Philips DPM User Guide

DPM Download/Configuration
User Manual
DPM Download/Configuration - User Manual
DPM Download/Configuration - 08/2004 (English)
Pocket Memo Windows NT 4.0 and Windows XP are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.
Philips has carried out extensive testing with most popular configurations. However, since PC add-ons and device drivers change very rapidly, we are unable to guarantee conflict-free operation.
The CE mark confirms that the device corresponds to the relevant guidelines of the European Union. The cardboard used for packaging can be recycled. This electronic facility contains recyclable material.
Technical changes and errors excepted.
is a registered trademark of Philips. Windows 98 SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000,
Declaration of Conformity
Tested to comply with FCC standards. For home or office use.
Model number: DPM Download/Configuration
Trade name: Philips Digital Pocket Memo
Responsible party: Philips Speech Processing
Address: 64 Perimeter Center East, Fifth Floor, Atlanta,
GA 30346, USA
Telephone number: +1 770 821 2400
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
DPM Download/Configuration - User Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 1
Features............................................................................................................................................................. 1
System requirements......................................................................................................................................... 1
Hardware requirements................................................................................................................................ 1
Software requirements ................................................................................................................................. 1
Installing the program ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Installation wizard......................................................................................................................................... 2
Installing the DPM.............................................................................................................................................. 2
Uninstallation ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
About the program ................................................................................................................................ 3
Starting the program .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Program icon in status notification area ............................................................................................................. 3
Menu bar............................................................................................................................................................ 3
File menu ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Edit menu ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
Settings menu .............................................................................................................................................. 4
View menu ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Help menu.................................................................................................................................................... 5
Toolbar............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Player bar .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Audio control ................................................................................................................................................ 6
PC file list and DPM file list ................................................................................................................................ 6
PC file list ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
DPM file list .................................................................................................................................................. 6
File list columns............................................................................................................................................ 7
File list operations ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Copying/moving files between lists............................................................................................................... 8
Editing list entries ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Sorting lists................................................................................................................................................... 8
Showing/hiding columns............................................................................................................................... 8
File information............................................................................................................................................. 8
Filter options .................................................................................................................................................... 10
Custom Filter Options dialog box ............................................................................................................... 10
Defining a custom filter............................................................................................................................... 11
Working with DPM Download/Configuration.................................................................................... 12
Example configurations.................................................................................................................................... 12
Getting started ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Configuring the DPM........................................................................................................................................ 12
Configuring automatic download...................................................................................................................... 13
Emailing dictations ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Subfolders created from Keywords.................................................................................................................. 15
DPM Configuration.............................................................................................................................. 16
General ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Advanced......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Keyword Definition........................................................................................................................................... 19
Defining Keywords ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Protection......................................................................................................................................................... 20
Download Settings ........................................................................................................................................... 21
Download mode ......................................................................................................................................... 21
Download file type ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Keyword Options (General) ............................................................................................................................. 22
Keyword Options (DPM 9450) ......................................................................................................................... 23
Allowed characters........................................................................................................................................... 24
DPM Configuration Wizard .............................................................................................................................. 25
Download Options............................................................................................................................... 26
General ............................................................................................................................................................ 26
Automatic download ................................................................................................................................... 26
Download file name.................................................................................................................................... 26
PC Settings...................................................................................................................................................... 27
DPM Settings................................................................................................................................................... 28
Download mode ......................................................................................................................................... 28
Download file type ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Backup............................................................................................................................................................. 29
DPM Download/Configuration - User Manual
Program Options and Email Options ................................................................................................ 30
Program Options.............................................................................................................................................. 30
Email Options .................................................................................................................................................. 31
Appendix .............................................................................................................................................. 33
Philips 9750 ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
File download with Philips 9750....................................................................................................................... 33
Command line parameters............................................................................................................................... 33
Index ..................................................................................................................................................... 35
DPM Download/Configuration - User Manual


Welcome to the DPM Download/Configuration User Manual. The DPM Download/Configuration program assists you in configuring the DPM (Digital Pocket Memo) for your everyday work. This program enables you to make specific settings for the device and to have full control over the file transfer between the DPM and the PC.


