Omron NB, NB3Q-TW00B, NB3Q-TW01B, NB5Q-TW00B, NB5Q-TW01B Operation Manual

Cat. No. V106-E1-11
Programmable Terminals
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No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Neverthe­less, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained in this publication.
© OMRON, 2011
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NB-series NB3Q-TWB NB5Q-TWB NB7W-TWB NB10W-TW01B Programmable Terminals
NB-Designer Operation Manual
Revised July 2014
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Thank you for purchasing an NB-series Programmable Terminal. NB-Series Programmable Terminals (PTs) are designed to handle information generated in FA production
sites. Be sure to understand the functions and performances etc thoroughly before using PT correctly.
This manual is intended for the following personnel, who must also have knowledge of electrical systems (an electrical engineer or the equivalent).
Personnel in charge of introducing FA systems into production facilities.
Personnel in charge of designing FA systems.
Personnel in charge of installing and connecting FA facilities.
Personnel in charge of managing FA systems and facilities
The user must operate the product according to the perfo rmance specifications described in the
operation manuals.
Do not use the PT touch switch input functions for applications where danger to human lif e or serious
property damage is possible, or for emergency switch applications.
Before using the product under conditions which are not described in the manual or applying the
product to nuclear control systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, safety equipment, and other systems, machines and equipment that may have a serious influence o n lives and pr operty if used impro perly, consult your OMRON representative.
Make sure that the ratings and performance characteristics of the product are sufficient for the
systems, machines, and equipment, and be sure to provide the systems, machines, and equipment with double safety mechanisms.
This manual provides information for connecting and setting up an NB-Series PT. Be sure to read
this manual before attempting to use the PT and k eep this manual clos e at ha nd for refer ence du ring installation and operation.
Intended Audience
General Precautions
NB-series Manuals
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
NB-series Manuals
NB-series manuals are organized in the sections listed in the following tables. Refer to the appropriate section in the manuals as required.
Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual (Cat. No. V106) (This manual)
Section Contents
Section 1 Introduction This section provides an outline of the NB-series PTs, including their
functions, features, connection types and communication methods.
Section 2 Installation and Startup of NB-Designer
This section describes how to install and start the NB-Designer.
Section 3 Functions of NB-Designer This section describes the functions of NB-Designe r. Section 4 Functions of NBManager This section describes the functions of NBManager. Section 5 Maintenance and
Abnormality Handling
This section describes the maintenance and check to prevent the abnormality occurrence and the handling of the abnormalities occurred in NB Unit.
Section 6 Descriptions of New Functions Added into NB­TW01B
This section describes the new functions added into NB-TW01B, the system Properties and the component Properties.
Section 7 PictBridge Function This section describes the PictBridge printing function. Appendices The appendices provide lists of the NB Units, the Communication Units,
the applicable PLCs, the memories sapported by PLC, and the list of NB-Designer functions.
Programmable Terminals Setup Manual (Cat. No. V107)
Section Contents
Section 1 Part Names and Functions This section describes the names and functions of the various parts of
an NB Unit.
Section 2 Installing the NB Unit and Connecting Peripheral Devices
This section describes the methods used to install the NB Unit and connect peripheral devices.
Section 3 System Setting Mode This section describes the System Setting Mode. Section 4 Calibrate Mode This section describes the Calibrate Mode. Appendices The appendices provide information on specifications, dimensions,
wirings, and lists of the NB Units, the applicable PLCs and options.
NB-series Manuals
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Programmable Terminals Host Connection Manual (Cat. No. V108)
Section Contents
Section 1 List for All PLCs Supported by NB series
This section lists all PLCs supported by NB Units.
Section 2 Connecting to SIEMENS PLCs
This section describes the connection to SIEMENS PLCs.
Section 3 Connecting to Mitsubishi PLCs
This section describes the connection to Mitsubishi PLCs.
Section 4 Connecting to Schneider PLCs
This section describes the connection to Schneider PLCs.
Section 5 Modbus Connection This section describes the connection on Modbus protocol. Section 6 Connecting to Delta PLCs This section describes the connection to Delta PLCs. Section 7 Connecting to LG PLCs This section describes the connection to LG PLCs. Section 8 Connecting to Panasonic
This section describes the connection to Panasonic PLCs.
Section 9 Connecting to Allen­Bradley (Rockwell) PLC
This section describes the connection to Allen-Bradley PLC.
Section 10 Connecting to PLC of GE Fanuc Automation Inc.
This section describes the connection to PLC of GE Fanuc Automation Inc.
Programmable Terminals Startup Guide Manual (Cat. No. V109)
Section Contents
Section 1 NB Overview This section provide specifications of the NB Unit, describes its names
and functions of the various parts.
Section 2 System Design This section describes the manual structure, takes NB7W as an
example to introduce the operation procedures of the NB system.
Section 3 Installation and Wiring This section describes how to install and wire the NB Unit. Section 4 Screen Creation This section describes how to create a demonstration project through
Section 5 Run This section describes how to start running at the Host side and
prepare to send screen data to NB7W.
Section 6 Maintenance and T roubleshooting
This section describes the maintenance and inspection methods for preventing errors occurring, and troubleshooting measures when errors occur.
Failure to read and understand the information provided in this manual may result in personal injury or death, damage to the product, or product failure. Please read each section in its entirety and be sure you understand the information provided in the section and related sections before attempting any of the procedures or operations given.
Manual Structure
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Manual Structure
The following page structure and icons are used in this manual.
