Panasonic wj-mpu955 Operation Manual

Admin Console
User’ s Guide
Model No.
please read these instructions carefully and save this manual for future use.
Before attempting to connect or operate this product,
Admin Console
Installation and Configuration
For System Administrators and Operators
The contents of this document are subject to change without notice and do not constitute a commitment on the part of Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document. However, due to ongoing product improvements and revisions, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. cannot guarantee the accuracy of printed material after the date of publication, nor can it accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. will update and revise this document as needed.
The software and hardware described in this document may be copied or used only in accordance with the terms of the license pertaining to said software or hardware.
Reproduction, publication, or duplication of this manual, or any part thereof (with an exception - listed below), in any manner, mechanically, electronically, or photographically, is prohibited without permission of the Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Permission is given to reproduce or duplicate the entire “Worksheets” section at the end of this manual as needed, and the “Definition” topics within the “Configuration” section.
©2001 - 2003 by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.


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Table of Contents
Control of the System........................................................................................3
How It Works.....................................................................................................4
Configuration Management ...........................................................................4
User Control...................................................................................................4
What Happens Next..........................................................................................4
System Requirements....................................................................................... 5
Minimum Hardware Requirements ................................................................5
Minimum Video Display Setting Requirements..............................................5
Operating System Requirements................................................................... 5
Installing MPU955 Admin Console....................................................................6
What Happens Next..........................................................................................6
Configuration ........................................................................................................7
Worksheet Tasks...............................................................................................7
Starting the Program.........................................................................................9
Logging In .........................................................................................................9
First Time Operation........................................................................................10
CPU Setup...................................................................................................10
Scheduled Modes........................................................................................13
Main Window...................................................................................................15
Database Management...................................................................................16
At Installation...............................................................................................16
Database Archive ........................................................................................16
Creating a Database....................................................................................17
Selecting a Database...................................................................................18
Renaming a Database.................................................................................20
Deleting a Database....................................................................................21
Backing up or Restoring a Database...........................................................22
System Configuration ..................................................................................28
Input to Screen................................................................................................36
Switch Nodes...............................................................................................37
Components ................................................................................................40
Alarms .........................................................................................................41
System Controllers ......................................................................................62
Alarm Input/Output.......................................................................................66
Tour Sequences ..........................................................................................80
Group Presets (not currently supported)......................................................86
Group Sequences (not currently supported)................................................92
Table of Contents
Event Scheduler ..........................................................................................98
Tools ............................................................................................................. 101
Log Manager..............................................................................................102
AC Log.......................................................................................................107
Account Manager.......................................................................................110
Help ...........................................................................................................113
Uninstalling .......................................................................................................113
Appendix A .......................................................................................................114
Appendix B .......................................................................................................124
Acronyms ......................................................................................................125
Index ...............................................................................................................131
Teamwork .....................................................................................................136


Welcome to the MPU955 guide is organized in a logical step-by-step sequence that will allow for both an easy and
accurate configuration.
First, an explanation of what MPU955 Admin Console is and how it works in a Network Security System (NSS) is presented in general terms. Next, you will be guided through installing the software, creating a configuration database, and loading the database into the Network Security System’s CPU.
While creating the configuration database, you will find that many components interact with each other, and are dependent on specific values. It will be important to utilize the worksheets provided at the end of this manual to gather the data necessary to create the configuration database, and to develop an understanding of your Network Security System. These worksheets, once completed, should also be utilized when making updates or changes to the system’s configuration, to ensure accurate results.
This part of the process will be explained in the Configuration section of this manual,
which is divided into three phases: physical planning, worksheet tasks, and keying in the data.
Admin Console Installation and Configuration manual. This
Throughout this document, MPU955 refers to WJ-MPU955.
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MPU955 Admin Console enables an administrator and other users to closely control the operation of a Network Security System (NSS). Such a system can include as many as 1,024 cameras and 256 monitors. You will be guided through the process of installing MPU955 Admin Console to manage an NSS, creating the databases that dictate the operation of the NSS, and allowing an administrator to easily change the system’s configuration when necessary.