The DPM Download/Configuration program provides these features:
Full control over the file transfer between the DPM and the PC including fully configurable automatic file transfer.
Configuration of the DPM to suit any user's individual preferences.
Wizard-assisted device configuration for novice users.
Enhanced file management capabilities.
Complete overview of all dictation sound files on the DPM via the program's DPM file list.
Playback of DPM dictation sound files directly from the device via the integrated Player bar.
Integrated email functionality for sending the dictation sound files via email.
Compatible with Philips LFH 9750 (digital Dictation/Transcription System).

System requirements

The DPM Download/Configuration program requires the following hardware and software specifications in order to function properly:

Hardware requirements

The minimum requirement for your processor is: Pentium II with 233 MHz and 64 MB RAM. We recommend to have 128 MB RAM.
Your hard disk needs 100 MB free disk space before installation.
You need to have a USB port.

Software requirements

Microsoft Windows 98 SE
Microsoft Windows Me
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows XP
Note: For all operating systems listed above, we recommend you to apply the latest Service Pack available before installing the DPM Download/Configuration program. For Windows 2000, Service Pack 3 must be installed prior to installation.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later
For sending DPM dictation files via email you need to have an email program installed. This email program
has to be compatible with the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI). Make sure the Mapi32.dll file is in the System folder of your Windows operating system.

Installing the program

To install the DPM Download/Configuration program, insert the installation CD into the CD-ROM drive of your computer. Setup should start automatically.
If this is not the case, start setup manually by double-clicking the setup.EXE file on the installation CD.
The installation wizard will guide you through the program installation. The pages which appear explain how to proceed.
Note: A user must have administrator rights to install the program under Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Contact your system administrator if you need help. Important: We recommend installing the DPM Download/Configuration program before installing the DPM.
DPM Download/Configuration - User Manual
After the installation is complete, you may be prompted to restart your computer. Sometimes restarting is necessary to activate the required drivers and system files.
The first step of the installation is to choose a language. This defines the system-wide user interface language. The language cannot be changed after installation.

Installation wizard

The Installation wizard takes you through the following steps:
License agreement
This page displays information on the DPM Download/Configuration license. Please read the information carefully. Setup cannot be continued if you do not accept this license agreement.
Customer information
On this page you enter your User name, Organization and License key. You will find your license key on the back of the envelope containing the installation CD. By installing DPM Download/Configuration and entering the license key, you agree to comply with the copyright laws.
Custom setup
On this page you select which program features are to be installed and the destination folder of the installation.
Ready to install the program
On this page you have a chance to review the settings you have made or cancel the installation procedure.
When you click Install the wizard displays the installation progress.
Installation complete
On this page you are notified that setup is complete; click the Finish button to exit the setup.
You might be asked to restart the PC before starting DPM Download/Configuration.
For information about the Custom Setup option and the Maintenance mode, refer to the DPM Download/Configuration Online Help.

Installing the DPM

When the DPM is connected to the PC for the first time, the Windows operating system detects a new device and starts the New Hardware Found wizard. This wizard installs the DPM and loads the required drivers automatically. When the DPM installation is complete, you may be asked to restart your PC.
If the DPM is correctly installed, the DPM will have a drive letter assigned to it. Open your Windows Explorer; the drive for the DPM appears as follows:
Removable Disk (P:) where P stands for the drive letter assigned by the operating system during the device installation.
For more information about installing new hardware and devices, refer to the Online Help of your Windows operating system.
Note: When installing the DPM under Windows 98 SE or Windows Me, make sure you install the DPM Download/Configuration before you install the device. Windows 98 SE additionally requires the installation CD for the operating system.
If you did not install the DPM Download/Configuration before installing the device and encounter problems, refer to the Readme.txt file for more information about changing the DPM's driver configuration.