Special information in this manual is classified as follows:
Page Structure and Icons
Special Information
2 Installing the NB Unit and Connecting Peripheral Devices
NB-series Programmable Terminals Setup Manual(V107)
2-1 Installing the NB Unit
2-1-2 Installation onto the Operation Panel
Install the NB Unit by embedding it into the operation panel. Use the metal kit and tool (a crosshead screwdriver) supplied with the Unit for installation. Proceed the installation following the procedures below.
Panel cutout with dimensions is shown below. Fit the NB Unit into the panel from the front side.
As follows, insert panel fixators at the locations indicated by red box around the back of the NB Unit. Insert the hooks of positioners into the square holes on the Unit to hold the fixators properly, and
tighten the screws firmly with the screwdriver.
Precautions for Safe Use
When operating on the operation panel, make sure to keep metal particles from entering the
Unit. The mounting panel must be between 1.6 and 4.8 mm thick. The NB Unit must be installed
in a control panel. For the sake of waterproof and dustproof, all the fixators must be evenly tightened to a
torque of 0.5~0.6 Nm. If the tightening torque exceeds the specified value, or the tightening is not even, deformation of the front panel may occur.
Make sure that the operation panel is clean, unbent, and strong enough for the installation process.
2-1-2 Installation onto the Operation Panel
Models Opening Dimension (W H mm)
NB3Q-TW00B/TW01B 119.0(+0.5/-0) 93.0(+0.5/-0) NB5Q-TW00B/TW01B 172.4(+0.5/-0) 131.0(+0.5/-0) NB7W-TW00B/TW01B 191.0(+0.5/-0) 137.0(+0.5/-0) NB10W-TW01B 258.0(+0.5/-0) 200.0(+0.5/-0)
Opening dimensions
Level 1 heading Level 2 heading Level 3 heading
Step in a procedure
Manual name
Special Information (See below.)
Level 3 heading
Page tab
Gives the current headings.
Indicates a step in a procedure.
Gives the number of the section.
This illustration is provided only as a sample and may not literally appear in this manual.
Icons are used to indicate precautions and additional information.
Precautions for Safe Use Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure using the product safely.
Precautions for Correct Use Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation and performance.
Additional Information Additional information to increase understanding or make operation easier.
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
The following terminology is used in this manual.
Terms Descriptions
NB Unit Indicates the main Unit of the products in the OMRON NB Series of Programmable
NB Series Indicates products in the OMRON NB Series of Programmable Terminal.
In this manual, unless otherwise specified, NB Series is taken as the subject
concerned. PLC Indicates a Programmable Controller. CP Series Indicates the following products in the OMRON CP Series of Programmable Controllers:
CP1H, CP1L, CP1E CS/CJ Series Indicates the following products in the OMRON CS/CJ Series of Programmable
Controllers: CS1G, CS1H, CS1G-H, CS1H-H, CJ1G, CJ1M, CJ2M, CJ2H NJ Series Indicates the following OMRON SYSMAC NJ Series of Programmable Controllers:
NJ501, NJ301 C Series Indicates the following products in the OMRON C Series of Programmable Controllers:
C200HX(-Z), C200HG(-Z), C200HE(-Z), CQM1, CQM1H, CPM1A, CPM2A, CPM2C Serial Communication
Indicates a Serial Communication Unit for an OMRON SYSMAC CS/CJ-Series PLC.
Serial Communication Board
Indicates a Serial Communication Board for an OMRON SYSMAC CS/CJ-Series PLC.
Communication Board Indicates a Communication Board for an OMRON C200HX/HG/HE(-Z) PLC. CPU Unit Indicates a CPU Unit in the OMRON CP, CS/CJ or SYSMAC C Series of Programmable
Controllers. NB-Designer Indicates the OMRON NB-Designer. Host Indicates the PLC and other units functioning as the control devices for NB-Series
Units. PT Indicates an OMRON Programmable Terminal.
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Introduction............................................................................................................... 1
NB-series Manuals.................................................................................................... 2
Manual Structure ...................................................................................................... 4
Terminology .............................................................................................................. 5
Terms and Conditions Agreement........................................................................ 13
Safety Precautions ................................................................................................. 15
Precautions for Safe Use....................................................................................... 18
Precautions for Correct Use.................................................................................. 20
Conformance to EC Directives.............................................................................. 21
Related Manuals ..................................................................................................... 22
Sec. 1 Introduction............................................................................ 1-1
1-1 Functions and Structure of NB-Series PTs........................................................................... 1-2
1-1-1 How NB-Series PTs Work at FA Production Sites...................................................................... 1-2
1-1-2 Operations of NB-Series PTs.....................................................................................................1-2
1-2 Communicating with the Host................................................................................................ 1-4
1-2-1 What’s the Host Link?.................................................................................................................1-4
1-2-2 Connecting Methods...................................................................................................................1-5
1-2-3 Communicating with the PLC Manufactured by Other Companies.............................................1-6
1-3 System Configuration ............................................................................................................. 1-7
1-3-1 Connectable Peripheral Devices.................................................................................................1-7
1-4 Procedures for NB-Series PTs’ Operation ............................................................................ 1-8
Sec. 2 Installation and Startup of NB-Designer.............................. 2-1
2-1 Before Installation ................................................................................................................... 2-2
2-2 Installation/Uninstallation....................................................................................................... 2-3
2-2-1 Installation Procedure................................................................................................................. 2-3
2-2-2 Uninstallation Procedure............................................................................................................. 2-3
2-3 Startup & Quit .......................................................................................................................... 2-4
2-3-1 Starting Method..........................................................................................................................2-4
2-3-2 Quitting Method..........................................................................................................................2-4
2-4 Installation of USB Driver for NB ........ .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... .. 2-5
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Sec. 3 Functions of NB-Designer.....................................................3-1
3-1 User Screen.............................................................................................................................. 3-4
3-2 Menus ....................................................................................................................................... 3-7
3-2-1 File Menu..................................... ... ....................................... ... ..................................................3-7
3-2-2 Edit Menu..................................................................................................................................3-10
3-2-3 View Menu................................................................................................................................3-15
3-2-4 Screen Menu...................................... ... .. ........................................ ..........................................3-26
3-2-5 Draw Menu................................................................................................................................3-29
3-2-6 Components Menu....................................................................................................................3-29
3-2-7 Tools Menu.............................................. ........................................ .. ........................................3-30
3-2-8 Option Menu...................... ... ....................................... ... ....................................... ....................3-30
3-2-9 Window Menu............................................... ... .........................................................................3-31
3-2-10 Help Menu.................................................................................................................................3-32
3-3 NB-Designer Software Window............................................................................................ 3-33
3-3-1 Project Library Window.............................................................................................................3-33
3-3-2 Project File Window..................................................................................................................3-37
3-3-3 Project Work Space..................................................................................................................3-37
3-3-4 Output Window..........................................................................................................................3-43
3-3-5 Component List Window.............................................................. .............................................3-44
3-4 Screen Concept ........................................................... ... ....................................... ... ... ... .......3-45
3-4-1 Screen Types .......................... .. ............................................. ... ... ... ..........................................3-45
3-4-2 Screen Property............................................................. ... .. ... ...................................................3-48
3-4-3 Screen Creation................................................................ .. ... ...................................................3-52
3-4-4 Screen Opening................................................................ .. ... ...................................................3-52
3-4-5 Screen Deletion.........................................................................................................................3-53
3-4-6 Components Related to Screen................................................................................................3-53
