2. RELATED MANUALS ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1.SAFETY DUAL CHANNELS ON THE TMCONTROL BOX............................................................................................................................ 4
3.1.2. Safeguard A ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
3.2.G9SERELAY POWER AND RESET/FEEDBACK ....................................................................................................................................... 5
4.1.CONNECTING THE SCANNER TO YOUR LAPTOP ..................................................................................................................................... 6
4.2.CONFIGURING THE SAFETY ZONE ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
5. APPENDIX A: CONNECTION DIAGRAMS AND PHOTOS .......................................................................................................... 10
This manual explains how to set up an Omron OS32C safety laser scanner with any Omron TM collaborative
robot via Omron G9SE-221-T05 safety relay, using the OS32C Configuration Tool software.
For detailed information other aspects of using a TM robot, including but not limited to its hardware installation,
TMflow software, and general safety information, please refer to their respective manuals and quick start
This manual covers the simplest setting, 2 zones.
About Using the OS32C Safety Laser Scanner
Always take into account the following points when using the OS32C:
Make sure OS32C is handled by a "Responsible Person" who is well aware of and familiar with the machine to be
installed. The term "Responsible Person" used means the person qualified, authorized, and responsible to
secure "safety" in each process of the design, installation, operation, maintenance services, and disposition of
the machine. It is assumed that the OS32C will be used properly according to the installation environment,
performance and function of the machine. A Responsible Person should conduct a risk assessment of the
machine and determine the suitability of this product before installation. Read this guide and “Safety Laser
Scanner OS32C Series User’s Manual” thoroughly and understand its contents.
2. Related Manuals
To ensure system safety, make sure to always read the information provided in all safety precautions and
precautions for safe use of manuals for each device that is used in the system.
Gather the necessary equipment as follows, along with a laptop installed with TMflow and OS32C Configuration
Set up the TM robot as you normally would according to the Hardware Installation Manual. Be sure to turn the
switch off at the back of the Control Box while you connect the laser scanner and relay.
2.1. Safety Dual Channels on the TM Control Box
The dual channels of the E-Stop, Safeguard A, or Safeguard B connect to the relay. The relay connectors are
shown in Fig. A-1 in Appendix A. 13/14 and 23/24 react instantaneously, while 37/28 and 47/48 has an off-delay.
Refer to the following sections to understand the differences between E-Stop, Safeguard A, and Safeguard B. A
photo of these connectors are shown in Fig. A-2 in Appendix A.
2.1.1. E-Stop
When E-Stop (Emergency Stop) is triggered (opened),
• The robot will stop movement within 610 ms
• The system will lower the upper limit of the total drive current from 20 to 3 A
• Category 1 safety function is triggered
2.1.2. Safeguard A
When Safeguard A is triggered (opened), the system goes into the Safeguard Pause state. For example, if an
object crosses a safety curtain that is connected to Safeguard A, then the system will:
1. Come to a controlled stop with power still going to the machine actuators.
2. Pause the project.
2.1.3. Safeguard B
When Safeguard B is triggered, the system goes into the Safeguard Collaborative mode. For example, if a person
steps onto a safety mat that is connected to Safeguard B, then the system will enter a collaborative mode