To uninstall the DPM Download/Configuration program from your system, go to the Start menu, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs. Select the program from the list of installed programs and click Remove depending on your operating system. You will have to confirm the uninstallation. When uninstallation is
complete, you may be asked to restart the PC.
Uninstallation removes all programs and files relating to DPM Download/Configuration.
If you installed DPM Player in a separate procedure you must also uninstall it in a separate procedure. For more information refer to the DPM Player Online Help.
DPM Download/Configuration - User Manual

About the program

Starting the program

The DPM Download/Configuration program is started automatically after installation. When the program is started for the first time after installation, the default program configuration is displayed.
To start the program manually, you can also go to the Start menu of your Windows operating system and select Programs, DPM Download Configuration.

Program icon in status notification area

Once the DPM Download/Configuration program has been started, it will remain active in the background. This means that the program is always available via the program icon in the status notification area of the Windows task bar even if the program is closed or exited. The DPM Download/Configuration program is also started automatically in hidden form when the PC is started.
To display the program window, right-click the program icon and select Open DPM Download/Configuration.
To not have the program active in the background, right-click the program icon and select Close DPM
Download/Configuration; the program icon will disappear from the task bar.

Menu bar

The DPM Download/Configuration menu bar has the following menus:

File menu

Import Configuration File
Enables you to browse for the location where configuration files are stored. The selected file is imported. The device-specific and program-specific settings stored in that file overrule the current settings in the DPM Download/Configuration program.
Note: When the user imports a configuration file, a confirmation dialog box is displayed. You must confirm the import action in order for the settings in the configuration file to be applied to both the DPM Download/Configuration program and your device.
DPM Download/Configuration - User Manual
Export Configuration File
Enables you to browse for the location where configuration files are stored. The current device-specific and program-specific settings are stored in that file. If required, the file can be imported and the configuration settings can be applied to other DPM devices.
Exits the DPM Download/Configuration program.
When users exit the program, the current settings are stored in the registry. The DPM Download/Configuration program is still available as an icon in the status notification area of the Windows taskbar. The settings from the registry are retrieved automatically at the next program start.

Edit menu

Copies the selected dictation file from the DPM file list to the PC file list and vice versa.
Copies the selected dictation file from the DPM file list to the PC file list and vice versa, and removes it from its original location.
Deletes the selected file. You will need to confirm the delete operation.
Displays the DPM Format Selection dialog box for converting the selected dictation file to a different audio file format.
Opens the email program for sending the selected dictation file via email. If the email settings have been configured in the Email Options dialog box, the preconfigured settings are filled in automatically.
Displays the properties of the selected file: file size, sound file format and other file attributes.

Settings menu

DPM Configuration Wizard
Opens the DPM Configuration Wizard.
DPM Configuration
Displays the DPM Configuration dialog box.
Download Options
Displays the Download Options dialog box.
Note: You can also press CTRL+D to display the Download Options dialog box.
Program Options
Displays the Program Options dialog box.
Note: You can also press CTRL+P to display the Program Options dialog box.
Email Options
Displays the Email Options dialog box.
Note: You can also press CTRL+E to display the Email Options dialog box.
Transfer Settings to DPM
Transfers the current device-specific settings in the program to the DPM. The settings stored on the device are overwritten.
Transfer Settings from DPM
Retrieves the current device-specific settings from the DPM and loads them into the DPM Download/Configuration program. The settings in the program are overwritten.

View menu

Toolbar Status Bar Player Bar DPM File List PC File List
The check mark indicates that the respective bar/list is displayed. If there is no check mark, the bar/list is hidden.
DPM Download/Configuration - User Manual

Help menu

Contents and Index
Opens the DPM Download/Configuration Online Help.
About DPM Download/Configuration
Provides version and copyright information about the program.


This is the DPM Download/Configuration toolbar:
The toolbar buttons and their functions from left to right:
Transfer Settings from DPM
Retrieves the current settings from the DPM and loads them into the DPM Download/Configuration program. The settings in the program are overwritten.
Transfer Settings to DPM
Transfers the current settings in the DPM Download/Configuration program to the DPM. The settings stored on the device are overwritten.
DPM Configuration Wizard
Opens the DPM Configuration Wizard.
DPM Configuration
Displays the DPM Configuration dialog box.
Download Options
Displays the Download Options dialog box.
Program Options
Displays the Program Options dialog box.
Email Options
Displays the Email Options dialog box.
Copies the selected dictation file from the DPM file list to the PC file list and vice versa.
Copies the selected dictation file from the DPM file list to the PC file list and vice versa, and removes it from its original location.
Opens the email program for sending the selected dictation file via email. If the email settings have been configured in the Email Options dialog box, the preconfigured settings are filled in automatically.
Opens the DPM Download/Configuration Online Help.

