CP1H / CP1L Ethernet to Serial Adapter
Application and Setup Guide
Revision 1.11

Section 1: Introduction
This document explains the theory, operation & setup of the Omron CP1W-ETN01-US
Ethernet to Serial adapter.
The CP1W-ETN01-US is an Ethernet to Serial adapter that allows FINS Ethernet
devices to communicate with CP1H and CP1L PLCs. These devices include PCs with
CX-Programmer, NS series HMI products, and software packages that use Omron FINS
Gateway or Sysmac Gateway communications drivers. The adapter mounts in the
Option Board Slot on the front of a CP1H or CP1L PLC, and can be used in all CP1H /
CP1L PLCs with an available Option Board Slot.
Because the adapter is an Ethernet to Serial adapter, it will behave with the response
characteristics of a serial port, and with throughput and frame length limits associated
with serial communications protocols.
The CP1W-ETN01-US adapter converts incoming Omron FINS Ethernet commands to
CV Mode Hostlink commands, and delivers the commands to the PLC CPU. The
adapter then converts the CV Mode Hostlink response from the PLC CPU back to a
FINS Ethernet packet, and delivers it to the originating device (PC or HMI). This
conversion process can be used with either FINS UDP or FINS TCP, using UDP or TCP
port 9600.
If you will be using CX-Programmer to communicate to the adapter, you must have
CX-Programmer Version 8.0 or later installed. CX-One Version 3 includes CXÂProgrammer 8.0.
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Section 2: Applications
The CP1W-ETN01-US is an Ethernet to Serial adapter that has been designed to allow
the use of a single operator interface terminal (NS, NSA, Indusoft) as well as a single
instance of CX Programmer to communicate simultaneously to a CP1H or CP1L PLC.
The adapter will not support more than 2 simultaneous connections.
PLC to PLC communications using Ethernet are not possible, as the adapter only
functions as an Ethernet slave device.
Unlike Omron Ethernet modules for CS / CJ PLCs, the CP1W-ETN01-US is not capable
of routing messages through multiple FINS networks. The CP1W-ETN01-US must
communicate with a PC / NS HMI that is on the same FINS network as the PLC adapter
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