3-5 Basic Design Method ........................................................ .... ... ... ... ....................................... 3-54
3-5-1 Designing Components.............................................................................................................3-54
3-5-2 About ID No............................. .. ............................................. ... ... ... ..........................................3-55
3-5-3 Additional Comments (Descriptions).........................................................................................3-56
3-5-4 Read/Write Address for PLC............................................. ............................................. .. ... ......3-57
3-5-5 Vector Graphic ..........................................................................................................................3-58
3-5-6 Bitmap.......................................................................................................................................3-63
3-5-7 Creating Label...........................................................................................................................3-66
3-5-8 Task Bar and Operation Buttons...............................................................................................3-68
3-5-9 Fonts.........................................................................................................................................3-70
3-5-10 Basic Properties of Component ................................................................................................3-73
3-5-11 Control Setting of Component...................................................................................................3-74
3-5-12 Display Setting of Component...................................................................................................3-78
3-6 Parts........................................................................................................................................ 3-80
3-6-1 Bit Button...................................................................................................................................3-80
3-6-2 Bit Lamp....................................................................................................................................3-83
3-6-3 Bit Switch..................................................................................................................................3-86
3-6-4 Command Button......................................................................................................................3-87
3-6-5 Word Lamp.................. ........................................ .. ........................................ .. ..........................3-92
3-6-6 Word Switch...................................................................... .. ......................................................3-94
3-6-7 XY Graph..................................................................................................................................3-98
3-6-8 Moving Component....................................... ... ... ....................................................................3-107
3-6-9 Animation................................................................................................................................3-112
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
3-6-10 Number Input................................................................... .......................................... ............. 3-114
3-6-11 Number Display.................................................... ... ............................................. ... ... ............ 3-120
3-6-12 Text Input................................................................................................................................ 3-123
3-6-13 Text Display............................................................................................................................. 3-127
3-6-14 Level Meter............................................................................ ................................................. 3-128
3-6-15 Analog Meter.......................................................................................................................... 3-139
3-6-16 Indirect Screen........................................................................................................................3-143
3-6-17 Direct Screen..........................................................................................................................3-146
3-6-18 Alarm...................................................................................................................................... 3-148
3-6-19 Data Log.................................................................................................................................3-150
3-6-20 Recipe.....................................................................................................................................3-160
3-6-21 Oscillograph............................................................................................................................3-160
3-6-22 Scroll Bar...................................................... ... .. .....................................................................3-164
3-6-23 Event....................................................................................................................................... 3-167
3-6-24 Note Book...............................................................................................................................3-174
3-6-25 Word Neon Lamp.................................................................................................................... 3-185
3-6-26 Bit Neon Lamp........................................................................................................................3-186
3-6-27 Touch Trigger..........................................................................................................................3-187
3-6-28 Table....................................................................................................................................... 3-189
3-6-29 Data History............................................................................................................................ 3-190
3-7 Function Parts ..................................................................................................................... 3-196
3-7-1 Scale....................................................................................................................................... 3-196
3-7-2 Function Key...........................................................................................................................3-197
3-7-3 Alarm Display.......................................................................................................................... 3-205
3-7-4 Timer.......................................................................................................................................3-209
3-7-5 Bitmap.....................................................................................................................................3-214
3-7-6 Vector Graphics......................................................................................................................3-215
3-7-7 Notepad..................................................................................................................................3-216
3-7-8 Data Transmission .................................................................................................................. 3-219
3-7-9 Freeplotting.............................................................................................................................3-222
3-7-10 Date/Time...............................................................................................................................3-223
3-7-11 Indirect Shape.........................................................................................................................3-225
3-7-12 User Information.....................................................................................................................3-229
3-7-13 Multifunction............................................................................................................................3-229
3-7-14 Event Display.......................................................................................................................... 3-232
3-8 Project Database ................................................................................................................. 3-234
3-8-1 Text Library .............................................................................................................................3-234
3-8-2 Variable Table ......................................................................................................................... 3-240
3-8-3 Alarm Setting..........................................................................................................................3-243
3-8-4 Event Setting ..........................................................................................................................3-248
3-8-5 PLC Control............................................................................................................................3-252
3-9 Macro Function.................................................................................................................... 3-260
3-9-1 Create a Simple Macro Program............................................................................................ 3-260
3-9-2 Macro and Specification of Operation with Read/Write Variables .......................................... 3-267
3-9-3 Macro Triggering..................................................................................................................... 3-268
3-9-4 Other Descriptions.................................................................... ... .. ... ...................................... 3-271
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
3-10 System Parameters ........................................................ ... ....................................... ... ... .....3-285
3-10-1 PT............................................................................................................................................3-286
3-10-2 Task Bar..................................................................................................................................3-287
3-10-3 PT Extended Properties............................................................ ... .................................... .......3-289
3-10-4 System Information Setting............................................................. .. ... ... ................................3-298
3-10-5 Security Levels Setting............................................................................ ... .............................3-300
3-10-6 User Permission Setting..........................................................................................................3-302
3-10-7 Ev ent Hist ory Setting .......................................................... ... ... ... ...........................................3-316
3-10-8 COM1/COM2 Setting..............................................................................................................3-317
