2 Expansion Units
Timers 4,096 bits: T0 to T4095
Counters 4,096 bits: C0 to C4095
DM Area
32 Kwords: D0 to D32767 10 Kwords: D0 to D9999, D32000 to D32767
Data Register Area 16 registers (16 bits): DR0 to DR15
Index Register Area 16 registers (32 bits): IR0 to IR15
Task Flag Area 32 flags (32 bits): TK0000 to TK0031
Trace Memory 4,000 words (500 samples for the trace data maximum of 31 bits and 6 words.)
Memory Cassette A special Memory Cassette (CP1W-ME05M) can be mounted. Note: Can be used for program backups and auto-booting.
Clock function Supported. Accuracy (monthly deviation): -4.5 min to -0.5 min (ambient temperature: 55°C),
-2.0 min to +2.0 min (ambient temperature: 25°C), -2.5 min to +1.5 min (ambient temperature: 0°C)
Communications functions One built-in peripheral port (USB 1.1): For connecting Support Software only.
A maximum of two Serial Communications Option Boards
can be mounted.
A maximum of one Serial Communications
Option Board can be mounted.
Memory backup Flash memory: User programs, parameters (such as the PLC Setup), comment data, and the entire DM Area can be saved
to flash memory as initial values.
Battery backup: The Holding Area, DM Area, and counter values (flags, PV) are backed up by a battery.
Battery service life 5 years at 25°C. (Use the replacement battery within two years of manufacture.)
Built-in input terminals 60 terminals (36
inputs, 24 outputs)
40 (24 inputs,
16 outputs)
30 (18 inputs,
12 outputs)
20 (12 inputs,
8 outputs)
14 (8 inputs,
6 outputs)
10 (6 inputs,
4 outputs)
Number of connectable
Expansion Units and
Expansion I/O Units
CP-series Expansion Unit and Expansion I/O Units: 3 max. CP-series Expansion Units and Expansion
I/O Units: 1 max.
Max. number of I/O points 180 (60 built in
+ 40 per Expansion
(I/O) Unit x 3 units)
160 (40 built in
+ 40 per Expansion
(I/O) Unit x 3 units)
150 (30 built in
+ 40 per Expansion
(I/O) Unit × 3 Units)
60 (20 built in
+ 40 per Expansion
(I/O) Unit × 1 Unit)
54 (14 built in
+ 40 per Expansion
(I/O) Unit × 1 Unit)
Interrupt inputs 6 inputs (Response time: 0.3 ms) 4 inputs
(Response time:
0.3 ms)
2 inputs
(Response time:
0.3 ms)
Interrupt inputs counter mode 6 inputs (Response frequency: 5 kHz max. for all interrupt inputs), 16 bits
Up or down counters
4 inputs (Response
5 kHz max. for all
interrupt inputs),
16 bits
Up or down counters
2 inputs (Response
5 kHz max. for all
interrupt inputs),
16 bits
Up or down counters
Quick-response inputs 6 points (Min. input pulse width: 50 µs) 4 points (Min. input
pulse width: 50 µs)
2 points (Min. input
pulse width: 50 µs)
Scheduled interrupts 1
High-speed counters 4 counters, 2 axes (24-VDC input) 4 inputs: Differential phases (4x), 50 kHz or Single-phase (pulse plus direction, up/down,
increment), 100 kHz
Value range: 32 bits, Linear mode or ring mode
Interrupts: Target value comparison or range comparison
Pulse outputs
(models with
outputs only)
Pulse outputs
Trapezoidal or S-curve acceleration and deceleration (Duty ratio: 50% fixed)
2 outputs, 1 Hz to 100 kHz (CCW/CW or pulse plus direction)
PWM outputs Duty ratio: 0.0% to 100.0% (specified in increments of 0.1% or 1%)
2 outputs, 0.1 to 6553.5 Hz or 1 to 32,800 Hz (Accuracy: ±5% at 1 kHz)
Analog control 1 (Setting range: 0 to 255)
External analog input 1 input (Resolution: 1/256, Input range: 0 to 10 V). Not isolated.
Type CP1L-M60
(60 points)
(40 points)
(30 points)
(20 points)
(14 points)
(10 points)
Item Models CP1L-M60@@-@ CP1L-M40@@-@ CP1L-M30@@-@ CP1L-L20@@-@ CP1L-L14@@-@ CP1L-L10@@-@