Player bar

This is the DPM Download/Configuration Player bar:
The Player bar buttons and their functions from left to right:
Plays back the selected dictation file.
Stops playback, fast forward or fast rewind.
Fast Rewind
Rewinds the selected dictation file.
DPM Download/Configuration - User Manual
Fast Forward
Forwards the selected dictation file.
Goes to the beginning of the dictation file.
Goes to the end of the dictation file.
Play Instruction File
Plays back the instruction file for the selected dictation file. Pressing the button again stops the playback and returns the focus to the dictation file.
File information
Displays the File Information dialog box which provides additional information about the selected dictation file; for example, the author name. This button is only available for dictations created with the DPM.
The audio volume meter shows the audio output level.
Displays the current position in the sound file and the total length of the file in MM:SS (minutes:seconds).
Displays the current status.

Audio control

The Player bar also provides an audio control for adjusting the Volume ( ), Tone ( ) and Speed ( ) properties during playback via the corresponding sliders.

PC file list and DPM file list

The DPM Download/Configuration program displays two file lists: the DPM file list and the PC file list.

PC file list

This is the list which is displayed in the upper half of the program window. Here you find all files which are stored on the PC at the location for the DPM files. This location is specified via the Path setting.

DPM file list

This is the list which is displayed in the lower half of the program window. Here you find all files which are stored on the connected DPM.
The lists provide an additional menu which can be opened by clicking the right mouse buttons. The following menu commands are available:
Starts the playback of the selected dictation file.
Play Instruction File
Plays back the instruction file for the selected dictation file.
Copies the selected dictation file from one list to the other.
Copies the selected dictation file from one list to the other and removes it from its original location.
DPM Download/Configuration - User Manual
Deletes the selected file. You will need to confirm the delete operation.
Displays the DPM Format Selection dialog box for converting the selected dictation file to a different audio file format.
Opens the email program for sending the selected dictation file via email. If the email settings have been configured in the Email Options dialog box, the preconfigured settings are filled in automatically.

File list columns

The DPM file list and the PC file list have the following columns. Note that not all columns may be displayed at the first program start. The reason for this is that not all DPM devices support the same functionalities.
Instruction File
Indicates (Yes/No) whether the author has recorded special instructions for the corresponding dictation file.
Instruction Length
Displays the length of the instruction file in HH:MM:SS.
Note: The functionality for recording special instructions is only available with DPM 9400/00, DPM 9400/52, DPM 9450/00, DPM 9450/52 and Philips 9750.
Dictation Name
Displays the name of the dictation file, for example: Wats001.dss
Dictation Length
Displays the length of the dictation file in HH:MM:SS.
Last Modified
Displays the date and time of the last modification of the dictation file.
Keyword 1 - 5
Displays the contents string specified for the corresponding Keyword.
Note: The Keyword 3 - 5 columns are only available with DPM 9400/00, DPM 9400/52, DPM 9450/00, DPM 9450/52 and Philips 9750. DPM 9220 has only Keyword 1.
Indicates the priority setting of the dictation file. If the dictation file is a DPM file, the priority values are either 0 (no priority) or 8 (priority).
Note: The Priority column is not available for DPM 9220.
Indicates whether the dictation file was recorded in Standard Play or Long Play mobile format.
Download Date
Displays the date and time when the dictation file was transferred from the DPM to the PC.
Note: The Download Date column is only available in the PC file list. The displayed date and time format for the Last Modified and Download Date columns depends on your regional settings of your Windows operating system (Start menu, Settings, Control Panel, Regional Options).
Indicates (Yes/No) whether the dictation file was finished with EOL (End-of-Letter).
Displays any barcode information contained in the dictation file.
Label 1, Label 2
Displays the user-defined label strings which were entered on the DPM.
Displays the date and time when the dictation file was created.
DPM Download/Configuration - User Manual

File list operations

The DPM file list and the PC file list provide enhanced functions for the handling of the files which they display.