3-11 Address of System Memory ............................................................................................... 3-319
3-11-1 Local Bit (LB)...........................................................................................................................3-320
3-11-2 Local Word (LW).....................................................................................................................3-324
3-11-3 Nonvolatile Local Word (LW10000~10255).............................................................................3-327
3-11-4 System Information Table......................................... ... ............................................. ... ... .........3-329
3-12 Recipe Data.......................................................................................................................... 3-331
3-12-1 Process of Creating One Recipe Component.........................................................................3-331
3-12-2 Recipe Memory.......................................................................................................................3-333
3-12-3 Upload/Download of Recipe Data between PT and PLC........................................................3-337
3-13 Security Level ...................................................................................................................... 3-342
3-14 Test ....................................................................................................................................... 3-348
3-14-1 Offline test...............................................................................................................................3-348
3-14-2 Direct Online test..................................................................................................................... 3-349
3-14-3 Indirect Online test..................................................................................................................3-350
3-15 Download.............................................................................................................................. 3-351
3-15-1 Transmission Setting...............................................................................................................3-351
3-15-2 Download via USB Memory....................................................................................................3-353
3-15-3 Specification of Downloading Contents...................................................................................3-353
3-16 Other Functions...................................................................................................................3-357
3-17 RecipeEditor ........................................................................................................................ 3-399
Sec. 4 Functions of NBManager ...................................................... 4-1
4-1 Introduction of NBManager ....................................................................................................4-2
4-2 Download Operation.......................... ....................................... ... ... ... .... ... ............................... 4-3
4-2-1 Communication Setting...............................................................................................................4-3
4-2-2 Select Data................ .. ... ....................................... ........................................ .. ............................4-5
4-2-3 LOGO Setting..............................................................................................................................4-8
4-2-4 Clear Data...................................................................................................................................4-9
4-3 Upload Operation ........................... ... ... ... .... ...................................... .... ... ... ... .... ................... 4-11
4-4 System Operation. ... ... .... ... ... ....................................... ... ... .... ... ... ..........................................4-14
4-5 Get Version............................................................................................................................. 4-15
4-6 Decompile Operation ........................ ... ... ....................................... ... .... ... ... ... ....................... 4-16
4-7 Pass Through Communication............................................................................................. 4-17
4-8 Web Interface Operation ....................................................................................................... 4-19
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Sec. 5 Maintenance and Abnormality Handling ............................. 5-1
5-1 Maintenance............................................................................................................................. 5-2
5-2 Checking and Cleaning........................................................................................................... 5-4
5-3 Abnormality Handling ................................................................. ... .... ..................................... 5-6
5-4 Unit Replacement Precautions................................... ... ......................................................... 5-9
Sec. 6 Descriptions of New Functions Added into NB
-TW01B .....6-1
6-1 New Added Functions............................................................................................................. 6-2
6-1-1 Using Graphics From External Memory......................................................................................6-2
6-1-2 System Reserved memory......................................................................................................... 6-3
6-1-3 Recipe......................................................................................................................................... 6-3
6-1-4 Download through Ethernet........................................................................................................ 6-4
6-1-5 Download to USB1............................................ ... ... ... ............................................. ... .. ..............6-5
6-1-6 NBManager.................................................................................................................................6-6
6-1-7 Data Encryption.......................................................................................................................... 6-7
6-1-8 New Added Addresses f or System memories....................................................................... ... ..6-9
6-1-9 Change of System Language................................................................................................... 6-10
6-1-10 Usage of Forced Address Bit....................................................................................................6-10
6-2 System Parameters ............................................................................................................... 6-11
6-2-1 PT............................................................................................................................................. 6-11
6-2-2 PT Extended Properties ........................................................................................................... 6-12
6-2-3 Event History Setting................................................................................................................ 6-13
6-2-4 External Memory ...................................................................................................................... 6-14
6-2-5 Communication Setting............................................................................................................. 6-14
6-3 Component Improvement..................................................................................................... 6-15
6-3-1 Function Key.............................................................................................................................6-15
6-3-2 Event, Event History Display and Event Display....................................................................... 6-18
6-3-3 Data History, Data Log and XY Graph......................................................................................6-20
6-3-4 Operation Log ........................................................................................................................... 6-21
6-3-5 Recipe Data.............................................................................................................................. 6-24
6-3-6 PLC Control..............................................................................................................................6-25
6-3-7 File List..................................................................................................................................... 6-26
Sec. 7 PictBridge Printing ................................................................ 7-1
7-1 PictBridge Function ....................................... ... .... ...................................... .... ... ... ... ... ............ 7-2
7-2 Setting Method for Using Printing Function......................................................................... 7-4
7-3 Components Related to Printing and Setup Descriptions .................................................. 7-6
7-3-1 PLC Control................................................................................................................................7-6
7-4 List of System memories Related to Printing.................. ... ... ... ... .... ..................................... 7-8
7-5 List of Error Codes for Printing.............................................................................................. 7-9
7-6 Recommended Printer Models............................................................................................. 7-10
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Sec. 8 Web Interface..........................................................................8-1
8-1 Defining Web Interface............................................................................................................ 8-2
8-2 Setup Web Interface on a PC..................................................................................................8-3
8-3 Connection Method and Each Page Function ......................................................................8-4
8-4 URL List....................................................................................................................................8-9
Sec. A Appendices.............................................................................A-1
A-1 List of Models ..........................................................................................................................A-2
A-2 NB-Designer Function List .....................................................................................................A-6
A-3 List of memories supported by OMRON PLC.....................................................................A-11
Revision History........................................................................................................1
Terms and Conditions Agreement
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Terms and Conditions Agreement
Exclusive Warranty
Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workman­ship for a period of tw elv e months from the date of sale b y Om ron (or such other p eriod e xp ressed in writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.