Control of the System

MPU955 Admin Console enables an administrator to utilize an NSS’s performance capabilities to meet the surveillance needs of a facility during initial installation, as well as when conditions change.
The NSS can be configured to help security personnel respond in different ways using MPU955 Admin Console. For example, based on:
Time of day - such as when open to the public, closed, and after-hours cleaning and maintenance.
Night quiet time.
Quiet day of the week - which would be a 24-hour period of quiet time without
any activity except security personnel doing rounds.
Special business activity - such as taking physical inventory, restocking, and doing routine maintenance of special equipment.
Visits by celebrities, dignitaries, or officials.
In addition, the NSS can be configured using MPU955 Admin Console to allow for quick responses to unexpected disruptions of normal activity that could be caused by power, fire, police, health, or other emergencies.

How It Works

MPU955 Admin Console is a management tool that maintains tracking, reporting, and functional relationships between the various components in a network security system.

Configuration Management

It is possible for MPU955 Admin Console to maintain several separate configurations for a given system.
One configuration, for example, could differ greatly from the typical configuration used, because its purpose may be to watch over a particular activity, such as the taking of an equipment and supplies inventory when the facility is closed to the public.

User Control

In addition to controlling individual cameras, MPU955 Admin Console provides the user with selections from lists of presets and sequences.
If the user chooses a group preset (not currently supported), a group of monitors will display a set of video outputs from a group of cameras at preset positions.
A sequence, on the other hand, is a system-controlled series of views - one of several cameras on one monitor (a Tour Sequence) or of group presets (a Group Sequence on several monitors – not currently supported).

What Happens Next

Installing the MPU955 Admin Console software only takes a few minutes and is very simple to complete. A series of Windows dialog boxes guide the installation onto the PC.
The subsequent task of configuring the software, once installed, can range from modest, for a small system, to complex, for a very large system, such as in an airport.
When it comes to security surveillance, all potential contingencies should be considered when planning a system’s functionality. MPU955 Admin Console is the tool that simplifies this process.


Part of installing MPU955 Admin Console means copying program files from a CD­ROM onto the hard drive of a dedicated PC. MPU955 Admin Console is a tool that allows an administrator to configure the NSS (Network Security System) with information compiled about components and users, and to use well-planned presets and sequences.

System Requirements

As with any PC application that must be reliable, MPU955 Admin Console should be the primary program running on the computer it is installed on. There should be little other than MPU955 Admin Console running on the same computer.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

PC with an Intel® Pentium
64 MB memory
80 MB free hard drive space
10/100 Mbps Ethernet network interface card

Minimum Video Display Setting Requirements

256 colors
800 x 600 resolution

Operating System Requirements

98SE, 2000 Professional SP4, XP Professional SP1a
Windows® (English Version)
III processor

Installing MPU955 Admin Console

1. Insert the MPU955 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive on your computer – an installation menu will appear
2. Select Admin Console and click the Next button – MPU955 Admin Console will
begin installing automatically
3. Respond to the dialog boxes by following the directions given

What Happens Next

The next section will guide you through the phases involved with the setup and configuration of MPU955 Admin Console.


MPU955 Admin Console configuration is a three-step process:
1. Mark copies of drawings of the facility under surveillance.
2. Fill in the appropriate worksheets provided at the end of this manual. (This will result in a survey of all the components in your system, and how they interact with one another.)
3. Enter the values collected on the worksheets into MPU955 Admin Console. (The values entered determine the operation of the Network Security System (NSS) in complete detail by creating relationships among all of the components, including the users.)
Once existing copies of the facility’s drawings are marked, there is a basis for assigning logical or area/local numbers, titles, and practical names for the various components of the surveillance system. With this information, you can then continue with the MPU955 Admin Console worksheet tasks indicated below.

