Pilz PSEN op Advanced Programming Adapter User Manual

DL Button
Yellow DL led
3s < t < 1min
7-Seg Display
Yellow UL led
3s < t < 1min
7-Seg Display
PSEN op Advanced Programming Adapter
Ethernet Adapter for PSEN op Advanced series
The Adapter can read out the configuration of a Type 4 light curtain of the PSEN op Advanced series. It can be used both as a backup in case an
exchange of damaged light curtains is required, and f or transferr ing a confi guration to other light curtains used in the same way in the application.
Step 1: Backup of the configuration
Connect the adapter to the light curtain that is used as a source (see section "Connection").
Press the button
procedure is completed when the DL-LED lo longer flashes (see Fig. 1).
Step 2: Reading the configuration
Connect the adapter to the light curtain to which the configuration is to be transferred (see section "Connection"). Important: The existing configuration in the programming adapter can only be copied into light curtains with the same hardware.
Press the button
of writing is completed when the UL-LED no longer flashes (Fig. 2).
until the symbol is shown on the display. The backup
Fig. 1 Down load of a conf iguration
until the symbol is shown on the display. The process
After a configuration has been successfully transferred from the adapter to the light curtain, a configuration report is saved. A maximum of 10 transfer processes can be performed. When this number is achieved, th e user has to download the reports using the PSENopt Configurator software.
Step 3: Downloading the reports and che cking the li ght
curtain configuration
Connect the adapter to the Ethernet network and the supply (see section "Stand-alone connection").
Load all the reports saved in the adapter via PSENopt Configurator.
The serial number and the corresponding configura tion parameters are saved in a configuration report of a certain light curtain.
Before starting normal plant operation, it must be checked whether the configured light curtains work to the purpose for which they are intended.
Deleting the configuration reports
Before deleting, ensure that the report has been saved. Press the button (>
until the symbol is shown on the display. Then all the reports in
3s) the adapter are deleted.


Via PSENopt Configurator you can prepare a light curtain configuration and transfer it to the PSEN op Advanced Programming Adapter. This allows offline configurations to be created which can later be copied to the corresponding light curtains.
Step 1: Create configuration
Connect the supply voltage and the Ethernet connection correspondingly. (see section "Stand-alone connection"). In PSENopt Configurator, select "Configuration of the safety light curtain" to start the offline configuration.
Select the corresponding light curtains from the catalogue and drag it to the middle (max. 3 Types can be cascaded). The select the corresponding programming adapter from the network and continue setting the parameter s with "Co ntinue". Then use "Programming" to save the corresponding configuration into the programming adapter PSEN op Advanced Programming Adapter. The adapter now includes the configuration that can be transferred to several light curtains.
Important: Select the correct article number depending on the light curtain for which the configuration is to be made. If the wrong light curtain was selected, you cannot load the configuration.
Step 2: Transfer configuration to a light curtain
Connect the adapter to the light curtain (see section " Connection").
Press the button Once the upload has been completed successful, a corresponding
configuration report is saved in the adapter. A maximum of 10 read processes can be performed in succession. Then load the configuration reports via PSENopt Configurator to perform further read processes.
When the load procedure is complete the configuration remains saved in the adapter: It can then be read to other light curtains (a new report is created for each upload).
until the symbol is shown on the d isplay.
Step 3: Downloading the reports and checking the safety
light curtain configuration
Connect the adapter to the Ethernet network and the supply (see section "Stand-alone connection"). Then load all the reports saved in the adapter via PSENopt Configurator.
Each configuration report states the serial number of the safety light curtain, in which the corresponding configuration was read, and all the configuration parameters.
Before starting normal plant operation it must be checked that the configured light curtains work to the purpose for which they are intended.


When PSEN op Advanced Programming Adapter is permanently connected to a light curtain, an error log is written on the adapter. This can be made via the Software PSENopt Configurator. Detailed diagnostics of random states is therefore possible. It is only possible to record errors via the adap ter when the Type4 light curtain was configured with the software. An error is written to the log when this error can be rec overed via RES ET. The maximum number of logs in the adapter depends on the type of cascading: 7 logs per cascading with 3 light curtains, 11 logs per c ascad ing w ith 2 l i ght cur ta in s, 23 logs per cascading with 1 light curtain. When the adapter is offset from one light curtain to th e nex t, or the con f igurat io n of the light curtain changes, the current log is deleted and a new log is created. Connect the adapter to the Ethernet network and the supply (see section "Stand-alone connection"). In PSENopt Configurator select "Open log of the safety light curtain" to load and display the logs saved in the adapter.
The log of the safety system includes:
A report on the safety system with detailed configuration of the light curtain that the log refers to.
One or several logs with detailed information on the errors.