Omron further disclaims all warranties and responsibility of any type for claims or expenses based on infringement by the Products or otherwise of any intellectual property right.
Buyer Remedy
Omron’s sole obligation hereunder shall be, at Omron’s election, to (i) replace (in the form originally shipped with Buyer responsible for labor charges for removal or replacement thereof) the non-com­plying Product, (ii) repair the non-complying Product, or (iii) repay or credit Buyer an amount equal to the purchase price of the non-complying Product; provided that in no event shall Omron be responsible for warranty, repair, indemnity or any other claims or expenses regarding the Products unless Omron’s analysis confirms that the Products were properly handled, stored, installed and maintained and not subject to contamination, abuse, misuse or inappropriate modification . Return of any Products by Buyer must be approved in writing by Omron before shipment. Omron Companies shall not be liable for the suitability or unsuitability or the results from the use of Products in combi­nation with any electrical or electronic components, circuits, system assemblies or any other materi­als or substances or environments. Any advice, recommendations or information given orally or in writing, are not to be construed as an amendment or addition to the above warranty.
See or contact your Omron representative for published information.
Further, in no event shall liability of Omron Companies exceed the individual price of the Product on which liability is asserted.
Warranty, Limitations of Liability
Limitation on Liability; Etc
Terms and Conditions Agreement
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for conformity with any standards, codes or regulations which apply to the combination of the Product in the Buyer's application or use of the Product. At Buyer's request, Omron will provide applicable third party certificat ion documents identifying ratings and limitations of use which apply to the Product . This information by itself is not sufficient for a com­plete determination of the suitability of the Product in combination with the end product, machine, system, or other application or use. Buyer shall be solely responsible for determining appropriate­ness of the particular Product with respect to Buyer's application, product or system. Buyer shall take application responsibility in all cases.
Omron Companies shall not be responsible for the user's programming of a programmable Product, or any consequence thereof.
Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of Omron's test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual performance is subject to the Omron's Warranty and Limitations of Liability.
Product specifications and accessories may be changed at any time based on improvements and other reasons. It is our practice to chang e part numbers when published ratings or features are changed, or when significant construction changes are made. However, some specifications of the Product may be changed without any notice. When in doubt, special part numbers may be assigned to fix or establish key specifications for your application. Please consult with y our Omron' s represen ­tative at any time to confirm actual specifications of purchased Product.
Information presented by Omron Companies has been checked and is believed to be accurate; how­ever, no responsibility is assumed for clerical, typographical or proofreading errors or omissions.
Suitability of Use
Programmable Products
Performance Data
Change in Specifications
Errors and Omissions
Safety Precautions
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Safety Precautions
The following notation is used in this manual to provide precautions required to ensure safe usage of the product. The safety precau tions that are provided are extremely important to safety. Always read and heed the information provided in all safety precautions.
Notation Used for Safety Information
The circle and slash symbol indicates operations that you must not do. The specific operation is shown in the circle and explained in text. This example indicates prohibiting disassembly.
The triangle symbol indicates precautions (including warnings). The specific operation is shown in the triangle and explained in text. This example indicates a general precaution.
Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Additionally, there may be severe property damage.
Precautions for Safe Use Indicates precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure using the product safely.
Precautions for Correct Use Indicates precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation and performance.
Note Indicates suggestive information and precautions on operation of the product.
Safety Precautions
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Do not attempt to take the product ap art and do not touch the product inside while the power is being supplied. Otherwise it may result in electric shock.
Always ensure that the personnel in charge confirm that installation, inspection, and maintenance were properly performed for the NB Unit.
“Personnel in charge” refers to individuals qualified and responsible for ensuring safety during machine design, installation, operation, maintenance, and disposal.
Ensure that installation and post-installation checks are performed by personnel in charge who possess a thorough understanding of the machinery to be installed.
Do not use the input functions of the touch switch, etc. of the NB Unit, in applications that involve huma n life, in applications that may result in serious injury, or for emergency stop switches.
