
Built-in Cl ass D Ampl ifier Featuring Hi gh-Effic iency, Wideb and, ›
and Highly-Precise Feedback Design
Sound with Low Distortion
Phase Control
Frequency Response: 24-1000 Hz ›
Crossover Frequencies (Selectable): 50-200 Hz ›
Dimensions (W x H x D): 360 x 382 x 402 cm ›
Weight: 10.8 kg ›
Power Consumption: 35 W ›
Power Consumption during Standby: 0.5 W ›
Power Requirement: 220-240 V, 50/60 Hz ›

Rear ViewFront View
Original Power Supply Unit with Low Noise and High Power
The su bwoof er featu res ou r newly de veloped switchi ng-mo de power su pply with appro ximat ely just on e hundre dth nois e compa red to co nvent ional
power supply. This enables both low noise and high power, and brings out the best performance from the amplifier.
Output audio signal
Audio signal
power supply
Input audio signal
Amplifier with Enough Power to Handle Instantaneous
High Volume
Cla ss D amp lifie r wit h cha racte ristics of hi gh effic iency, wide
freque ncy rang e, an d hig h-precis ion f eedback desig n is used for
the amplifi er un it. T his a llows plenty of po wer t o reproduce scen es
requir ing inst antan eous high volum e bass. Addit ional ly, the high S/N
rat io desig n (ov er 11 1 dB) cons tantly p rov ides clear soun d, so bass
reproduct ion is e nhanc ed wi thout comp rom ising the sou nd qu ality of
the overall content.
With conventional
power supply
High noise
With our new
power supply
Low noise
High Linearity Large Woofer for Low-Distortion Clear
Sound Even During High Amplitudes
The subwoof er co mes w ith a large 20 c m woo fer u nit. The high
lin earity c harac teris tic p rov ides quality heavy bass with low distortion,
even during high amplitudes for loud delivery.
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All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
Faithful Bass Reproduction with Phase Control
The subwoof er is deve loped base d on Pio neer’s origi nal
Pha se Control techn ology. In ad ditio n to a hig hly line ar
woo fer unit , the subw oofer also has a l ow pa ss fi lter (LPF)
wit h a bypa ssing func tion. This prevents t he ba ss from
lag ging beh ind o ther speak er ou tput, an d offers rich ly nu anced heavy
bas s with s uperi or tr ansie nt respo nse.
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Note: Specifications and design subject to change without notice.