Copying/moving files between lists

To copy a dictation file from one list to the other, do the following:
1. Select the dictation file in the list.
2. Click the Copy toolbar button. You can also go to the Edit menu and select Copy. Or you right-click the
dictation file to display a menu and select Copy from it.
The file is copied to the other list.
To move a dictation file from one list to the other, follow the steps from above but select the Move command. This copies the file to the other list and removes it from the original location.

Editing list entries

You can edit the entries in the following columns directly in either of the lists: Dictation Name, Priority, EOL, Keyword 1-5
To enter editing mode, do the following:
1. Click the column entry you want to change; this highlights the whole row and selects the entry.
2. To start editing, click the entry again or press the F2 key.
3. Make your changes.
Note: When changing the Dictation Name property you must not change the file extension. If the dictation file also has an instruction file, the instruction file is renamed automatically.

Sorting lists

Clicking a specific column heading sorts the PC or DPM file list in ascending or descending order. For example, clicking the Dictation Name column sorts the list alphabetically based on the file names of the dictations in the list.
The PC and DPM file lists also support drag-and-drop operations of columns.
Dragging a specific column heading to the indicated space above the list automatically sorts the PC or DPM
file list based on that column. The column can be re-inserted into the list by dragging it back.
The columns can also be arranged by drag-and-drop operation to suit a user's personal preferences.
Author Watson prefers the DPM file list to begin with the Keyword 1 column. Author Watson customizes the DPM
file list by dragging the column to the beginning of the list; the DPM Download/Configuration program remembers this setting. Whenever Author Watson opens the program, the DPM file list is displayed with the Keyword 1 column as the first column.

Showing/hiding columns

You can customize which columns you want to have displayed for the PC and/or DPM file lists.
To customize the column display for a file list, do the following:
1. Right-click any column heading or the space above the list.
The Choose Columns dialog box is displayed.
2. To hide a column, drag the column from the list into the dialog box. To show a column, drag the column from
the dialog box and re-insert it into the list.

File information

For the dictation files displayed in the file lists, detailed information about these files is available. To view this information, do the following:
1. Select a file in the file list.
2. Click this button on the Player bar:
DPM Download/Configuration - User Manual
This displays the File Information dialog box with the following information about the selected file:
File name
The name of the selected file together with the path to the download destination.
Type of file
For example: DPM dictation
Last modified
The date and time of the last changes to the file.
For DSS files, this equals the Recording ended value.
For WAV files, this information is retrieved from the file information available in the Windows operating
Recording started / Recording ended
The date and time when recording the dictation was started/finished.
The name of the person who created the dictation. For DPM files, this value equals the selection of the Keyword 1 definition.
The priority setting of the dictation file. If the dictation file is a DPM file, the priority values are either 0 (no priority) or 8 (priority).
Dict. number
The assigned number of the dictation.
Dictation length
The length of the dictation file in HH:MM:SS (hours:minutes:seconds).
The End-of-Letter indication (Yes/No).
Product ID
The DPM's product identification number. For example: 9350
The firmware version of the DPM with which the dictation was recorded. Firmware is the part which has been programmed into the DPM and can be upgraded.
Recording format
This can be either Standard Play or Long Play mobile.
Download date
The date and time when the dictation file was transferred from the DPM to the PC.
Instruction file
Indication if the dictation has instructions recorded by the author (Yes/No).
Instruction length
The length of the instruction file in HH:MM:SS (hours:minutes:seconds).
Acronym for media access control. The value which is displayed here is the DPM's MAC address. This is the device's unique hardware number which the PC uses for communicating and identifying the DPM.
Usage and Content of Keyword
The strings which have been defined for the usage and the contents of the corresponding Keyword.
Displays any barcode information contained in the dictation file.
Label 1, Label 2
Displays the user-defined label strings which were entered on the DPM.
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