Do not attempt to disassemble, repa ir, or modify the NB Unit. Otherwise it ma y impair the safety functions.
Never press more than two points on the touch panel of the NB Unit at a time. Otherwise, it may activate a switch some wh ere between the two points.
Safety Precautions
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
In the case of the NB Series, when grounding the positive terminal of power supply of 24 V to the NB, do not ground functional grounding terminal at NB side. Some functions of a PC connected to the NB may cause a short circuit and the NB Unit may cause damage.
Depending on the types of PC, SG terminals of RS-232C port or USB port and contour of connector can be connected. As the contour of tool port of the NB and the functional grounding terminal are not insu­lated, they are connected. Therefore, connecting the PC allows GND terminal and functional grounding terminal of the NB to be connected. If the power supply of 24V to the NB is grounded positively, ground­ing the functional grounding terminal allows a short circuit as shown in the diagram below and may result in damage.
Test Function
The Test Function is performed on PC so that a problem may occur affected by the timing or the differences with communication route. When the test function is performed, considering possible unexpected circumstances on PC, confirm that any dangerous event will not occur beforehand.
Power Supply
Grounding Grounding
Functional Grounding
Contour Contour
Do not ground the functional grounding.
Precautions for Safe Use
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Precautions for Safe Use
When unpacking the NB Units and the peripheral devices, check carefully for any external scratches
or other damages. Also, shake the Units gently and check for any abnormal sound.
The NB Unit must be installed in a control panel.
The mounting panel must be between 1.6 and 4.8 mm thick. Tighten the Mounting Brackets evenly to a torque of between 0.5 and 0.6 N
m to maintain water and dust resistance. If the tightening torque exceeds the specified value, or the tightening is not even, deformation of the front panel may occur. What is more, make sure the panel is not dirty or warped and that it is strong enough to hold the Units.
Do not let metal particles enter the Units when preparing the panel.
Do not connect an AC power supply to the DC power terminals.
Use a DC power with a slight voltage fluctuation and reinforced or double insulation, and that will
provide a stable output even if the input is momentarily interrupted for 10 ms. Rated Power Supply Voltage: DC 24 V (Allowable range DC 20.4 ~ 27.6 V)
Do not perform a dielectric voltage test.
Before connecting the power supply to the NB unit, mount the cable on the terminal block. Make the
connection by using terminal screws crimping on a twisted-pair cable with a crimping range of 12~26 AWG, and only 6.5 mm of insulation peel of the cable needs to be peeled off. Tighten the terminal screws at a torque of between 0.3 and 0.5 N
m. Make sure the screws are properly tightened. Do not
use the terminal block of NB3Q-TW01B for other models. NB3Q-TW01B has different pin definitions on the terminal block.
To prevent malfunctions caused by noise, ground the Unit correctly.
Do not touch the packaging part of the circuit board with your bare hands. Discharge any static
electricity from your body before handling the board.
When using the No. 6 pin of the serial communication port COM1 connector for a voltage of DC+5V, make sure the supply equipment’s current capacity is below 250mA before using it. The DC+5V voltage output of the NB unit is +5V±5%, and the maximum current is 250mA. (The serial communication port COM1 of NB3Q-TW00B and NB3Q-TW01B is unable to output the current.)
Turn OFF the power supply before connecting or disconnecting cables.
Always keep the connector screws firmly tightened after the communication cable is connected.
The maximum tensile load for cables is 30 N. Do not apply loads greater than this.
Confirm the safety of the system before turning ON or OFF the power supply, or pressing the reset button.
The whole system may stop depending on how th e power supply is turn ed ON or OFF. Turn ON/O FF the power supply according to the specified proced ur e.
Reset by pressing the reset button, or restart the power supply, once the DIP switch settings are changed.
To ensure the system’s safety, make sure to incorporate a program that can confirm the normal functionality of the NB Unit before running the system.
Start actual system application only after sufficiently checking screen data, macros and the operation of the program at the host side.
Do not press the touch panel with a force greater than 30 N.
Do not use hard or pointed objects to operate or scrub the screen, otherwise the surface of the
screen may be damaged.
Confirm the safety of the system before pressing the touch panel.
Signals from the touch switches may not be input if the touch switches are pressed consecutively at
high speed. Confirm each input before proceeding to the next one.
Do not accidentally press the touch panel when the backlight is not lit or when the display does not appear. Make sure of the safety of the system before pressing the touch panel.
To use numeric input functions safely, always make maximum and minimum limit settings.
Before initializing screen data, confirm that existing data is backed up at the NB-Designer.
Precautions for Safe Use
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
When changing the password with the screen, do not reset or turn OFF the power supply until writing
is finished. Failure to save the password may cause the screen to fail to function.
When using an equipment monitor, confirm the safety of the system before carrying out the following operations:
Changing monitor data.
Changing operation mode.
Forced set/reset.
Changing the current value or the set value.
Do not connect a USB connector to any device that is not applicable.
When connecting the equipment with the USB HOST connector , make sure the supply equipment’s
current capacity is below 150mA before using it. The DC+5V voltage output of the NB Unit is +5V±5%, and the maximum current is 150mA.
Before connecting a USB connector to a device, make sure that the device is free of damage.
Commercially available and the recommended USB HUBs are different from the general
specifications of the NB Unit. The unit may not function well in an environment subject to noise, static electricity. Therefore, when using a USB HUB, employ suff icient noise and st atic electricity insulat ion measures, or install it at a site free of noise or static electricity.
While uploading or downloading screen data or system programs, do not perform the following operations that may corrupt the screen data or the system program:
Turning OFF the power supply of the NB Unit.
Pressing the PT’s reset switch.
