Check VS and VA Output Load
If the Vs input of the PDP is short circuited a simple test can be done:
Disconnect the set from the mains.
Disconnect ALL cables between PSU and PDP.
Connect a regulated DC power supply (current limited to 1 A) directly to the Vs input of the YSUS board of the PDP
(pin 9 of connector CN 33) and the chassis of the FTV.
Ramp-up the voltage slowly to maximal 5 V. If the current increases to 1 A, the PDP is defect.
The same can be done for the Vs input on the XSUS board: pin 10 of connector CN 23.
The Va inputs on the various boards can also be checked with the same procedure:
The tests must be done on the connectors
CN23: pin 1 (XSUS-board)
Chapter 09 page 2
CN42: pin 1 (ABUSR-board)
CN52: pin 1 (ABUSL-board).
The next pages explains how to repair the power supply outside the
set, with fictive loads

Repair The Power Supply Out the Set
Chapter 09 page 3
Short circuit On/Off switch, pin 1 and 2 connector 319.
Connect VCEGO (p13) and VSAGO (p15) of CN307 to a +2,5V from the +3,3v STBY SW.
For a regulated output voltage, connect test point VRS (pin 7) and VRA (pin 9) of CN307 to + 1V. Connect
to the two solder island near connector 307 (flex foil connector).
Load +3,3V stby with 15 Ohm resistor (I must be 0,2A).
Load Vs with Lamp on CN323 pin 10. (lamp220V/75W I =176mA (82,3V))
Vs Min load between 0,1 to 0,5A, Max load = 0,5A
Load VA with lamp on CN 323 pin 1. (lamp 220V/100W I = 200mA (53,6V))
VA Min load between 0,1A to 0,5A Max load = 2A
Load Vcc (5V) with resistor 8,2 Ohm, the Max load for VCC = 7A.
Load 3V3 with resistor 3,3 Ohms or 1,5 Ohm
Connect power supply to mains, by connector 308.

Output Connectors
CN319 P3 CN307 P3CN333 and CN323 P7
Pin 9
Power OK
Chapter 09 page 4

Flow Chart Overview Check Points
Check +V standby power supply, + 3,3V and +5V stby on CN319.
Check +V standby power supply, + 3,3V and +5V stby on CN319.
Check Preconditioner +395V on fuse1004.
Check Preconditioner +395V on fuse1004.
Check +Vs switched output voltage on pin 8,9,10 CN323 or pin 7,8,9 CN333 around 80……85V
Check +Vs switched output voltage on pin 8,9,10 CN323 or pin 7,8,9 CN333 around 80……85V
Check + Va output voltage on pin 1 CN323 = around 50….55V
Check + Va output voltage on pin 1 CN323 = around 50….55V
Chapter 09 page 5
Check + Vcc output voltage on pin 1 CN333 = 5,2V
Check + Vcc output voltage on pin 1 CN333 = 5,2V
Check + 3V3 output voltage on pin 8,9,10,11,12 of CN305 = 3,3V
Check + 3V3 output voltage on pin 8,9,10,11,12 of CN305 = 3,3V
Check Power OK line on pin 9 CN319, must be high (4,5V).
Check Power OK line on pin 9 CN319, must be high (4,5V).

Switched Standby Voltages
Chapter 09 page 6
+5V Stby out +3,3V Stby out
Minimum load for the +3,3V switched Stby supply
is about 0,2A or 16 ohm

Standby Supply Is Not Correct ?
Conditions for normal operating mode of the Stby supply;
Load is about 200mA on the 3,3V output
D6512, D6513, R3506
Chapter 09 page 7
Check V on
drain IC7500?
Check also
the +25V Hot from Stby PS
Reference is primary ground
Pin 1 IC7500 = 5,8V ?
Check secondary part
Short circuit and
Control loop