Worksheet Tasks

The MPU955 Admin Console worksheets aid in the collection and organization of information needed to configure the NSS. One person can complete all of the worksheets in a smaller system, but to speed up any installation, consider assigning a team of several individuals to complete different worksheets concurrently.
Perhaps the surveillance system you are working with is small enough for you to collect the required information, and input those values directly on to the MPU955 Admin Console screens.
However, if the system is more complex, it is best to gather and write down the information needed for the initial configuration of MPU955 Admin Console.
If settings need to be modified or updated in the future because of a change in surveillance needs, or changes made in the components of the system, the worksheets can be used to track past, current, and future configurations. The worksheets make it very easy to do this, regardless of the size of your system.
As with any system configuration, it is wise to keep initial and updated worksheets on file, just in case there is ever a need to re-enter the data, or troubleshoot the system.


The title of each worksheet is the same as the title of the MPU955 Admin Console window it supports. For example, the “Operators” worksheet supports the “Operators” window. The fields that need to be filled in on the various MPU955 Admin Console windows correspond to the sequence presented on the worksheets.
Reproduce the worksheets supplied with the system.
Copy pages from the actual worksheets located in the back of this manual.
You may only need a single copy of a certain worksheet, but dozens of copies of others, depending on the components that make up your surveillance system.


Worksheets are arranged alphabetically to make them easy to find. However, you can follow the checklist below vertically for a workable sequence.
For a team approach to information collection, use best judgment to decide how to distribute the worksheet among several individuals.
CPU Setup
GX Device Definition
(GX encoder or decoder)
Camera Definition
Monitor Definition
Alarm Input/Output
Operator Definition
Tour Sequences
Camera Presets
Group Presets
(not currently supported)
Group Sequences
(not currently supported)
Alarm Target Definition(s)
Alarm Definition(s)
Alarm Target Assignment(s)
Camera-to-Monitor Permission(s)
Controller-to-Camera View Permission(s)
Controller-to-Camera Control Permission(s)
Controller-to-Monitor Permission(s)
Controller-to-Group Sequence Permission(s)
(not currently supported)
Controller-to-Alarm IO Permission(s)
Controller-to-Alarm Permission(s)
Operator-to-Controller Permissions
Event Scheduler

Starting the Program

To start MPU955 Admin Console:
1. On the taskbar, click the Start button, click on Programs, click on Panasonic, and then click MPU955 Admin Console

Logging In

Each time MPU955 Admin Console is run, this login screen will appear.
1. Enter the user login name (default = admin) and click the green check mark (or press ENTER on your computer’s keyboard)
By default, there is no password defined.
Both the user login name and password fields are case sensitive.
It is recommended that after entering MPU955 Admin Console the first time, that the user login name is changed, and a login password is defined, in order to control administrative access.
During the configuration, add user names and passwords at various access levels as
needed. See the Account Manager section on page 110.

First Time Operation

CPU Setup

When MPU955 Admin Console is run the first time, the following window will appear after you enter the default login name.
On this window you must match the CPU configuration in the software with the actual CPU running the NSS.
Unit ID is always “1” when using MPU955 Admin Console, as only a single system unit is supported.
1. Enter the IP address for the Main A CPU
Ask your installer or network administrator for the IP address for the Main A CPU. This will let the MPU955 Admin Console software know where to send the configuration database later.
2. If your system is equipped with a redundant CPU, then select the Redundant check box and enter the IP address for the Main B CPU
Ask your installer or network administrator for the IP address for the Main B CPU. If the system has just a single CPU, leave the redundant check box blank. The Main B CPU IP address will not be required.
3. Enter a Unit Name for the system unit
It is best if the name is practical, and easy to understand by anyone using the system.
4. Decide on the operational mode for the NSS CPU by choosing the size of your system from the Size drop-down menu
The Size Configuration section of this window is where you will see the details on the
size the CPU you select. As you choose Standard, Enhanced, or High-Speed, from the
Size drop-down menu, the maximum capacities of each size will display. The maximum
capacity is the largest supported number of each of the components listed. You must match the main CPU (MCPU) capacity with the capacity in this window.
If any of the components in your system exceed the maximum capacity listed, you must choose the next highest system type. For example, if the number of each of your system’s components are less than the maximums listed for “Standard”, but you have 65 monitors, you would need to select “Enhanced” as your system type.
This is the next NSS CPU type available. Using the Enhanced CPU type will increase the capacity of the system. This can be chosen as long as your system MCPU is the correct version for this type.
This is the largest CPU type available, providing the capacity for handling the largest number of components.
5. After making your selection, click the green check mark to save.
6. You can then click on the EXIT button to leave this window