Dispose of the Units and batteries according to local ordinances as they apply.
Do not dispose the product into a fire. Doing so may cause the damage with the battery or electronic components.
Do not apply an impact with the lithium cell, charge it, dispose it into a fire, or heat it. Doing either of them may cause an ignition or a bursting.
When exporting products with lithium primary batt er ies con taining pe rchlo rate at 6p pb or ab ove t o or delivering them through California, USA, the following precautiona ry measures have to be publicized . Perchlorate material - applicable through special processing. Refer to NB-Series products contain lithium primary batter ies. When exporting produ cts containing this kind of batteries to or delivering them through California, USA, label all the product packages as well as the appropriate delivery packages.
Do not use benzene, paint thinner, or other volatile solvents, and do not use chemically treated cloths.
Do not dispose the Units together with general was te at wast e yar ds . W he n dis po sin g th em , fo llow the related local ordinances or rules.
Cannot replace the backlight lamp inside the NB Unit.
Deterioration over time can cause the touch points to move. Calibrate the touch panel periodically.
Water and oil resistance will be lost if the front sheet is torn or is peeling off. Do not use the Unit, if the
front sheet is torn or is peeling off.
The rubber packing will deteriorate, shrink, or harden depending on the operating environment. Inspect the rubber packing periodically.
The communication cables of the COM1 and COM2 connectors are not interchangeable. Confirm the pins of the ports before carrying out communications. (NB3Q-TW00B and NB3Q-TW01B only has COM1.)
Periodically check the installation conditions in applications where the PT is subject to contact with oil or water.
Do not perform the following operations during the communication of the USB memory:
Turning off the power supply of the NB Unit.
Pressing the Reset button on the NB Unit.
Removing the USB memory.
Do not use the USB memory in the environment subject to strong vibration.
Precautions for Correct Use
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Precautions for Correct Use
Do not install the unit in any of the following locations:
Locations subject to severe changes in temperature Locations subject to temperatures or humidity outside the range specified in the specifications Locations subject to condensation as the result of high humidity Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases Locations subject to strong shock or vibration Locations outdoors subject to direct wind and rain Locations subject to strong ultraviolet light Locations subject to dust Locations subject to direct sunlight Locations subject to splashing oil or chemicals
Take appropriate and sufficient countermeasures when installing systems in the following locations: Locations subject to static electricity or other forms of noise Locations subject to strong electric fiel d or magnetic field Locations close to power supply lines Locations subject to possible exposure to radioactivity
Precautions for software: The update, restoration, uninstall and reinsta llation of soft ware in running st atus is prohibited in order to guarantee the correct use of the product.
Conformance to EC Directives
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Conformance to EC Directives
NB-Series Programmable Terminals are EMC compliant.
OMRON products are electronic devices that are incorporated in machines and manufacturing installations. OMRON PTs conform to the related EMC Directives (see note) so that the devices and machines into which they are built can more easily conform to EMC Directives. The actual products have been throug h inspections and are completely in accordance with EMC directives. However, when they are built into customers’ systems, whether the systems also comply with these Directives is up to the customers for further inspection.
EMC-related performance of OMRON PTs will vary depending on the configuration, wiring, and other conditions of the OMRON equipment or control panel. The customer must, therefore, perform final checks to confirm that the overall machine or device conforms to EMC standards.
Note The applicable EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) standards are as follows:
EMS (Electromagnetic sensitivity): EN61131-2: 2007 EMI (Electromagnetic Interference): EN61131-2: 2007
NB-Series Programmable Terminals are EC compliant. Heed the following precautions in order to ensure that the customer’s overall machine and device conform to EC Directives.
The PT must be installed in a control panel.
You must use reinforced insulation or double insulation for the DC power supply and the DC power supply must have minimal voltage fluctuations and provide a stable output even if the
power supply input is interrupted for 10 ms.
The PTs conform to the standard EN 61131-2, but radiated emission characteristics (10m regulations) may vary depending on the configuration of the control panel used, other devices
connected to the control panel, wiring, and other conditions. You must theref ore con firm that the overall machine or equipment complies with EC Directives.
This is a Class A product (Product for industry purpose). It may cause r adio interference in residential areas, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measure s to re duce
Observe the following precaution if you use NB-series Programmable Terminals in Korea.
Class A Device (Broadcasting Communications Device for Office Use) This device obtained EMC registration for office use (Class A), and it is intended to be used in
places other than homes. Sellers and/or users need to take note of this.
Conformance to EC Directives
Conformance to KC Standards
Related Manuals
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
Related Manuals
The related manuals are as follows:
Devices and Software Manual Name Manual No.
