Full High-Defi nition Home Cinema Projector Full High-Defi nition Home Cinema Projector
The Theater of Your Dreams

For Film Lovers Everywhere
Panasonic seeks the highest performance in optical systems and signal processing circuits to achieve cinema-level colors, contrast, texture and details for an
uncompromised home theater experience. Panasonic’s extensive knowledge of
digital fi lmmaking and media such as Blu-ray Discs and HD broadcasting are
clearly seen in the high picture quality of the PT-AE4000U, which embodies advanced technologies that optimize the reproduction of digital content.
Its exceptional performance—details with amazing reality and clarity—is further
boosted by Panasonic’s collaboration with leading Hollywood fi lmmakers to ensure that it produces images that mirror the director’s artistic vision and intent.
The PT-AE4000U integrates seamlessly with your home theater environment.
It lets you create a dream theater with the dynamic power of a full-scale movie
theater in the comfort of your own home. Professional-level adjustments enable
precise calibrations to suit the specifi c home theater conditions in your house.