When the adapter is connected to a safety l ight cur ta i n, de tai led inform atio n on the status of the light curtain is shown in the 7 segment display. Further information on the messages on the user interface see: Chapter "Diagnostics" in the PSEN op light curtain opera ting manual.
OSSD error Microcontroller error Optical system error EDM error Restart error Communication error BCM Configuration error ACM configuration error Muting lamp error
Light curtain in ALIGN mode, aligned correctly Light curtain in ALIGN mode, not aligned Light curtain in ALIGN mode, last optics not aligned Light curtain in ALIGN mode, optics not aligned Light curtain in ALIGN mode, middle beam not aligned Safety light curtain in interlock, activate RESTART Advanced configuration via PSENopt Configurator is
running Muting function active Safety light curtain process ready for override Override function active Wrong wiring on the override Blanking zones limits not observed. Blanking function active
Fig. 2 Reading the conf iguration
1 (brown)
2 (blue)
3 (white)
4 (green)
5 (pink)
6 (yellow)
7 (black)
8 (grey)
10 (violet)
11 (grey-pink)
12 (red-blue)
1 (brown)
24V – Out
2 (white)
3 (blue)
0V – Out
4 (black)
5 (grey)
Restore error of the safety light curtain configuration. The memory of the adapter is full. Please download the reports via the software.
Error in the operating parameters. Please contact Pilz customer services.
24 V DC ± 20%
Current consumption of the programming adapter
Max. current that is output
1.7 A
Cable length (for electrical supply):
Operating temperature:
-0…+ 55 °C
Storage temperature:
25…+ 70 ℃
Protection type:
IP65 (EN 60529)
Width = 0.35 mm Max. acceleration:
10 g (EN 60068-2-29)
Housing material:
DOWNLOAD PSENopt Configurator


When the adapter is connected to a safety light curtain and to the network, a direct connection of PSENopt Configurator to the safety light curta ins is po ssible. Regarding the correct connection of the adapter to the safety light curtain, see section "Connection".
In PSENopt Configurator select "Monitor" to monitor a light curtain via an adapter that is connected to the system.
In the protected field of PSENopt Configurator the user can call up the following updated information:
Connected type of cascading
Status of all light axes
Alignment level
OSSD status
Status of inputs of the light curtain
Status of outputs of the light curtain
Operating mode (with detailed information on the errors)
Status of the adapter
The monitoring function is useful particularly for diagnostics and rectifying problems of the safety light curtains.
In PSENopt Configurator, select "Configuration of the safety light curtain" to start the online configuration procedure of the co nnected lig ht curtains.
After selecting the light curtain to be configured, perform configuration steps "1-2­3" to:
1) be able to enter all the configuration parameter s,
2) be able to create a new configuration for the safety light curtain and a report of
the configuration. This report is required for checking the new configuration of the safety light curtain,
3) be able to monitor the operation of the safety light curtain before and after the configuration.
Further details on the configuration procedure and the setting of parameters see operating manual PSENopt and online help PSENopt Configurator.


Connection in head area of the safety light curtain
(Specific user interface, saving, online mon itoring an d configurati on)
The adapter is connected via the 18-pin interface at the head side:
Remove the protective plastic cap at the light curtain.
Connect the adapter (see Fig. 3).
Tighten the adapter screws.
Connect the 12-pin connector to the adapter.
If a muting configuration is used, connect the 5-pin muting connector to the
When using the connection to the PSENopt Configurator, connect the 4-pin Ethernet connector.
Keep the end caps installed at all the unused connectors and ensure that they are fixed.
Connection Pin (colour) Muting Blanking
Fig. 3 Connec tion in head ar ea of th e safety light curta in
9 (red) OVERRIDE 2 N.C.
Not used - keep the
Use Standard-M12-D-coded Ethernetcable
If the connection is not used, keep the end caps installed.
Connection in the foot area of the safety light curtain
(Specific user interface, saving, online mon itoring an d configurati on)
The adapter can also be connected to the 18-pin connector at the foot area of the safety light curtain.
Loosen the end cap from the connector of the light curtain.
Connect the adapter (see Fig. 4).
Tighten the adapter screws.
When using the connection to the PSENopt Configurator, connect the 4-pin
Ethernet connector.
Keep the end caps installed at all the unused connectors and ensure that they are fixed.
Fig. 4 Connec tion in the foot area of the safety light curtain
Connection to a cascaded structure
With cascaded light curtains, the adapter can be connected at the head section of the master safety light curtain (Fig. 3) or in the foot are a of the last Slave safety light curtain (Fig. 4).
end caps installed!
(Offline configuration, download of the reports, download of the logs)
Stand-alone connection of the adapter
Connect the 12-pin M12 connector to the adapter.
When using the connection to the PSENopt Configurator, connect the 4-pin
Ethernet connector.
The adapter in stand-alone mode does not conform to the protection type
IP 65.
ERROR MESSAGES PSEN op Advanced P rogram ming
Backup error of the safety light curtain configuration.
Check that the configuration saved in the adapter is compatible with the connected PSEN op light curtain. Configuration backup error of the safety light curtain during initialisation of the log.
Error in the TCP/IP parameters, default reset.
Fig. 5 Stand-alone connections


The client DHCP of the adapter is enabled by default. To enable a connection for PSENopt Configurator it is normally enough to connect the connector of the adapter to the internal network. In case of a connection to a PC that does not belong to any network, the TCP/IP parameters of the PC's operating system have to be entered as follows:
Error in the PSEN op Advanced Programming Adapter memory, default reset.
Error in a report, default reset. Error in an error log, default reset.


IP address: Net mask:
The network configuration of the adapter can be changed after connecting to the adapter in the menu Device-> Sett ings.
Connection: M12 12-pin
2.4 W
M12 5-pin (for muting) M12 ETH 4-pin (for using the PSENopt Configurator) 18-pin (2x9) connector at Safety light curtain
50 m max.


report available in the adapter memory
configuration available in the adapter memory
is shown on the display),
is shown on the display) to
Humidity: 15…95 % (non-condensing)
Frequency 10 … 55 Hz 20 sweeps per axis, 1 octave/min. (EN 60068-2-6)
Search term PSENopt Configurator
Pilz GmbH & Co. KG
Felix-Wankel-Straße 2, 73760 Ostfildern, Germany Tel: +49 711 3409-0 - Fax: +49 711 3409-133 www.pilz.com e-mail:pilz.gmbh@pilz.de
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