NB series NB Series NB-Designer Operation Manual (This manual) V106
NB Series Setup Manual V107 NB Series Host Connection Manual V108 NB Series Startup Guide V109
PLC SYSMAC CP Series CP1L CPU Unit Operation Manual W462
SYSMAC CP Series CP1H/L CPU Unit Programming Manual W451 SYSMAC CP Series CP1H CPU Unit Operation Manual W450 SYSMAC CP Series CP1E CPU Unit Hardware USER’S
SYSMAC CP Series CP1E CPU Unit Software USER’S Manual
SYSMAC C200HX/HG/HE(-E/-ZE) Installation Guide W302 SYSMAC C200HX/HG/HE Operation Manual W303 SYSMAC C200HX/HG/HE(-ZE) Operation Manual W322 SYSMAC CPM1A Operation Manual W317 SYSMAC CPM2A Operation Manual W352 SYSMAC CPM1/CPM1A/CPM2A/CPM2C/SRM1(-V2)
Programming Manual
SYSMAC CPM2C Operation Manual W356 SYSMAC CS1 Series CS1G/H Operation Manual W339 SYSMAC CS/CJ Series Serial Communications Boards and
Serial Communications Units Operation Manual
SYSMAC CJ Series CJ1G/H(-H) CJ1M CJ1G Operation Manual
SYSMAC CS/CJ Series Programming Manual W394 SYSMAC CS/CJ Series INSTRUCTIONS Reference Manual W340 SYSMAC CS/CJ Series Programming Consoles Operation
SYSMAC CS/CJ Series Communications Commands Reference Manual
SYSMAC CJ Series CJ2 CPU Unit Hardware USER’S Manual W472 SYSMAC CJ Series CJ2 CPU Unit Software USER’S Manual W473 SYSMAC CS/CJ Series CS1W/CJ1W-ETN21 (100Base-TX)
Ethernet Units Operation Manual Construction of Networks
SYSMAC CS/CJ Series CS1W/CJ1W-ETN21 (100Base-TX) Ethernet Units Operation Manual Construction of Applications
SYSMAC CS/CJ Series CS1W/CJ1W-EIP21 (100Base-TX) EtherNet/IP
Units Operation Manual
SYSMAC CP Series CP1L-EL/EM CPU Unit Operation Manual
NJ Series CPU Unit Hardware USER’S Manual
NJ Series CPU Unit Software USER’S Manual
NJ Series CPU Unit Built-in EtherNet/IPTM Port USER’S Manual
NJ Series Troubleshooting Manual W503 Safety Controller G9SP Series Safety Controller OPERATION MANUAL Z922 External Tool
CX-Programmer Ver.9.
Operation Manual
Sysmac Studio Version 1 Operation Manual W504
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
This section provides an outline of the NB-Series PTs, including their functions, features, connection types and communication methods.
1-1 Functions and Structure of NB-Series PTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1-1-1 How NB-Series PTs Work at FA Production Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1-1-2 Operations of NB-Series PTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
1-2 Communicating with the Host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1-2-1 What’s the Host Link? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1-2-2 Connecting Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
1-2-3 Communicating with the PLC Manufactured by Other Companies . . . . . . . . . 1-6
1-3 System Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
1-3-1 Connectable Peripheral Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
1-4 Procedures for NB-Series PTs’ Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
1 Introduction
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
1-1 Functions and Structure of NB-Series
The NB-Series Programmable Terminals (PTs) are sophisticated operator interfaces that can indicate information and perform operations as required at FA production sites. This section provides a brief of the roles and performances of the NB Series PTs for beginning users.
Monitoring Line Operating Status The device and operation status of the system can be displayed in real t ime . Using g raphic cha rts or other allows display data in easy-to-understand format.
Instructing FA Staff PTs can be used to notify system operators if there is a system or devic e erro r an d to indicate countermeasures and necessary information.
Controlling Panel Switches NB-Series PTs allow the users to create various kinds of switches on the displayed screen. The values allocated to the switches can be sent to the host by clicking the switches.
Transferring Screen Data
The screen data displayed on NB-Series PTs is created by using NB-Designer in the PC. The screen data is transferred to the NB units through the USB, Ethernet, and the RS-232C or using USB memory.
Displaying Screens
The data to be displayed on the screens is created by using NB-Designer in PC and the data is transferred to the PT. The required screen can be displayed by a command from the host or by operating the touch switches.
1-1-1 How NB-Series PTs Work at FA Production Sites
1-1-2 Operations of NB-Series PTs
USB, Ethernet, RS-232C or USB memory
Screen data
Create screen data.
Only when transferring screen data or using the NB-Designer, the computer can connect with PT.
Computer (NB-Designer)
The required screens can be displayed by using commands from the host or touch switch operations.
1 Introduction
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
1-1 Functions and Structure of
NB-Series PTs
1-1-2 Operations of NB-Series PTs
Reading Data from the Host
NB-Series PTs can be connected to the host by using communication methods such as RS-232C, RS-485, RS-422A, or Ethernet to automatically re ad the required data from the host.
Sending Data to the Host
The data entered from the touch panel (ON/OFF button status, numeric data and character strings) can be sent to the host.
RS232, RS485, RS422, or Ethernet
ON/OFF status, numeric data, etc.
Touch panel
1 Introduction
NB-series Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual(V106)
1-2 Communicating with the Host
With NB-series PTs, data required for display can be accessed and the words and bits where the entered data will be stored can be allocated to any area in the PLC. The operations include the direct reading and writing of the allocated words and bits, the modification of the display status for the functional objects on the PT screen, and the control and report of the PT status.
NB-Series PTs can be connected to the PLC manufactured by OMRON using the Host Link method.
The Host Link is a kind of optimized and economical communication method for FA system, which is applicable to link one PT with one PLC or more. The PC can be used to transfer programs to the PLC, monitor the data area of PLC and control the operation of PLC.
In the system using Host Link system, one PT sends Host Link commands to the PLC and the commands' processing is completed followed by returning the results of th e processing by the PLC (the host).
System Features: Connection method: RS-232C or RS-422A Transmission rate (baud rate): 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 56000, 57600, 115200 and 187500
bps. The transmission rates of 14400, 56000 and 187500 bps are not supported by the PLC manufactured
by OMRON. Host monitoring: The PC can be used to transfer or read the PLC programs, and perform reading and
writing of the data area of PLC. Error check system: Both parity and frame check are performed to estimat e the erro rs occurring dur ing
all the communications.
1-2-1 What’s the Host Link?
I/O area
DM area
Auxiliary area
NB-Series PT
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