Scheduled Modes

If the Scheduled Modes check box is selected on the CPU System Configuration
window’s Unit tab, an administrator can configure up to four different modes of
operation that can then be scheduled to become active as desired. The configuration of these modes are programmed or set by an administrator during the configuration of the system’s components through MPU955 Admin Console.
Viewing and Programming
In each of the components’ permissions tabs that contain a section like the one shown to the left, modes can be viewed and programmed.
Clicking the View option button allows you to view permissions for the
mode chosen, and defaults to programming for the same mode. In the case of the graphic to the left, mode 1 is set for viewing, and thereby programming.
The permissions grid reflects the contents of the mode whose view is selected with the View option button. In the image below, the permission grid is displaying the contents of mode 1.
More than one mode can be programmed at the same time by clicking on
the Prog check boxes of the other mode numbers that you wish to
program simultaneously. This will append, or add any permissions that are then changed on the permissions grid, but will not modes or overwrite existing permissions in the other modes.
The image to the left indicates that the permissions grid would now be displaying the contents of mode 3 (which is also by default being programmed), and would simultaneously be programming any subsequent changes into modes 1 and 4 as well.
It is not necessary to perform a Save for each mode viewed or programmed. Saving
permissions, when completed, automatically saves all four modes, regardless of the
current View or Prog selection. Permissions are described on page 56.
duplicate entire

Main Window

After entering the CPU IP address, selecting your system’s size, and exiting, the following window will appear, which is the MPU955 Admin Console main window. This window will be the first one you see from now on whenever you enter MPU955 Admin Console.
The main window is the heart of the MPU955 Admin Console configuration software. Each component, sequence, setup, and management task will be accessed from the menus on this window.
Each section will be utilized in order to configure and maintain the NSS.

Database Management

The active database for this system is the one residing within the Network Security System (NSS). MPU955 Admin Console is used to create that database initially, and from that point forward works with copies of it in order to establish and maintain useful variations.

At Installation

When MPU955 Admin Console is first installed, an administrator must create and name a new database. The database is stored on the MPU955 Admin Console computer’s hard drive.
The administrator then enters all the information available about devices, components, users, and sequences, and saves these details into the database using the Database Manager.
See Creating a Database on page 17 for initial and subsequent database creations.

Database Archive

The Database Archive section of the Database Manager window is where each configuration file (database) is manipulated. Several functions that can be performed with the configuration files are selecting, creating, copying, renaming, or deleting.
This section also includes options to backup or restore a configuration file to or from removable media or an alternate location, such as a floppy diskette or network drive.

Creating a Database

When entering Database Manager for the first time, there will not as none have yet been created. An administrator must create and name a new database for configuration.
1. Select Database Mgr… from the File menu
be any .adm files listed,
2. Click on the “New” button – the 2nd button in the Database Archive section
3. Type in a new name for the new database in this field
4. Click the green check mark
Enter any name that fits in the space provided. It is best if the name is practical, and easy to understand by anyone using the system. You will be returned to the main menu after naming the database.
This database will reside in MPU955 Admin Console. Adding and saving information about the components and desired operation of the system will configure it.

Selecting a Database

Viewing and Reconfiguring
Whenever you wish to view or edit settings from the components, sequences, or setup choices on the main menu, you must have the database whose contents you wish to work with open. If you have just entered MPU955 Admin Console, and click on one of those options, you will automatically be prompted to select a database. The database you choose will open, and will immediately be followed by the option window you have chosen. The database you select becomes the default database for all settings until you go back to Database Manager to choose or create a different one.
1. Select the name of a database by clicking on it
2. Click the Select button - the 1st button in the Database Archive section - or double-click on the desired database
You will notice that the system unit ID number and the name of the database currently in use are displayed on the title bar of this window. In the example above, the system unit number is 01, and the database currently being used is “standard”.
When changing the database you are working with, MPU955 Admin Console will open
the selected database, making it the default, and will close the Database Manager window.
You will be returned to the main menu, ready for the configuration or review of the database you just selected.
Copying a Database
Making Similar or Alternative Databases
An administrator can make copies of a database, as desired, and name them to reflect their purpose. This would normally be done to enable the system to respond to changing conditions and surveillance needs without having to completely recreate a database to accommodate these changes.
1. Highlight the name of the database you wish to copy in the Database Manager window
2. Click the Copy button - the 3rd button in the Database Archive section
3. Name the copy in the space provided
4. Click the green check mark
Enter any name that fits the space provided. It is best if the name is practical and easy to understand by anyone using the system.

Renaming a Database

Renaming a database is useful when creating several configurations to fit the needs of specific occasions, and changing the name to ensure each file has been updated. For example, if date codes or initials are used in the name or description of a database, an administrator may want to revise the date code or user initials as necessary.
1. To rename a database, highlight a database name
2. Click the Rename button - the 4th button in the Database Archive section
3. In the “Rename to:” box, type the new name desired
4. Click the green check mark

Deleting a Database

In order to reduce the number of configuration files listed in Database Manager, and thereby decrease the potential for confusion as to which file is loaded on the NSS CPU, outdated or unused configuration files can be deleted. If the files may be needed again in
the future, it is recommended that you backup the files to an alternate location (see page
22) so they can be deleted from MPU955 Admin Console, and restored later if necessary.
1. To delete a database, highlight the database name
2. Click the Delete button - the 5th button in the Database Archive section
The following confirmation message will appear:
3. Click Yes to delete, or No to cancel.

Backing up or Restoring a Database

It may be necessary at times to save a copy of a particular database for backup, troubleshooting, or other purposes. MPU955 Admin Console allows an administrator to perform both backup and restore functions in order to maintain copies of the configuration files outside of the MPU955 Admin Console system.
Backing up a Database
1. Within Database Manager, highlight a database name and click the Backup button - the 6
button in the Database Archive section
The following window will appear.
2. Choose the drive and folder you wish to backup to, just as you would in Windows Explorer
3. Click OK
This procedure will only copy the highlighted configuration file to the specified location. It will not remove it from the Database Manager.
Restoring a Database
In addition to backing up a configuration file, it may also be necessary at times to restore a copy of a particular database from a backup, an e-mail, or from troubleshooting personnel. MPU955 Admin Console allows an administrator to perform a database restore from a source outside of MPU955 Admin Console.
1. Within Database Manager, click the Restore button - the last button under the Database Archive section
The following window will appear.
2. Choose the drive and folder that contains the desired .adm file, just as you would in Windows Explorer
3. Click OK
Because you may have multiple files saved in the same location, the restore feature allows you to choose which file to restore.
4. Select the desired file to restore, and click the green check mark
The left side of the Database Manager window represents the configuration files already stored within MPU955 Admin Console. The right side of the window represents the files stored in the folder that you have just specified.
This procedure will copy the selected configuration file into MPU955 Admin Console from removable media or an alternate location, but will not remove it from its current location.
Getting the Current Database
In order to retrieve a copy of the configuration currently running on the system, and to bring it into MPU955 Admin Console, an administrator must retrieve it using the Database Transfer section’s “GET from CPU” option. This option allows the administrator to view, modify, copy, or create new versions of the current configuration once it is imported into MPU955 Admin Console.
1. From the drop-down menu in the Database Transfer section select either 01A or 01B CPU
2. Click the “GET from CPU” button - the left button under the Database Transfer section
3. Enter the new name for this particular database in the “Save to:” box
4. Click the green check mark
A copy of the database that is currently running on the selected NSS CPU is now saved on the MPU955 Admin Console computer’s hard drive. It will not Main CPU. At this time, you may view or modify the configuration.
be removed from the
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